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Settable%02X%02X%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X %.1f V Unknown Not Provided No %s Cache None%s%s %u ns Not Determinable Disabled Not Installed %u MB (Double-bank Connection) (Single-bank Connection) %u kBOther No Error %u bits %.3f V %u MHz 0x%08X Invalid %u mWh %u %u min %.2f%% %.1f deg C %.3f A 0x%08X%08X None Unknown %sBus Address: %04x:%02x:%02x.%x Not SpecifiedCore 2 or K7Core 2Pentium ProIntelAMD%sHeader and Data: %s %s%02X%sStrings: %s "" %s %s Not SocketedAbbreviatedLongOEM-specificEnd of logOKProduct-specificI/OMemory-mappedActive HighActive LowEdgeNoYesOEM# SMBIOS implementations newer than version %u.%u are not # fully supported by this version of dmidecode. Failed to read table, sorry. # Writing %d bytes to %s. %u structures occupying %u bytes. Table at 0x%08X. Table is unreachable, sorry. Invalid entry length (%u). DMI table is broken! Stop. Handle 0x%04X, DMI type %d, %d bytes BIOS Information Vendor: %s Version: %s Release Date: %s Address: 0x%04X0 Runtime Size: %u bytes ROM Size: %u kB Characteristics: BIOS characteristics not supported BIOS Revision: %u.%u Firmware Revision: %u.%u System Information Manufacturer: %s Product Name: %s Serial Number: %s UUID: Wake-up Type: %s SKU Number: %s Family: %s Base Board Information Asset Tag: %s Features: Location In Chassis: %s Chassis Handle: 0x%04X %sContained Object Handles: %u %s 0x%04X Chassis Information Lock: %s Boot-up State: %s Power Supply State: %s Thermal State: %s Security Status: %s OEM Information: 0x%08X Height: Unspecified %u U Number Of Power Cords:%sContained Elements: %u %s %s (%u-%uProcessor Information Socket Designation: %s %sID: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %sSignature: Type %u, Family %u, Major Stepping %u, Minor Stepping %u %sSignature: Type %u, Family %u, Model %u, Stepping %u Pentium III MMXIntel(R) Core(TM)2Intel(R) Pentium(R)Genuine Intel(R) CPU U1400AMD Athlon(TM)Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm)%sSignature: Family %u, Model %u, Stepping %u %sFlags: Voltage: External Clock: Max Speed: Current Speed: Status: Populated, %s Status: Unpopulated Upgrade: %s L1 Cache Handle:L1 L2 Cache Handle:L2 L3 Cache Handle:L3 Part Number: %s Core Count: %u Core Enabled: %u Thread Count: %u Characteristics:Memory Controller Information Error Detecting Method: %s Error Correcting Capabilities: Supported Interleave: %s Current Interleave: %s Maximum Memory Module Size: %u MB Maximum Total Memory Size: %u MB Supported Speeds: Supported Memory Types: Memory Module Voltage:%sAssociated Memory Slots: %u Enabled Error Correcting Capabilities:Memory Module Information Bank Connections: Current Speed: Type: Installed Size: Enabled Size: Error Status: See Event Log OK %sUncorrectable Errors %sCorrectable Errors Cache Information Configuration: %s, %s, Level %u Operational Mode: %s Location: %s Maximum Size: Supported SRAM Types: Installed SRAM Type: Speed: Error Correction Type: %s System Type: %s Associativity: %s Port Connector Information Internal Reference Designator: %s Internal Connector Type: %s External Reference Designator: %s External Connector Type: %s Port Type: %s System Slot Information Designation: %s Type: %s%s Current Usage: %s Length: %s %sID: %u %sID: Adapter %u, Socket %u %sOn Board Device Information %sOn Board Device %d Information %s Type: %s %s Status: %s %s Description: %s OEM Strings %sString %d: %s System Configuration Options %sOption %d: %s BIOS Language Information Language Description Format: %s Installable Languages: %u Currently Installed Language: %s Group Associations Name: %s Items: %u %s0x%04X (%s) System Event Log Area Length: %u bytes Header Start Offset: 0x%04X Header Length: %u byte%s Data Start Offset: 0x%04X Access Method: %s Access Address: Index 0x%04X, Data 0x%04X Status: %s, %s Change Token: 0x%08X Header Format: %s Supported Log Type Descriptors: %u %sDescriptor %u: %s %sData Format %u: %s Physical Memory Array Use: %s Maximum Capacity: Error Information Handle: Number Of Devices: %u Memory Device Array Handle: 0x%04X Total Width: Data Width: Size: %lu MB %lu GB %lu TB No Module Installed Form Factor: %s Set: Locator: %s Bank Locator: %s Type Detail: Rank: Configured Clock Speed: Minimum voltage: Maximum voltage: Configured voltage: 32-bit Memory Error Information Granularity: %s Operation: %s Vendor Syndrome: Memory Array Address: Device Address: Resolution:Memory Array Mapped Address Starting Address: 0x%08X%08Xk Ending Address: 0x%08X%08Xk Range Size: Starting Address: 0x%08X%03X Ending Address: 0x%08X%03X Physical Array Handle: 0x%04X Partition Width: %u Memory Device Mapped Address Physical Device Handle: 0x%04X Memory Array Mapped Address Handle: 0x%04X Partition Row Position:%sInterleave Position:%sInterleaved Data Depth:Built-in Pointing Device Interface: %s Buttons: %u Portable Battery Manufacture Date: %s Chemistry: %s Design Capacity: Design Voltage: %u mV SBDS Version: %s Maximum Error: %u%% SBDS Serial Number: %04X SBDS Manufacture Date: %u-%02u-%02u SBDS Chemistry: %s OEM-specific Information: 0x%08X System Reset Watchdog Timer: %s Boot Option: %s Boot Option On Limit: %s Reset Count: Reset Limit: Timer Interval: Timeout:Hardware Security Power-On Password Status: %s Keyboard Password Status: %s Administrator Password Status: %s Front Panel Reset Status: %s System Power Controls Next Scheduled Power-on: %02X *-%02X-*:%02X:*Voltage Probe Maximum Value: Minimum Value: %.1f mV Tolerance: Accuracy: Nominal Value:Cooling Device Temperature Probe Handle: 0x%04X Cooling Unit Group: %u Nominal Speed: Unknown Or Non-rotating %u rpmTemperature Probe %.3f deg CElectrical Current Probe %.1f mAOut-of-band Remote Access Manufacturer Name: %s Inbound Connection: %s Outbound Connection: %s Boot Integrity Services Entry Point Checksum: %s 16-bit Entry Point Address: %04X:%04X 32-bit Entry Point Address: 0x%08X System Boot Information 64-bit Memory Error Information Management Device Address: 0x%08X Address Type: %s Management Device Component Management Device Handle: 0x%04X Component Handle: 0x%04X Threshold Handle: 0x%04X Management Device Threshold Data Lower Non-critical Threshold: %d Upper Non-critical Threshold: %d Lower Critical Threshold: %d Upper Critical Threshold: %d Lower Non-recoverable Threshold: %d Upper Non-recoverable Threshold: %d Memory Channel Maximal Load: %u Devices: %u %sDevice %u Load: %u %sDevice %u Handle: 0x%04X IPMI Device Information Interface Type: %s Specification Version: %u.%u I2C Slave Address: 0x%02x NV Storage Device Address: %u NV Storage Device: Not Present Base Address: 0x%02X (SMBus)0x%08X%08X (%s) Register Spacing: %s Interrupt Polarity: %s Interrupt Trigger Mode: %s Interrupt Number: %x System Power Supply Power Unit Group: %u Model Part Number: %s Revision: %s Max Power Capacity: %u W Present, %s Not Present Input Voltage Range Switching: %s Plugged: %s Hot Replaceable: %s Input Voltage Probe Handle: 0x%04X Cooling Device Handle: 0x%04X Input Current Probe Handle: 0x%04X %sAdditional Information %d %s Referenced Handle: 0x%04x %s Referenced Offset: 0x%02x %s String: %s %s Value: 0x%02x0x%04x0x%08xUnexpected sizeOnboard Device Reference Designation: %s Type Instance: %u Management Controller Host Interface Vendor ID: 0x%02X%02X%02X%02X Inactive End Of Table %s Type Wrong DMI structures count: %d announced, only %d decoded. Wrong DMI structures length: %d bytes announced, structures occupy %d bytes. 