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H5H=" uH59# H" H[H=HHEnableKeepAlive socket call returns error %d entry point '%s' not present in module error: driver mode %d not supported by ptcp netstream driverauthentication not supported by ptcp netstream driverCheckConnection detected broken connection - closing it could not set SO_LINGER, errno %d creating tcp listen socket on port %s error %d creating tcp listen socketerror %d setting tcp socket option error %d setting fcntl(O_NONBLOCK) on tcp socketerror %d while binding tcp socket: %s listen with a backlog of %d failed - retrying with default of 32. tcp listen error %d, suspending We could initialize %d TCP listen sockets out of %d we received - this may or may not be an error indication. No TCP listen sockets could successfully be initialized error during recv on NSD %p: %s error: authentication mode '%s' not supported by ptcp netstream drivernds_ptcp: error accepting connection on socket %d, errno %d: %s error %d setting fcntl(O_NONBLOCK) on tcp socket %dKEEPALIVE enabled for nsd %p modExitmodGetIDgetTypegetKeepTypeerror %d in getaddrinfo error %d querying port '%s' TCP setsockopt(BSDCOMPAT)anonnetnsd_ptcp.cglblproperrmsgnetstrmlmnetstrmsnsd_ptcpobjGetObjInterface-------- calling select, active fds (max %d): %d nsdsel_ptcp.cnsdsel_ptcpnsdpoll_ptcp destruct, need to destruct node %p doing epoll_wait for max %d events epoll() returned with error code %d adding nsdpoll entry %d/%p, sock %d epoll_ctl failed on fd %d, id %d/%p, op %d with %s removing nsdpoll entry %d/%p, sock %d program error: invalid NSDPOLL_mode %d - ignoring request nsdpoll_ptcp uses epoll_create1() nsdpoll_ptcp uses epoll_create() epoll_create1() could not create fd epoll returned %d entries epoll push ppusr[%d]: %p nsdpoll_ptcp.cnsdpoll_ptcp;/ $ <D>??M MM MM MM MO OxP PQ Q  Y Y YY