wsClients[ integer ClientID ] = array( 0 => resource Socket, // client socket 1 => string MessageBuffer, // a blank string when there's no incoming frames 2 => integer ReadyState, // between 0 and 3 3 => integer LastRecvTime, // set to time() when the client is added 4 => int/false PingSentTime, // false when the server is not waiting for a pong 5 => int/false CloseStatus, // close status that wsOnClose() will be called with 6 => integer IPv4, // client's IP stored as a signed long, retrieved from ip2long() 7 => int/false FramePayloadDataLength, // length of a frame's payload data, reset to false when all frame data has been read (cannot reset to 0, to allow reading of mask key) 8 => integer FrameBytesRead, // amount of bytes read for a frame, reset to 0 when all frame data has been read 9 => string FrameBuffer, // joined onto end as a frame's data comes in, reset to blank string when all frame data has been read 10 => integer MessageOpcode, // stored by the first frame for fragmented messages, default value is 0 11 => integer MessageBufferLength // the payload data length of MessageBuffer ) $wsRead[ integer ClientID ] = resource Socket // this one-dimensional array is used for socket_select() // $wsRead[ 0 ] is the socket listening for incoming client connections $wsClientCount = integer ClientCount // amount of clients currently connected $wsClientIPCount[ integer IP ] = integer ClientCount // amount of clients connected per IP v4 address */ // server state functions function wsStartServer($host, $port) { if (isset($this->wsRead[0])) return false; if (!$this->wsRead[0] = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP)) { return false; } if (!socket_set_option($this->wsRead[0], SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)) { socket_close($this->wsRead[0]); return false; } if (!socket_bind($this->wsRead[0], $host, $port)) { socket_close($this->wsRead[0]); return false; } if (!socket_listen($this->wsRead[0], 10)) { socket_close($this->wsRead[0]); return false; } $write = array(); $except = array(); $nextPingCheck = time() + 1; while (isset($this->wsRead[0])) { $changed = $this->wsRead; $result = socket_select($changed, $write, $except, 1); if ($result === false) { socket_close($this->wsRead[0]); return false; } elseif ($result > 0) { foreach ($changed as $clientID => $socket) { if ($clientID != 0) { // client socket changed $buffer = ''; $bytes = @socket_recv($socket, $buffer, 4096, 0); if ($bytes === false) { // error on recv, remove client socket (will check to send close frame) $this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } elseif ($bytes > 0) { // process handshake or frame(s) if (!$this->wsProcessClient($clientID, $buffer, $bytes)) { $this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } } else { // 0 bytes received from client, meaning the client closed the TCP connection $this->wsRemoveClient($clientID); } } else { // listen socket changed $client = socket_accept($this->wsRead[0]); if ($client !== false) { // fetch client IP as integer $clientIP = ''; $result = socket_getpeername($client, $clientIP); $clientIP = ip2long($clientIP); if ($result !== false && $this->wsClientCount < self::WS_MAX_CLIENTS && (!isset($this->wsClientIPCount[$clientIP]) || $this->wsClientIPCount[$clientIP] < self::WS_MAX_CLIENTS_PER_IP)) { $this->wsAddClient($client, $clientIP); } else { socket_close($client); } } } } } if (time() >= $nextPingCheck) { $this->wsCheckIdleClients(); $nextPingCheck = time() + 1; } } return true; // returned when wsStopServer() is called } function wsStopServer() { // check if server is not running if (!isset($this->wsRead[0])) return false; // close all client connections foreach ($this->wsClients as $clientID => $client) { // if the client's opening handshake is complete, tell the client the server is 'going away' if ($client[2] != self::WS_READY_STATE_CONNECTING) { $this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_GONE_AWAY); } socket_close($client[0]); } // close the socket which listens for incoming clients socket_close($this->wsRead[0]); // reset variables $this->wsRead = array(); $this->wsClients = array(); $this->wsClientCount = 0; $this->wsClientIPCount = array(); return true; } // client timeout functions function wsCheckIdleClients() { $time = time(); foreach ($this->wsClients as $clientID => $client) { if ($client[2] != self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSED) { // client ready state is not closed if ($client[4] !