#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Trustwave All rights reserved. # # The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set is distributed under # Apache Software License (ASL) version 2 # Please see the enclosed LICENCE file for full details.# # For Internal Use only! # # Originally writtern by Ofer Shezaf # # !! todo: # !! ~ request for URI command in conf file # !! ~ Ensure headers terminators # !! read rulesets config file for event mane, policy and patterns # !! fuz patterns from config file # !! %include directive use strict; #use warnings; #use diagnostics; use IO::File; use IO::Socket; use IO::Select; use HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Response; use Safe; use Storable qw(dclone); use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; # -- Add library use FindBin qw($Bin $Script); use lib "$Bin"; use Data::Dumper; autoflush STDOUT; # -- consts our $SKELETON_REQUEST = < '2', 'fuzz' => 1, 'vars' => {}, 'port' => 80 }; $global_state->{'global'} = $global_state; GetOptions ( $global_state, 'server|s:s', 'hostname:s', 'port|p:s', 'timeout|t:f', 'mslog:s', 'msdebug:s', 'o:s', 'i=s@', 'run:s@', 'from:s', 'relevant|r!', 'fuzz|f!', 'clean!', 'check!', 'verbose|v!', 'help|h|?', 'man' ) || pod2usage (-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 0); pod2usage(-exitstatus => 1, -verbose => 1) if $global_state->{'help'}; pod2usage(-exitstatus => 1, -verbose => 2) if $global_state->{'man'}; push @{$global_state->{'input'}}, @ARGV; pod2usage (2) if $#{$global_state->{'input'}} < 0; # -- get list of test files my $testfiles = []; my ($progname) = ($Script =~ /(.*)\..*$/); if (-e "$progname.conf") { push @$testfiles, "$progname.conf"; } foreach my $arg (@{$global_state->{'input'}}) { push @$testfiles, glob $arg; } foreach my $file (@$testfiles) { if (!-e $file) { print STDERR "Error 101: test file $file not found\n"; exit; } } my ($outfile, $outfilename); if ($global_state->{'output'}) { $outfile = new IO::File ">$global_state->{'output'}"; if (!$outfile) { print STDERR "Error 106: unable to create report file $global_state->{'output'}. $@\n"; exit; } $outfilename = $global_state->{'output'}; } else { $outfile = *STDOUT; $outfilename = 'STDOUT'; } report_header($outfile, $outfilename); foreach my $filename (@$testfiles) { parse_test_file ($outfile, $filename, $global_state); } exit (0); # -- read an input file and execute tests in it sub parse_test_file { my ($outfile, $filename, $parent_state) = @_; my $file_state = inherit_state ($parent_state); report_file_header($outfile, $filename); my $linenumber = 0; my $testfile = new IO::File "<$filename"; if (!$testfile) { print STDERR "Error 105: unable to open tests file $filename. $@\n"; print $outfile "unable to open file"; return; } my $state = $file_state; while (defined(my $line=<$testfile>)) { $linenumber++; $line = tchomp ($line); $state = parse_test_line ($line, $state, $testfile); if (!ref $state) { print STDERR "$state in file $filename at line $linenumber\n"; print STDERR "line: $line\n" if $parent_state->{'check'}; return; } while (my $test = shift @{$file_state->{'tests'}}) { run_test ($outfile, $test, $filename); } } run_test ($outfile, $state, $filename) if $state->{'name'}; } # -- parse the next input line sub parse_test_line { my ($line, $state, $file) = @_; # -- Handle EOF return $state unless defined $line; # -- Hande multi line remarks if ($state->{'multi_line_cmd'} eq "remark") { undef $state->{'multi_line_cmd'} if ($line =~ /^\%endremark/i); return $state; } # -- Handle multi line directives if (my $incmd = $state->{'multi_line_cmd'}) { # -- Request parser if ($incmd =~ /^request$/i) { if (my ($len) = $line =~ /^Content-Length: (\d+)$/) { $state->{'request_len'} = $len; } elsif ($state->{'request_state'} eq 'headers' && $line =~ /^$/) { $state->{'request_state'} = 'body'; $state->{'multi_line_value'} .= "$line\x0D\x0A"; if (defined $state->{'request_len'}) { my $result = read $file, my $buffer, $state->{'request_len'}; return "Error 110: Error reading file" if !defined $result; return "Error 111: File terminated unexpectedly (read $result char of required $state->{'request_len'})" if $result != $state->{'request_len'}; #print "==>$state->{'multi_line_value'}<==\n$buffer\n----\n"; $state->{'multi_line_value'} .