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It supports the Probabilistic Information Retrieval model and also supports a rich set of boolean query operators. In addition to the doc strings provided by this python library, you may wish to look at the library's overall documentation, either installed along with the bindings or online at , as well as the library's documentation, possibly installed with the library or with its development files, or again online at . i(t version_infoiicCs tj|S(N(t_xapiantSWIG_PyInstanceMethod_New(tfunctinsttcls((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyts(tinstancemethodiicCsddlm}ddl}d}y(|jd|tg\}}}Wntk rjddl}|SX|dk rz|jd|||}Wd|j X|SdS(Ni(tdirnameR( tos.pathRtimptNonet find_modulet__file__t ImportErrorRt load_moduletclose(RR tfptpathnamet descriptionRt_mod((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytswig_import_helpers (    NicCs|dkr|jj|S|dkrQt|jdkrQ||j|||St|dS(NR(RRt__swig_getmethods__RR R(R R!R"R%((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt _swig_getattrDs   cCsDyd|jj}Wn d}nXd|jj|jj|fS(Ns proxy of ts <%s.%s; %s >(Rt__repr__t __class__t __module__R(R tstrthis((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt _swig_reprJs  t_objectcBseZRS((RR-(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR0Sscsfd}|S(Ncs^|dkr|jj|St||s7|dkrJ|||ntd|dS(NRRsYou cannot add attributes to %s(RRthasattrR(R R"R#(tset(s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_attrXs  ((R2R3((R2s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt_swig_setattr_nondynamic_methodWscCs|S(N((tx((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRestSwigPyIteratorcBsDeZeddddZdZeZejZ dZ RS(cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRiscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5tv((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRistdocsThe membership flagcOstddS(Ns*No constructor defined - class is abstract(R(R targstkwargs((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt__init__jscCs|S(N((R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt__iter__ms( RR-t_swig_propertyRR;R/R+Rtdelete_SwigPyIteratort__swig_destroy__R<(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR6hs   s1.2.16tErrorcBsheZdZiZdZiZdZdZeZ dZ dZ dZ dZ ejZRS(s All exceptions thrown by Xapian are subclasses of Xapian::Error. This class can not be instantiated directly - instead a subclass should be used. cCst|t||S(N(R'R@(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCst|t|S(N(R)R@(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscOstddS(NsNo constructor defined(R(R R9R:((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;scCs tj|S(sy The type of this error (e.g. "DocNotFoundError".) const char* Xapian::Error::get_type() const (RtError_get_type(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_typescCs tj|S(s Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. const std::string& Xapian::Error::get_msg() const (Rt Error_get_msg(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_msgscCs tj|S(s Optional context information. const std::string& Xapian::Error::get_context() const This context is intended for use by Xapian::ErrorHandler (for example so it can know which remote server is unreliable and report the problem and remove that server from those being searched). But it's typically a plain-text string, and so also fit for human consumption. (RtError_get_context(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_contexts cCs tj|S(sL Returns any system error string associated with this exception. const char* Xapian::Error::get_error_string() const The system error string may come from errno, h_errno (on UNIX), or GetLastError() (on MS Windows). If there is no associated system error string, NULL is returned. (RtError_get_error_string(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_error_strings (RR-t__doc__Rt __setattr__R(t __getattr__R;R/R+RBRDRFRHRt delete_ErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR@s       t LogicErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ dZ e Z ejZRS(s The base class for exceptions indicating errors in the program logic. A subclass of LogicError will be thrown if Xapian detects a violation of a class invariant or a logical precondition or postcondition, etc. RcCst|t||S(N(R'RM(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)RM(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscOstddS(NsNo constructor defined(R(R R9R:((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s(RR-RIRR@t_stupdatetgetattrRJR(RKR;R/R+Rtdelete_LogicErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRMs   t RuntimeErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ dZ e Z ejZRS(sK The base class for exceptions indicating errors only detectable at runtime. A subclass of RuntimeError will be thrown if Xapian detects an error which is exception derived from RuntimeError is thrown when an error is caused by problems with the data or environment rather than a programming mistake. RcCst|t||S(N(R'RR(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)RR(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscOstddS(NsNo constructor defined(R(R R9R:((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s(RR-RIRR@RNRORPRJR(RKR;R/R+Rtdelete_RuntimeErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRRs    tAssertionErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(sL AssertionError is thrown if a logical assertion inside Xapian fails. In a debug build of Xapian, a failed assertion in the core library code will cause AssertionError to be thrown. This represents a bug in Xapian (either an invariant, precondition, etc has been violated, or the assertion is incorrect!) RcCst|t||S(N(R'RT(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)RT(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj|tj|dS(s` Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::AssertionError::AssertionError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtAssertionError_swiginittnew_AssertionError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s(RR-RIRRMRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_AssertionErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRTs    tInvalidArgumentErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(s_ InvalidArgumentError indicates an invalid parameter value was passed to the API. RcCst|t||S(N(R'RX(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR!sR(cCst|t|S(N(R)RX(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR$scGstj|tj|dS(sl Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::InvalidArgumentError::InvalidArgumentError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtInvalidArgumentError_swiginittnew_InvalidArgumentError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;&s(RR-RIRRMRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_InvalidArgumentErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRXs   tInvalidOperationErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(sN InvalidOperationError indicates the API was used in an invalid way. RcCst|t||S(N(R'R\(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR@sR(cCst|t|S(N(R)R\(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRCscGstj|tj|dS(sn Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::InvalidOperationError::InvalidOperationError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtInvalidOperationError_swiginittnew_InvalidOperationError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;Es(RR-RIRRMRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_InvalidOperationErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR\:s   tUnimplementedErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(sW UnimplementedError indicates an attempt to use an unimplemented feature. RcCst|t||S(N(R'R`(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR`sR(cCst|t|S(N(R)R`(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRcscGstj|tj|dS(sh Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::UnimplementedError::UnimplementedError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtUnimplementedError_swiginittnew_UnimplementedError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;es(RR-RIRRMRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_UnimplementedErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR`Ys   t DatabaseErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(sG DatabaseError indicates some sort of database related error. RcCst|t||S(N(R'Rd(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)Rd(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj|tj|dS(s^ Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::DatabaseError::DatabaseError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtDatabaseError_swiginittnew_DatabaseError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s(RR-RIRRRRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_DatabaseErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRdys   tDatabaseCorruptErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(sK DatabaseCorruptError indicates database corruption was detected. RcCst|t||S(N(R'Rh(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)Rh(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj|tj|dS(sl Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::DatabaseCorruptError::DatabaseCorruptError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtDatabaseCorruptError_swiginittnew_DatabaseCorruptError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s(RR-RIRRdRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_DatabaseCorruptErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRhs   tDatabaseCreateErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(sH DatabaseCreateError indicates a failure to create a database. RcCst|t||S(N(R'Rl(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)Rl(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj|tj|dS(sj Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::DatabaseCreateError::DatabaseCreateError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtDatabaseCreateError_swiginittnew_DatabaseCreateError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s(RR-RIRRdRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_DatabaseCreateErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRls   tDatabaseLockErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(sB DatabaseLockError indicates failure to lock a database. RcCst|t||S(N(R'Rp(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)Rp(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj|tj|dS(sf Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::DatabaseLockError::DatabaseLockError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtDatabaseLockError_swiginittnew_DatabaseLockError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s(RR-RIRRdRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_DatabaseLockErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRps   tDatabaseModifiedErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(s DatabaseModifiedError indicates a database was modified. To recover after catching this error, you need to call Xapian::Database::reopen() on the Database and repeat the operation which failed. RcCst|t||S(N(R'Rt(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)Rt(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj|tj|dS(sn Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::DatabaseModifiedError::DatabaseModifiedError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtDatabaseModifiedError_swiginittnew_DatabaseModifiedError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s(RR-RIRRdRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_DatabaseModifiedErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRts   tDatabaseOpeningErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(sE DatabaseOpeningError indicates failure to open a database. RcCst|t||S(N(R'Rx(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)Rx(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR!scGstj|tj|dS(sl Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::DatabaseOpeningError::DatabaseOpeningError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtDatabaseOpeningError_swiginittnew_DatabaseOpeningError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;#s(RR-RIRRdRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_DatabaseOpeningErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRxs   tDatabaseVersionErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(s DatabaseVersionError indicates that a database is in an unsupported format. From time to time, new versions of Xapian will require the database format to be changed, to allow new information to be stored or new optimisations to be performed. Backwards compatibility will sometimes be maintained, so that new versions of Xapian can open old databases, but in some cases Xapian will be unable to open a database because it is in too old (or new) a format. This can be resolved either be upgrading or downgrading the version of Xapian in use, or by rebuilding the database from scratch with the current version of Xapian. RcCst|t||S(N(R'R|(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRHsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)R|(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRKscGstj|tj|dS(sl Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::DatabaseVersionError::DatabaseVersionError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtDatabaseVersionError_swiginittnew_DatabaseVersionError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;Ms(RR-RIRRxRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_DatabaseVersionErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR|7s   tDocNotFoundErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(sQ Indicates an attempt to access a document not present in the database. RcCst|t||S(N(R'R(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRhsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)R(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRkscGstj|tj|dS(sd Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::DocNotFoundError::DocNotFoundError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtDocNotFoundError_swiginittnew_DocNotFoundError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;ms(RR-RIRRRRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_DocNotFoundErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRas   tFeatureUnavailableErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(s Indicates an attempt to use a feature which is unavailable. Typically a feature is unavailable because it wasn't compiled in, or because it requires other software or facilities which aren't available. RcCst|t||S(N(R'R(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)R(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj|tj|dS(sr Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::FeatureUnavailableError::FeatureUnavailableError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(Rt FeatureUnavailableError_swiginittnew_FeatureUnavailableError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s(RR-RIRRRRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_FeatureUnavailableErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs   t InternalErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(sB InternalError indicates a runtime problem of some sort. RcCst|t||S(N(R'R(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)R(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj|tj|dS(s^ Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::InternalError::InternalError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtInternalError_swiginittnew_InternalError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s(RR-RIRRRRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_InternalErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs   t NetworkErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(sD Indicates a problem communicating with a remote database. RcCst|t||S(N(R'R(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)R(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj|tj|dS(s\ Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::NetworkError::NetworkError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtNetworkError_swiginittnew_NetworkError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s(RR-RIRRRRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_NetworkErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs   tNetworkTimeoutErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(sV Indicates a timeout expired while communicating with a remote database. RcCst|t||S(N(R'R(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)R(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj|tj|dS(sj Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::NetworkTimeoutError::NetworkTimeoutError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtNetworkTimeoutError_swiginittnew_NetworkTimeoutError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s(RR-RIRRRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_NetworkTimeoutErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs   tQueryParserErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(s4 Indicates a query string can't be parsed. RcCst|t||S(N(R'R(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)R(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR scGstj|tj|dS(sd Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::QueryParserError::QueryParserError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtQueryParserError_swiginittnew_QueryParserError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR; s(RR-RIRRRRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_QueryParserErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs   tSerialisationErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(sL Indicates an error in the std::string serialisation of an object. RcCst|t||S(N(R'R(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR'sR(cCst|t|S(N(R)R(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR*scGstj|tj|dS(sh Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::SerialisationError::SerialisationError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtSerialisationError_swiginittnew_SerialisationError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;,s(RR-RIRRRRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_SerialisationErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR!s   t RangeErrorcBseZdZiZx*egD]ZejeediqWdZiZ x*egD]Ze jeediqXWdZ e Z dZ ejZRS(s[ RangeError indicates an attempt to access outside the bounds of a container. RcCst|t||S(N(R'R(R R"R#((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRGsR(cCst|t|S(N(R)R(R R"((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRJscGstj|tj|dS(sP Construct from message and errno value. Xapian::RangeError::RangeError(const std::string &msg_, int errno_) Parameters: ----------- msg_: Message giving details of the error, intended for human consumption. errno_: Optional errno value associated with this error. N(RtRangeError_swiginittnew_RangeError(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;Ls(RR-RIRRRRNRORPRJR(RKR/R+R;Rtdelete_RangeErrorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR@s   cCs tjS(N(Rtversion_string(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR`scCs tjS(N(Rt major_version(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRdscCs tjS(N(Rt minor_version(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRhscCs tjS(N(Rtrevision(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRlstPositionIteratorcBsSeZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ dZ RS(s@ An iterator pointing to items in a list of positions. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRssR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Copying is allowed. Xapian::PositionIterator::PositionIterator(const PositionIterator &o) The internals are reference counted, so copying is also cheap. N(RtPositionIterator_swiginittnew_PositionIterator(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;uscGstj||S(s4 Advance the iterator to the specified termpos. void Xapian::PositionIterator::skip_to(Xapian::termpos pos) If the specified termpos isn't in the list, position ourselves on the first termpos after it (or at_end() if no greater term positions are present). (RtPositionIterator_skip_to(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytskip_tos cCs tj|S(s Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::PositionIterator::get_description() const (RtPositionIterator___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt__str__s( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_PositionIteratorR?RR(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRos  tPostingIteratorcBsweZdZeddddZeZejZ dZ dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd ZRS( s? An iterator pointing to items in a list of postings. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Copying is allowed. Xapian::PostingIterator::PostingIterator(const PostingIterator &other) The internals are reference counted, so copying is also cheap. N(RtPostingIterator_swiginittnew_PostingIterator(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;scGstj||S(s& Advance the iterator to the specified docid. void Xapian::PostingIterator::skip_to(Xapian::docid did) If the specified docid isn't in the list, position ourselves on the first document after it (or at_end() if no greater docids are present). (RtPostingIterator_skip_to(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs cCs tj|S(s Get the length of the document at the current position in the postlist. Xapian::termcount Xapian::PostingIterator::get_doclength() const This information may be stored in the postlist, in which case this lookup should be extremely fast (indeed, not require further disk access). If the information is not present in the postlist, it will be retrieved from the database, at a greater performance cost. (RtPostingIterator_get_doclength(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_doclengths cCs tj|S(s Get the within document frequency of the document at the current position in the postlist. Xapian::termcount Xapian::PostingIterator::get_wdf() const (RtPostingIterator_get_wdf(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_wdfscCs tj|S(s Return PositionIterator pointing to start of positionlist for current document. PositionIterator Xapian::PostingIterator::positionlist_begin() const (Rt"PostingIterator_positionlist_begin(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytpositionlist_beginscCs tj|S(s Return PositionIterator pointing to end of positionlist for current document. PositionIterator Xapian::PostingIterator::positionlist_end() const (Rt PostingIterator_positionlist_end(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytpositionlist_endscCs tj|S(s Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::PostingIterator::get_description() const (RtPostingIterator___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs(RR-RIR=RR/R+Rtdelete_PostingIteratorR?R;RRRRRR(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs   cGs tj|S(N(Rt__eq__(R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGs tj|S(N(Rt__ne__(R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRst TermIteratorcBseZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd ZRS( s< An iterator pointing to items in a list of terms. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Copying is allowed. Xapian::TermIterator::TermIterator(const TermIterator &other) The internals are reference counted, so copying is also cheap. N(RtTermIterator_swiginittnew_TermIterator(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;scGstj||S(s Advance the iterator to the specified term. void Xapian::TermIterator::skip_to(const std::string &tname) If the specified term isn't in the list, position ourselves on the first term after it (or at_end() if no greater terms are present). (RtTermIterator_skip_to(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs cCs tj|S(s Return the wdf of the current term (if meaningful). Xapian::termcount Xapian::TermIterator::get_wdf() const The wdf (within document frequency) is the number of occurrences of a term in a particular document. (RtTermIterator_get_wdf(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs cCs tj|S(s Return the term frequency of the current term (if meaningful). Xapian::doccount Xapian::TermIterator::get_termfreq() const The term frequency is the number of documents which a term indexes. (RtTermIterator_get_termfreq(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_termfreq'scCs tj|S(s Return length of positionlist for current term. Xapian::termcount Xapian::TermIterator::positionlist_count() const (RtTermIterator_positionlist_count(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytpositionlist_count1scCs tj|S(s Return PositionIterator pointing to start of positionlist for current term. PositionIterator Xapian::TermIterator::positionlist_begin() const (RtTermIterator_positionlist_begin(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR9scCs tj|S(s Return PositionIterator pointing to end of positionlist for current term. PositionIterator Xapian::TermIterator::positionlist_end() const (RtTermIterator_positionlist_end(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRBscCs tj|S(s} Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::TermIterator::get_description() const (RtTermIterator___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRKs(RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_TermIteratorR?RRRRRRR(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs   t ValueIteratorcBsneZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd ZRS( s4 Class for iterating over document values. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRfscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRfsR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Default constructor. Xapian::ValueIterator::ValueIterator() Creates an uninitialised iterator, which can't be used before being assigned to, but is sometimes syntactically convenient. N(RtValueIterator_swiginittnew_ValueIterator(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;hs cCs tj|S(s Return the docid at the current position. Xapian::docid Xapian::ValueIterator::get_docid() const If we're iterating over values of a document, this method will throw Xapian::InvalidOperationError. (RtValueIterator_get_docid(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_docidss cCs tj|S(s^ Return the value slot number for the current position. Xapian::valueno Xapian::ValueIterator::get_valueno() const If the iterator is over all values in a slot, this returns that slot's number. If the iterator is over the values in a particular document, it returns the number of each slot in turn. (RtValueIterator_get_valueno(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_valueno~s cGstj||S(s Advance the iterator to document id or value slot docid_or_slot. void Xapian::ValueIterator::skip_to(Xapian::docid docid_or_slot) If this iterator is over values in a document, then this method advances the iterator to value slot docid_or_slot, or the first slot after it if there is no value in slot slot. If this iterator is over values in a particular slot, then this method advances the iterator to document id docid_or_slot, or the first document id after it if there is no value in the slot we're iterating over for document docid_or_slot. Note: The "two-faced" nature of this method is due to how C++ overloading works. Xapian::docid and Xapian::valueno are both typedefs for the same unsigned integer type, so overloading can't distinguish them. Parameters: ----------- docid_or_slot: The docid/slot to advance to. (RtValueIterator_skip_to(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj||S(sP Check if the specified docid occurs. bool Xapian::ValueIterator::check(Xapian::docid docid) The caller is required to ensure that the specified document id did actually exists in the database. This method acts like skip_to() if that can be done at little extra cost, in which case it then returns true. This is how brass and chert databases behave because they store values in streams which allow for an efficient implementation of skip_to(). Otherwise it simply checks if a particular docid is present. If it is, it returns true. If it isn't, it returns false, and leaves the position unspecified (and hence the result of calling methods which depends on the current position, such as get_docid(), are also unspecified). In this state, next() will advance to the first matching position after document did, and skip_to() will act as it would if the position was the first matching position after document did. Currently the inmemory, flint, and remote backends behave in the latter way because they don't support streamed values and so skip_to() must check each document it skips over which is significantly slower. Parameters: ----------- docid: The document id to check. (RtValueIterator_check(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytcheckscCs tj|S(s~ Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::ValueIterator::get_description() const (RtValueIterator___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs(RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_ValueIteratorR?RRRRR(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRbs   !tDocumentcBs eZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZeej Z!dZ"RS(s_ A handle representing a document in a Xapian database. The Document class fetches information from the database lazily. Usually this behaviour isn't visible to users (except for the speed benefits), but if the document in the database is modified or deleted, then preexisting Document objects may return the old or new versions of data (or throw Xapian::DocNotFoundError in the case of deletion). Since Database objects work on a snapshot of the database's state, the situation above can only happen with a WritableDatabase object, or if you call Database::reopen() on a Database object. We recommend you avoid designs where this behaviour is an issue, but if you need a way to make a non-lazy version of a Document object, you can do this like so:doc = Xapian::Document::unserialise(doc.serialise()); cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(sS Make a new empty Document. Xapian::Document::Document() N(RtDocument_swiginitt new_Document(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;scGstj||S(s- Get value by number. std::string Xapian::Document::get_value(Xapian::valueno slot) const Returns an empty string if no value with the given number is present in the document. Parameters: ----------- slot: The number of the value. (RtDocument_get_value(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_valuescGstj||S(s Add a new value. void Xapian::Document::add_value(Xapian::valueno slot, const std::string &value) The new value will replace any existing value with the same number (or if the new value is empty, it will remove any existing value with the same number). Parameters: ----------- slot: The value slot to add the value in. value: The value to set. (RtDocument_add_value(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt add_valuescGstj||S(s} Remove any value with the given number. void Xapian::Document::remove_value(Xapian::valueno slot) (RtDocument_remove_value(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt remove_valuescCs tj|S(sq Remove all values associated with the document. void Xapian::Document::clear_values() (RtDocument_clear_values(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt clear_values$scCs tj|S(s\ Get data stored in the document. std::string Xapian::Document::get_data() const This is potentially a relatively expensive operation, and shouldn't normally be used during the match (e.g. in a PostingSource or match decider functor. Put data for use by match deciders in a value instead. (RtDocument_get_data(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_data,s cGstj||S(sg Set data stored in the document. void Xapian::Document::set_data(const std::string &data) Xapian treats the data as an opaque blob. It may try to compress it, but other than that it will just store it and return it when requested. Parameters: ----------- data: The data to store. (RtDocument_set_data(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_data9scGstj||S(sw Add an occurrence of a term at a particular position. void Xapian::Document::add_posting(const std::string &tname, Xapian::termpos tpos, Xapian::termcount wdfinc=1) Multiple occurrences of the term at the same position are represented only once in the positional information, but do increase the wdf. If the term is not already in the document, it will be added to it. Parameters: ----------- tname: The name of the term. tpos: The position of the term. wdfinc: The increment that will be applied to the wdf for this term. (RtDocument_add_posting(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt add_postingJscGstj||S(s Add a term to the document, without positional information. void Xapian::Document::add_term(const std::string &tname, Xapian::termcount wdfinc=1) Any existing positional information for the term will be left unmodified. Parameters: ----------- tname: The name of the term. wdfinc: The increment that will be applied to the wdf for this term (default: 1). (RtDocument_add_term(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytadd_termbscGstj||S(s Add a boolean filter term to the document. void Xapian::Document::add_boolean_term(const std::string &term) This method adds term to the document with wdf of 0 - this is generally what you want for a term used for boolean filtering as the wdf of such terms is ignored, and it doesn't make sense for them to contribute to the document's length. If the specified term already indexes this document, this method has no effect. It is exactly the same as add_term(term, 0). This method was added in Xapian 1.0.18. Parameters: ----------- term: The term to add. (RtDocument_add_boolean_term(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytadd_boolean_termvscGstj||S(s Remove a posting of a term from the document. void Xapian::Document::remove_posting(const std::string &tname, Xapian::termpos tpos, Xapian::termcount wdfdec=1) Note that the term will still index the document even if all occurrences are removed. To remove a term from a document completely, use remove_term(). Parameters: ----------- tname: The name of the term. tpos: The position of the term. wdfdec: The decrement that will be applied to the wdf when removing this posting. The wdf will not go below the value of 0. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::InvalidArgumentError: will be thrown if the term is not at the position specified in the position list for this term in this document. Xapian::InvalidArgumentError: will be thrown if the term is not in the document (RtDocument_remove_posting(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytremove_postingscGstj||S(sf Remove a term and all postings associated with it. void Xapian::Document::remove_term(const std::string &tname) Parameters: ----------- tname: The name of the term. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::InvalidArgumentError: will be thrown if the term is not in the document (RtDocument_remove_term(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt remove_termscCs tj|S(ss Remove all terms (and postings) from the document. void Xapian::Document::clear_terms() (RtDocument_clear_terms(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt clear_termsscCs tj|S(s The length of the termlist - i.e. Xapian::termcount Xapian::Document::termlist_count() const the number of different terms which index this document. (RtDocument_termlist_count(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyttermlist_countscCs tj|S(sz Iterator for the terms in this document. TermIterator Xapian::Document::termlist_begin() const (RtDocument_termlist_begin(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyttermlist_beginscCs tj|S(s} Equivalent end iterator for termlist_begin(). TermIterator Xapian::Document::termlist_end() const (RtDocument_termlist_end(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt termlist_endscCs tj|S(sw Count the values in this document. Xapian::termcount Xapian::Document::values_count() const (RtDocument_values_count(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt values_countscCs tj|S(sz Iterator for the values in this document. ValueIterator Xapian::Document::values_begin() const (RtDocument_values_begin(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt values_beginscCs tj|S(s~ Equivalent end iterator for values_begin(). ValueIteratorEnd_ Xapian::Document::values_end() const (RtDocument_values_end(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt values_endscCs tj|S(s Get the document id which is associated with this document (if any). docid Xapian::Document::get_docid() const NB If multiple databases are being searched together, then this will be the document id in the individual database, not the merged database! If this document came from a database, return the document id in that database. Otherwise, return 0 (in Xapian 1.0.22/1.2.4 or later; prior to this the returned value was uninitialised). (RtDocument_get_docid(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs tj|S(sM Serialise document into a string. std::string Xapian::Document::serialise() const The document representation may change between Xapian releases: even between minor versions. However, it is guaranteed not to change if the remote database protocol has not changed between releases. (RtDocument_serialise(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt serialise s cCs tj|S(sy Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::Document::get_description() const (RtDocument___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs(#RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_DocumentR?RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRt staticmethodtDocument_unserialiset unserialiseR(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs6           !         cGs tj|S(N(RR(R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR:st PostingSourcecBseZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZRS(sF Base class which provides an "external" source of postings. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRBscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRBsR8sThe membership flagcCs;|jtkrd}n|}tj|tj|dS(N(R,RR RtPostingSource_swiginittnew_PostingSource(R t_self((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;Ds cCs tj|S(s A lower bound on the number of documents this object can return. virtual Xapian::doccount Xapian::PostingSource::get_termfreq_min() const =0 Xapian will always call init() on a PostingSource before calling this for the first time. (RtPostingSource_get_termfreq_min(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_termfreq_minKs cCs tj|S(s An estimate of the number of documents this object can return. virtual Xapian::doccount Xapian::PostingSource::get_termfreq_est() const =0 It must always be true that: get_termfreq_min() <= get_termfreq_est() <= get_termfreq_max() Xapian will always call init() on a PostingSource before calling this for the first time. (RtPostingSource_get_termfreq_est(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_termfreq_estWscCs tj|S(s An upper bound on the number of documents this object can return. virtual Xapian::doccount Xapian::PostingSource::get_termfreq_max() const =0 Xapian will always call init() on a PostingSource before calling this for the first time. (RtPostingSource_get_termfreq_max(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_termfreq_maxgs cCs tj|S(s Return the currently set upper bound on what get_weight() can return. Xapian::weight Xapian::PostingSource::get_maxweight() const (RtPostingSource_get_maxweight(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_maxweightsscCs tj|S(s Return the weight contribution for the current document. virtual Xapian::weight Xapian::PostingSource::get_weight() const This default implementation always returns 0, for convenience when implementing "weight-less" PostingSource subclasses. This method may assume that it will only be called when there is a "current document". In detail: Xapian will always call init() on a PostingSource before calling this for the first time. It will also only call this if the PostingSource reports that it is pointing to a valid document (ie, it will not call it before calling at least one of next(), skip_to() or check(), and will ensure that the PostingSource is not at the end by calling at_end()). (RtPostingSource_get_weight(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_weight{scCs tj|S(s Return the current docid. virtual Xapian::docid Xapian::PostingSource::get_docid() const =0 This method may assume that it will only be called when there is a "current document". See get_weight() for details. Note: in the case of a multi-database search, the returned docid should be in the single subdatabase relevant to this posting source. See the init() method for details. (RtPostingSource_get_docid(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs cGstj||S(s[ Advance the current position to the next matching document. virtual void Xapian::PostingSource::next(Xapian::weight min_wt)=0 The PostingSource starts before the first entry in the list, so next() must be called before any methods which need the context of the current position. Xapian will always call init() on a PostingSource before calling this for the first time. Parameters: ----------- min_wt: The minimum weight contribution that is needed (this is just a hint which subclasses may ignore). (RtPostingSource_next(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytnextscGstj||S(sI Advance to the specified docid. virtual void Xapian::PostingSource::skip_to(Xapian::docid did, Xapian::weight min_wt) If the specified docid isn't in the list, position ourselves on the first document after it (or at_end() if no greater docids are present). If the current position is already the specified docid, this method will leave the position unmodified. If the specified docid is earlier than the current position, the behaviour is unspecified. A sensible behaviour would be to leave the current position unmodified, but it is also reasonable to move to the specified docid. The default implementation calls next() repeatedly, which works but skip_to() can often be implemented much more efficiently. Xapian will always call init() on a PostingSource before calling this for the first time. Note: in the case of a multi-database search, the docid specified is the docid in the single subdatabase relevant to this posting source. See the init() method for details. Parameters: ----------- did: The document id to advance to. min_wt: The minimum weight contribution that is needed (this is just a hint which subclasses may ignore). (RtPostingSource_skip_to(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs%cGstj||S(s- Check if the specified docid occurs. virtual bool Xapian::PostingSource::check(Xapian::docid did, Xapian::weight min_wt) The caller is required to ensure that the specified document id did actually exists in the database. If it does, it must move to that document id, and return true. If it does not, it may either: return true, having moved to a definite position (including "at_end"), which must be the same position as skip_to() would have moved to. or return false, having moved to an "indeterminate" position, such that a subsequent call to next() or skip_to() will move to the next matching position after did. Generally, this method should act like skip_to() and return true if that can be done at little extra cost. Otherwise it should simply check if a particular docid is present, returning true if it is, and false if it isn't. The default implementation calls skip_to() and always returns true. Xapian will always call init() on a PostingSource before calling this for the first time. Note: in the case of a multi-database search, the docid specified is the docid in the single subdatabase relevant to this posting source. See the init() method for details. Parameters: ----------- did: The document id to check. min_wt: The minimum weight contribution that is needed (this is just a hint which subclasses may ignore). (RtPostingSource_check(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs,cCs tj|S(s Return true if the current position is past the last entry in this list. virtual bool Xapian::PostingSource::at_end() const =0 At least one of next(), skip_to() or check() will be called before this method is first called. (RtPostingSource_at_end(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytat_ends cCs tj|S(sB Name of the posting source class. virtual std::string Xapian::PostingSource::name() const This is used when serialising and unserialising posting sources; for example, for performing remote searches. If the subclass is in a C++ namespace, the namespace should be included in the name, using "::" as a separator. For example, for a PostingSource subclass called "FooPostingSource" in the "Xapian" namespace the result of this call should be "Xapian::FooPostingSource". This should only be implemented if serialise() and unserialise() are also implemented. The default implementation returns an empty string. If this returns an empty string, Xapian will assume that serialise() and unserialise() are not implemented. (RtPostingSource_name(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR"scGstj||S(s Set this PostingSource to the start of the list of postings. virtual void Xapian::PostingSource::init(const Database &db)=0 This is called automatically by the matcher prior to each query being processed. If a PostingSource is used for multiple searches, init() will therefore be called multiple times, and must handle this by using the database passed in the most recent call. Parameters: ----------- db: The database which the PostingSource should iterate through. Note: the database supplied to this method must not be modified: in particular, the reopen() method should not be called on it. Note: in the case of a multi-database search, a separate PostingSource will be used for each database (the separate PostingSources will be obtained using clone()), and each PostingSource will be passed one of the sub-databases as the db parameter here. The db parameter will therefore always refer to a single database. All docids passed to, or returned from, the PostingSource refer to docids in that single database, rather than in the multi- database. (RtPostingSource_init(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytinit*scCs tj|S(s Return a string describing this object. virtual std::string Xapian::PostingSource::get_description() const This default implementation returns a generic answer. This default it provided to avoid forcing those deriving their own PostingSource subclass from having to implement this (they may not care what get_description() gives for their subclass). (RtPostingSource___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRIs cCs$|jjtj|t|S(N(RtdisownRtdisown_PostingSourcet weakref_proxy(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt __disown__Vs  (RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_PostingSourceR?R R R RRRRRRRR"RRR (((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR>s&        ' .   