== false) { // ping request has already been sent to client, pending a pong reply if ($time >= $client[4] + self::WS_TIMEOUT_PONG) { // client didn't respond to the server's ping request in self::WS_TIMEOUT_PONG seconds $this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_TIMEOUT); $this->wsRemoveClient($clientID); } } elseif ($time >= $client[3] + self::WS_TIMEOUT_RECV) { // last data was received >= self::WS_TIMEOUT_RECV seconds ago if ($client[2] != self::WS_READY_STATE_CONNECTING) { // client ready state is open or closing $this->wsClients[$clientID][4] = time(); $this->wsSendClientMessage($clientID, self::WS_OPCODE_PING, ''); } else { // client ready state is connecting $this->wsRemoveClient($clientID); } } } } } // client existence functions function wsAddClient($socket, $clientIP) { // increase amount of clients connected $this->wsClientCount++; // increase amount of clients connected on this client's IP if (isset($this->wsClientIPCount[$clientIP])) { $this->wsClientIPCount[$clientIP]++; } else { $this->wsClientIPCount[$clientIP] = 1; } // fetch next client ID $clientID = $this->wsGetNextClientID(); // store initial client data $this->wsClients[$clientID] = array($socket, '', self::WS_READY_STATE_CONNECTING, time(), false, 0, $clientIP, false, 0, '', 0, 0); // store socket - used for socket_select() $this->wsRead[$clientID] = $socket; } function wsRemoveClient($clientID) { // fetch close status (which could be false), and call wsOnClose $closeStatus = $this->wsClients[$clientID][5]; if ( array_key_exists('close', $this->wsOnEvents) ) foreach ( $this->wsOnEvents['close'] as $func ) $func($clientID, $closeStatus); // close socket $socket = $this->wsClients[$clientID][0]; socket_close($socket); // decrease amount of clients connected on this client's IP $clientIP = $this->wsClients[$clientID][6]; if ($this->wsClientIPCount[$clientIP] > 1) { $this->wsClientIPCount[$clientIP]--; } else { unset($this->wsClientIPCount[$clientIP]); } // decrease amount of clients connected $this->wsClientCount--; // remove socket and client data from arrays unset($this->wsRead[$clientID], $this->wsClients[$clientID]); } // client data functions function wsGetNextClientID() { $i = 1; // starts at 1 because 0 is the listen socket while (isset($this->wsRead[$i])) $i++; return $i; } function wsGetClientSocket($clientID) { return $this->wsClients[$clientID][0]; } // client read functions function wsProcessClient($clientID, &$buffer, $bufferLength) { if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][2] == self::WS_READY_STATE_OPEN) { // handshake completed $result = $this->wsBuildClientFrame($clientID, $buffer, $bufferLength); } elseif ($this->wsClients[$clientID][2] == self::WS_READY_STATE_CONNECTING) { // handshake not completed $result = $this->wsProcessClientHandshake($clientID, $buffer); if ($result) { $this->wsClients[$clientID][2] = self::WS_READY_STATE_OPEN; if ( array_key_exists('open', $this->wsOnEvents) ) foreach ( $this->wsOnEvents['open'] as $func ) $func($clientID); } } else { // ready state is set to closed $result = false; } return $result; } function wsBuildClientFrame($clientID, &$buffer, $bufferLength) { // increase number of bytes read for the frame, and join buffer onto end of the frame buffer $this->wsClients[$clientID][8] += $bufferLength; $this->wsClients[$clientID][9] .= $buffer; // check if the length of the frame's payload data has been fetched, if not then attempt to fetch it from the frame buffer if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][7] !== false || $this->wsCheckSizeClientFrame($clientID) == true) { // work out the header length of the frame $headerLength = ($this->wsClients[$clientID][7] <= 125 ? 0 : ($this->wsClients[$clientID][7] <= 65535 ? 2 : 8)) + 6; // check if all bytes have been received for the frame $frameLength = $this->wsClients[$clientID][7] + $headerLength; if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][8] >= $frameLength) { // check if too many bytes have been read for the frame (they are part of the next frame) $nextFrameBytesLength = $this->wsClients[$clientID][8] - $frameLength; if ($nextFrameBytesLength > 0) { $this->wsClients[$clientID][8] -= $nextFrameBytesLength; $nextFrameBytes = substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], $frameLength); $this->wsClients[$clientID][9] = substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], 0, $frameLength); } // process the frame $result = $this->wsProcessClientFrame($clientID); // check if the client wasn't removed, then reset frame data if (isset($this->wsClients[$clientID])) { $this->wsClients[$clientID][7] = false; $this->wsClients[$clientID][8] = 0; $this->wsClients[$clientID][9] = ''; } // if there's no extra bytes for the next frame, or processing the frame failed, return the result of processing the frame if ($nextFrameBytesLength <= 0 || !