70 ns60 ns50 ns_DMI_SMBIOS version fixup (2.%d -> 2.%d). SMBIOS %u.%u present. Legacy DMI %u.%u present. /sys/firmware/efi/systab/proc/efi/systab/dev/mem2.12# dmidecode %s Reading SMBIOS/DMI data from file %s. _SM_SMBIOS# SMBIOS entry point at 0x%08lx %s: SMBIOS entry point missing # No SMBIOS nor DMI entry point found, sorry. KCS: Keyboard Controller Style8250 UART Register Compatible16450 UART Register Compatible16550/16550A UART Register Compatible16650/16650A UART Register Compatible16750/16750A UART Register Compatible16850/16850A UART Register CompatibleVideoSCSI ControllerEthernetToken RingSoundPATA ControllerSATA ControllerSAS ControllerManualAuto-switchWide RangeN/ALinearSwitchingUPSConverterRegulatorNon-criticalCriticalSuccessive Byte Boundaries32-bit Boundaries16-byte BoundariesKCS (Keyboard Control Style)SMIC (Server Management Interface Chip)BT (Block Transfer)SSIF (SMBus System Interface)RamBusSyncLinkI/O PortSMBusLM75LM78LM79LM80LM81ADM9240DS1780MAX1617GL518SMW83781DHT82H791Partial WriteDevice LevelMemory Partition LevelBad ReadParity ErrorDouble-bit ErrorMulti-bit ErrorNibble ErrorChecksum ErrorCRC ErrorCorrected Single-bit ErrorCorrected ErrorUncorrectable ErrorNo errors detectedNo bootable mediaOperating system failed to loadFirmware-detected hardware failureOperating system-detected hardware failureUser-requested bootSystem security violationPreviously-requested imageSystem watchdog timer expiredNon-recoverableDiskPeripheral BaySystem Management ModuleProcessor ModulePower UnitAdd-in CardFront Panel BoardBack Panel BoardPower System BoardDrive Back PlaneActive CoolingPassive CoolingCentrifugal BlowerChip FanCabinet FanPower Supply FanHeat PipeIntegrated RefrigerationNot ImplementedOperating SystemSystem UtilitiesDo Not RebootLead AcidNickel CadmiumNickel Metal HydrideLithium IonZinc AirLithium PolymerBus Mouse DB-9Bus Mouse Micro DINUSBSerialInfraredHIP-HILBus MouseADB (Apple Desktop Bus)Track BallTrack PointGlide PointTouch PadTouch ScreenOptical SensorFast-pagedStatic ColumnPseudo-staticRAMBusSynchronousCMOSWindow DRAMCache DRAMNon-VolatileRegistered (Buffered)Unbuffered (Unregistered)LRDIMMEDRAMVRAMSRAMFlashEEPROMFEPROMCDRAM3DRAMSDRAMSGRAMRDRAMDDRDDR2DDR2 FB-DIMMReservedDDR3FBD2SIMMSIPDIPZIPProprietary CardTSOPRow Of ChipsSODIMMSRIMMPBEBZBSingle-bit ECCMulti-bit ECCCRCSystem MemoryVideo MemoryFlash MemoryNon-volatile RAMCache MemoryPC-98/C20 Add-on CardPC-98/C24 Add-on CardPC-98/E Add-on CardPC-98/Local Bus Add-on CardSystem Board Or MotherboardEISA Add-on CardPCI Add-on CardMCA Add-on CardPCMCIA Add-on CardProprietary Add-on CardNuBusHandleMultiple-eventMultiple-event handlePOST results bitmapSystem managementMultiple-event system managementSingle-bit ECC memory errorMulti-bit ECC memory errorParity memory errorBus timeoutI/O channel blockSoftware NMIPOST memory resizePOST errorPCI parity errorPCI system errorCPU failureEISA failsafe timer timeoutCorrectable memory log disabledLogging disabledSystem limit exceededAsynchronous hardware timer expiredSystem configuration informationHard disk informationSystem reconfiguredUncorrectable CPU-complex errorLog area reset/clearedSystem bootNo HeaderType 1ValidNot FullIndexed