= $buffer; return $state; undef $state->{'request_len'}; } } } # X-Real-Content-Length: # -- Append to value if not yet next directive if ($line !~ /^\%/) { $state->{'multi_line_value'} .= "$line\x0D\x0A"; return $state; } # -- Otherwise use directive $state = use_test_directive ($state, $incmd, $state->{'multi_line_value'}, $state->{'multi_line_global'}); return $state if (!ref $state); undef $state->{'multi_line_cmd'}; undef $state->{'multi_line_value'}; undef $state->{'request_len'}; } # -- Handle empty lines and single line remarks return $state if $line =~ /^\s*(\#|$)/; # -- Parse directive my ($global); $line =~ /^\%(\w+)\s*(.*)?$/; my ($cmd, $operand) = ($1,$2); if ($cmd =~ /^global$/i) { $global = 1; ($cmd, $operand) = ($operand =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*(.*)?$/); } if (!$operand) { $operand = 1; if ($cmd =~ /^no(.*)$/) { $cmd = $1; $operand = 0; } } $cmd = lc $cmd; # -- Start multi line directives if ($cmd =~ /^(?:request|remark)$/i) { $state->{'multi_line_cmd'} = $cmd; $state->{'multi_line_global'} = $global; return $state; } return use_test_directive ($state, $cmd, $operand, $global); } sub use_test_directive { my ($state, $cmd, $operand, $global) = @_; # -- Simple directives if ($cmd =~ /^(?:server|port|hostname|timeout|verbose|relevant|mslog|msdebug|request|uri|request|fuzz|clean|pause)$/i) { if ($global) { $state->{'global'}->{$cmd} = $operand; } $state->{$cmd} = $operand; $state->{'request_state'} = 'headers'; } # -- List directives elsif ($cmd =~ /^(?:status|remote_event|event|audit|output)$/i) { push_state ($state, $state->{'global'}, $cmd, $global, $operand); } # -- Variable assignment elsif ($cmd =~ /^(?:var)$/i) { my ($var, $values) = ($operand =~ /\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*?(.*)/); my @values = split /\s*,\s*/, $values; push_state ($state->{'vars'}, $state->{'global'}->{'vars'}, $var, $global, @values); } # -- End test (return to file context) elsif ($cmd =~ /endtest/i) { if ($state->{'name'}) { push @{$state->{'parent'}->{'tests'}}, $state; } else { return "Error 107: %endtest directive without a preceding %test directive"; } $state = $state->{'parent'}; } # -- New test (end test and start a new one) elsif ($cmd =~ /test/i) { if ($state->{'name'}) { push @{$state->{'parent'}->{'tests'}}, $state; $state = inherit_state ($state->{'parent'}); } else { $state = inherit_state ($state); } $state->{'name'} = $operand; } # -- error else { return "Error 102: syntax error"; } return $state; } sub reconfigure { my ($state) = @_; my ($restart) = 0; if ($state->{'clean'}) { unlink $state->{'mslog'} if $state->{'mslog'}; unlink $state->{'msdebug'} if $state->{'msdebug'}; $restart = 1; global_clear ($state, 'clean'); } if ($restart) { print "## Restarting apache\n"; print STDERR `/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl restart`; sleep (1); } } sub inherit_state { my ($state) = @_; my $clone = dclone $state; $clone->{'parent'} = $state; $clone->{'global'} = $state->{'global'}; delete $clone->{'tests'}; return $clone; } # -- Add values to key in state taking into about both overriding and global sub push_state { my ($hash, $global_hash, $key, $global, @values) = @_; if ($global) { push @{$global_hash->{$key}}, @values; } elsif (!$hash->{"_OVERRIDE_$key"}) { $hash->{$key} = []; } $hash->{"_OVERRIDE_$key"} = 1; push @{$hash->{$key}}, @values; } sub global_clear { my ($state, $key) = @_; while ($state) { undef $state->{$key}; $state = $state->{'parent'}; } } sub run_test { my ($outfile, $state, $file) = @_; return if $state->{'check'}; if ($state->{'from'}) { return if $state->{'name'} !~ /$state->{'from'}/; } global_clear ($state, 'from'); my $do_test = $#{$state->{'run'}} < 0; foreach my $select (@{$state->{'run'}}) { $do_test ||= ($state->{'name'} =~ /$select/); } return if !