ó [³XMc@s:dZddlZejZejZejZd„ZdS(sµ This is a mock win32process module. The purpose of this module is mock process creation for the PID test. CreateProcess(...) will spawn a process, and always return a PID of 42. iÿÿÿÿNc CsItj|||||||||ƒ \} } } } d} | | | | fS(sZ This function mocks the generated pid aspect of the win32.CreateProcess function. - the true win32process.CreateProcess is called - return values are harvested in a tuple. - all return values from createProcess are passed back to the calling function except for the pid, the returned pid is hardcoded to 42 i*(t win32processt CreateProcess( tappNametcmdlinet procSecuritytthreadSecuritytinheritHandlestnewEnvironmenttenvt workingDirt startupInfothProcessthThreadtdwPidtdwTid((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/test/mock_win32process.pyRs(t__doc__RtGetExitCodeProcesst STARTUPINFOtSTARTF_USESTDHANDLESR(((sB/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/test/mock_win32process.pyt s