I/O, one 8-bit index port, one 8-bit data portIndexed I/O, two 8-bit index ports, one 8-bit data portIndexed I/O, one 16-bit index port, one 8-bit data portMemory-mapped physical 32-bit addressGeneral-purpose non-volatile data functionsPME signal is supportedHot-plug devices are supportedSMBus signal is supported5.0 V is provided3.3 V is providedOpening is sharedPC Card-16 is supportedCardbus is supportedZoom Video is supportedModem ring resume is supportedShortAvailableIn Use16-bit 32-bit 64-bit 128-bit x1 x2 x4 x8 x12 x16 x32 PC-98/C20PC-98/C24PC-98/EPC-98/Local BusPC-98/CardPCI ExpressPCI Express x1PCI Express x2PCI Express x4PCI Express x8PCI Express x16PCI Express 2PCI Express 2 x1PCI Express 2 x2PCI Express 2 x4PCI Express 2 x8PCI Express 2 x16PCI Express 3PCI Express 3 x1PCI Express 3 x2PCI Express 3 x4PCI Express 3 x8PCI Express 3 x16MCAEISAPC Card (PCMCIA)VLBProprietaryProcessor CardProprietary Memory CardI/O Riser CardPCI-66AGPAGP 2xAGP 4xPCI-XAGP 8x8251 Compatible8251 FIFO CompatibleParallel Port XT/AT CompatibleParallel Port PS/2Parallel Port ECPParallel Port EPPParallel Port ECP/EPPSerial Port XT/AT CompatibleSerial Port 16450 CompatibleSerial Port 16550 CompatibleSerial Port 16550A CompatibleSCSI PortMIDI PortJoystick PortKeyboard PortMouse PortSSA SCSIFirewire (IEEE P1394)PCMCIA Type IPCMCIA Type IIPCMCIA Type IIICardbusAccess Bus PortSCSI IISCSI WidePC-98 HiresoPC-H98Video PortAudio PortModem PortNetwork PortSATASASPC-98 NotePC-98 FullMini CentronicsDB-25 maleDB-25 femaleDB-15 maleDB-15 femaleDB-9 maleDB-9 femaleRJ-11RJ-4550 Pin MiniSCSIMini DINHP-HILAccess Bus (USB)Circular DIN-8 maleCircular DIN-8 femaleOn Board IDEOn Board Floppy9 Pin Dual Inline (pin 10 cut)25 Pin Dual Inline (pin 26 cut)50 Pin Dual Inline68 Pin Dual InlineOn Board Sound Input From CD-ROMMini Centronics Type-14Mini Centronics Type-26Mini Jack (headphones)BNCIEEE 1394SAS/SATA Plug ReceptacleDirect MappedFully Associative16-way Set-associative12-way Set-associative24-way Set-associative32-way Set-associative48-way Set-associative64-way Set-associative20-way Set-associativeInstructionUnifiedNon-burstPipeline BurstAsynchronousInternalExternalWrite ThroughWrite BackVaries With Memory AddressStandardFPMBurst EDOSingle-bit Error CorrectingDouble-bit Error CorrectingError Scrubbing5.0 V3.3 V2.9 VOne-way InterleaveTwo-way InterleaveFour-way InterleaveEight-way InterleaveSixteen-way Interleave8-bit Parity32-bit ECC64-bit ECC128-bit ECC64-bit capableMulti-CoreHardware ThreadExecute ProtectionEnhanced VirtualizationPower/Performance ControlDaughter BoardZIF SocketReplaceable Piggy BackLIF SocketSlot 1Slot 2370-pin SocketSlot ASlot MSocket 423Socket A (Socket 462)Socket 478Socket 754Socket 940Socket 939Socket mPGA604Socket LGA771Socket LGA775Socket S1Socket AM2Socket F (1207)Socket LGA1366Socket G34Socket AM3Socket C32Socket LGA1156Socket LGA1567Socket PGA988ASocket BGA1288Socket rPGA988BSocket BGA1023Socket BGA1224Socket BGA1155Socket LGA1356Socket LGA2011Socket FS1Socket FS2Socket FM1Socket FM2Socket LGA2011-3Socket LGA1356-3Disabled By UserDisabled By BIOSIdleFPU (Floating-point unit on-chip)VME (Virtual mode extension)DE (Debugging extension)PSE (Page size extension)TSC (Time stamp counter)MSR (Model specific registers)PAE (Physical address extension)MCE (Machine check exception)CX8 (CMPXCHG8 instruction supported)APIC (On-chip APIC hardware supported)SEP (Fast system call)MTRR (Memory type range registers)PGE (Page global enable)MCA (Machine check architecture)CMOV (Conditional move instruction supported)PAT (Page