$result) return $result; // build the next frame with the extra bytes return $this->wsBuildClientFrame($clientID, $nextFrameBytes, $nextFrameBytesLength); } } return true; } function wsCheckSizeClientFrame($clientID) { // check if at least 2 bytes have been stored in the frame buffer if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][8] > 1) { // fetch payload length in byte 2, max will be 127 $payloadLength = ord(substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], 1, 1)) & 127; if ($payloadLength <= 125) { // actual payload length is <= 125 $this->wsClients[$clientID][7] = $payloadLength; } elseif ($payloadLength == 126) { // actual payload length is <= 65,535 if (substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], 3, 1) !== false) { // at least another 2 bytes are set $payloadLengthExtended = substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], 2, 2); $array = unpack('na', $payloadLengthExtended); $this->wsClients[$clientID][7] = $array['a']; } } else { // actual payload length is > 65,535 if (substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], 9, 1) !== false) { // at least another 8 bytes are set $payloadLengthExtended = substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], 2, 8); // check if the frame's payload data length exceeds 2,147,483,647 (31 bits) // the maximum integer in PHP is "usually" this number. More info: $payloadLengthExtended32_1 = substr($payloadLengthExtended, 0, 4); $array = unpack('Na', $payloadLengthExtended32_1); if ($array['a'] != 0 || ord(substr($payloadLengthExtended, 4, 1)) & 128) { $this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG); return false; } // fetch length as 32 bit unsigned integer, not as 64 bit $payloadLengthExtended32_2 = substr($payloadLengthExtended, 4, 4); $array = unpack('Na', $payloadLengthExtended32_2); // check if the payload data length exceeds 2,147,479,538 (2,147,483,647 - 14 - 4095) // 14 for header size, 4095 for last recv() next frame bytes if ($array['a'] > 2147479538) { $this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG); return false; } // store frame payload data length $this->wsClients[$clientID][7] = $array['a']; } } // check if the frame's payload data length has now been stored if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][7] !== false) { // check if the frame's payload data length exceeds self::WS_MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_RECV if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][7] > self::WS_MAX_FRAME_PAYLOAD_RECV) { $this->wsClients[$clientID][7] = false; $this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG); return false; } // check if the message's payload data length exceeds 2,147,483,647 or self::WS_MAX_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_RECV // doesn't apply for control frames, where the payload data is not internally stored $controlFrame = (ord(substr($this->wsClients[$clientID][9], 0, 1)) & 8) == 8; if (!$controlFrame) { $newMessagePayloadLength = $this->wsClients[$clientID][11] + $this->wsClients[$clientID][7]; if ($newMessagePayloadLength > self::WS_MAX_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD_RECV || $newMessagePayloadLength > 2147483647) { $this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG); return false; } } return true; } } return false; } function wsProcessClientFrame($clientID) { // store the time that data was last received from the client $this->wsClients[$clientID][3] = time(); // fetch frame buffer $buffer = &$this->wsClients[$clientID][9]; // check at least 6 bytes are set (first 2 bytes and 4 bytes for the mask key) if (substr($buffer, 5, 1) === false) return false; // fetch first 2 bytes of header $octet0 = ord(substr($buffer, 0, 1)); $octet1 = ord(substr($buffer, 1, 1)); $fin = $octet0 & self::WS_FIN; $opcode = $octet0 & 15; $mask = $octet1 & self::WS_MASK; if (!$mask) return false; // close socket, as no mask bit was sent from the client // fetch byte position where the mask key starts $seek = $this->wsClients[$clientID][7] <= 125 ? 2 : ($this->wsClients[$clientID][7] <= 65535 ? 4 : 10); // read mask key $maskKey = substr($buffer, $seek, 4); $array = unpack('Na', $maskKey); $maskKey = $array['a']; $maskKey = array( $maskKey >> 24, ($maskKey >> 16) & 255, ($maskKey >> 8) & 255, $maskKey & 255 ); $seek += 4; // decode payload data if (substr($buffer, $seek, 1) !