The interface used for general calibration queries not related to specific device types, for example displays. The daemon version. The interface used for calibrating displays. The percentage complete of the calibration. Starts the calibration. The device ID, e.g. xrandr-LVDS1. The profile ID, e.g. sensor-colorhug. Optional parameters that will influence the calibration. Known keys are: Quality : (u) The calibration quality, where 0 is low, 1 is medium and 2 is high. Whitepoint : (u) The target whitepoint in Kelvin, or 0 or native. Title : (s) The profile title, e.g. Lenovo T61. DeviceKind : (u) The CdSensorCap for the display. Brightness : (u) The display brightness. Cancel the calibration that is in progress. Resume the calibration that is in progress. The calibration process has been completed. An error code, or 0 for no error. The error code is specified in CdMainError. Extra data from the calibration that may be useful to client software. Known keys are: ProfileId : (s) The ID of the profile. ProfilePath : (s) The object path of the profile. ErrorDetails: (s) Any untranslated error detail string. Emitted when the controller should update the RGB patch on the screen. The controller has 100ms to update the display. The red value from 0.0 to 1.0 The red value from 0.0 to 1.0 The red value from 0.0 to 1.0 Emitted when the controller should update the gamma ramps for the screen. The controller has 50ms to update the display. The red, green and blue ramps, which should be interpolated to match the display gamma size. Emitted when the user needs to do something. The interaction code, where: 0 = attach to screen 1 = move to calibration mode. 2 = move to surface mode. 3 = shut the laptop lid. Any debugging message for the interaction. An image to show what interaction is required, or '' for no image available.