[@sdZdddddddgZdZeZid dZd dZd dZd dZdddZ ddZ Gddde Z da daddZdS)a/Drop-in replacement for the thread module. Meant to be used as a brain-dead substitute so that threaded code does not need to be rewritten for when the thread module is not present. Suggested usage is:: try: import _thread except ImportError: import _dummy_thread as _thread errorstart_new_threadexit get_ident allocate_lockinterrupt_mainLockTypec Cst|ttkr*tdnt|ttkrTtdnday|||Wn/tk rYnddl}|jYnXdatrdat ndS)aDummy implementation of _thread.start_new_thread(). Compatibility is maintained by making sure that ``args`` is a tuple and ``kwargs`` is a dictionary. If an exception is raised and it is SystemExit (which can be done by _thread.exit()) it is caught and nothing is done; all other exceptions are printed out by using traceback.print_exc(). If the executed function calls interrupt_main the KeyboardInterrupt will be raised when the function returns. z2nd arg must be a tuplez3rd arg must be a dictFNT) typetuple TypeErrordict_main SystemExit traceback print_exc _interruptKeyboardInterrupt)Zfunctionargskwargsrr#/usr/lib/python3.4/_dummy_thread.pyrs   cCs tdS)z'Dummy implementation of _thread.exit().N)rrrrrr=scCsdS)zDummy implementation of _thread.get_ident(). Since this module should only be used when _threadmodule is not available, it is safe to assume that the current process is the only thread. Thus a constant can be safely returned. rrrrrrAscCstS)z0Dummy implementation of _thread.allocate_lock().)rrrrrrJsNcCs|dk rtdndS)z-Dummy implementation of _thread.stack_size().Nz'setting thread stack size not supportedr )r)sizerrr stack_sizeNs rcCstS)z0Dummy implementation of _thread._set_sentinel().)rrrrr _set_sentinelTsrc@s^eZdZdZddZddddZeZdd Zd d Zd d Z dS)raClass implementing dummy implementation of _thread.LockType. Compatibility is maintained by maintaining self.locked_status which is a boolean that stores the state of the lock. Pickling of the lock, though, should not be done since if the _thread module is then used with an unpickled ``lock()`` from here problems could occur from this class not having atomic methods. cCs d|_dS)NF) locked_status)selfrrr__init__cszLockType.__init__NrcCse|dks|rd|_dS|js5d|_dS|dkr]ddl}|j|ndSdS)aDummy implementation of acquire(). For blocking calls, self.locked_status is automatically set to True and returned appropriately based on value of ``waitflag``. If it is non-blocking, then the value is actually checked and not set if it is already acquired. This is all done so that threading.Condition's assert statements aren't triggered and throw a little fit. NTr F)rtimeZsleep)rZwaitflagZtimeoutr!rrracquirefs      zLockType.acquirecCs|jdS)N)release)rtypvaltbrrr__exit__szLockType.__exit__cCs|jstnd|_dS)zRelease the dummy lock.FT)rr)rrrrr#s   zLockType.releasecCs|jS)N)r)rrrrlockedszLockType.lockedr) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__r r" __enter__r'r#r(rrrrrXs    FTcCstrtndadS)z^Set _interrupt flag to True to have start_new_thread raise KeyboardInterrupt upon exiting.TN)rrrrrrrrs l)r,__all__ TIMEOUT_MAX RuntimeErrorrrrrrrrobjectrrrrrrrr s    8