== false) { $data = str_split(substr($buffer, $seek)); foreach ($data as $key => $byte) { $data[$key] = chr(ord($byte) ^ ($maskKey[$key % 4])); } $data = implode('', $data); } else { $data = ''; } // check if this is not a continuation frame and if there is already data in the message buffer if ($opcode != self::WS_OPCODE_CONTINUATION && $this->wsClients[$clientID][11] > 0) { // clear the message buffer $this->wsClients[$clientID][11] = 0; $this->wsClients[$clientID][1] = ''; } // check if the frame is marked as the final frame in the message if ($fin == self::WS_FIN) { // check if this is the first frame in the message if ($opcode != self::WS_OPCODE_CONTINUATION) { // process the message return $this->wsProcessClientMessage($clientID, $opcode, $data, $this->wsClients[$clientID][7]); } else { // increase message payload data length $this->wsClients[$clientID][11] += $this->wsClients[$clientID][7]; // push frame payload data onto message buffer $this->wsClients[$clientID][1] .= $data; // process the message $result = $this->wsProcessClientMessage($clientID, $this->wsClients[$clientID][10], $this->wsClients[$clientID][1], $this->wsClients[$clientID][11]); // check if the client wasn't removed, then reset message buffer and message opcode if (isset($this->wsClients[$clientID])) { $this->wsClients[$clientID][1] = ''; $this->wsClients[$clientID][10] = 0; $this->wsClients[$clientID][11] = 0; } return $result; } } else { // check if the frame is a control frame, control frames cannot be fragmented if ($opcode & 8) return false; // increase message payload data length $this->wsClients[$clientID][11] += $this->wsClients[$clientID][7]; // push frame payload data onto message buffer $this->wsClients[$clientID][1] .= $data; // if this is the first frame in the message, store the opcode if ($opcode != self::WS_OPCODE_CONTINUATION) { $this->wsClients[$clientID][10] = $opcode; } } return true; } function wsProcessClientMessage($clientID, $opcode, &$data, $dataLength) { // check opcodes if ($opcode == self::WS_OPCODE_PING) { // received ping message return $this->wsSendClientMessage($clientID, self::WS_OPCODE_PONG, $data); } elseif ($opcode == self::WS_OPCODE_PONG) { // received pong message (it's valid if the server did not send a ping request for this pong message) if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][4] !== false) { $this->wsClients[$clientID][4] = false; } } elseif ($opcode == self::WS_OPCODE_CLOSE) { // received close message if (substr($data, 1, 1) !== false) { $array = unpack('na', substr($data, 0, 2)); $status = $array['a']; } else { $status = false; } if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][2] == self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSING) { // the server already sent a close frame to the client, this is the client's close frame reply // (no need to send another close frame to the client) $this->wsClients[$clientID][2] = self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSED; } else { // the server has not already sent a close frame to the client, send one now $this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_NORMAL_CLOSE); } $this->wsRemoveClient($clientID); } elseif ($opcode == self::WS_OPCODE_TEXT || $opcode == self::WS_OPCODE_BINARY) { if ( array_key_exists('message', $this->wsOnEvents) ) foreach ( $this->wsOnEvents['message'] as $func ) $func($clientID, $data, $dataLength, $opcode == self::WS_OPCODE_BINARY); } else { // unknown opcode return false; } return true; } function wsProcessClientHandshake($clientID, &$buffer) { // fetch headers and request line $sep = strpos($buffer, "\r\n\r\n"); if (!$sep) return false; $headers = explode("\r\n", substr($buffer, 0, $sep)); $headersCount = sizeof($headers); // includes request line if ($headersCount < 1) return false; // fetch request and check it has at least 3 parts (space tokens) $request = &$headers[0]; $requestParts = explode(' ', $request); $requestPartsSize = sizeof($requestParts); if ($requestPartsSize < 3) return false; // check request method is GET if (strtoupper($requestParts[0]) != 'GET') return false; // check request HTTP version is at least 1.1 $httpPart = &$requestParts[$requestPartsSize - 1]; $httpParts = explode('/', $httpPart); if (!isset($httpParts[1]) || (float) $httpParts[1] < 1.1) return false; // store headers into a keyed array: array[headerKey] = headerValue $headersKeyed = array(); for ($i=1; $i<$headersCount; $i++) { $parts = explode(':', $headers[$i]); if (!isset($parts[1])) return false; $headersKeyed[trim($parts[0])] = trim($parts[1]); } // check Host header was received if (!isset($headersKeyed['Host'])) return false; // check Sec-WebSocket-Key header was received and decoded value