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[%s] %s[%s] sanei_debugsanei_configSANE_CONFIG_DIR%s%c%ssanei_configure_attach: exit optiontruefalsesanei_config_get_paths: using config directories %s sanei_config_open: could not find config file `%s' sanei_config_open: using file `%s' sanei_config_open: attempting to open `%s' sanei_configure_attach: start sanei_configure_attach: couldn't access %s sanei_configure_attach: couldn't find a string to parsesanei_configure_attach: couldn't find a valid boolean valuesanei_configure_attach: couldn't find a string value to parsesanei_configure_attach: incorrect type %d for option %s, skipping option ... sanei_configure_attach: failed to parse option '%s', line '%s' sanei_configure_attach: trying to attach with '%s' @SuccessOperation not supportedOperation was cancelledDevice busyInvalid argumentEnd of file reachedDocument feeder jammedScanner cover is openError during device I/OOut of memoryUnknown SANE status code %dDocument feeder out of documentsAccess to resource has been denied< ,Success (no error)Input/output errorInvalid parameterEntity not foundResource busyOperation timed outOverflowPipe errorInsufficient memoryOther errorUnknown libusb-1.0 error codesanei_usbstore_device: no room for %s %03X %02X %cusbscanner/dev//dev/usb/%s%slibusb:%03d:%03dinsanei_usb_reset: ret=%d sanei_usb_get_descriptor Access denied (insufficient permissions)No such device (it may have been disconnected)System call interrupted (perhaps due to signal)Operation not supported or unimplemented on this platformstore_device: not storing device %s store_device: overwrite dn %d with %s store_device: add dn %d with %s kernel_get_vendor_product: ioctl (vendor) of device %s failed: %s sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: ioctl (product) of device %s failed: %s sanei_usb_init: marking existing devices sanei_usb_init: Looking for kernel scanner devices sanei_usb_init: can't stat %s: %s sanei_usb_init: %s is not a directory sanei_usb_init: cannot read directory %s: %s sanei_usb_init: couldn't open %s: %s sanei_usb_init: found kernel scanner device (0x%04x/0x%04x) at %s sanei_usb_init: initializing libusb-1.0 sanei_usb_init: failed to initialize libusb-1.0, error %d sanei_usb_init: Looking for libusb-1.0 devices sanei_usb_init: failed to get libusb-1.0 device list, error %d sanei_usb_init: could not get device descriptor for device at %03d:%03d (err %d) sanei_usb_init: device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d looks like a root hub sanei_usb_init: skipping device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d: cannot open: %s sanei_usb_init: could not get configuration for device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d (err %d) sanei_usb_init: device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d is not configured sanei_usb_init: could not get config[0] descriptor for device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d (err %d) sanei_usb_init: device 0x%04x/0x%04x doesn't have an altsetting for interface %d sanei_usb_init: device 0x%04x/0x%04x, interface %d doesn't look like a scanner (%d/%d) sanei_usb_init: device 0x%04x/0x%04x at %03d:%03d: no suitable interfaces sanei_usb_init: found libusb-1.0 device (0x%04x/0x%04x) interface %d at %s sanei_usb_init: found %d devices sanei_usb_init: device %02d is %s sanei_usb_get_vendor_product_byname: not support for this method sanei_usb_get_vendor_product_byname: can't find device `%s' in list sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: device %d: Your OS doesn't seem to support detection of vendor+product ids sanei_usb_get_vendor_product: device %d: vendorID: 0x%04x, productID: 0x%04x sanei_usb_find_devices: vendor=0x%04x, product=0x%04x sanei_usb_set_endpoint: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_set_endpoint: Setting endpoint of type 0x%02x to 0x%02x sanei_usb_get_endpoint: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_open: trying to open device `%s' sanei_usb_open: can't open `%s': dn == NULL sanei_usb_open: device `%s' already open sanei_usb_open: can't open device `%s': %s Make sure you run as root or set appropriate permissions Maybe the kernel scanner driver claims the scanner's interface? sanei_usb_open: could not get configuration for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: device `%s' not configured? sanei_usb_open: could not get device descriptor