attribute table)PSE-36 (36-bit page size extension)PSN (Processor serial number present and enabled)CLFSH (CLFLUSH instruction supported)DS (Debug store)ACPI (ACPI supported)MMX (MMX technology supported)FXSR (FXSAVE and FXSTOR instructions supported)SSE (Streaming SIMD extensions)SSE2 (Streaming SIMD extensions 2)SS (Self-snoop)HTT (Multi-threading)TM (Thermal monitor supported)PBE (Pending break enabled)80868028680386804868087802878038780487PentiumPentium IIPentium MMXPentium II XeonPentium IIICeleron MPentium 4 HTDuronK5K6K6-2K6-3AthlonAMD29000K6-2+Power PCPower PC 601Power PC 603Power PC 603+Power PC 604Power PC 620Power PC x704Power PC 750Core DuoCore Duo MobileCore Solo MobileAtomAlphaAlpha 21064Alpha 21066Alpha 21164Alpha 21164PCAlpha 21164aAlpha 21264Alpha 21364Turion II Ultra Dual-Core Mobile MTurion II Dual-Core Mobile MAthlon II Dual-Core MOpteron 6100Opteron 4100Opteron 6200Opteron 4200MIPSMIPS R4000MIPS R4200MIPS R4400MIPS R4600MIPS R10000C-SeriesE-SeriesA-SeriesG-SeriesZ-SeriesR-SeriesOpteron 4300Opteron 6300Opteron 3300FireProSuperSPARCMicroSPARC IIMicroSPARC IIepUltraSPARCUltraSPARC IIUltraSPARC IIiUltraSPARC IIIUltraSPARC IIIi6804068xxx68000680106802068030HobbitCrusoe TM5000Crusoe TM3000Efficeon TM8000WeitekItaniumAthlon 64SempronTurion 64Dual-Core OpteronAthlon 64 X2Turion 64 X2Quad-Core OpteronThird-Generation OpteronPhenom FXPhenom X4Phenom X2Athlon X2PA-RISCPA-RISC 8500PA-RISC 8000PA-RISC 7300LCPA-RISC 7200PA-RISC 7100LCPA-RISC 7100V30Quad-Core Xeon 3200Dual-Core Xeon 3000Quad-Core Xeon 5300Dual-Core Xeon 5100Dual-Core Xeon 5000Dual-Core Xeon LVDual-Core Xeon ULVDual-Core Xeon 7100Quad-Core Xeon 5400Quad-Core XeonDual-Core Xeon 5200Dual-Core Xeon 7200Quad-Core Xeon 7300Quad-Core Xeon 7400Multi-Core Xeon 7400Pentium III XeonPentium III SpeedstepPentium 4AS400Xeon MPAthlon XPAthlon MPItanium 2Pentium MCeleron DPentium DPentium EECore SoloCore 2 DuoCore 2 SoloCore 2 ExtremeCore 2 QuadCore 2 Extreme MobileCore 2 Duo MobileCore 2 Solo MobileCore i7Dual-Core CeleronIBM390G4G5ESA/390 G6z/ArchitecturCore i5Core i3C7-MC7-DC7EdenMulti-Core XeonDual-Core Xeon 3xxxQuad-Core Xeon 3xxxNanoDual-Core Xeon 5xxxQuad-Core Xeon 5xxxDual-Core Xeon 7xxxQuad-Core Xeon 7xxxMulti-Core Xeon 7xxxMulti-Core Xeon 3400Opteron 3000Sempron IIEmbedded Opteron Quad-CorePhenom Triple-CoreTurion Ultra Dual-Core MobileTurion Dual-Core MobileAthlon Dual-CoreSempron SIPhenom IIAthlon IISix-Core OpteronSempron Mi860i960SH-3SH-4StrongARM6x86MediaGXMIIWinChipDSPVideo ProcessorCentral ProcessorMath ProcessorDSP ProcessorBase BoardMemory ControllerPort ConnectorSystem SlotsOn Board DevicesOEM StringsSystem Configuration OptionsBIOS LanguageGroup AssociationsSystem Event LogPhysical Memory ArrayMemory Device32-bit Memory ErrorMemory Array Mapped AddressMemory Device Mapped AddressBuilt-in Pointing DevicePortable BatterySystem ResetHardware SecuritySystem Power ControlsVoltage ProbeCooling DeviceTemperature ProbeElectrical Current ProbeOut-of-band Remote AccessBoot Integrity ServicesSystem Boot64-bit Memory ErrorManagement DeviceManagement Device ComponentManagement Device Threshold DataMemory ChannelIPMI DevicePower SupplyAdditional InformationOnboard DeviceManagement Controller Host InterfaceExternal Interface Locked OutExternal Interface EnabledSafeWarningLow Profile DesktopPizza BoxMini TowerPortableLaptopHand HeldDocking StationAll In OneSub NotebookSpace-savingLunch BoxMain Server ChassisSub ChassisBus Expansion ChassisPeripheral ChassisRAID ChassisRack Mount ChassisSealed-case PCMulti-systemCompactPCIAdvancedTCABlade