tValuePostingSourcecBsAeZdZeddddZeZdZej Z RS(s A posting source which generates weights from a value slot. This is a base class for classes which generate weights using values stored in the specified slot. For example, ValueWeightPostingSource uses sortable_unserialise to convert values directly to weights. The upper bound on the weight returned is set to DBL_MAX. Subclasses should call set_maxweight() in their init() methods after calling ValuePostingSource::init() if they know a tighter bound on the weight. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRwscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRwsR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Construct a ValuePostingSource. Xapian::ValuePostingSource::ValuePostingSource(Xapian::valueno slot_) Parameters: ----------- slot_: The value slot to read values from. N(RtValuePostingSource_swiginittnew_ValuePostingSource(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;ys ( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_ValuePostingSourceR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR"js   tValueWeightPostingSourcecBsAeZdZeddddZeZdZej Z RS(s A posting source which reads weights from a value slot. This returns entries for all documents in the given database which have a non empty values in the specified slot. It returns a weight calculated by applying sortable_unserialise to the value stored in the slot (so the values stored should probably have been calculated by applying sortable_serialise to a floating point number at index time). The upper bound on the weight returned is set using the upper bound on the values in the specified slot, or DBL_MAX if value bounds aren't supported by the current backend. For efficiency, this posting source doesn't check that the stored values are valid in any way, so it will never raise an exception due to invalid stored values. In particular, it doesn't ensure that the unserialised values are positive, which is a requirement for weights. The behaviour if the slot contains values which unserialise to negative values is undefined. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Construct a ValueWeightPostingSource. Xapian::ValueWeightPostingSource::ValueWeightPostingSource(Xapian::valueno slot_) Parameters: ----------- slot_: The value slot to read values from. N(Rt!ValueWeightPostingSource_swiginittnew_ValueWeightPostingSource(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s ( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_ValueWeightPostingSourceR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR&s  t"DecreasingValueWeightPostingSourcecBsAeZdZeddddZeZdZej Z RS(s Read weights from a value which is known to decrease as docid increases. This posting source can be used, like ValueWeightPostingSource, to add a weight contribution to a query based on the values stored in a slot. The values in the slot must be serialised as by sortable_serialise(). However, this posting source is additionally given a range of document IDs, within which the weight is known to be decreasing. ie, for all documents with ids A and B within this range (including the endpoints), where A is less than B, the weight of A is less than or equal to the weight of B. This can allow the posting source to skip to the end of the range quickly if insufficient weight is left in the posting source for a particular source. By default, the range is assumed to cover all document IDs. The ordering property can be arranged at index time, or by sorting an indexed database to produce a new, sorted, database. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Xapian::DecreasingValueWeightPostingSource::DecreasingValueWeightPostingSource(Xapian::valueno slot_, Xapian::docid range_start_=0, Xapian::docid range_end_=0) N(Rt+DecreasingValueWeightPostingSource_swiginitt&new_DecreasingValueWeightPostingSource(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rt)delete_DecreasingValueWeightPostingSourceR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR*s  tValueMapPostingSourcecBs\eZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ e j Z RS( s A posting source which looks up weights in a map using values as the key. This allows will return entries for all documents in the given database which have a value in the slot specified. The values will be mapped to the corresponding weight in the weight map. If there is no mapping for a particular value, the default weight will be returned (which itself defaults to 0.0). cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Construct a ValueWeightPostingSource. Xapian::ValueMapPostingSource::ValueMapPostingSource(Xapian::valueno slot_) Parameters: ----------- slot_: The value slot to read values from. N(RtValueMapPostingSource_swiginittnew_ValueMapPostingSource(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s cGstj||S(s Add a mapping. void Xapian::ValueMapPostingSource::add_mapping(const std::string &key, double wt) Parameters: ----------- key: The key looked up from the value slot. wt: The weight to give this key. (Rt!ValueMapPostingSource_add_mapping(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt add_mappingscCs tj|S(sd Clear all mappings. void Xapian::ValueMapPostingSource::clear_mappings() (Rt$ValueMapPostingSource_clear_mappings(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytclear_mappingsscGstj||S(s Set a default weight for document values not in the map. void Xapian::ValueMapPostingSource::set_default_weight(double wt) Parameters: ----------- wt: The weight to set as the default. (Rt(ValueMapPostingSource_set_default_weight(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_default_weights (RR-RIR=RR/R+R;R2R4R6Rtdelete_ValueMapPostingSourceR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR.s    tFixedWeightPostingSourcecBsAeZdZeddddZeZdZej Z RS(s A posting source which returns a fixed weight for all documents. This returns entries for all documents in the given database, with a fixed weight (specified by a parameter to the constructor). cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR sR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Construct a FixedWeightPostingSource. Xapian::FixedWeightPostingSource::FixedWeightPostingSource(Xapian::weight wt) Parameters: ----------- wt: The fixed weight to return. N(Rt!FixedWeightPostingSource_swiginittnew_FixedWeightPostingSource(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;"s ( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_FixedWeightPostingSourceR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR8s  tMSetcBseZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZeejZ RS(sa A match set ( MSet). This class represents (a portion of) the results of a query. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR9scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR9sR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(sd Copying is allowed (and is cheap). Xapian::MSet::MSet(const MSet &other) N(Rt MSet_swiginittnew_MSet(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;;scGstj||S(s] Fetch all the items in the MSet. void Xapian::MSet::fetch() const (Rt MSet_fetch(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytfetchCscGstj||S(s Return the percentage score for a particular item. Xapian::percent Xapian::MSet::convert_to_percent(const MSetIterator &it) const (RtMSet_convert_to_percent(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytconvert_to_percentKscGstj||S(s Return the term frequency of the given query term. Xapian::doccount Xapian::MSet::get_termfreq(const std::string &tname) const Parameters: ----------- tname: The term to look for. This is sometimes more efficient than asking the database directly for the term frequency - in particular, if the term was in the query, its frequency will usually be cached in the MSet. (RtMSet_get_termfreq(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRTscGstj||S(st Return the term weight of the given query term. Xapian::weight Xapian::MSet::get_termweight(const std::string &tname) const Parameters: ----------- tname: The term to look for. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::InvalidArgumentError: is thrown if the term was not in the query. (RtMSet_get_termweight(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_termweightfscCs tj|S(sU The index of the first item in the result which was put into the MSet. Xapian::doccount Xapian::MSet::get_firstitem() const This corresponds to the parameter "first" specified in Xapian::Enquire::get_mset(). A value of 0 corresponds to the highest result being the first item in the MSet. (RtMSet_get_firstitem(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_firstitemzs cCs tj|S(s A lower bound on the number of documents in the database which match the query. Xapian::doccount Xapian::MSet::get_matches_lower_bound() const This figure takes into account collapsing of duplicates, and weighting cutoff values. This number is usually considerably less than the actual number of documents which match the query. (RtMSet_get_matches_lower_bound(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_matches_lower_bounds cCs tj|S(sg An estimate for the number of documents in the database which match the query. Xapian::doccount Xapian::MSet::get_matches_estimated() const This figure takes into account collapsing of duplicates, and weighting cutoff values. This value is returned because there is sometimes a request to display such information. However, our experience is that presenting this value to users causes them to worry about the large number of results, rather than how useful those at the top of the result set are, and is thus undesirable. (RtMSet_get_matches_estimated(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_matches_estimatedscCs tj|S(s An upper bound on the number of documents in the database which match the query. Xapian::doccount Xapian::MSet::get_matches_upper_bound() const This figure takes into account collapsing of duplicates, and weighting cutoff values. This number is usually considerably greater than the actual number of documents which match the query. (RtMSet_get_matches_upper_bound(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_matches_upper_bounds cCs tj|S(s A lower bound on the number of documents in the database which would match the query if collapsing wasn't used. Xapian::doccount Xapian::MSet::get_uncollapsed_matches_lower_bound() const (Rt(MSet_get_uncollapsed_matches_lower_bound(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt#get_uncollapsed_matches_lower_boundscCs tj|S(s A estimate of the number of documents in the database which would match the query if collapsing wasn't used. Xapian::doccount Xapian::MSet::get_uncollapsed_matches_estimated() const (Rt&MSet_get_uncollapsed_matches_estimated(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt!get_uncollapsed_matches_estimatedscCs tj|S(s A upper bound on the number of documents in the database which would match the query if collapsing wasn't used. Xapian::doccount Xapian::MSet::get_uncollapsed_matches_upper_bound() const (Rt(MSet_get_uncollapsed_matches_upper_bound(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt#get_uncollapsed_matches_upper_boundscCs tj|S(s2 The maximum possible weight in the MSet. Xapian::weight Xapian::MSet::get_max_possible() const This weight is likely not to be attained in the set of results, but represents an upper bound on the weight which a document could attain for the given query. (RtMSet_get_max_possible(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_max_possibles cCs tj|S(si The greatest weight which is attained by any document in the database. Xapian::weight Xapian::MSet::get_max_attained() const If firstitem == 0 and the primary ordering is by relevance, this is the weight of the first entry in the MSet. If no documents are found by the query, this will be 0. Note that calculation of max_attained requires calculation of at least one result item - therefore, if no items were requested when the query was performed (by specifying maxitems = 0 in Xapian::Enquire::get_mset()), this value will be 0. (RtMSet_get_max_attained(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_max_attainedscCs tj|S(si The number of items in this MSet. Xapian::doccount Xapian::MSet::size() const (Rt MSet_size(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytsizescCs tj|S(sX Test if this MSet is empty. bool Xapian::MSet::empty() const (Rt MSet_empty(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytemptyscCs tj|S(si Iterator for the items in this MSet. MSetIterator Xapian::MSet::begin() const (Rt MSet_begin(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytbegin scCs tj|S(sh End iterator corresponding to begin() MSetIterator Xapian::MSet::end() const (RtMSet_end(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytend scCs tj|S(sw Iterator pointing to the last element of this MSet. MSetIterator Xapian::MSet::back() const (Rt MSet_back(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytback scGstj||S(s Get an item from the MSet. The supplied index is relative to the start of the MSet, not the absolute rank of the item. (RtMSet__get_hit_internal(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt_get_hit_internal scCs tj|S(su Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::MSet::get_description() const (Rt MSet___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR# s(!RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rt delete_MSetR?R@RBRRERGRIRKRMRORQRSRURWRYR[R]R_RaRcRtMSet_items_gettitems(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR<3s4               t MSetIteratorcBseZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd ZRS( ss An iterator pointing to items in an MSet. This is used for access to individual results of a match. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRM scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRM sR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s| Copying is allowed (and is cheap). Xapian::MSetIterator::MSetIterator(const MSetIterator &other) N(RtMSetIterator_swiginittnew_MSetIterator(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;O scCs tj|S(s> Get a Xapian::Document object for the current position. Xapian::Document Xapian::MSetIterator::get_document() const This method returns a Xapian::Document object which provides the information about the document pointed to by the MSetIterator. If the underlying database has suitable support, using this call (rather than asking the database for a document based on its document ID) will enable the system to ensure that the correct data is returned, and that the document has not been deleted or changed since the query was performed. A Xapian::Document object containing the document data. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::DocNotFoundError: The document specified could not be found in the database. (RtMSetIterator_get_document(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_documentW scCs tj|S(sG Get the rank of the document at the current position. Xapian::doccount Xapian::MSetIterator::get_rank() const The rank is the position that this document is at in the ordered list of results of the query. The result is 0-based - i.e. the top-ranked document has a rank of 0. (RtMSetIterator_get_rank(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_rankp s cCs tj|S(s Get the weight of the document at the current position. Xapian::weight Xapian::MSetIterator::get_weight() const (RtMSetIterator_get_weight(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR| scCs tj|S(s~ Get the collapse key for this document. std::string Xapian::MSetIterator::get_collapse_key() const (RtMSetIterator_get_collapse_key(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_collapse_key scCs tj|S(s Get an estimate of the number of documents that have been collapsed into this one. Xapian::doccount Xapian::MSetIterator::get_collapse_count() const The estimate will always be less than or equal to the actual number of other documents satisfying the match criteria with the same collapse key as this document. This method may return 0 even though there are other documents with the same collapse key which satisfying the match criteria. However if this method returns non-zero, there definitely are other such documents. So this method may be used to inform the user that there are "at least N other matches in this group", or to control whether to offer a "show other documents in this group" feature (but note that it may not offer it in every case where it would show other documents). (RtMSetIterator_get_collapse_count(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_collapse_count scCs tj|S(sp This returns the weight of the document as a percentage score. Xapian::percent Xapian::MSetIterator::get_percent() const The return value will be an integer in the range 0 to 100: 0 meaning that the item did not match the query at all. The intention is that the highest weighted document will get 100 if it matches all the weight-contributing terms in the query. However, currently it may get a lower percentage score if you use a MatchDecider and the sorting is primarily by value. In this case, the percentage for a particular document may vary depending on the first, max_size, and checkatleast parameters passed to Enquire::get_mset() (this bug is hard to fix without having to apply the MatchDecider to potentially many more documents, which is potentially costly). (RtMSetIterator_get_percent(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_percent scCs tj|S(s} Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::MSetIterator::get_description() const (RtMSetIterator___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR s(RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_MSetIteratorR?RlRnRRqRsRuR(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRhG s       tESetcBseZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd ZeejZRS( s Class representing an ordered set of expand terms (an ESet). This set represents the results of an expand operation, which is performed by Xapian::Enquire::get_eset(). cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR sR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(sd Copying is allowed (and is cheap). Xapian::ESet::ESet(const ESet &other) N(Rt ESet_swiginittnew_ESet(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR; scCs tj|S(s A lower bound on the number of terms which are in the full set of results of the expand. Xapian::termcount Xapian::ESet::get_ebound() const This will be greater than or equal to size() (RtESet_get_ebound(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_ebound s cCs tj|S(sk The number of terms in this E-Set. Xapian::termcount Xapian::ESet::size() const (Rt ESet_size(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRY scCs tj|S(sY Test if this E-Set is empty. bool Xapian::ESet::empty() const (Rt ESet_empty(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR[ scCs tj|S(sj Iterator for the terms in this E-Set. ESetIterator Xapian::ESet::begin() const (Rt ESet_begin(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR] scCs tj|S(sh End iterator corresponding to begin() ESetIterator Xapian::ESet::end() const (RtESet_end(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR_ scCs tj|S(sx Iterator pointing to the last element of this E-Set. ESetIterator Xapian::ESet::back() const (Rt ESet_back(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRa scCs tj|S(su Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::ESet::get_description() const (Rt ESet___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR s(RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rt delete_ESetR?R|RYR[R]R_RaRtESet_items_getRg(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRx s        t ESetIteratorcBsSeZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ dZ RS(s- Iterate through terms in the ESet. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR) scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR) sR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s| Copying is allowed (and is cheap). Xapian::ESetIterator::ESetIterator(const ESetIterator &other) N(RtESetIterator_swiginittnew_ESetIterator(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;+ scCs tj|S(s Get the weight of the term at the current position. Xapian::weight Xapian::ESetIterator::get_weight() const (RtESetIterator_get_weight(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR3 scCs tj|S(s} Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::ESetIterator::get_description() const (RtESetIterator___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR; s( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_ESetIteratorR?RR(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR% s   tRSetcBsweZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd ZRS( s A relevance set (R-Set). This is the set of documents which are marked as relevant, for use in modifying the term weights, and in performing query expansion. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRU scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRU sR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(sE Default constructor. Xapian::RSet::RSet() N(Rt RSet_swiginittnew_RSet(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;W scCs tj|S(sn The number of documents in this R-Set. Xapian::doccount Xapian::RSet::size() const (Rt RSet_size(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRY_ scCs tj|S(sY Test if this R-Set is empty. bool Xapian::RSet::empty() const (Rt RSet_empty(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR[g scGstj||S(s Add a document to the relevance set. void Xapian::RSet::add_document(const Xapian::MSetIterator &i) (RtRSet_add_document(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt add_documento scGstj||S(s Remove a document from the relevance set. void Xapian::RSet::remove_document(const Xapian::MSetIterator &i) (RtRSet_remove_document(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytremove_documentw scGstj||S(s Test if a given document in the relevance set. bool Xapian::RSet::contains(const Xapian::MSetIterator &i) const (Rt RSet_contains(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytcontains scCs tj|S(su Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::RSet::get_description() const (Rt RSet___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR s(RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rt delete_RSetR?RYR[RRRR(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRN s       t MatchDecidercBsJeZdZeddddZeZejZ dZ dZ RS(s3 Base class for matcher decision functor. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR sR8sThe membership flagcCs;|jtkrd}n|}tj|tj|dS(N(R,RR RtMatchDecider_swiginittnew_MatchDecider(R R((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR; s cCs$|jjtj|t|S(N(RRRtdisown_MatchDeciderR(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR  s  ( RR-RIR=RR/R+Rtdelete_MatchDeciderR?R;R (((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR s   t ExpandDecidercBsJeZdZeddddZeZejZ dZ dZ RS(s9 Virtual base class for expand decider functor. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR sR8sThe membership flagcCs;|jtkrd}n|}tj|tj|dS(N(R,RR RtExpandDecider_swiginittnew_ExpandDecider(R R((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR; s cCs$|jjtj|t|S(N(RRRtdisown_ExpandDeciderR(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR  s  ( RR-RIR=RR/R+Rtdelete_ExpandDeciderR?R;R (((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR s   tEnquirecBseZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd ZejZejZejZd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZej Z!ej"Z#dZ$dZ%dZ&dZ'RS(s This class provides an interface to the information retrieval system for the purpose of searching. Databases are usually opened lazily, so exceptions may not be thrown where you would expect them to be. You should catch Xapian::Error exceptions when calling any method in Xapian::Enquire. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::InvalidArgumentError: will be thrown if an invalid argument is supplied, for example, an unknown database type. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR sR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Create a Xapian::Enquire object. Xapian::Enquire::Enquire(const Database &database, ErrorHandler *errorhandler_=0) This specification cannot be changed once the Xapian::Enquire is opened: you must create a new Xapian::Enquire object to access a different database, or set of databases. The database supplied must have been initialised (ie, must not be the result of calling the Database::Database() constructor). If you need to handle a situation where you have no index gracefully, a database created with InMemory::open() can be passed here, which represents a completely empty database. Parameters: ----------- database: Specification of the database or databases to use. errorhandler_: A pointer to the error handler to use. Ownership of the object pointed to is not assumed by the Xapian::Enquire object - the user should delete the Xapian::ErrorHandler object after the Xapian::Enquire object is deleted. To use no error handler, this parameter should be 0. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::InvalidArgumentError: will be thrown if an empty Database object is supplied. N(RtEnquire_swiginitt new_Enquire(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR; s"cGstj||S(s\ Set the query to run. void Xapian::Enquire::set_query(const Xapian::Query &query, Xapian::termcount qlen=0) Parameters: ----------- query: the new query to run. qlen: the query length to use in weight calculations - by default the sum of the wqf of all terms is used. (RtEnquire_set_query(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt set_query scCs tj|S(s; Get the query which has been set. const Xapian::Query& Xapian::Enquire::get_query() const This is only valid after set_query() has been called. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::InvalidArgumentError: will be thrown if query has not yet been set. (RtEnquire_get_query(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_query scGstj||S(s Add a matchspy. void Xapian::Enquire::add_matchspy(MatchSpy *spy) This matchspy will be called with some of the documents which match the query, during the match process. Exactly which of the matching documents are passed to it depends on exactly when certain optimisations occur during the match process, but it can be controlled to some extent by setting the checkatleast parameter to get_mset(). In particular, if there are enough matching documents, at least the number specified by checkatleast will be passed to the matchspy. This means that you can force the matchspy to be shown all matching documents by setting checkatleast to the number of documents in the database. Parameters: ----------- spy: The MatchSpy subclass to add. The caller must ensure that this remains valid while the Enquire object remains active, or until clear_matchspies() is called. (RtEnquire_add_matchspy(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt add_matchspy scCs tj|S(s_ Remove all the matchspies. void Xapian::Enquire::clear_matchspies() (RtEnquire_clear_matchspies(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytclear_matchspies3 scGstj||S(s> Set the weighting scheme to use for queries. void Xapian::Enquire::set_weighting_scheme(const Weight &weight_) Parameters: ----------- weight_: the new weighting scheme. If no weighting scheme is specified, the default is BM25 with the default parameters. (RtEnquire_set_weighting_scheme(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_weighting_scheme; s cGstj||S(s Set the collapse key to use for queries. void Xapian::Enquire::set_collapse_key(Xapian::valueno collapse_key, Xapian::doccount collapse_max=1) Parameters: ----------- collapse_key: value number to collapse on - at most one MSet entry with each particular value will be returned (default is Xapian::BAD_VALUENO which means no collapsing). collapse_max: Max number of items with the same key to leave after collapsing (default 1). The MSet returned by get_mset() will have only the "best" (at most) collapse_max entries with each particular value of collapse_key ("best" being highest ranked - i.e. highest weight or highest sorting key). An example use might be to create a value for each document containing an MD5 hash of the document contents. Then duplicate documents from different sources can be eliminated at search time by collapsing with collapse_max = 1 (it's better to eliminate duplicates at index time, but this may not be always be possible - for example the search may be over more than one Xapian database). Another use is to group matches in a particular category (e.g. you might collapse a mailing list search on the Subject: so that there's only one result per discussion thread). In this case you can use get_collapse_count() to give the user some idea how many other results there are. And if you index the Subject: as a boolean term as well as putting it in a value, you can offer a link to a non-collapsed search restricted to that thread using a boolean filter. (RtEnquire_set_collapse_key(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_collapse_keyI s%cGstj||S(s3 Set the direction in which documents are ordered by document id in the returned MSet. void Xapian::Enquire::set_docid_order(docid_order order) This order only has an effect on documents which would otherwise have equal rank. For a weighted probabilistic match with no sort value, this means documents with equal weight. For a boolean match, with no sort value, this means all documents. And if a sort value is used, this means documents with equal sort value (and also equal weight if ordering on relevance after the sort). Parameters: ----------- order: This can be: Xapian::Enquire::ASCENDING docids sort in ascending order (default) Xapian::Enquire::DESCENDING docids sort in descending order Xapian::Enquire::DONT_CARE docids sort in whatever order is most efficient for the backend Note: If you add documents in strict date order, then a boolean search - i.e. set_weighting_scheme( Xapian::BoolWeight()) - with set_docid_order(Xapian::Enquire::DESCENDING) is an efficient way to perform "sort by date, newest first", and with set_docid_order(Xapian::Enquire::ASCENDING) a very efficient way to perform "sort by date, oldest first". (RtEnquire_set_docid_order(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_docid_orders s cGstj||S(sp Set the percentage and/or weight cutoffs. void Xapian::Enquire::set_cutoff(Xapian::percent percent_cutoff, Xapian::weight weight_cutoff=0) Parameters: ----------- percent_cutoff: Minimum percentage score for returned documents. If a document has a lower percentage score than this, it will not appear in the MSet. If your intention is to return only matches which contain all the terms in the query, then it's more efficient to use Xapian::Query::OP_AND instead of Xapian::Query::OP_OR in the query than to use set_cutoff(100). (default 0 => no percentage cut-off). weight_cutoff: Minimum weight for a document to be returned. If a document has a lower score that this, it will not appear in the MSet. It is usually only possible to choose an appropriate weight for cutoff based on the results of a previous run of the same query; this is thus mainly useful for alerting operations. The other potential use is with a user specified weighting scheme. (default 0 => no weight cut-off). (RtEnquire_set_cutoff(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt set_cutoff scCs tj|S(s Set the sorting to be by relevance only. void Xapian::Enquire::set_sort_by_relevance() This is the default. (RtEnquire_set_sort_by_relevance(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_sort_by_relevance scGstj||S(s\ void Xapian::Enquire::set_sort_by_value(Xapian::valueno sort_key) (RtEnquire_set_sort_by_value(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_sort_by_value scGstj||S(ss void Xapian::Enquire::set_sort_by_value_then_relevance(Xapian::valueno sort_key) (Rt(Enquire_set_sort_by_value_then_relevance(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt set_sort_by_value_then_relevance scGstj||S(ss void Xapian::Enquire::set_sort_by_relevance_then_value(Xapian::valueno sort_key) (Rt(Enquire_set_sort_by_relevance_then_value(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt set_sort_by_relevance_then_value scGstj||S(sZ void Xapian::Enquire::set_sort_by_key(Xapian::KeyMaker *sorter) (RtEnquire_set_sort_by_key(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_sort_by_key scGstj||S(sq void Xapian::Enquire::set_sort_by_key_then_relevance(Xapian::KeyMaker *sorter) (Rt&Enquire_set_sort_by_key_then_relevance(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_sort_by_key_then_relevance scGstj||S(sq void Xapian::Enquire::set_sort_by_relevance_then_key(Xapian::KeyMaker *sorter) (Rt&Enquire_set_sort_by_relevance_then_key(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_sort_by_relevance_then_key scGstj||S(s Get the expand set for the given rset. ESet Xapian::Enquire::get_eset(Xapian::termcount maxitems, const RSet &omrset, int flags, double k, const Xapian::ExpandDecider *edecider, Xapian::weight min_wt) const Parameters: ----------- maxitems: the maximum number of items to return. omrset: the relevance set to use when performing the expand operation. flags: zero or more of these values |-ed together: Xapian::Enquire::INCLUDE_QUERY_TERMS query terms may be returned from expand Xapian::Enquire::USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ for multi dbs, calculate the exact termfreq; otherwise an approximation is used which can greatly improve efficiency, but still returns good results. k: the parameter k in the query expansion algorithm (default is 1.0) edecider: a decision functor to use to decide whether a given term should be put in the ESet min_wt: the minimum weight for included terms An ESet object containing the results of the expand. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::InvalidArgumentError: See class documentation. (RtEnquire_get_eset(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_eset s&cGstj||S(s~ Get terms which match a given document, by match set item. TermIterator Xapian::Enquire::get_matching_terms_begin(const MSetIterator &it) const This method returns the terms in the current query which match the given document. If the underlying database has suitable support, using this call (rather than passing a Xapian::docid) will enable the system to ensure that the correct data is returned, and that the document has not been deleted or changed since the query was performed. Parameters: ----------- it: The iterator for which to retrieve the matching terms. An iterator returning the terms which match the document. The terms will be returned (as far as this makes any sense) in the same order as the terms in the query. Terms will not occur more than once, even if they do in the query. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::InvalidArgumentError: See class documentation. Xapian::DocNotFoundError: The document specified could not be found in the database. (Rt Enquire_get_matching_terms_begin(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_matching_terms_begin s!cGstj||S(s End iterator corresponding to get_matching_terms_begin() TermIterator Xapian::Enquire::get_matching_terms_end(const MSetIterator &) const (RtEnquire_get_matching_terms_end(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_matching_terms_end5 scCs tj|S(sx Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::Enquire::get_description() const (RtEnquire___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR> s((RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_EnquireR?RRRRRRtEnquire_ASCENDINGt ASCENDINGtEnquire_DESCENDINGt DESCENDINGtEnquire_DONT_CAREt DONT_CARERRRRRRRRRtEnquire_INCLUDE_QUERY_TERMStINCLUDE_QUERY_TERMStEnquire_USE_EXACT_TERMFREQtUSE_EXACT_TERMFREQRRRR(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR s: #       '    "          ( # tRegistrycBsweZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd ZRS( s Registry for user subclasses. This class provides a way for the remote server to look up user subclasses when unserialising. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRd scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRd sR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Default constructor. Xapian::Registry::Registry() The registry will contain all standard subclasses of user-subclassable classes. N(RtRegistry_swiginitt new_Registry(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;f s cGstj||S(s Register a weighting scheme. void Xapian::Registry::register_weighting_scheme(const Xapian::Weight &wt) Parameters: ----------- wt: The weighting scheme to register. (Rt"Registry_register_weighting_scheme(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytregister_weighting_schemeq s cGstj||S(s Get the weighting scheme given a name. const Xapian::Weight* Xapian::Registry::get_weighting_scheme(const std::string &name) const Parameters: ----------- name: The name of the weighting scheme to find. An object with the requested name, or NULL if the weighting scheme could not be found. The returned object is owned by the registry and so must not be deleted by the caller. (RtRegistry_get_weighting_scheme(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_weighting_scheme scGstj||S(s Register a user-defined posting source class. void Xapian::Registry::register_posting_source(const Xapian::PostingSource &source) Parameters: ----------- source: The posting source to register. (Rt Registry_register_posting_source(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytregister_posting_source s cGstj||S(s Get a posting source given a name. const Xapian::PostingSource* Xapian::Registry::get_posting_source(const std::string &name) const Parameters: ----------- name: The name of the posting source to find. An object with the requested name, or NULL if the posting source could not be found. The returned object is owned by the registry and so must not be deleted by the caller. (RtRegistry_get_posting_source(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_posting_source scGstj||S(s Register a user-defined match spy class. void Xapian::Registry::register_match_spy(const Xapian::MatchSpy &spy) Parameters: ----------- spy: The match spy to register. (RtRegistry_register_match_spy(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytregister_match_spy s cGstj||S(s Get a match spy given a name. const Xapian::MatchSpy* Xapian::Registry::get_match_spy(const std::string &name) const Parameters: ----------- name: The name of the match spy to find. An object with the requested name, or NULL if the match spy could not be found. The returned object is owned by the registry and so must not be deleted by the caller. (RtRegistry_get_match_spy(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_match_spy s(RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_RegistryR?RRRRRR(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR] s      tWeightcBsneZdZeddddZdZeZej Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd ZRS( s5 Abstract base class for weighting schemes. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR sR8sThe membership flagcOstddS(Ns*No constructor defined - class is abstract(R(R R9R:((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR; scCs tj|S(s Return the name of this weighting scheme. virtual std::string Xapian::Weight::name() const This name is used by the remote backend. It is passed along with the serialised parameters to the remote server so that it knows which class to create. Return the full namespace-qualified name of your class here - if your class is called FooWeight, return "FooWeight" from this method ( Xapian::BM25Weight returns "Xapian::BM25Weight" here). If you don't want to support the remote backend, you can use the default implementation which simply returns an empty string. (Rt Weight_name(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR" scGstj||S(s Calculate the weight contribution for this object's term to a document. virtual Xapian::weight Xapian::Weight::get_sumpart(Xapian::termcount wdf, Xapian::termcount doclen) const =0 The parameters give information about the document which may be used in the calculations: Parameters: ----------- wdf: The within document frequency of the term in the document. doclen: The document's length (unnormalised). (RtWeight_get_sumpart(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_sumpart scCs tj|S(s7 Return an upper bound on what get_sumpart() can return for any document. virtual Xapian::weight Xapian::Weight::get_maxpart() const =0 This information is used by the matcher to perform various optimisations, so strive to make the bound as tight as possible. (RtWeight_get_maxpart(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_maxpart s cGstj||S(s Calculate the term-independent weight component for a document. virtual Xapian::weight Xapian::Weight::get_sumextra(Xapian::termcount doclen) const =0 The parameter gives information about the document which may be used in the calculations: Parameters: ----------- doclen: The document's length (unnormalised). (RtWeight_get_sumextra(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_sumextra scCs tj|S(s9 Return an upper bound on what get_sumextra() can return for any document. virtual Xapian::weight Xapian::Weight::get_maxextra() const =0 This information is used by the matcher to perform various optimisations, so strive to make the bound as tight as possible. (RtWeight_get_maxextra(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_maxextra% s (RR-RIR=RR;R/R+Rt delete_WeightR?R"RRRR(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR s     t BoolWeightcBsAeZdZeddddZeZdZej Z RS(sw Class implementing a "boolean" weighting scheme. This weighting scheme gives all documents zero weight. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRA scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRA sR8sThe membership flagcCstj|tjdS(sT Construct a BoolWeight. Xapian::BoolWeight::BoolWeight() N(RtBoolWeight_swiginittnew_BoolWeight(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;C s( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_BoolWeightR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR; s  t BM25WeightcBsAeZdZeddddZeZdZej Z RS(sO Xapian::Weight subclass implementing the BM25 probabilistic formula. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRS scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRS sR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s!Xapian::BM25Weight::BM25Weight() N(RtBM25Weight_swiginittnew_BM25Weight(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;U s( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_BM25WeightR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRN s  t TradWeightcBsDeZdZeddddZeZddZej Z RS(s Xapian::Weight subclass implementing the traditional probabilistic formula. This class implements the "traditional" Probabilistic Weighting scheme, as described by the early papers on Probabilistic Retrieval. BM25 generally gives better results. TradWeight(k) is equivalent to BM25Weight(k, 0, 0, 1, 0), except that the latter returns weights (k+1) times larger. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRh scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRh sR8sThe membership flagg?cCstj|tj|dS(s Construct a TradWeight. Xapian::TradWeight::TradWeight(double k=1.0) Parameters: ----------- k: A non-negative parameter controlling how influential within- document- frequency (wdf) and document length are. k=0 means that wdf and document length don't affect the weights. The larger k is, the more they do. (default 1) N(RtTradWeight_swiginittnew_TradWeight(R tk((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;j s( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_TradWeightR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR\ s   tMatchSpycBseeZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ dZ dZ d ZRS( s Abstract base class for match spies. The subclasses will generally accumulate information seen during the match, to calculate aggregate functions, or other profiles of the matching documents. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR sR8sThe membership flagcCs;|jtkrd}n|}tj|tj|dS(N(R,RR RtMatchSpy_swiginitt new_MatchSpy(R R((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR; s cCs tj|S(s Return the name of this match spy. virtual std::string Xapian::MatchSpy::name() const This name is used by the remote backend. It is passed with the serialised parameters to the remote server so that it knows which class to create. Return the full namespace-qualified name of your class here - if your class is called MyApp::FooMatchSpy, return "MyApp::FooMatchSpy" from this method. If you don't want to support the remote backend in your match spy, you can use the default implementation which simply throws Xapian::UnimplementedError. (Rt MatchSpy_name(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR" scGstj||S(sw Unserialise some results, and merge them into this matchspy. virtual void Xapian::MatchSpy::merge_results(const std::string &s) The order in which results are merged should not be significant, since this order is not specified (and will vary depending on the speed of the search in each sub-database). If you don't want to support the remote backend in your match spy, you can use the default implementation which simply throws Xapian::UnimplementedError. Parameters: ----------- s: A string containing the serialised results. (RtMatchSpy_merge_results(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt merge_results scCs tj|S(sy Return a string describing this object. virtual std::string Xapian::MatchSpy::get_description() const This default implementation returns a generic answer, to avoid forcing those deriving their own MatchSpy subclasses from having to implement this (they may not care what get_description() gives for their subclass). (RtMatchSpy___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR s cCs$|jjtj|t|S(N(RRRtdisown_MatchSpyR(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR  s  (RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_MatchSpyR?R"RRR (((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR} s     tValueCountMatchSpycBsneZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z e jZRS( sV Class for counting the frequencies of values in the matching documents. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR sR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Construct a MatchSpy which counts the values in a particular slot. Xapian::ValueCountMatchSpy::ValueCountMatchSpy(Xapian::valueno slot_) N(RtValueCountMatchSpy_swiginittnew_ValueCountMatchSpy(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR; scCs tj|S(s~ Return the total number of documents tallied. size_t Xapian::ValueCountMatchSpy::get_total() const (RtValueCountMatchSpy_get_total(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_total scCs tj|S(sV Get an iterator over the values seen in the slot. TermIterator Xapian::ValueCountMatchSpy::values_begin() const Items will be returned in ascending alphabetical order. During the iteration, the frequency of the current value can be obtained with the get_termfreq() method on the iterator. (RtValueCountMatchSpy_values_begin(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR s cCs tj|S(s End iterator corresponding to values_begin() TermIterator Xapian::ValueCountMatchSpy::values_end() const (RtValueCountMatchSpy_values_end(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR scGstj||S(s@ Get an iterator over the most frequent values seen in the slot. TermIterator Xapian::ValueCountMatchSpy::top_values_begin(size_t maxvalues) const Items will be returned in descending order of frequency. Values with the same frequency will be returned in ascending alphabetical order. During the iteration, the frequency of the current value can be obtained with the get_termfreq() method on the iterator. Parameters: ----------- maxvalues: The maximum number of values to return. (Rt#ValueCountMatchSpy_top_values_begin(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyttop_values_begin scGstj||S(s End iterator corresponding to top_values_begin() TermIterator Xapian::ValueCountMatchSpy::top_values_end(size_t) const (Rt!ValueCountMatchSpy_top_values_end(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyttop_values_ends(RR-RIR=RR/R+R;R RRRRRtdelete_ValueCountMatchSpyR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR s     tDatabasecBseZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ dZ dZ d Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ!dZ"dZ#dZ$d Z%d!Z&d"Z'd#Z(d$Z)d%Z*d&Z+d'Z,d(d)Z-d(d*Z.d+Z/d(d,Z0d(d-Z1d.Z2d/Z3RS(0sm This class is used to access a database, or a group of databases. For searching, this class is used in conjunction with an Enquire object. Parameters: ----------- InvalidArgumentError: will be thrown if an invalid argument is supplied, for example, an unknown database type. DatabaseOpeningError: may be thrown if the database cannot be opened (for example, a required file cannot be found). DatabaseVersionError: may be thrown if the database is in an unsupported format (for example, created by a newer version of Xapian which uses an incompatible format). cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR5scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR5sR8sThe membership flagcGstj||S(s  Add an existing database (or group of databases) to those accessed by this object. void Xapian::Database::add_database(const Database &database) Parameters: ----------- database: the database(s) to add. (RtDatabase_add_database(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt add_database7s cGstj|tj|dS(s Copying is allowed. Xapian::Database::Database(const Database &other) The internals are reference counted, so copying is cheap. Parameters: ----------- other: The object to copy. N(RtDatabase_swiginitt new_Database(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;Fs cCs tj|S(s Re-open the database. void Xapian::Database::reopen() This re-opens the database(s) to the latest available version(s). It can be used either to make sure the latest results are returned, or to recover from a Xapian::DatabaseModifiedError. Calling reopen() on a database which has been closed (with close()) will always raise a Xapian::DatabaseError. (RtDatabase_reopen(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytreopenTs cCs tj|S(s Close the database. virtual void Xapian::Database::close() This closes the database and closes all its file handles. For a WritableDatabase, if a transaction is active it will be aborted, while if no transaction is active commit() will be implicitly called. Also the write lock is released. Closing a database cannot be undone - in particular, calling reopen() after close() will not reopen it, but will instead throw a Xapian::DatabaseError exception. Calling close() again on a database which has already been closed has no effect (and doesn't raise an exception). After close() has been called, calls to other methods of the database, and to methods of other objects associated with the database, will either: behave exactly as they would have done if the database had not been closed (this can only happen if all the required data is cached) raise a Xapian::DatabaseError exception indicating that the database is closed. The reason for this behaviour is that otherwise we'd have to check that the database is still open on every method call on every object associated with a Database, when in many cases they are working on data which has already been loaded and so they are able to just behave correctly. This method was added in Xapian 1.1.0. (RtDatabase_close(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRcs%cCs tj|S(s Return a string describing this object. virtual std::string Xapian::Database::get_description() const (RtDatabase___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj||S(s An iterator pointing to the start of the postlist for a given term. PostingIterator Xapian::Database::postlist_begin(const std::string &tname) const Parameters: ----------- tname: The termname to iterate postings for. If the term name is the empty string, the iterator returned will list all the documents in the database. Such an iterator will always return a WDF value of 1, since there is no obvious meaning for this quantity in this case. (RtDatabase_postlist_begin(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytpostlist_beginscGstj||S(s Corresponding end iterator to postlist_begin(). PostingIterator Xapian::Database::postlist_end(const std::string &) const (RtDatabase_postlist_end(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt postlist_endscGstj||S(s  An iterator pointing to the start of the termlist for a given document. TermIterator Xapian::Database::termlist_begin(Xapian::docid did) const Parameters: ----------- did: The document id of the document to iterate terms for. (RtDatabase_termlist_begin(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs cGstj||S(s Corresponding end iterator to termlist_begin(). TermIterator Xapian::Database::termlist_end(Xapian::docid) const (RtDatabase_termlist_end(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj||S(s An iterator pointing to the start of the position list for a given term in a given document. PositionIterator Xapian::Database::positionlist_begin(Xapian::docid did, const std::string &tname) const (RtDatabase_positionlist_begin(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj||S(s Corresponding end iterator to positionlist_begin(). PositionIterator Xapian::Database::positionlist_end(Xapian::docid, const std::string &) const (RtDatabase_positionlist_end(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj||S(s An iterator which runs across all terms with a given prefix. TermIterator Xapian::Database::allterms_begin(const std::string &prefix) const This is functionally similar to getting an iterator with allterms_begin() and then calling skip_to(prefix) on that iterator to move to the start of the prefix, but is more convenient (because it detects the end of the prefixed terms), and may be more efficient than simply calling skip_to() after opening the iterator, particularly for remote databases. Parameters: ----------- prefix: The prefix to restrict the returned terms to. (RtDatabase_allterms_begin(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytallterms_beginscGstj||S(s Corresponding end iterator to allterms_begin(prefix). TermIterator Xapian::Database::allterms_end(const std::string &) const (RtDatabase_allterms_end(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt allterms_endscCs tj|S(s Get the number of documents in the database. Xapian::doccount Xapian::Database::get_doccount() const (RtDatabase_get_doccount(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_doccountscCs tj|S(s Get the highest document id which has been used in the database. Xapian::docid Xapian::Database::get_lastdocid() const (RtDatabase_get_lastdocid(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_lastdocidscCs tj|S(s Get the average length of the documents in the database. Xapian::doclength Xapian::Database::get_avlength() const (RtDatabase_get_avlength(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_avlengthscGstj||S(s Get the number of documents in the database indexed by a given term. Xapian::doccount Xapian::Database::get_termfreq(const std::string &tname) const (RtDatabase_get_termfreq(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR scGstj||S(s Check if a given term exists in the database. bool Xapian::Database::term_exists(const std::string &tname) const Parameters: ----------- tname: The term to test the existence of. true if and only if the term exists in the database. This is the same as (get_termfreq(tname) != 0), but will often be more efficient. (RtDatabase_term_exists(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt term_existsscGstj||S(s Return the total number of occurrences of the given term. Xapian::termcount Xapian::Database::get_collection_freq(const std::string &tname) const This is the sum of the number of occurrences of the term in each document it indexes: i.e., the sum of the within document frequencies of the term. Parameters: ----------- tname: The term whose collection frequency is being requested. (RtDatabase_get_collection_freq(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_collection_freq$scGstj||S(s Return the frequency of a given value slot. Xapian::doccount Xapian::Database::get_value_freq(Xapian::valueno slot) const This is the number of documents which have a (non-empty) value stored in the slot. Parameters: ----------- slot: The value slot to examine. Parameters: ----------- UnimplementedError: The frequency of the value isn't available for this database type. (RtDatabase_get_value_freq(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_value_freq6scGstj||S(s Get a lower bound on the values stored in the given value slot. std::string Xapian::Database::get_value_lower_bound(Xapian::valueno slot) const If there are no values stored in the given value slot, this will return an empty string. If the lower bound isn't available for the given database type, this will return the lowest possible bound - the empty string. Parameters: ----------- slot: The value slot to examine. (RtDatabase_get_value_lower_bound(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_value_lower_boundMscGstj||S(s Get an upper bound on the values stored in the given value slot. std::string Xapian::Database::get_value_upper_bound(Xapian::valueno slot) const If there are no values stored in the given value slot, this will return an empty string. Parameters: ----------- slot: The value slot to examine. Parameters: ----------- UnimplementedError: The upper bound of the values isn't available for this database type. (RtDatabase_get_value_upper_bound(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_value_upper_boundascCs tj|S(s Get a lower bound on the length of a document in this DB. Xapian::termcount Xapian::Database::get_doclength_lower_bound() const This bound does not include any zero-length documents. (Rt"Database_get_doclength_lower_bound(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_doclength_lower_boundxscCs tj|S(s Get an upper bound on the length of a document in this DB. Xapian::termcount Xapian::Database::get_doclength_upper_bound() const (Rt"Database_get_doclength_upper_bound(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_doclength_upper_boundscGstj||S(s Get an upper bound on the wdf of term term. Xapian::termcount Xapian::Database::get_wdf_upper_bound(const std::string &term) const (RtDatabase_get_wdf_upper_bound(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_wdf_upper_boundscGstj||S(s Return an iterator over the value in slot slot for each document. ValueIterator Xapian::Database::valuestream_begin(Xapian::valueno slot) const (RtDatabase_valuestream_begin(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytvaluestream_beginscGstj||S(s Return end iterator corresponding to valuestream_begin(). ValueIteratorEnd_ Xapian::Database::valuestream_end(Xapian::valueno) const (RtDatabase_valuestream_end(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytvaluestream_endscGstj||S(s Get the length of a document. Xapian::termcount Xapian::Database::get_doclength(Xapian::docid did) const (RtDatabase_get_doclength(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs tj|S(s Send a "keep-alive" to remote databases to stop them timing out. void Xapian::Database::keep_alive() Has no effect on non-remote databases. (RtDatabase_keep_alive(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt keep_alivescGstj||S(s Get a document from the database, given its document id. Xapian::Document Xapian::Database::get_document(Xapian::docid did) const This method returns a Xapian::Document object which provides the information about a document. Parameters: ----------- did: The document id of the document to retrieve. A Xapian::Document object containing the document data Parameters: ----------- Xapian::DocNotFoundError: The document specified could not be found in the database. Xapian::InvalidArgumentError: did was 0, which is not a valid document id. (RtDatabase_get_document(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRlscGstj||S(s Suggest a spelling correction. std::string Xapian::Database::get_spelling_suggestion(const std::string &word, unsigned max_edit_distance=2) const Parameters: ----------- word: The potentially misspelled word. max_edit_distance: Only consider words which are at most max_edit_distance edits from word. An edit is a character insertion, deletion, or the transposition of two adjacent characters (default is 2). (Rt Database_get_spelling_suggestion(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_spelling_suggestionscCs tj|S(sz An iterator which returns all the spelling correction targets. Xapian::TermIterator Xapian::Database::spellings_begin() const This returns all the words which are considered as targets for the spelling correction algorithm. The frequency of each word is available as the term frequency of each entry in the returned iterator. (RtDatabase_spellings_begin(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytspellings_begins cCs tj|S(s Corresponding end iterator to spellings_begin(). Xapian::TermIterator Xapian::Database::spellings_end() const (RtDatabase_spellings_end(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt spellings_endscGstj||S(s An iterator which returns all the synonyms for a given term. Xapian::TermIterator Xapian::Database::synonyms_begin(const std::string &term) const Parameters: ----------- term: The term to return synonyms for. (RtDatabase_synonyms_begin(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytsynonyms_begins cGstj||S(s Corresponding end iterator to synonyms_begin(term). Xapian::TermIterator Xapian::Database::synonyms_end(const std::string &) const (RtDatabase_synonyms_end(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt synonyms_end sR*cCstj||S(s8 An iterator which returns all terms which have synonyms. Xapian::TermIterator Xapian::Database::synonym_keys_begin(const std::string &prefix=std::string()) const Parameters: ----------- prefix: If non-empty, only terms with this prefix are returned. (RtDatabase_synonym_keys_begin(R tprefix((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytsynonym_keys_begins cCstj||S(s Corresponding end iterator to synonym_keys_begin(prefix). Xapian::TermIterator Xapian::Database::synonym_keys_end(const std::string &=std::string()) const (RtDatabase_synonym_keys_end(R RQ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytsynonym_keys_end!scGstj||S(sD Get the user-specified metadata associated with a given key. std::string Xapian::Database::get_metadata(const std::string &key) const User-specified metadata allows you to store arbitrary information in the form of (key,tag) pairs. See WritableDatabase::set_metadata() for more information. When invoked on a Xapian::Database object representing multiple databases, currently only the metadata for the first is considered but this behaviour may change in the future. If there is no piece of metadata associated with the specified key, an empty string is returned (this applies even for backends which don't support metadata). Empty keys are not valid, and specifying one will cause an exception. Parameters: ----------- key: The key of the metadata item to access. The retrieved metadata item's value. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::InvalidArgumentError: will be thrown if the key supplied is empty. (RtDatabase_get_metadata(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_metadata*s"cCstj||S(s An iterator which returns all user-specified metadata keys. Xapian::TermIterator Xapian::Database::metadata_keys_begin(const std::string &prefix=std::string()) const When invoked on a Xapian::Database object representing multiple databases, currently only the metadata for the first is considered but this behaviour may change in the future. If the backend doesn't support metadata, then this method returns an iterator which compares equal to that returned by metadata_keys_end(). Parameters: ----------- prefix: If non-empty, only keys with this prefix are returned. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::UnimplementedError: will be thrown if the backend implements user-specified metadata, but doesn't implement iterating its keys (currently this happens for the InMemory backend). (RtDatabase__metadata_keys_begin(R RQ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt_metadata_keys_beginNscCstj||S(s Corresponding end iterator to metadata_keys_begin(). Xapian::TermIterator Xapian::Database::metadata_keys_end(const std::string &=std::string()) const (RtDatabase__metadata_keys_end(R RQ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt_metadata_keys_endjscCs tj|S(s} Get a UUID for the database. std::string Xapian::Database::get_uuid() const The UUID will persist for the lifetime of the database. Replicas (eg, made with the replication protocol, or by copying all the database files) will have the same UUID. However, copies (made with copydatabase, or xapian-compact) will have different UUIDs. If the backend does not support UUIDs or this database has no subdatabases, the UUID will be empty. If this database has multiple sub-databases, the UUID string will contain the UUIDs of all the sub-databases. (RtDatabase_get_uuid(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_uuidsscCs tj|S(s| Does this database have any positional information? bool Xapian::Database::has_positions() const (RtDatabase_has_positions(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt has_positionss(4RR-RIR=RR/R+RRtdelete_DatabaseR?R;RRRRRRRRRR$R&R(R*R,RR/R1R3R5R7R9R;R=R?RARRDRlRGRIRKRMRORRRTRVRXRZR\R^(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR!s\     '                   $  tWritableDatabasecBseZdZeddddZeZejZ dZ dZ dZ e dZd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZRS(s? This class provides read/write access to a database. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Copying is allowed. Xapian::WritableDatabase::WritableDatabase(const WritableDatabase &other) The internals are reference counted, so copying is cheap. Parameters: ----------- other: The object to copy. N(RtWritableDatabase_swiginittnew_WritableDatabase(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;scCs tj|S(sX Commit any pending modifications made to the database. void Xapian::WritableDatabase::commit() For efficiency reasons, when performing multiple updates to a database it is best (indeed, almost essential) to make as many modifications as memory will permit in a single pass through the database. To ensure this, Xapian batches up modifications. This method may be called at any time to commit any pending modifications to the database. If any of the modifications fail, an exception will be thrown and the database will be left in a state in which each separate addition, replacement or deletion operation has either been fully performed or not performed at all: it is then up to the application to work out which operations need to be repeated. It's not valid to call commit() within a transaction. Beware of calling commit() too frequently: this will make indexing take much longer. Note that commit() need not be called explicitly: it will be called automatically when the database is closed, or when a sufficient number of modifications have been made. By default, this is every 10000 documents added, deleted, or modified. This value is rather conservative, and if you have a machine with plenty of memory, you can improve indexing throughput dramatically by setting XAPIAN_FLUSH_THRESHOLD in the environment to a larger value. This method was new in Xapian 1.1.0 - in earlier versions it was called flush(). Parameters: ----------- Xapian::DatabaseError: will be thrown if a problem occurs while modifying the database. Xapian::DatabaseCorruptError: will be thrown if the database is in a corrupt state. (RtWritableDatabase_commit(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytcommits-cCs tj|S(s Pre-1.1.0 name for commit(). void Xapian::WritableDatabase::flush() Use commit() instead in new code. This alias may be deprecated in the future. (RtWritableDatabase_flush(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytflushs cCstj||S(s Begin a transaction. void Xapian::WritableDatabase::begin_transaction(bool flushed=true) In Xapian a transaction is a group of modifications to the database which are linked such that either all will be applied simultaneously or none will be applied at all. Even in the case of a power failure, this characteristic should be preserved (as long as the filesystem isn't corrupted, etc). A transaction is started with begin_transaction() and can either be committed by calling commit_transaction() or aborted by calling cancel_transaction(). By default, a transaction implicitly calls commit() before and after so that the modifications stand and fall without affecting modifications before or after. The downside of these implicit calls to commit() is that small transactions can harm indexing performance in the same way that explicitly calling commit() frequently can. If you're applying atomic groups of changes and only wish to ensure that each group is either applied or not applied, then you can prevent the automatic commit() before and after the transaction by starting the transaction with begin_transaction(false). However, if cancel_transaction is called (or if commit_transaction isn't called before the WritableDatabase object is destroyed) then any changes which were pending before the transaction began will also be discarded. Transactions aren't currently supported by the InMemory backend. Parameters: ----------- flushed: Is this a flushed transaction? By default transactions are "flushed", which means that committing a transaction will ensure those changes are permanently written to the database. By contrast, unflushed transactions only ensure that changes within the transaction are either all applied or all aren't. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::UnimplementedError: will be thrown if transactions are not available for this database type. Xapian::InvalidOperationError: will be thrown if this is called at an invalid time, such as when a transaction is already in progress. (Rt"WritableDatabase_begin_transaction(R tflushed((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytbegin_transaction s5cCs tj|S(s& Complete the transaction currently in progress. void Xapian::WritableDatabase::commit_transaction() If this method completes successfully and this is a flushed transaction, all the database modifications made during the transaction will have been committed to the database. If an error occurs, an exception will be thrown, and none of the modifications made to the database during the transaction will have been applied to the database. In all cases the transaction will no longer be in progress. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::DatabaseError: will be thrown if a problem occurs while modifying the database. Xapian::DatabaseCorruptError: will be thrown if the database is in a corrupt state. Xapian::InvalidOperationError: will be thrown if a transaction is not currently in progress. Xapian::UnimplementedError: will be thrown if transactions are not available for this database type. (Rt#WritableDatabase_commit_transaction(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytcommit_transactionBscCs tj|S(s Abort the transaction currently in progress, discarding the pending modifications made to the database. void Xapian::WritableDatabase::cancel_transaction() If an error occurs in this method, an exception will be thrown, but the transaction will be cancelled anyway. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::DatabaseError: will be thrown if a problem occurs while modifying the database. Xapian::DatabaseCorruptError: will be thrown if the database is in a corrupt state. Xapian::InvalidOperationError: will be thrown if a transaction is not currently in progress. Xapian::UnimplementedError: will be thrown if transactions are not available for this database type. (Rt#WritableDatabase_cancel_transaction(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytcancel_transactioncscGstj||S(s> Add a new document to the database. Xapian::docid Xapian::WritableDatabase::add_document(const Xapian::Document &document) This method adds the specified document to the database, returning a newly allocated document ID. Automatically allocated document IDs come from a per-database monotonically increasing counter, so IDs from deleted documents won't be reused. If you want to specify the document ID to be used, you should call replace_document() instead. Note that changes to the database won't be immediately committed to disk; see commit() for more details. As with all database modification operations, the effect is atomic: the document will either be fully added, or the document fails to be added and an exception is thrown (possibly at a later time when commit() is called or the database is closed). Parameters: ----------- document: The new document to be added. The document ID of the newly added document. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::DatabaseError: will be thrown if a problem occurs while writing to the database. Xapian::DatabaseCorruptError: will be thrown if the database is in a corrupt state. (RtWritableDatabase_add_document(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR~s'cGstj||S(s Delete any documents indexed by a term from the database. void Xapian::WritableDatabase::delete_document(const std::string &unique_term) This method removes any documents indexed by the specified term from the database. A major use is for convenience when UIDs from another system are mapped to terms in Xapian, although this method has other uses (for example, you could add a "deletion date" term to documents at index time and use this method to delete all documents due for deletion on a particular date). Parameters: ----------- unique_term: The term to remove references to. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::DatabaseError: will be thrown if a problem occurs while writing to the database. Xapian::DatabaseCorruptError: will be thrown if the database is in a corrupt state. (Rt WritableDatabase_delete_document(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytdelete_documentscGstj||S(s] Replace any documents matching a term. Xapian::docid Xapian::WritableDatabase::replace_document(const std::string &unique_term, const Xapian::Document &document) This method replaces any documents indexed by the specified term with the specified document. If any documents are indexed by the term, the lowest document ID will be used for the document, otherwise a new document ID will be generated as for add_document. One common use is to allow UIDs from another system to easily be mapped to terms in Xapian. Note that this method doesn't automatically add unique_term as a term, so you'll need to call document.add_term(unique_term) first when using replace_document() in this way. Note that changes to the database won't be immediately committed to disk; see commit() for more details. As with all database modification operations, the effect is atomic: the document(s) will either be fully replaced, or the document(s) fail to be replaced and an exception is thrown (possibly at a later time when commit() is called or the database is closed). Parameters: ----------- unique_term: The "unique" term. document: The new document. The document ID that document was given. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::DatabaseError: will be thrown if a problem occurs while writing to the database. Xapian::DatabaseCorruptError: will be thrown if the database is in a corrupt state. (Rt!WritableDatabase_replace_document(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytreplace_documents,cGstj||S(s Add a word to the spelling dictionary. void Xapian::WritableDatabase::add_spelling(const std::string &word, Xapian::termcount freqinc=1) const If the word is already present, its frequency is increased. Parameters: ----------- word: The word to add. freqinc: How much to increase its frequency by (default 1). (RtWritableDatabase_add_spelling(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt add_spellingscGstj||S(s Remove a word from the spelling dictionary. void Xapian::WritableDatabase::remove_spelling(const std::string &word, Xapian::termcount freqdec=1) const The word's frequency is decreased, and if would become zero or less then the word is removed completely. Parameters: ----------- word: The word to remove. freqdec: How much to decrease its frequency by (default 1). (Rt WritableDatabase_remove_spelling(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytremove_spellingscGstj||S(sj Add a synonym for a term. void Xapian::WritableDatabase::add_synonym(const std::string &term, const std::string &synonym) const Parameters: ----------- term: The term to add a synonym for. synonym: The synonym to add. If this is already a synonym for term, then no action is taken. (RtWritableDatabase_add_synonym(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt add_synonymscGstj||S(s{ Remove a synonym for a term. void Xapian::WritableDatabase::remove_synonym(const std::string &term, const std::string &synonym) const Parameters: ----------- term: The term to remove a synonym for. synonym: The synonym to remove. If this isn't currently a synonym for term, then no action is taken. (RtWritableDatabase_remove_synonym(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytremove_synonym+scGstj||S(s' Remove all synonyms for a term. void Xapian::WritableDatabase::clear_synonyms(const std::string &term) const Parameters: ----------- term: The term to remove all synonyms for. If the term has no synonyms, no action is taken. (RtWritableDatabase_clear_synonyms(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytclear_synonyms<s cGstj||S(si Set the user-specified metadata associated with a given key. void Xapian::WritableDatabase::set_metadata(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) This method sets the metadata value associated with a given key. If there is already a metadata value stored in the database with the same key, the old value is replaced. If you want to delete an existing item of metadata, just set its value to the empty string. User-specified metadata allows you to store arbitrary information in the form of (key,tag) pairs. There's no hard limit on the number of metadata items, or the size of the metadata values. Metadata keys have a limited length, which depends on the backend. We recommend limiting them to 200 bytes. Empty keys are not valid, and specifying one will cause an exception. Metadata modifications are committed to disk in the same way as modifications to the documents in the database are: i.e., modifications are atomic, and won't be committed to disk immediately (see commit() for more details). This allows metadata to be used to link databases with versioned external resources by storing the appropriate version number in a metadata item. You can also use the metadata to store arbitrary extra information associated with terms, documents, or postings by encoding the termname and/or document id into the metadata key. Parameters: ----------- key: The key of the metadata item to set. value: The value of the metadata item to set. Parameters: ----------- Xapian::DatabaseError: will be thrown if a problem occurs while writing to the database. Xapian::DatabaseCorruptError: will be thrown if the database is in a corrupt state. Xapian::InvalidArgumentError: will be thrown if the key supplied is empty. Xapian::UnimplementedError: will be thrown if the database backend in use doesn't support user- specified metadata. (RtWritableDatabase_set_metadata(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt set_metadataKs5cCs tj|S(s Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::WritableDatabase::get_description() const (RtWritableDatabase___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs(RR-RIR=RR/R+Rtdelete_WritableDatabaseR?R;RdRftTrueRiRkRmRRpRrRtRvRxRzR|R~R(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR`s(   / 7 !  ) .      7cGs tj|S(s Construct a WritableDatabase object for a stub database file. WritableDatabase Xapian::Auto::open_stub(const std::string &file, int action) The stub database file must contain serialised parameters for exactly one database. Parameters: ----------- file: pathname of the stub database file. action: determines handling of existing/non-existing database: Xapian::DB_CREATE fail if database already exist, otherwise create new database. Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN open existing database, or create new database if none exists. Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE overwrite existing database, or create new database if none exists. Xapian::DB_OPEN open existing database, failing if none exists. (Rt open_stub(R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGs tj|S(s Construct a Database object for update access to a Brass database. WritableDatabase Xapian::Brass::open(const std::string &dir, int action, int block_size=8192) Parameters: ----------- dir: pathname of the directory containing the database. action: determines handling of existing/non-existing database: Xapian::DB_CREATE fail if database already exist, otherwise create new database. Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN open existing database, or create new database if none exists. Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE overwrite existing database, or create new database if none exists. Xapian::DB_OPEN open existing database, failing if none exists. block_size: the Btree blocksize to use (in bytes), which must be a power of two between 2048 and 65536 (inclusive). The default (also used if an invalid value if passed) is 8192 bytes. This parameter is ignored when opening an existing database. (Rt brass_open(R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGs tj|S(s Construct a Database object for update access to a Chert database. WritableDatabase Xapian::Chert::open(const std::string &dir, int action, int block_size=8192) Parameters: ----------- dir: pathname of the directory containing the database. action: determines handling of existing/non-existing database: Xapian::DB_CREATE fail if database already exist, otherwise create new database. Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN open existing database, or create new database if none exists. Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE overwrite existing database, or create new database if none exists. Xapian::DB_OPEN open existing database, failing if none exists. block_size: the Btree blocksize to use (in bytes), which must be a power of two between 2048 and 65536 (inclusive). The default (also used if an invalid value if passed) is 8192 bytes. This parameter is ignored when opening an existing database. (Rt chert_open(R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGs tj|S(s Construct a Database object for update access to a Flint database. WritableDatabase Xapian::Flint::open(const std::string &dir, int action, int block_size=8192) Parameters: ----------- dir: pathname of the directory containing the database. action: determines handling of existing/non-existing database: Xapian::DB_CREATE fail if database already exist, otherwise create new database. Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN open existing database, or create new database if none exists. Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE overwrite existing database, or create new database if none exists. Xapian::DB_OPEN open existing database, failing if none exists. block_size: the Btree blocksize to use (in bytes), which must be a power of two between 2048 and 65536 (inclusive). The default (also used if an invalid value if passed) is 8192 bytes. This parameter is ignored when opening an existing database. (Rt flint_open(R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs tjS(s Construct a WritableDatabase object for a new, empty InMemory database. WritableDatabase Xapian::InMemory::open() Only a writable InMemory database can be created, since a read-only one would always remain empty. (Rt inmemory_open(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs cGs tj|S(s Construct a Database object for read-only access to a remote database accessed via a program. Database Xapian::Remote::open(const std::string &program, const std::string &args, Xapian::timeout timeout=10000) Access to the remote database is done by running an external program and communicating with it on stdin/stdout. Parameters: ----------- program: the external program to run. args: space-separated list of arguments to pass to program. timeout: timeout in milliseconds. If this timeout is exceeded for any individual operation on the remote database then Xapian::NetworkTimeoutError is thrown. A timeout of 0 means don't timeout. (Default is 10000ms, which is 10 seconds). (Rt remote_open(R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR'scGs tj|S(s Construct a WritableDatabase object for update access to a remote database accessed via a program. WritableDatabase Xapian::Remote::open_writable(const std::string &program, const std::string &args, Xapian::timeout timeout=0) Access to the remote database is done by running an external program and communicating with it on stdin/stdout. Parameters: ----------- program: the external program to run. args: space-separated list of arguments to pass to program. timeout: timeout in milliseconds. If this timeout is exceeded for any individual operation on the remote database then Xapian::NetworkTimeoutError is thrown. (Default is 0, which means don't timeout). (Rtremote_open_writable(R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR@stQuerycBseZdZeddddZeZejZ ej Z ej Z ejZejZejZejZejZejZejZejZejZej Z!ej"Z#ej$Z%dZ&dZ'dZ(dZ)d Z*e+ej,Z-d Z.d Z/RS( sY Class representing a query. Queries are represented as a tree of objects. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR^scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR^sR8sThe membership flagcCs tj|S(s Get the length of the query, used by some ranking formulae. Xapian::termcount Xapian::Query::get_length() const This value is calculated automatically - if you want to override it you can pass a different value to Enquire::set_query(). (RtQuery_get_length(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_lengthos cCs tj|S(s@ Return a Xapian::TermIterator returning all the terms in the query, in order of termpos. TermIterator Xapian::Query::get_terms_begin() const If multiple terms have the same term position, their order is unspecified. Duplicates (same term and termpos) will be removed. (RtQuery_get_terms_begin(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_terms_beginzs cCs tj|S(s Return a Xapian::TermIterator to the end of the list of terms in the query. TermIterator Xapian::Query::get_terms_end() const (RtQuery_get_terms_end(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_terms_endscCs tj|S(s Test if the query is empty (i.e. bool Xapian::Query::empty() const was constructed using the default ctor or with an empty iterator ctor). (Rt Query_empty(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR[s cCs tj|S(sI Serialise query into a string. std::string Xapian::Query::serialise() const The query representation may change between Xapian releases: even between minor versions. However, it is guaranteed not to change unless the remote database protocol has also changed between releases. (RtQuery_serialise(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs cCs tj|S(sv Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::Query::get_description() const (Rt Query___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj|tj|dS(s9 Construct an external source query. Xapian::Query::Query(Xapian::PostingSource *external_source) An attempt to clone the posting source will be made immediately, so if the posting source supports clone(), the source supplied may be safely deallocated after this call. If the source does not support clone(), the caller must ensure that the posting source remains valid until the Query is deallocated. Parameters: ----------- external_source: The source to use in the query. N(RtQuery_swiginitt new_Query(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s(0RR-RIR=RR/R+Rt Query_OP_ANDtOP_ANDt Query_OP_ORtOP_ORtQuery_OP_AND_NOTt OP_AND_NOTt Query_OP_XORtOP_XORtQuery_OP_AND_MAYBEt OP_AND_MAYBEtQuery_OP_FILTERt OP_FILTERt Query_OP_NEARtOP_NEARtQuery_OP_PHRASEt OP_PHRASEtQuery_OP_VALUE_RANGEtOP_VALUE_RANGEtQuery_OP_SCALE_WEIGHTtOP_SCALE_WEIGHTtQuery_OP_ELITE_SETt OP_ELITE_SETtQuery_OP_VALUE_GEt OP_VALUE_GEtQuery_OP_VALUE_LEt OP_VALUE_LEtQuery_OP_SYNONYMt OP_SYNONYMt delete_QueryR?RRRR[RRtQuery_unserialiseRRR;(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRXs4                 cGs tj|S(N(RR(R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRstStoppercBsSeZdZeddddZeZejZ dZ dZ dZ RS(s5 Base class for stop-word decision functor. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcCs tj|S(s Return a string describing this object. virtual std::string Xapian::Stopper::get_description() const (RtStopper___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs;|jtkrd}n|}tj|tj|dS(N(R,RR RtStopper_swiginitt new_Stopper(R R((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s cCs$|jjtj|t|S(N(RRRtdisown_StopperR(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR s  ( RR-RIR=RR/R+Rtdelete_StopperR?RR;R (((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs   t SimpleStoppercBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZdZe j Z RS(sN Simple implementation of Stopper class - this will suit most users. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcCstj|tjdS(s Initialise from a pair of iterators. Xapian::SimpleStopper::SimpleStopper(Iterator begin, Iterator end) N(RtSimpleStopper_swiginittnew_SimpleStopper(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;scGstj||S(sl Add a single stop word. void Xapian::SimpleStopper::add(const std::string &word) (RtSimpleStopper_add(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytadds( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;RRtdelete_SimpleStopperR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs   tValueRangeProcessorcBsJeZdZeddddZeZejZ dZ dZ RS(s1 Base class for value range processors. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR sR8sThe membership flagcCs;|jtkrd}n|}tj|tj|dS(N(R,RR RtValueRangeProcessor_swiginittnew_ValueRangeProcessor(R R((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR; s cCs$|jjtj|t|S(N(RRRtdisown_ValueRangeProcessorR(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR s  ( RR-RIR=RR/R+Rtdelete_ValueRangeProcessorR?R;R (((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs   tStringValueRangeProcessorcBsAeZdZeddddZeZdZej Z RS(sI Handle a string range. The end points can be any strings. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR!scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR!sR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Constructor. Xapian::StringValueRangeProcessor::StringValueRangeProcessor(Xapian::valueno slot_, const std::string &str_, bool prefix_=true) Parameters: ----------- slot_: The value number to return from operator(). str_: A string to look for to recognise values as belonging to this range. prefix_: Flag specifying whether to check for str_ as a prefix or a suffix. N(Rt"StringValueRangeProcessor_swiginittnew_StringValueRangeProcessor(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;#s( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rt delete_StringValueRangeProcessorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs  tDateValueRangeProcessorcBsAeZdZeddddZeZdZej Z RS(sX Handle a date range. Begin and end must be dates in a recognised format. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR@scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR@sR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Constructor. Xapian::DateValueRangeProcessor::DateValueRangeProcessor(Xapian::valueno slot_, const char *str_, bool prefix_=true, bool prefer_mdy_=false, int epoch_year_=1970) This is like the previous version, but with const char * instead of std::string - we need this overload as otherwise DateValueRangeProcessor(1, "date:") quietly interprets the second argument as a boolean in preference to std::string. If you want to be compatible with 1.2.12 and earlier, then explicitly convert to std::string, i.e.: DateValueRangeProcessor(1, std::string("date:")) Parameters: ----------- slot_: The value number to return from operator(). str_: A string to look for to recognise values as belonging to this date range. prefix_: Whether to look for the string at the start or end of the values. If true, the string is a prefix; if false, the string is a suffix (default: true). prefer_mdy_: Should ambiguous dates be interpreted as month/day/year rather than day/month/year? (default: false) epoch_year_: Year to use as the epoch for dates with 2 digit years (default: 1970, so 1/1/69 is 2069 while 1/1/70 is 1970). The string supplied in str_ is used by operator() to decide whether the pair of strings supplied to it constitute a valid range. If prefix_ is true, the first value in a range must begin with str_ (and the second value may optionally begin with str_); if prefix_ is false, the second value in a range must end with str_ (and the first value may optionally end with str_). If str_ is empty, the setting of prefix_ is irrelevant, and no special strings are required at the start or end of the strings defining the range. The remainder of both strings defining the endpoints must be valid dates. For example, if str_ is "created:" and prefix_ is true, and the range processor has been added to the queryparser, the queryparser will accept "created:1/1/2000..31/12/2001". N(Rt DateValueRangeProcessor_swiginittnew_DateValueRangeProcessor(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;Bs3( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_DateValueRangeProcessorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR:s  4tNumberValueRangeProcessorcBsAeZdZeddddZeZdZej Z RS(s Handle a number range. This class must be used on values which have been encoded using Xapian::sortable_serialise() which turns numbers into strings which will sort in the same order as the numbers (the same values can be used to implement a numeric sort). cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Constructor. Xapian::NumberValueRangeProcessor::NumberValueRangeProcessor(Xapian::valueno slot_, const std::string &str_, bool prefix_=true) Parameters: ----------- slot_: The value number to return from operator(). str_: A string to look for to recognise values as belonging to this numeric range. prefix_: Whether to look for the string at the start or end of the values. If true, the string is a prefix; if false, the string is a suffix (default: true). The string supplied in str_ is used by operator() to decide whether the pair of strings supplied to it constitute a valid range. If prefix_ is true, the first value in a range must begin with str_ (and the second value may optionally begin with str_); if prefix_ is false, the second value in a range must end with str_ (and the first value may optionally end with str_). If str_ is empty, the setting of prefix_ is irrelevant, and no special strings are required at the start or end of the strings defining the range. The remainder of both strings defining the endpoints must be valid floating point numbers. (FIXME: define format recognised). For example, if str_ is "$" and prefix_ is true, and the range processor has been added to the queryparser, the queryparser will accept "$10..50" or "$10..$50", but not "10..50" or "10..$50" as valid ranges. If str_ is "kg" and prefix_ is false, the queryparser will accept "10..50kg" or "10kg..50kg", but not "10..50" or "10kg..50" as valid ranges. N(Rt"NumberValueRangeProcessor_swiginittnew_NumberValueRangeProcessor(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s(( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rt delete_NumberValueRangeProcessorR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRzs  )t QueryParsercBsmeZdZeddddZeZejZ ej Z ej Z ejZejZejZejZejZejZejZejZejZej Z!ej"Z#ej$Z%ej&Z'dZ(ej)Z*dZ+dZ,ddZ.d Z/d Z0d Z1d Z2d Z3dZ4dZ5dZ6dZ7dZ8dZ9dZ:dZ;dZ<RS(sA Build a Xapian::Query object from a user query string. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcCstj|tjdS(sS Default constructor. Xapian::QueryParser::QueryParser() N(RtQueryParser_swiginittnew_QueryParser(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;scGstj||S(sV Set the stemmer. void Xapian::QueryParser::set_stemmer(const Xapian::Stem &stemmer) This sets the stemming algorithm which will be used by the query parser. Note that the stemming algorithm will only be used according to the stemming strategy set by set_stemming_strategy(), which defaults to STEM_NONE. Therefore, to use a stemming algorithm, you will also need to call set_stemming_strategy() with a value other than STEM_NONE. Parameters: ----------- stemmer: The Xapian::Stem object to set. (RtQueryParser_set_stemmer(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt set_stemmerscGstj||S(sA Set the stemming strategy. void Xapian::QueryParser::set_stemming_strategy(stem_strategy strategy) This controls how the query parser will apply the stemming algorithm. Note that the stemming algorithm is only applied to words in probabilistic fields - boolean filter terms are never stemmed. Parameters: ----------- strategy: The strategy to use - possible values are: STEM_NONE: Don't perform any stemming. (default in Xapian <= 1.3.0) STEM_SOME: Search for stemmed forms of terms except for those which start with a capital letter, or are followed by certain characters (currently: (/@<>=*[{" ), or are used with operators which need positional information. Stemmed terms are prefixed with 'Z'. (default in Xapian >= 1.3.1) STEM_ALL: Search for stemmed forms of all words (note: no 'Z' prefix is added). STEM_ALL_Z: Search for stemmed forms of all words (note: 'Z' prefix is added). (new in Xapian 1.2.11 and 1.3.1) (Rt!QueryParser_set_stemming_strategy(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_stemming_strategyscCstj||S(s Set the stopper. void Xapian::QueryParser::set_stopper(const Stopper *stop=NULL) Parameters: ----------- stop: The Stopper object to set (default NULL, which means no stopwords). (RtQueryParser_set_stopper(R tstop((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt set_stoppers cGstj||S(s Set the default operator. void Xapian::QueryParser::set_default_op(Query::op default_op) Parameters: ----------- default_op: The operator to use to combine non-filter query items when no explicit operator is used. The most useful values for this are OP_OR (the default) and OP_AND. OP_NEAR and OP_PHRASE can also be useful. So for example, 'weather forecast' is parsed as if it were 'weather OR forecast' by default. (RtQueryParser_set_default_op(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_default_opscCs tj|S(ss Get the current default operator. Query::op Xapian::QueryParser::get_default_op() const (RtQueryParser_get_default_op(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_default_op%scGstj||S(s Specify the database being searched. void Xapian::QueryParser::set_database(const Database &db) Parameters: ----------- db: The database to use for wildcard expansion (FLAG_WILDCARD and FLAG_PARTIAL), spelling correction (FLAG_SPELLING_CORRECTION), and synonyms (FLAG_SYNONYM, FLAG_AUTO_SYNONYMS, and FLAG_AUTO_MULTIWORD_SYNONYMS). (RtQueryParser_set_database(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt set_database-scGstj||S(s Specify the maximum expansion of a wildcard term. void Xapian::QueryParser::set_max_wildcard_expansion(Xapian::termcount limit) Note: you must also set FLAG_WILDCARD for wildcard expansion to happen. Parameters: ----------- limit: The maximum number of terms each wildcard in the query can expand to, or 0 for no limit (which is the default). (Rt&QueryParser_set_max_wildcard_expansion(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_max_wildcard_expansion=scGstj||S(sR Parse a query. Query Xapian::QueryParser::parse_query(const std::string &query_string, unsigned flags=FLAG_DEFAULT, const std::string &default_prefix=std::string()) Parameters: ----------- query_string: A free-text query as entered by a user flags: Zero or more Query::feature_flag specifying what features the QueryParser should support. Combine multiple values with bitwise-or (|) (default FLAG_DEFAULT). default_prefix: The default term prefix to use (default none). For example, you can pass "A" when parsing an "Author" field. Parameters: ----------- If: the query string can't be parsed, then Xapian::QueryParserError is thrown. You can get an English error message to report to the user by catching it and calling get_msg() on the caught exception. The current possible values (in case you want to translate them) are: @li Unknown range operation @li parse error @li Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> @li Syntax: <expression> AND NOT <expression> @li Syntax: <expression> NOT <expression> @li Syntax: <expression> OR <expression> @li Syntax: <expression> XOR <expression> (RtQueryParser_parse_query(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt parse_queryOs"cGstj||S(s Add a probabilistic term prefix. void Xapian::QueryParser::add_prefix(const std::string &field, const std::string &prefix) For example: This allows the user to search for author:Orwell which will be converted to a search for the term "Aorwell". Multiple fields can be mapped to the same prefix. For example, you can make title: and subject: aliases for each other. As of 1.0.4, you can call this method multiple times with the same value of field to allow a single field to be mapped to multiple prefixes. Multiple terms being generated for such a field, and combined with Xapian::Query::OP_OR. If any prefixes are specified for the empty field name (i.e. you call this method with an empty string as the first parameter) these prefixes will be used for terms without a field specifier. If you do this and also specify the default_prefix parameter to parse_query(), then the default_prefix parameter will override. If the prefix parameter is empty, then "field:word" will produce the term "word" (and this can be one of several prefixes for a particular field, or for terms without a field specifier). If you call add_prefix() and add_boolean_prefix() for the same value of field, a Xapian::InvalidOperationError exception will be thrown. In 1.0.3 and earlier, subsequent calls to this method with the same value of field had no effect. Parameters: ----------- field: The user visible field name prefix: The term prefix to map this to (RtQueryParser_add_prefix(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt add_prefixss+cGstj||S(s void Xapian::QueryParser::add_boolean_prefix(const std::string &field, const std::string &prefix) (RtQueryParser_add_boolean_prefix(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytadd_boolean_prefixscCs tj|S(s Iterate over terms omitted from the query as stopwords. TermIterator Xapian::QueryParser::stoplist_begin() const (RtQueryParser_stoplist_begin(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytstoplist_beginscCs tj|S(s7TermIterator Xapian::QueryParser::stoplist_end() const (RtQueryParser_stoplist_end(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt stoplist_endscGstj||S(s Iterate over unstemmed forms of the given (stemmed) term used in the query. TermIterator Xapian::QueryParser::unstem_begin(const std::string &term) const (RtQueryParser_unstem_begin(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt unstem_beginscGstj||S(sb TermIterator Xapian::QueryParser::unstem_end(const std::string &) const (RtQueryParser_unstem_end(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt unstem_endscGstj||S(s Register a ValueRangeProcessor. void Xapian::QueryParser::add_valuerangeprocessor(Xapian::ValueRangeProcessor *vrproc) (Rt#QueryParser_add_valuerangeprocessor(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytadd_valuerangeprocessorscCs tj|S(sM Get the spelling-corrected query string. std::string Xapian::QueryParser::get_corrected_query_string() const This will only be set if FLAG_SPELLING_CORRECTION is specified when QueryParser::parse_query() was last called. If there were no corrections, an empty string is returned. (Rt&QueryParser_get_corrected_query_string(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytget_corrected_query_strings cCs tj|S(s| Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::QueryParser::get_description() const (RtQueryParser___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsN(=RR-RIR=RR/R+RtQueryParser_FLAG_BOOLEANt FLAG_BOOLEANtQueryParser_FLAG_PHRASEt FLAG_PHRASEtQueryParser_FLAG_LOVEHATEt FLAG_LOVEHATEt!QueryParser_FLAG_BOOLEAN_ANY_CASEtFLAG_BOOLEAN_ANY_CASEtQueryParser_FLAG_WILDCARDt FLAG_WILDCARDtQueryParser_FLAG_PURE_NOTt FLAG_PURE_NOTtQueryParser_FLAG_PARTIALt FLAG_PARTIALt$QueryParser_FLAG_SPELLING_CORRECTIONtFLAG_SPELLING_CORRECTIONtQueryParser_FLAG_SYNONYMt FLAG_SYNONYMtQueryParser_FLAG_AUTO_SYNONYMStFLAG_AUTO_SYNONYMSt(QueryParser_FLAG_AUTO_MULTIWORD_SYNONYMStFLAG_AUTO_MULTIWORD_SYNONYMStQueryParser_FLAG_DEFAULTt FLAG_DEFAULTtQueryParser_STEM_NONEt STEM_NONEtQueryParser_STEM_SOMEt STEM_SOMEtQueryParser_STEM_ALLtSTEM_ALLtQueryParser_STEM_ALL_Zt STEM_ALL_ZR;tdelete_QueryParserR?RRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsL                          $ -     cGs tj|S(N(Rtsortable_serialise(R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGs tj|S(N(Rtsortable_unserialise(R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRstStemImplementationcBsSeZdZeddddZeZejZ dZ dZ dZ RS(sB Class representing a stemming algorithm implementation. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcCs tj|S(s Return a string describing this object. virtual std::string Xapian::StemImplementation::get_description() const =0 (RtStemImplementation___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs;|jtkrd}n|}tj|tj|dS(N(R,RR RtStemImplementation_swiginittnew_StemImplementation(R R((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s cCs$|jjtj|t|S(N(RRRtdisown_StemImplementationR(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR s  ( RR-RIR=RR/R+Rtdelete_StemImplementationR?RR;R (((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs  tStemcBsYeZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ e ej ZRS(s3 Class representing a stemming algorithm. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR#scCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR#sR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(sq Construct a Xapian::Stem object with a user-provided stemming algorithm. Xapian::Stem::Stem(StemImplementation *p) You can subclass Xapian::StemImplementation to implement your own stemming algorithm (or to wrap a third-party algorithm) and then wrap your implementation in a Xapian::Stem object to pass to the Xapian API. Parameters: ----------- p: The user-subclassed StemImplementation object. This is reference counted, and so will be automatically deleted by the Xapian::Stem wrapper when no longer required. N(Rt Stem_swiginittnew_Stem(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;%scCs tj|S(su Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::Stem::get_description() const (Rt Stem___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR:s(RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rt delete_StemR?RRtStem_get_available_languagestget_available_languages(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs   cCs tjS(N(RR#(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR#Hst TermGeneratorcBseZdZeddddZeZdZej Z dZ ddZ dZd Zd ZejZejZejZejZejZd Zd Zd ZdZdZddZ dZ!dZ"dZ#RS(s# Parses a piece of text and generate terms. This module takes a piece of text and parses it to produce words which are then used to generate suitable terms for indexing. The terms generated are suitable for use with Query objects produced by the QueryParser class. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRUscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRUsR8sThe membership flagcCstj|tjdS(sW Default constructor. Xapian::TermGenerator::TermGenerator() N(RtTermGenerator_swiginittnew_TermGenerator(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;WscGstj||S(s Set the Xapian::Stem object to be used for generating stemmed terms. void Xapian::TermGenerator::set_stemmer(const Xapian::Stem &stemmer) (RtTermGenerator_set_stemmer(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR_scCstj||S(s Set the Xapian::Stopper object to be used for identifying stopwords. void Xapian::TermGenerator::set_stopper(const Xapian::Stopper *stop=NULL) Stemmed forms of stopwords aren't indexed, but unstemmed forms still are so that searches for phrases including stop words still work. Parameters: ----------- stop: The Stopper object to set (default NULL, which means no stopwords). (RtTermGenerator_set_stopper(R R((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRhscGstj||S(s{ Set the current document. void Xapian::TermGenerator::set_document(const Xapian::Document &doc) (RtTermGenerator_set_document(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt set_documentzscCs tj|S(sy Get the current document. const Xapian::Document& Xapian::TermGenerator::get_document() const (RtTermGenerator_get_document(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRlscGstj||S(s Set the database to index spelling data to. void Xapian::TermGenerator::set_database(const Xapian::WritableDatabase &db) (RtTermGenerator_set_database(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj||S(s Set flags. flags Xapian::TermGenerator::set_flags(flags toggle, flags mask=flags(0)) The new value of flags is: (flags & mask) ^ toggle To just set the flags, pass the new flags in toggle and the default value for mask. Parameters: ----------- toggle: Flags to XOR. mask: Flags to AND with first. The old flags setting. (RtTermGenerator_set_flags(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt set_flagsscGstj||S(s Set the stemming strategy. void Xapian::TermGenerator::set_stemming_strategy(stem_strategy strategy) This method controls how the stemming algorithm is applied. It was new in Xapian 1.3.1. Parameters: ----------- strategy: The strategy to use - possible values are: STEM_NONE: Don't perform any stemming - only unstemmed terms are generated. STEM_SOME: Generate both stemmed (with a "Z" prefix) and unstemmed terms. This is the default strategy. STEM_ALL: Generate only stemmed terms (but without a "Z" prefix). STEM_ALL_Z: Generate only stemmed terms (with a "Z" prefix). (Rt#TermGenerator_set_stemming_strategy(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscGstj||S(s Set the maximum length word to index. void Xapian::TermGenerator::set_max_word_length(unsigned max_word_length) The limit is on the length of a word prior to stemming and prior to adding any term prefix. The backends mostly impose a limit on the length of terms (often of about 240 bytes), but it's generally useful to have a lower limit to help prevent the index being bloated by useless junk terms from trying to indexing things like binary data, uuencoded data, ASCII art, etc. This method was new in Xapian 1.3.1. Parameters: ----------- max_word_length: The maximum length word to index, in bytes in UTF-8 representation. Default is 64. (Rt!TermGenerator_set_max_word_length(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_max_word_lengthscGstj||S(s Index some text in a std::string. void Xapian::TermGenerator::index_text(const std::string &text, Xapian::termcount wdf_inc=1, const std::string &prefix=std::string()) Parameters: ----------- text: The text to index. wdf_inc: The wdf increment (default 1). prefix: The term prefix to use (default is no prefix). (RtTermGenerator_index_text(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt index_textscGstj||S(s Index some text in a std::string without positional information. void Xapian::TermGenerator::index_text_without_positions(const std::string &text, Xapian::termcount wdf_inc=1, const std::string &prefix=std::string()) Just like index_text, but no positional information is generated. This means that the database will be significantly smaller, but that phrase searching and NEAR won't be supported. Parameters: ----------- text: The text to index. wdf_inc: The wdf increment (default 1). prefix: The term prefix to use (default is no prefix). (Rt*TermGenerator_index_text_without_positions(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytindex_text_without_positionssidcCstj||S(s Increase the term position used by index_text. void Xapian::TermGenerator::increase_termpos(Xapian::termcount delta=100) This can be used between indexing text from different fields or other places to prevent phrase searches from spanning between them (e.g. between the title and body text, or between two chapters in a book). Parameters: ----------- delta: Amount to increase the term position by (default: 100). (RtTermGenerator_increase_termpos(R tdelta((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytincrease_termpos scCs tj|S(sw Get the current term position. Xapian::termcount Xapian::TermGenerator::get_termpos() const (RtTermGenerator_get_termpos(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt get_termposscGstj||S(s Set the current term position. void Xapian::TermGenerator::set_termpos(Xapian::termcount termpos) Parameters: ----------- termpos: The new term position to set. (RtTermGenerator_set_termpos(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt set_termpos%s cCs tj|S(s~ Return a string describing this object. std::string Xapian::TermGenerator::get_description() const (RtTermGenerator___str__(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR2sN($RR-RIR=RR/R+R;Rtdelete_TermGeneratorR?RR RR+RlRtTermGenerator_FLAG_SPELLINGt FLAG_SPELLINGtTermGenerator_STEM_NONERtTermGenerator_STEM_SOMERtTermGenerator_STEM_ALLRtTermGenerator_STEM_ALL_ZRR/RR2R4R6R9R;R=R(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR%Ls0                 tKeyMakercBsJeZdZeddddZeZejZ dZ dZ RS(s6 Virtual base class for key making functors. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyROscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyROsR8sThe membership flagcCs;|jtkrd}n|}tj|tj|dS(N(R,RFR RtKeyMaker_swiginitt new_KeyMaker(R R((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;Rs cCs$|jjtj|t|S(N(RRRtdisown_KeyMakerR(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR Xs  ( RR-RIR=RR/R+Rtdelete_KeyMakerR?R;R (((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRFKs   tMultiValueKeyMakercBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZdZe j Z RS(sc KeyMaker subclass which combines several values. When the result is used for sorting, results are ordered by the first value. In the event of a tie, the second is used. If this is the same for both, the third is used, and so on. If reverse is true for a value, then the sort order for that value is reversed. When used for collapsing, the documents will only be considered equal if all the values specified match. If none of the specified values are set then the generated key will be empty, so such documents won't be collapsed (which is consistent with the behaviour in the "collapse on a value" case). If you'd prefer that documents with none of the keys set are collapsed together, then you can set reverse for at least one of the values. Other than this, it isn't useful to set reverse for collapsing. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRrscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRrsR8sThe membership flagcCstj|tjdS(sg Xapian::MultiValueKeyMaker::MultiValueKeyMaker(Iterator begin, Iterator end) N(RtMultiValueKeyMaker_swiginittnew_MultiValueKeyMaker(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;tscGstj||S(sw void Xapian::MultiValueKeyMaker::add_value(Xapian::valueno slot, bool reverse=false) (RtMultiValueKeyMaker_add_value(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRzs( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;RRtdelete_MultiValueKeyMakerR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRK`s   tSortercBsAeZdZeddddZdZeZej Z RS(s1 Virtual base class for sorter functor. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcOstddS(Ns*No constructor defined - class is abstract(R(R R9R:((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s( RR-RIR=RR;R/R+Rt delete_SorterR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRPs  tMultiValueSortercBsJeZdZeddddZeZdZdZe j Z RS(sd Sorter subclass which sorts by a several values. Results are ordered by the first value. In the event of a tie, the second is used. If this is the same for both, the third is used, and so on. Deprecated This class is deprecated - you should migrate to using MultiValueKeyMaker instead. Note that MultiValueSorter::add() becomes MultiValueKeyMaker::add_value(), but the sense of the direction flag is reversed (to be consistent with Enquire::set_sort_by_value()). So: MultiValueSorter sorter; // Primary ordering is forwards on value 4. sorter.add(4); // Secondary ordering is reverse on value 5. sorter.add(5, false); becomes: MultiValueKeyMaker sorter; // Primary ordering is forwards on value 4. sorter.add_value(4); // Secondary ordering is reverse on value 5. sorter.add_value(5, true); cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcCstj|tjdS(sc Xapian::MultiValueSorter::MultiValueSorter(Iterator begin, Iterator end) N(RtMultiValueSorter_swiginittnew_MultiValueSorter(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;scGstj||S(sf void Xapian::MultiValueSorter::add(Xapian::valueno slot, bool forward=true) (RtMultiValueSorter_add(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;RRtdelete_MultiValueSorterR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRRs   tValueSetMatchDecidercBsSeZdZeddddZeZdZdZdZ e j Z RS(sj MatchDecider filtering results based on whether document values are in a user- defined set. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcGstj|tj|dS(s Construct a ValueSetMatchDecider. Xapian::ValueSetMatchDecider::ValueSetMatchDecider(Xapian::valueno slot, bool inclusive_) Parameters: ----------- slot: The value slot number to look in. inclusive_: If true, match decider accepts documents which have a value in the specified slot which is a member of the test set; if false, match decider accepts documents which do not have a value in the specified slot. N(RtValueSetMatchDecider_swiginittnew_ValueSetMatchDecider(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;scGstj||S(s Add a value to the test set. void Xapian::ValueSetMatchDecider::add_value(const std::string &value) Parameters: ----------- value: The value to add to the test set. (RtValueSetMatchDecider_add_value(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs cGstj||S(s Remove a value from the test set. void Xapian::ValueSetMatchDecider::remove_value(const std::string &value) Parameters: ----------- value: The value to remove from the test set. (Rt!ValueSetMatchDecider_remove_value(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs ( RR-RIR=RR/R+R;RRRtdelete_ValueSetMatchDeciderR?(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRWs  t CompactorcBseZdZeddddZeZejZ ej Z ej Z dZejZdZdZdZd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZdZdZRS(s< Compact a database, or merge and compact several. cCs |jjS(N(RR(R5((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRscCs|jj|S(N(RR(R5R7((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRsR8sThe membership flagcCs;|jtkrd}n|}tj|tj|dS(sXapian::Compactor::Compactor() N(R,R]R RtCompactor_swiginitt new_Compactor(R R((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s cGstj||S(s Set the block size to use for tables in the output database. void Xapian::Compactor::set_block_size(size_t block_size) Parameters: ----------- block_size: The block size to use. Valid block sizes are currently powers of two between 2048 and 65536, with the default being 8192, but the valid sizes and default may change in the future. (RtCompactor_set_block_size(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_block_sizes cGstj||S(sf Set whether to preserve existing document id values. void Xapian::Compactor::set_renumber(bool renumber) Parameters: ----------- renumber: The default is true, which means that document ids will be renumbered - currently by applying the same offset to all the document ids in a particular source database. If false, then the document ids must be unique over all source databases. Currently the ranges of document ids in each source must not overlap either, though this restriction may be removed in the future. (RtCompactor_set_renumber(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt set_renumberscGstj||S(s Set whether to merge postlists in multiple passes. void Xapian::Compactor::set_multipass(bool multipass) Parameters: ----------- multipass: If true and merging more than 3 databases, merge the postlists in multiple passes, which is generally faster but requires more disk space for temporary files. By default we don't do this. (RtCompactor_set_multipass(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt set_multipass)s cGstj||S(s Set the compaction level. void Xapian::Compactor::set_compaction_level(compaction_level compaction) Parameters: ----------- compaction: Available values are: - Xapian::Compactor::STANDARD - Don't split items unnecessarily. - Xapian::Compactor::FULL - Split items whenever it saves space (the default). - Xapian::Compactor::FULLER - Allow oversize items to save more space (not recommended if you ever plan to update the compacted database). (RtCompactor_set_compaction_level(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytset_compaction_level8scGstj||S(s Set where to write the output. void Xapian::Compactor::set_destdir(const std::string &destdir) Parameters: ----------- destdir: Output path. This can be the same as an input if that input is a stub database (in which case the database(s) listed in the stub will be compacted to a new database and then the stub will be atomically updated to point to this new database). (RtCompactor_set_destdir(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt set_destdirKscGstj||S(s Add a source database. void Xapian::Compactor::add_source(const std::string &srcdir) Parameters: ----------- srcdir: The path to the source database to add. (RtCompactor_add_source(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt add_source[s cCs tj|S(sn Perform the actual compaction/merging operation. void Xapian::Compactor::compact() (RtCompactor_compact(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytcompacthscGstj||S(s Update progress. virtual void Xapian::Compactor::set_status(const std::string &table, const std::string &status) Subclass this method if you want to get progress updates during compaction. This is called for each table first with empty status, And then one or more times with non-empty status. The default implementation does nothing. Parameters: ----------- table: The table currently being compacted. status: A status message. (RtCompactor_set_status(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt set_statuspscGstj||S(sk Resolve multiple user metadata entries with the same key. virtual std::string Xapian::Compactor::resolve_duplicate_metadata(const std::string &key, size_t num_tags, const std::string tags[]) When merging, if the same user metadata key is set in more than one input, then this method is called to allow this to be resolving in an appropriate way. The default implementation just returns tags[0]. For multipass this will currently get called multiple times for the same key if there are duplicates to resolve in each pass, but this may change in the future. Parameters: ----------- key: The metadata key with duplicate entries. num_tags: How many tags there are. tags: An array of num_tags strings containing the tags to merge. (Rt$Compactor_resolve_duplicate_metadata(R R9((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pytresolve_duplicate_metadatascCs$|jjtj|t|S(N(RRRtdisown_CompactorR(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR s  (RR-RIR=RR/R+RtCompactor_STANDARDtSTANDARDtCompactor_FULLtFULLtCompactor_FULLERtFULLERR;tdelete_CompactorR?RaRcReRgRiRkRmRoRqR (((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR]s$             srestructuredtext entMSetItemc Bs8eZdZdZd Zd Zeed d ZRS(sRAn item returned from iteration of the MSet. The item supports access to the following attributes and properties: - `docid`: The Xapian document ID corresponding to this MSet item. - `weight`: The weight corresponding to this MSet item. - `rank`: The rank of this MSet item. The rank is the position in the total set of matching documents of this item. The highest document is given a rank of 0. If the MSet did not start at the highest matching document, because a non-zero 'start' parameter was supplied to get_mset(), the first document in the MSet will have a rank greater than 0 (in fact, it will be equal to the value of 'start' supplied to get_mset()). - `percent`: The percentage score assigned to this MSet item. - `document`: The document for this MSet item. This can be used to access the document data, or any other information stored in the document (such as term lists). It is lazily evaluated. - `collapse_key`: The value of the key which was used for collapsing. - `collapse_count`: An estimate of the number of documents that have been collapsed into this one. The collapse count estimate will always be less than or equal to the actual number of other documents satisfying the match criteria with the same collapse key as this document. If may be 0 even though there are other documents with the same collapse key which satisfying the match criteria. However if this method returns non-zero, there definitely are other such documents. So this method may be used to inform the user that there are "at least N other matches in this group", or to control whether to offer a "show other documents in this group" feature (but note that it may not offer it in every case where it would show other documents). t_msett _firstitemtdocidtweighttranktpercentt collapse_keytcollapse_countt _documentcCs||_|jj|_|j|_|j|_|j|_|j |_ |j |_ |j |_d|_dS(N(R{RGR|RR}RR~RnRRuRRqRRsRR R(R titertmset((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;s cCs>|jdkr7|jj|j|jj|_n|jS(N(RR R{RcRR|Rl(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt _get_documents(R8s4The document object corresponding to this MSet item.( s_msets _firstitemsdocidsweightsrankspercents collapse_keyscollapse_counts _document(RR-RIt __slots__R;Rtpropertytdocument(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRzs   tMSetItercBs8eZdZdZdZdZdZdZRS( sAn iterator over the items in an MSet. The iterator will return MSetItem objects, which will be evaluated lazily where appropriate. t_itert_endR{cCs+|j|_|j|_||_dS(N(R]RR_RR{(R R((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;scCs|S(N((R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR<scCsE|j|jkrtn&t|j|j}|jj|SdS(N(RRt StopIterationRzR{R(R tr((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs   cCsE|j|jkrtn&t|j|j}t|j|SdS(N(RRRRzR{R(R R((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt__next__ s   (s_iters_ends_mset(RR-RIRR;R<RR(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRs    cCs t|S(sReturn an iterator over the MSet. The iterator will return MSetItem objects, which will be evaluated lazily where appropriate. (R(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt_mset_gen_iterscCs tj|S(N(R<RY(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR"scCsb|dkr|t|7}n|dks=|t|krLtdnt|j||S(sGet an item from the MSet. The supplied index is relative to the start of the MSet, not the absolute rank of the item. Returns an MSetItem. isMset index out of range(tlent IndexErrorRzRc(R tindex((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt _mset_getitem$s tESetItemcBseZdZdZdZRS(sAn item returned from iteration of the ESet. The item supports access to the following attributes: - `term`: The term corresponding to this ESet item. - `weight`: The weight corresponding to this ESet item. ttermR~cCs"|j|_|j|_dS(N(tget_termRRR~(R R((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;Es(stermsweight(RR-RIRR;(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR:stESetItercBs8eZdZdZdZdZdZdZRS(s\An iterator over the items in an ESet. The iterator will return ESetItem objects. RRcCs"|j|_|j|_dS(N(R]RR_R(R teset((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR;PscCs|S(N((R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyR<TscCs?|j|jkrtn t|j}|jj|SdS(N(RRRRR(R R((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRXs   cCs?|j|jkrtn t|j}t|j|SdS(N(RRRRR(R R((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRas   (s_iters_end(RR-RIRR;R<RR(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRIs    cCs t|S(s[Return an iterator over the ESet. The iterator will return ESetItem objects. (R(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt_eset_gen_iterlscCs tj|S(N(RxRY(R ((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyRust TermListItemcBsneZdZd ZdZdZeeddZd Zeedd Z d Z ee dd Z RS(sAn item returned from iteration of a term list. The item supports access to the following attributes and properties: - `term`: The term corresponding to this TermListItem. - `wdf`: The within document frequency of this term. - `termfreq`: The number of documents in the collection which are indexed by the term - `positer`: An iterator over the positions which the term appears at in the document. This is only available until the iterator which returned this item next moves. RRt_wdft _termfreqcCs||_||_d|_d|_|jtjkrK|jj|_n|j tjkrr|jj |_nddddg}|jtj krd|dR?R@RARBRCRDRERFRGRHRIRJRKRLRMRNRORPRRRSRTRURVRWRXRYRZR[R\R]R^tDatabase_swigregisterR`RcRdReRfRgRiRjRkRlRmRnRoRpRqRrRsRtRuRvRwRxRyRzR{R|R}R~RtWritableDatabase_swigregistertDB_CREATE_OR_OPENt DB_CREATEtDB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITEtDB_OPENRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRtQuery_swigregisterRRtStopper___call__RtStopper_swigregisterRRRtSimpleStopper_swigregisterRtValueRangeProcessor___call__t ValueRangeProcessor_swigregisterRt&StringValueRangeProcessor_swigregisterRt$DateValueRangeProcessor_swigregisterRt&NumberValueRangeProcessor_swigregisterRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRtQueryParser_swigregisterRRRtStemImplementation___call__RtStemImplementation_swigregisterRt Stem___call__R!tStem_swigregisterR#R%R(R)R*R+R,R-R.R/R0R1R2R3R4R5R6R7R9R:R<R=R>tTermGenerator_swigregisterRFtKeyMaker___call__tKeyMaker_swigregisterRKRNtMultiValueKeyMaker_swigregisterRPtSorter_swigregisterRRRUtMultiValueSorter_swigregisterRWRZR[t!ValueSetMatchDecider_swigregisterR]R`RaRbRcRdReRfRgRhRiRjRkRlRmRnRoRpRqtCompactor_swigregistert __docformat__RzRRR<t__len__Rt __getitem__tget_hitRRRRRRtmatching_termsRRtalltermsRttermlistRt spellingsRtsynonymsRt synonym_keysRt metadata_keysRRtstoplistRt unstemlistRtvaluest top_valuesR;RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRtpostlistRRt positionlistRRRRRt valuestreamRR R R R RtMatchAllt MatchNothingt__all__tdirtitemt startswithtendswithRttuple(((s3/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/xapian/__init__.pyt s                           8      "                    '                          $  N      R  l  H        %    @      w  M    A        s  X        K  J  p              i            =  5  3        $        #    %  5    7&      #   vg                                                                      <E     =                 -