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(overrides -e)Define the pseudo-action to drop an event.waiting for events: event logging is %s6t@c>t@CHt@dNt@eXt@fct@lmt@gyt@mt@st@St@pt@L@nt@rt@vt@h#@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@#@$@$@$@$@$@$@#@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@$@#@#@#@p#@]#@$@$@$@$@N#@0#@!#@$@#@$@#@"@$@$@"@acpi_eventacpi_mc_group%s: cannot open generic netlink socket %s: error talking to the kernel via netlink %s: netlink CTRL_CMD_GETFAMILY response, wrong controller message len: %d %s: not a netlink controller message, nlmsg_len=%d nlmsg_type=0x%x %s: unknown netlink controller command %d %s: failed to get acpi_event netlink multicast group Too many connections.blocking signals for rule lockunblocking signals for rule lockunknown option '%s' in %s at line %dsafe_write() timed outmalloc(): %sopendir(%s): %s^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$regcomp(): %d%s/%sasprintf: %sskipping conf file %sfstatat(%s): %sskipping non-file %sopenat(%s): %sparsing conf file %srefopen(%s): %sstrdup(): %s%63[^= ]=%255[^ ]can't parse %s at line %d key="%s" val="%s"regcomp(): %sinvalid escape at EOLinvalid escape "%%%c"can't load file %sskipping incomplete file %s%d rule%s loadedcleaning up rulesclient connected from %s.*%d client rule%s loadedpoll(): %sclient %s has disconnectedrule from %s matchedfork(): %sexpanded "%s" -> "%s"executing action "%s"BEGIN HANDLER MESSAGES -c/bin/shexecl(): %sEND HANDLER MESSAGES action exited with status %daction exited on signal %devent droppednotifying client %sunknown rule type: %drule from %s did not match%d total rule%s matchedinput layer connection closed/dev/input/event*cannot open input layerbutton/lid LID closebutton/lid LID openjack/headphone HEADPHONE plugjack/lineout LINEOUT unplugjack/lineout LINEOUT plugjack/videoout VIDEOOUT unplugjack/videoout VIDEOOUT plugjack/linein LINEIN unplugjack/linein LINEIN pluginput device has been disconnected, fd %dinput layer read error: %s (%d)too many errors reading input layer - abortinginput layer unexpected length: %zd expected: %zdlockfile present, not processing input layer event "%s"received input layer event "%s"completed input layer event "%s"input layer %s (%s) opened successfully, fd %dcan't add connection for input layer %s (%s)button/power PBTN 00000080 00000000button/suspend SUSP 00000080 00000000button/sleep SBTN 00000080 00000000video/tabletmode TBLT 0000008A 00000000video/tabletmode TBLT 0000008A 00000001button/zoom ZOOM 00000080 00000000video/brightnessdown BRTDN 00000087 00000000video/brightnessup BRTUP 00000086 00000000video/next NEXT 00000083 00000000video/prev PREV 00000084 00000000video/brightnesscycle BCYC 00000085 00000000video/brightnesszero BZRO 00000088 00000000video/displayoff DOFF 00000089 00000000video/switchmode VMOD 00000080 00000000button/volumedown VOLDN 00000080 00000000button/volumeup VOLUP 00000080 00000000button/mute MUTE 00000080 00000000button/micmute MICMUTE 00000080 00000000cd/next CDNEXT 00000080 00000000cd/prev CDPREV 00000080 00000000cd/play CDPLAY 00000080 00000000cd/stop CDSTOP 00000080 00000000jack/headphone HEADPHONE unplugjack/microphone MICROPHONE unplugjack/microphone MICROPHONE plugbutton/prog1 PROG1 00000080 00000000button/vendor VNDR 00000080 00000000button/battery BAT 00000080 00000000button/screenlock SCRNLCK 00000080 00000000button/coffee CFEE 00000080 00000000button/wlan WLAN 00000080 00000000button/fnf1 FNF1 00000080 00000000button/fnf2 FNF2 00000080 00000000button/fnf6 FNF6 00000080 00000000button/fnf9 FNF9 00000080 00000000button/fnf10 FF10 00000080 00000000button/fnf11 FF11 00000080 00000000button/f24 F24 00000080 00000000button/kbdillumtoggle KBILLUM 00000080 00000000t@@8@d@y@`@@t@؃@@8@`@@@@@r8@sh@q@@@@8@`@@@@І@@ǀ@@@ @ 5@@h@@@h@@@@@8@`@@@؈@@inotify read bytes: %dinotify fd eof encounteredinotify read error: %s (%d)disconnecting from inotifyinotify name len: %dinotify about to open: %sinotify fd: %d/dev/inputinotify wd: %dinotify received a delete for: %sinotify_init() failed: %s (%d)inotify_add_watch() failed: %s (%d)can't add connection for inotifyCannot open netlink socketSO_SNDBUFSO_RCVBUFCannot bind netlink socketCannot getsocknameWrong address length %d Wrong address family %d OVERRUNEOF on netlink ERROR truncated RTNETLINK answersMessage truncated !!!Remnant of size %d Cannot talk to rtnetlinksender address length == %d Truncated message !!!malformed message: len=%d RTNETLINK1 answersUnexpected reply!!! Sender address length == %d rtnl_from_file: fread!!!Deficit %d, rta_len=%d !!!malformed message: len=%d @%lu rtnl-from_file: truncated message addattr32: Error! max allowed bound %d exceeded addattr_l ERROR: message exceeded bound of %d addraw_l ERROR: message exceeded bound of %d rta_addattr32: Error! max allowed bound %d exceeded rta_addattr_l: Error! max allowed bound %d exceeded netlink read error: %s (%d)netlink connection closednetlink msg truncated (1)wrong netlink family ID.%s %s %08x %08xreceived netlink event "%s"completed netlink event "%s"netlink msg truncated (2)netlink remnant of size %dUnexpected group number %dnetlink opened successfullytoo many errors reading via netlink - abortingnetlink unexpected length: %d expected: %zdmalformed netlink msg, length %dwrong netlink controller message len: %dlockfile present, not processing netlink event "%s"cannot open generic netlink socketcan't add connection for generic netlink socketread(): %sprocfs received event "%s"procfs completed event "%s"events file connection closedcan't open %s: %s (%d)proc fs opened successfullycan't add connection for %s/proc/acpi/eventlockfile present, not processing event "%s"too many errors reading events file - abortingDeprecated %s was not found. Trying netlink and the input layer...can't accept client: %sgiving uptoo many non-root clients%d[%d:%d]can't open socket %s: %sgroup %s does not existcan't stat %s: %scan't chown %s: %s/var/run/acpid.socketfcntl() on socket %s for FD_CLOEXEC: %sfcntl() on socket %s for O_NONBLOCK: %scan't add connection for socket %sud_create_socket(): socket filename longer than %zu characters: %sud_connect(): socket filename longer than %zu characters: %sfchmod() on socket %s: %s; Cl\5<,\ ܒ$̕T lL< $\ t<L\ L $tL\||Tܳ\,LDld,< ld ,  T \l $ Lt  , $ L $ @ Fp @p No8@8[o@j@`t@H  ~`@`y@@!@!PTr@Tr `r@`r' d@d$@t `` ` (`(``00`0P` 4