# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_strcred -*- # # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Cred plugin for anonymous logins. """ from zope.interface import implements from twisted import plugin from twisted.cred.checkers import AllowAnonymousAccess from twisted.cred.strcred import ICheckerFactory from twisted.cred.credentials import IAnonymous anonymousCheckerFactoryHelp = """ This allows anonymous authentication for servers that support it. """ class AnonymousCheckerFactory(object): """ Generates checkers that will authenticate an anonymous request. """ implements(ICheckerFactory, plugin.IPlugin) authType = 'anonymous' authHelp = anonymousCheckerFactoryHelp argStringFormat = 'No argstring required.' credentialInterfaces = (IAnonymous,) def generateChecker(self, argstring=''): return AllowAnonymousAccess() theAnonymousCheckerFactory = AnonymousCheckerFactory()