$do_test; if ($state->{'request'} && $state->{'uri'}) { print STDERR "Error 103: cannot use both %request and %uri in test $state->{'name'} in file $file\n"; exit; } reconfigure($state); if ($state->{'uri'}) { $state->{'request'} = $SKELETON_REQUEST; $state->{'request'} =~ s/\$URI/$state->{'uri'}/; } my $requests = $state->{'fuzz'} ? generate_vectors ($state->{'request'}, $state->{'vars'}, $state->{'verbose'}) : {'' => $state->{'request'}}; VECTOR: while (my ($vars, $request) = each %$requests) { my $test = inherit_state ($state); $test->{'request'} = $request; if ($test->{'mslog'}) { my $output = `wc $test->{'mslog'}`; $output =~ /\s*(\d+)/; $test->{'mslog_start'} = $1; } if ($test->{'msdebug'}) { my $output = `wc $test->{'msdebug'}`; $output =~ /\s*(\d+)/; $test->{'msdebug_start'} = $1; } my ($server, $port) = ($test->{'server'}, $test->{'port'}); if (!$port && ($server =~ /^(.+)\:(\d+)$/)) { $server = $1; $port = $2; } if ($test->{'hostname'}) { my $hostname = ($test->{'hostname'}); } my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $server, PeerPort => $port); if (!$sock) { print STDERR "Error 104: error connecting to server $server. $@\n"; exit; } print $sock $request; my $line; do { my @ready; @ready = IO::Select->new($sock)->can_read($test->{'timeout'}); if ($#ready < 0) { $test->{'response'} = $test->{'response_status'} = "N/A"; report_test ($outfile, 'TIMEOUT', $test, $request, $vars); next VECTOR; } if (defined($line = <$sock>)) { $test->{'response'} .= $line; if (!$test->{'response_status'}) { if ($line =~ /^HTTP\S*\s+(\d+)/) { $test->{'response_status'} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /400 Bad Request<\/title>/) { $test->{'response_status'} = 400; } } } } while (defined($line)); if ($test->{'mslog'}) { my $output = `wc $test->{'mslog'}`; $output =~ /\s*(\d+)/; my $lines = $1 - $test->{'mslog_start'}; $test->{'mslog'} = `tail -n $lines $test->{'mslog'}`; } if ($test->{'msdebug'}) { my $output = `wc $test->{'msdebug'}`; $output =~ /\s*(\d+)/; my $lines = $1 - $test->{'msdebug_start'}; $test->{'msdebug'} = `tail -n $lines $test->{'msdebug'}`; } $test->{'match_status'} = check_match ($test->{'response_status'}, $test->{'status'}); $test->{'match_output'} = check_match ($test->{'response'}, $test->{'output'}); $test->{'match_audit'} = !$test->{'mslog'} || check_match ($test->{'mslog'}, $test->{'audit'}); my $test_events; foreach my $event (@{$test->{'event'}}) { if ($event =~ /^\!(.*)$/) { push @$test_events, "!\\[id \\\"$1\\\"\\]" } else { push @$test_events, "\\[id \\\"$event\\\"\\]" } } $test->{'match_events'} = !$test->{'mslog'} || check_match ($test->{'mslog'}, $test_events); my $result = ($test->{'match_status'} && $test->{'match_output'} && $test->{'match_audit'} && $test->{'match_events'}) ? "OK" : "FAIL" ; report_test ($outfile, $result, $test, $request, $vars); sleep $test->{'pause'} if $test->{'pause'}; } } sub check_match { my ($text, $patterns) = @_; my $match = 1; foreach my $pattern (@$patterns) { if ($pattern =~ /^\!(.*)$/) { return 0 if $text =~ /$1/sm; } else { return 0 if $text !~ /$pattern/sm; } } return $match; } sub report_header { my ($outfile, $outfilename) = @_; print $outfile "\nModSecurity rules test report generated to $outfilename on " . localtime() . "\n"; print $outfile "Produced by rulestest.pl, (c) Trustwave Holdings Inc, 2012\n"; } sub report_file_header { my ($outfile, $filename) = @_; print $outfile "\n## reading tests file $filename\n"; } sub report_test { my ($outfile, $result, $test, $request, $vars) = @_; print $outfile "\n" if $result ne "OK"; print $outfile "$result: "; print $outfile "$test->{'name'}"; print $outfile " ($vars)" if $vars; print $outfile ", status = $test->{'response_status'}"; #print $outfile ", X-WAF-Event Match" if ($test->{'match_output'}); my (@events) = ($test->{'mslog'} =~ /\[id \"(\d+)\"\]/gim); print $outfile $#events < 0 ? ", no events received" : ", event(s) = " . (join ",", @events) ; if ($result eq "FAIL") { print $outfile "\n"; if (!$test->{'match_status'}) { print $outfile "Expected status code(s): " . (join ",", @{$test->{'status'}}) . "\n"; } if (!$test->{'match_events'}) { print $outfile "Expected event(s): " . (join ",", @{$test->{'event'}}) . "\n"; } if (!$test->{'match_audit'}) { print $outfile "Audit does not match\n"; } if (!