length is 16 if (!isset($headersKeyed['Sec-WebSocket-Key'])) return false; $key = $headersKeyed['Sec-WebSocket-Key']; if (strlen(base64_decode($key)) != 16) return false; // check Sec-WebSocket-Version header was received and value is 7 if (!isset($headersKeyed['Sec-WebSocket-Version']) || (int) $headersKeyed['Sec-WebSocket-Version'] < 7) return false; // should really be != 7, but Firefox 7 beta users send 8 // work out hash to use in Sec-WebSocket-Accept reply header $hash = base64_encode(sha1($key.'258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11', true)); // build headers $headers = array( 'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols', 'Upgrade: websocket', 'Connection: Upgrade', 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept: '.$hash ); $headers = implode("\r\n", $headers)."\r\n\r\n"; // send headers back to client $socket = $this->wsClients[$clientID][0]; $left = strlen($headers); do { $sent = @socket_send($socket, $headers, $left, 0); if ($sent === false) return false; $left -= $sent; if ($sent > 0) $headers = substr($headers, $sent); } while ($left > 0); return true; } // client write functions function wsSendClientMessage($clientID, $opcode, $message) { // check if client ready state is already closing or closed if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][2] == self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSING || $this->wsClients[$clientID][2] == self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSED) return true; // fetch message length $messageLength = strlen($message); // set max payload length per frame $bufferSize = 4096; // work out amount of frames to send, based on $bufferSize $frameCount = ceil($messageLength / $bufferSize); if ($frameCount == 0) $frameCount = 1; // set last frame variables $maxFrame = $frameCount - 1; $lastFrameBufferLength = ($messageLength % $bufferSize) != 0 ? ($messageLength % $bufferSize) : ($messageLength != 0 ? $bufferSize : 0); // loop around all frames to send for ($i=0; $i<$frameCount; $i++) { // fetch fin, opcode and buffer length for frame $fin = $i != $maxFrame ? 0 : self::WS_FIN; $opcode = $i != 0 ? self::WS_OPCODE_CONTINUATION : $opcode; $bufferLength = $i != $maxFrame ? $bufferSize : $lastFrameBufferLength; // set payload length variables for frame if ($bufferLength <= 125) { $payloadLength = $bufferLength; $payloadLengthExtended = ''; $payloadLengthExtendedLength = 0; } elseif ($bufferLength <= 65535) { $payloadLength = self::WS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_16; $payloadLengthExtended = pack('n', $bufferLength); $payloadLengthExtendedLength = 2; } else { $payloadLength = self::WS_PAYLOAD_LENGTH_63; $payloadLengthExtended = pack('xxxxN', $bufferLength); // pack 32 bit int, should really be 64 bit int $payloadLengthExtendedLength = 8; } // set frame bytes $buffer = pack('n', (($fin | $opcode) << 8) | $payloadLength) . $payloadLengthExtended . substr($message, $i*$bufferSize, $bufferLength); // send frame $socket = $this->wsClients[$clientID][0]; $left = 2 + $payloadLengthExtendedLength + $bufferLength; do { $sent = @socket_send($socket, $buffer, $left, 0); if ($sent === false) return false; $left -= $sent; if ($sent > 0) $buffer = substr($buffer, $sent); } while ($left > 0); } return true; } function wsSendClientClose($clientID, $status=false) { // check if client ready state is already closing or closed if ($this->wsClients[$clientID][2] == self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSING || $this->wsClients[$clientID][2] == self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSED) return true; // store close status $this->wsClients[$clientID][5] = $status; // send close frame to client $status = $status !== false ? pack('n', $status) : ''; $this->wsSendClientMessage($clientID, self::WS_OPCODE_CLOSE, $status); // set client ready state to closing $this->wsClients[$clientID][2] = self::WS_READY_STATE_CLOSING; } // client non-internal functions function wsClose($clientID) { return $this->wsSendClientClose($clientID, self::WS_STATUS_NORMAL_CLOSE); } function wsSend($clientID, $message, $binary=false) { return $this->wsSendClientMessage($clientID, $binary ? self::WS_OPCODE_BINARY : self::WS_OPCODE_TEXT, $message); } function log( $message ) { echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s: ') . $message . "\n"; } function bind( $type, $func ) { if ( !isset($this->wsOnEvents[$type]) ) $this->wsOnEvents[$type] = array(); $this->wsOnEvents[$type][] = $func; } function unbind( $type='' ) { if ( $type ) unset($this->wsOnEvents[$type]); else $this->wsOnEvents = array(); } } ?>