EnclosingServer BladeConnectivity SwitchProcessor+Memory ModuleProcessor+I/O ModuleInterconnect BoardBoard is a hosting boardBoard requires at least one daughter boardBoard is removableBoard is replaceableBoard is hot swappableAPM TimerModem RingLAN RemotePower SwitchPCI PME#AC Power RestoredBIOS boot specification is supportedFunction key-initiated network boot is supportedTargeted content distribution is supportedUEFI is supportedSystem is a virtual machineACPI is supportedUSB legacy is supportedAGP is supportedI2O boot is supportedLS-120 boot is supportedATAPI Zip drive boot is supportedIEEE 1394 boot is supportedSmart battery is supportedMCA is supportedEISA is supportedPCI is supportedPNP is supportedAPM is supportedBIOS is upgradeableBIOS shadowing is allowedVLB is supportedESCD support is availableBoot from CD is supportedSelectable boot is supportedBIOS ROM is socketedBoot from PC Card (PCMCIA) is supportedEDD is supportedJapanese floppy for NEC 9800 1.2 MB is supported (int 13h)Japanese floppy for Toshiba 1.2 MB is supported (int 13h)5.25"/360 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)5.25"/1.2 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)3.5"/720 kB floppy services are supported (int 13h)3.5"/2.88 MB floppy services are supported (int 13h)Print screen service is supported (int 5h)8042 keyboard services are supported (int 9h)Serial services are supported (int 14h)Printer services are supported (int 17h)CGA/mono video services are supported (int 10h)NEC PC-98R UVX ](egimlim2oBppqqruFwv|}CӁl :ь/H0rtm&ʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟʟ AzDBValid type keywords are: %s Valid string keywords are: Only one string can be specified Invalid string keyword: %s callocInvalid type keyword: %s Invalid type number: %lu String keyword expected Type number or keyword expected d:hqs:t:uVOptions --string, --type and --dump-bin are mutually exclusive Options --from-dump and --dump-bin are mutually exclusive dev-memhelpquietstringdump-binfrom-dumpUsage: dmidecode [OPTIONS] Options are: -d, --dev-mem FILE Read memory from device FILE (default: /dev/mem) -h, --help Display this help text and exit -q, --quiet Less verbose output -s, --string KEYWORD Only display the value of the given DMI string -t, --type TYPE Only display the entries of given type -u, --dump Do not decode the entries --dump-bin FILE Dump the DMI data to a binary file --from-dump FILE Read the DMI data from a binary file -V, --version Display the version and exit bios-vendorbios-versionbios-release-datesystem-manufacturersystem-product-namesystem-versionsystem-serial-numbersystem-uuidbaseboard-manufacturerbaseboard-product-namebaseboard-versionbaseboard-serial-numberbaseboard-asset-tagchassis-manufacturerchassis-typechassis-versionchassis-serial-numberchassis-asset-tagprocessor-familyprocessor-manufacturerprocessor-versionprocessor-frequencybiosbaseboardchassisprocessormemorycacheconnectorslot  )  HPHewlett-PackardHP BIOS iSCSI NIC PCI and MAC Information HP BIOS PXE NIC PCI and MAC Information HP ProLiant System/Rack Locator Rack Name: %s Enclosure Name: %s Enclosure Model: %s Enclosure Serial: %s Enclosure Bays: %d Server Bay: %s Bays Filled: %d NIC %d: Disabled NIC %d: Not Installed NIC %d: PCI device %02x:%02x.%x, MAC address %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X malloc%s: munmaplseek%s: Unexpected end of file r+bwbfopenfseekfwritefclose;403h34368848L4:::,N;d};|;<x<<<+=LY=d=|== >8>g>> >$$?<d?T?l?L@AXAA,eClEח LԚ*$Stmġݡ d  zRx $5*zRx $/ FJ 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