$test->{'match_output'}) { print $outfile "Output does not match\n"; } #$test->{'match_events'} && print "Events: $test->{'response_status'} and not " . (join ",", $test->{'status'}) . "\n"; print_details ($test) if $test->{'verbose'} || $test->{'relevant'}; } print $outfile "\n"; print_details ($test) if $test->{'verbose'}; } sub print_details { my ($test) = @_; print $outfile "---------\nRequest:\n$test->{'request'}\n"; print $outfile "---------\nResponse:\n$test->{'response'}\n"; print $outfile "---------\nLog:\n$test->{'mslog'}\n" if ($test->{'mslog'}); print $outfile "---------\nDebug:\n$test->{'msdebug'}\n" if ($test->{'msdebug'}); } sub generate_vectors { my ($script, $vars, $verbose) = @_; my $test_requests = []; my $vectors = [ {} ]; while (my ($var, $values) = each %$vars) { next if $var =~ /^_OVERRIDE_/; next if $script !~ /\$$var\b/; foreach my $vector (@$vectors) { $vector->{$var} = $values->[0]; } if ($#$values > 0) { my $collect_vectors = []; shift @$values; foreach my $value (@$values) { my $new_vectors = dclone $vectors; foreach my $vector (@$new_vectors) { $vector->{$var} = $value; } push @$collect_vectors, @$new_vectors; }; push @$vectors, @$collect_vectors; } } $script =~ s/\$([a-zA-Z_]+)/\$vector->{$1}/g; #print "SCRIPT=>$script\n"; my $results; foreach our $vector (@$vectors) { my $var = join ",", map { "$_=$vector->{$_}" } keys %$vector; $vector->{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} = '$CONTENT_LENGTH'; my $result; if (!defined($result = eval_expression ($script, $vector, $verbose))) { print STDERR "Error 109: unable to fuzz request. Not fuzzing test.\n"; return ({'' => $script}); } #my $req = HTTP::Request->parse($result); my ($content) = $result =~ /.*?\x0D\x0A\x0D\x0A(.*)/sm; $vector->{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} = length $1; $result = eval_expression ($script, $vector, $verbose); $results->{$var} = $result; } return $results; } sub eval_expression { my ($script, $vector, $verbose) = @_; $script =~ s/([\"\@\%])/\\$1/g; my $result; my $warn; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn = $_[0] }; eval { my $safe = new Safe; $safe->share ('$vector'); $result = $safe->reval ("return \"$script\""); }; if ((my $error = $@) || $warn) { print STDERR "Error 108: unable to evaluate expression\n"; print STDERR "SCRIPT: $script\n" if $verbose; print STDERR "EVAL ERROR: $error\n" if $error && $verbose; print STDERR "EVAL WARNING: $warn\n" if $warn && $verbose; return undef; } return $result; } sub tchomp { my ($text) = @_; $text =~ s/^(.*?)(?:\x0D\x0A|\x0A|\x0D|\x0C|\x{2028}|\x{2029})/$1/s; return $text; } __END__ =head1 NAME rulestest.pl =head1 SYNOPSIS rulestest.pl [options] [test files ...] This program reads and executed tests in input test file(s) agains a ModSecurity protected web application. use -help for options. use -man for detailed usage information. =head1 OPTIONS the following options can be used either on the command line or (using the long version) as directives (prefixed by %) in test files. -s or -server <address>[:<port>] address of server to send. Mandatory before any test, but can appear in the test files themselves -p or -port <port> port to send tests to, defaults to 80 -t or -timeout <time> time in seconds, possibly fractional, to wait for server response. If the server does not respond within this period the test fails. the default is 10 seconds. Timeout should be small for synthetic tests, such as those generated from capture files as the server would respond fast. The timeout may need to be longer for real world servers. -f or -fuzz Whether to use fuzzing or not. You may not want to use fuzzing in case the requests where generated automatically and may includes syntax that will be considered by rulestest as substitutable variables. -mslog <file name> ModSecurity log file to search for events in. If not specified events are not (useful if tests are not run locally). -msdebug <file name> ModSecurity debug file to extract debug information to test report. If not specified, debug information is not add to the report. -o <file name> name of output file. Defaults to STDOUT. Not relevant as directive in test files. -i <file name> Names of input files. can also appear as parameters on the command line. Not relevant as directive in test files. -check Does not run test but only parses the input file -run <regular expression> a regular expresion to select tests to perfrom. Only tests whose name match the regular expression are executed. The option (or directive) can be used multiple times, so a test matching