for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: could not get config[0] descriptor for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: more than one configuration (%d), choosing first config (%d) sanei_usb_open: libusb complained: %s Maybe the kernel scanner driver or usblp claims the interface? Ignoring this error... sanei_usb_open: could not get config[%d] descriptor for device `%s' (err %d) sanei_usb_open: configuration nr: %d sanei_usb_open: interface nr: %d sanei_usb_open: alt_setting nr: %d sanei_usb_open: interface %d not detected as a scanner by sanei_usb_init, ignoring. sanei_usb_open: endpoint nr: %d sanei_usb_open: direction: %d sanei_usb_open: address: %d transfertype: %d sanei_usb_open: we already have a int-in endpoint (address: 0x%02x), ignoring the new one sanei_usb_open: we already have a int-out endpoint (address: 0x%02x), ignoring the new one sanei_usb_open: we already have a bulk-in endpoint (address: 0x%02x), ignoring the new one sanei_usb_open: we already have a bulk-out endpoint (address: 0x%02x), ignoring the new one sanei_usb_open: we already have a isochronous-in endpoint (address: 0x%02x), ignoring the new one sanei_usb_open: we already have a isochronous-out endpoint (address: 0x%02x), ignoring the new one sanei_usb_open: we already have a control-in endpoint (address: 0x%02x), ignoring the new one sanei_usb_open: we already have a control-out endpoint (address: 0x%02x), ignoring the new one sanei_usb_open: open of `%s' failed: %s sanei_usb_open: fcntl of `%s' failed: %s sanei_usb_open: can't open device `%s': usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_open: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_open: opened usb device `%s' (*dn=%d) sanei_usb_open: can't find device `%s' in list sanei_usb_open: found interrupt-%s endpoint (address 0x%02x) sanei_usb_open: found bulk-%s endpoint (address 0x%02x) sanei_usb_open: found isochronous-%s endpoint (address 0x%02x) sanei_usb_open: found control-%s endpoint (address 0x%02x) sanei_usb_close: closing device %d sanei_usb_close: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_close: device %d already closed or never opened sanei_usb_close: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_clear_halt: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_clear_halt: BULK_IN ret=%d sanei_usb_clear_halt: BULK_OUT ret=%d sanei_usb_read_bulk: size == NULL sanei_usb_read_bulk: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_read_bulk: trying to read %lu bytes sanei_usb_read_bulk: read failed: %s sanei_usb_read_bulk: can't read without a bulk-in endpoint sanei_usb_read_bulk: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_read_bulk: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_read_bulk: read returned EOF sanei_usb_read_bulk: wanted %lu bytes, got %ld bytes sanei_usb_write_bulk: size == NULL sanei_usb_write_bulk: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_write_bulk: trying to write %lu bytes sanei_usb_write_bulk: write failed: %s sanei_usb_write_bulk: can't write without a bulk-out endpoint sanei_usb_write_bulk: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_write_bulk: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_write_bulk: wanted %lu bytes, wrote %ld bytes sanei_usb_control_msg: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_control_msg: rtype = 0x%02x, req = %d, value = %d, index = %d, len = %d sanei_usb_control_msg: SCANNER_IOCTL_CTRLMSG error - %s sanei_usb_control_msg: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_control_msg: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_control_msg: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_read_int: size == NULL sanei_usb_read_int: dn >= device number || dn < 0 sanei_usb_read_int: trying to read %lu bytes sanei_usb_read_int: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_read_int: can't read without an int endpoint sanei_usb_read_int: usbcalls support missing sanei_usb_read_int: read returned EOF sanei_usb_read_int: wanted %lu bytes, got %ld bytes sanei_usb_set_configuration: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_set_configuration: configuration = %d sanei_usb_set_configuration: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_set_configuration: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_claim_interface: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_claim_interface: interface_number = %d