var FancyWebSocket = function(url) { var callbacks = {}; var ws_url = url; var conn; this.bind = function(event_name, callback){ callbacks[event_name] = callbacks[event_name] || []; callbacks[event_name].push(callback); return this;// chainable }; this.send = function(event_name, event_data){ this.conn.send( event_data ); return this; }; this.connect = function() { if ( typeof(MozWebSocket) == 'function' ) this.conn = new MozWebSocket(url); else this.conn = new WebSocket(url); // dispatch to the right handlers this.conn.onmessage = function(evt){ dispatch('message',; }; this.conn.onclose = function(){dispatch('close',null)} this.conn.onopen = function(){dispatch('open',null)} }; this.disconnect = function() { this.conn.close(); }; var dispatch = function(event_name, message){ var chain = callbacks[event_name]; if(typeof chain == 'undefined') return; // no callbacks for this event for(var i = 0; i < chain.length; i++){ chain[i]( message ) } } };