any of the regular expressions will be executed. -from <regular expression> a regular expression selecting the first test to perform. -r or -relevant Detailed information in the test report in case of a test failure. -v or -verbose Detailed information for all tests. Verbose will also cause specific errors to include print more information. -c or -clean deletes log and debug files and restart apache (using apachctl). Significantly enhance performance of the tests and can be used as many times as needed in test files. Clean is executed once, when starting the 1st test after it is defined regardless of the scope it is defined at. Specifically it will remove the log and debug files as defined when the test start: this enables the use of -clean on the command line even though file locations are defined only later on, for example in rulestest.conf. =head1 INSTALLATION & CONFIGURATION Test should be run from the same host ModSecurity runs on, or a computer that has file system access to ModSecurity audit log to. This allows rulestest to examine ModSecurity audit log for events and extract information from ModSecurity debug log to the test report. In order to test for events, ensure that ModSecurity is set use serial logging. =head2 Local and Global Settings: When used in a file, directives are local to the file, and when used whithin a test they are local to a test. To specify global settings preced the directive wiht the keyword global: %global server if a file with the name rulestest.conf exists in the same directory as the script, it will be read. I can contain any directive valid in a test file. It can be used to set default =head2 Binary Attrbiutes: Directives that except a yes/no value can be set in varios ways. Providing the value 0 or 1 will set them to no and yes respectively. The directive without any values is eqvivalent to setting it to 1, and the directive preceded by "no" is eqvivalent to 0, for example: %noverbose will set the current scope to not report verbosely. =head2 Default Settings: The file rulestest.conf is automatically read by rulestest.pl before any tests file and may contain global setup directives. You may especially want to set there settings such as %server, %mslog and %msdebug as well as reporting level using %verbose and %relevant. =head1 WRITING TESTS To write a test use the following directives: =head2 defining the test request %test <name> - starts a test and set is name as shown in the report %endtest - used to terminate a test. Ususally there is no need to use this directive as the next %test directive implicitly defines the end of a test. You may want to use it if you want to set additional file level settings for the remaining tests. %remark - Ignore all lines (including directives) until a matching %endremark directive. use # at the beginning of a line to add a remark line to the file, if not in the middle of a multi-line directive such as %request. %request - multiple lines of the request should appear on the lines follwing the directive terminated by the next =directive (a line starting with "%"). Do not forget to leave an empty line as required by HTTP. You can use the special variable $CONTENT_LENGTH to have rulestest set the correct content length for the request. $CONTENT_LENGTH can save counting, but its main use is to enable fuzzing of requests with variables in the post data. %uri - a uri to send to the server. it would be embedded in a standard request %pause - define a delay in seconds after the test and before the next test. Useful if the feature tested involves timeouts. either a %uri or a %request directive must appeat in a test. A %request or a %uri can include variables using perl notation ($varname). this would be replaced when testing with a value set by the %var directive. Empty lines are skipped if not in the middle of multi-line directives such as %request. =head2 defining expected output %status <regexp> - The expected response status code(s). %event <regexp> - A regexp that should match event ids generated by the test in the audit log. %audit <regexp> - A regexp that should match in the audit log of the test. %output <regexp> - A regexp that should match in set a string to search in the HTTP response. You can use