sanei_usb_claim_interface: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_claim_interface: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_release_interface: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_release_interface: interface_number = %d sanei_usb_release_interface: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_release_interface: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_set_altinterface: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_set_altinterface: alternate = %d sanei_usb_set_altinterface: libusb complained: %s sanei_usb_set_altinterface: access method %d not implemented sanei_usb_get_descriptor: dn >= device number || dn < 0, dn=%d sanei_usb_get_descriptor: libusb error: %s d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$tDTsanei_threadfunc() done - status = %d setting SIGPIPE to SIG_IGN sanei_thread_waitpid() - %ld * thread has been canceled! * result = %d (%p) * detaching thread(%ld) restoring SIGPIPE to SIG_DFL thread started, calling func() now... sanei_thread_kill() will kill %ld pthread_create() failed with %d pthread_create() created thread %ld sanei_thread_sendsig() %d to thread (id=%ld) u12Decoding option >%s< u12map_Adjust(%u) * brightness = %i -> %i * contrast*100 = %i -> %i inverting... inverting RED map inverting GREEN map inverting BLUE map u12hw_SetGeneralRegister() ALARM!!! Found device at >%s< Device >%s< ignoring gl640WriteControl error u12io_CloseScanPath() u12if_close() Using cached FIFO len u12-io.cFailure on line of %s: %d FIFO-LEN: %lu %lu %lu = %lu u12if_getCaps() drvClosePipes(r_pipe) drvClosePipes(w_pipe) gl640ReadBulk error * DataIsReady() u12io_ReadOneShadingLine() ReadColorData error * done gl640WriteBulk error u12hw_Memtest() * Memtest passed. CCD-Stop gl640ReadControl error u12io_IsConnected() * tmp1 = 0x%02x * REG_ASICID = 0x%02x * Scanner is NOT connected! * tmp2 = 0x%02x * Scanner is connected! u12hw_InitAsic(%d) Scanner has TPA Scanner has 4 Buttons Scanner has 4 Buttons & TPA Scanner has 5 Buttons Scanner has 5 Buttons & TPA Scanner has 1 Button Scanner has 1 Button & TPA Agfa Scanner Scanner has 2 Buttons Default Model: U12 CCD & DAC init * DAC: WOLFSON 8143 * CCD-3797 * CCD-548 * CCD-3799 * DAC: Samsung 1224 * DAC: ESIC * DAC: SAMSUNG 8531 * CCD-3777 * Programming DAC (%u regs) CCD & DAC init done. * [0x%02x] = 0x%02x * MotorDrvType = 0x%02x * Model1Cntrl = 0x%02x u12hw_InitAsic done. u12io_OpenScanPath() u12io_OpenScanPath() failed! *** LAMP OFF!!! *** * Normal lamp is ON * TPA lamp is ON 1212U/U12KYE/GeniusPlusteku12if_open(%s,%s) autoAutodetection... * checking for 0x%04x-0x%04x * using device >%s< No matching device found! 0x%04X-0x%04X* REG_STATUS2 = 0x%02x Vendor adjusted to: >%s< UT12No supported device found! u12motor_PositionYProc() * CANCEL detected! - done ! u12image_ReadOneImageLine() * SCANSTATE_STOP * _MotorInNormalState * _MotorGoBackward * _MotorInStopState * _MotorAdvancing u12hw_CancelSequence() 0x0458-0x2004Device reset (%i)!!! drvClose() TIME END 1: %lus u12if_stopScan() yesnoattach (%s, %p, %p) U12/1212Uflatbed scannerDevice configuration: device name : >%s< USB-ID : >%s< warmup : %ds lampOff : %d lampOffOnEnd : %s red Gamma : %.2f green Gamma : %.2f blue Gamma : %.2f gray Gamma : %.2f --------------------- u12if_getCaps() failed(%d) Scanner information: Vendor : %s Model : %s Flags : 0x%08lx u12if_SetupBuffer() u12if_SetupBuffer() failed attach: model = >%s< do_cancel reader_process killed TIME END 2: %lus u12Motor_BackToHomeSensor() u12shading_DoCalibration() u12motor_ModuleToHome() * done. * Position reached * wExposure = %u * wXStep = %u u12shading_AdjustRGBGain() u12shadingAdjustDark() u12tpa_Reshading() buf = 0x%08lx NULL Pointer !!!! u12if_prepare() u12hw_WarmupLamp() * warming up... * skipped APP-DPIX=%u, MAX-DPIX=%u u12_SetupPreviewCondition() * RD_ScanControl1 = 0x%02x u12_SetupScanningCondition() * bRefresh = %i * RD_ScanControl = 0x%02x * oldScanState = %u u12if_prepare() done. u12if_readLine() read failed, status = %i u12.confwarmuplampOfflOffOnEndgrayGammaredGammagreenGammablueGamma[usb]... next device deviceDecoding device name >%s< ignoring >%s< sane_exit * Home position reached. * Switching lamp off... Shutdown done. sane_get_devices (%p, %ld) sane_open - %s Number of optionsscanmode-groupScan ModeScan modeScan sourcebrightnessBrightnesscontrastContrastScan resolutioncustom-gammaUse custom gamma tablepreviewPreviewgeometry-groupGeometrytl-xTop-left