multiple directives to define many required patterns. for %event, %audit and %output you can use multiple directives to define many required patterns. All of them must match for the rule to match. Use the regular expresion or (|) option to check for at least one option from a group of patterns. Each regular expression can be preceded by a "!" mark to negate the test. the regular expression following must not appear in the test result. =head1 REPORTING By default rulestest will provide brief message describing if the test succeded in any of the checks done: status code, events generated, pattern in audit log and pattern in response. the following directives allow control on the level of details of the report: %verbose - from the test for which the directive appears onward, output request, reply and new ModSecurity audit log lines for each test. set to 0 to stop (1 is implicit on set). %relevant - from the test for which the directive appears onward, output verbose output for tests that failed any check. set to 0 to stop (1 is implicit on set). In most cases, you will only be interested in the failed tests. In that case, you can use awk with the following command: gawk '$1=="OK:" {printme=0}; $1=="FAIL:" {printme=1}; $1=="##" {printme=1}; printme==1 {print}' =head1 VARIABLE SUBSTITUTION (FUZZING) The directive "%var variable=value[, value[, valueM-^E..]] sets values for a variable which are embedded in the request sent. The test would be repeated using every value. Values are set only for the current test. Use the %globalvar directive to set global variables. Multiple %var directives for the same variable add values to the list and do not replace values, so: %var variable=value1 %var variable=value2 Would test with both value1 and value2. If multiple variables are used in the same test, than the test is carried for each combination of values of the variables: %var var1=v1, v2 %var var3=v3, v4 The test would be repeated 4 times with the test vectors (v1, v3), (v1, v4), (v2, v3), (v2, v4). As noted before, the special variable $CONTENT_LENGTH can be used to automatically calculate the content length based on the actually generated request after variable substitution. =head1 TESTING RESPONSES In order for outbound tests the script testserver.cgi has to be installed in the web server's /cgi-bin directory. To force response content in request, use /cgi-bin/testserver.cgi as the target URL and add one or more of the following headers to the reuqest: Response-Status: - Force a response status line. Defaults to "200 OK". Response-Content: - Adds the string to the response. Note that this would not be the entire response. Response-Content-Type: - sets the value of the content type header, defaults to "text/html" Response-Header-Name: - Adds a header to the response. This defined the new header's name. Response-Header-Value defines the header's value. Response-Header-Value: - The value of the new header defined by the request header Response-Header-Name. Note: If Response-Header-Name is empty, then this parameter will be ignored. =head1 ERRORS Error 101: test file <file> not found. Check that all options are valid and no option was considered a test file. Error 102: syntax error in file <file> on line <line>. a line which is not a remark, not a directive and not in any multiline section (request and multi line remark) was found at specified line and file. Error 103: cannot use both %request and %uri. Only one of these directive can be specified in each test. Error 104: error connecting to server. The specific error is also displayed. This error usually implies a communication problem or specificaiton of a wrong server or port. Error 105: Error occured when trying to open a tests file. Tests will continue with next tests file. Error 106: Error occured when trying to create report file. Error 107: %endtest directive without a preceding %test directive Error 108: The expression evulator (using Perl eval function) failed. The expression probably includes some Perl syntax. use -verbose to print the actual error returned. Error 109: Fuzzing the request failed. This probably implies that the test request includes some Perl syntax. You may want to use the nofuzz option to overcome the problem. =cut