xtl-yTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right yEnhancementImage intensityred-gamma-tableRed intensitygreen-gamma-tableGreen intensityblue-gamma-tableBlue intensitysane_close close: invalid handle %p sane_start sane_get_parameters failed sane_start: open failed: %d exchanging BR-X - TL-X exchanging BR-Y - TL-Y invalid width or height! scanmode = %u brightness %i, contrast %i u12image_SetupScanSettings() imageSetupScanSettings() u12image_GetImageInfo() AppLinesPerArea = %lu AppPixelsPerLine = %lu AppPhyBytesPerLine = %lu AppBytesPerLine = %lu AsicPixelsPerPlane = %lu AsicBytesPerPlane = %lu AsicBytesPerLine = %lu Physical Bytes = %lu * Scan settings: * brightness = %i * RD_ThresholdControl = %i * Sample every line * Sample preview * Sample lines (%u - %u)... realloc failed u12if_startScan() Lamp-Timer stopped TIME START ERROR: could not create pipe sane_start done * PixelPerLine = %u * BytesPerLine = %u * Lines = %u sane_read - read %ld bytes ERROR: errno=%d sane_cancel ERROR: not scanning ! ERROR: not supported ! sane_set_io_mode done sane_get_select_fd sane_get_select_fd done NormalTransparencyNegativeLineartGrayColorColor 360x07B3-0x0001Colorpage HR6(SIG) Child is down (signal=%d) (SIG) reader_process: terminated by signal %d u12image_SetupScanStateVariables(%lu) Can't setup timer-irq handler Lamp-Timer started (using ITIMER) Presetting Gamma tables (len=%u) ---------------------------------- alloc fail, resolution problem SIGUSR1 is pending --> Cancel detected u12io_ReadOneShadingLine() failed! u12io_DataToScanner() in wrong mode! * Memtest failed at pos %u: %u != %u u12io_DataToRegs() in wrong mode! u12shading_DownloadShadingTable() u12io_GetScanState(cached) = 0x%02x * PCB-ID=0x%02x, CCD-ID=0x%02x, DAC-TYPE=0x%02x We have a Plustek Scanner ;-) u12hw_ProgramCCD: 0x%08lx[%lu] * %u regs * %u (intermediate) u12motor_PositionModuleToHome() u12motor_ForceToLeaveHomePos() Vendor ID=0x%04X, Product ID=0x%04X Specified Vendor and Product ID doesn't match with the ones in the config file Can't get vendor & product ID from driver... Cannot autodetect Vendor an Product ID, please specify in config file. ... using the specified: 0x%04X-0x%04X Detected vendor & product ID: 0x%04X-0x%04X Device >%s<, is not supported! u12motor_PositionYProc() - done Waiting for Sensor to be back in position u12motor_ModuleForwardBackward() Timeout - Scanner malfunction !! >>>>>>>> killing reader_process <<<<<<<< sanei_thread_waitpid() failed ! * LineCtrl=0x%02x, XStepTime=0x%02x u12motor_GotoShadingPosition() u12shading_AdjustRGBGain() - all loops done!!! u12shading_DoCalibration() - done. u12shading_AdjustShadingWaveForm() reader_process started (forked) reader_process started (as thread) reader_process:starting to READ data (%lu bytes) u12image_PrepareScaling: izoom=%i, step=%u u12image_PrepareScaling: DISABLED * RD_MotorTotalSteps = 0x%04x * MinReadFifo=%lu, MaxReadFifo=%lu * ImageInfo: x=%u,y=%u,dx=%u,dy=%u * RD_Origin = %u, RD_Pixels = %u u12if_readLine() - cancel detected! reader_process: finished reading data U12 backend V0.02-11, part of sane-backends 1.0.23 section contains no device name, ignored! next device uses autodetection next device is a USB device (%s) Shutdown called (dev->fd=%d, %s) Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).Controls the brightness of the acquired image.Controls the contrast of the acquired image.Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Determines whether a builtin or a custom gamma-table should be used.Request a preview-quality scan.Top-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.Gamma-correction table. In color mode this option equally affects the red, green, and blue channels simultaneously (i.e., it is an intensity gamma table).Gamma-correction table for the red band.Gamma-correction table for the green band.Gamma-correction table for the blue band.* DataInf.dwScanFlag = 0x%08lx * xyPhyDpi.x = %u, xyPhyDpi.y = %u * crArea.x = %u, crArea.y = %u * crArea.cx = %u, crArea.cy = %u * ImageInfo: (x=%u,y=%u,dx=%u,dy=%u) 48Bit buffer request: len=%lu bytes, available=%lu Not that much FIFO memory available! u12image_SetupScanSettings() failed(%d) * Using OTHER Lamp --> warmup needed * Using SAME Lamp --> no warmup needed ERROR: could not start reader task sane_set_io_mode: non_blocking=%d ERROR: cant set to non-blocking mode ! 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