'OR', 'author' => 'OR', 'subject' => 'OR'); /** * Class Constructor * * @param object $obj_db * @param integer $int_num_show */ public function __construct($obj_db, $int_num_show) { parent::__construct($obj_db, $int_num_show); } /** * Method to set search criteria * * @param string $str_criteria * @return void */ public function setSQLcriteria($str_criteria) { if (!$str_criteria) return null; // defaults $_sql_criteria = ''; $_searched_fields = array(); $_title_buffer = ''; $_previous_field = ''; $_boolean = ''; // parse query $this->orig_query = $str_criteria; $_queries = simbio_tokenizeCQL($str_criteria, $this->searchable_fields, $this->stop_words, $this->queries_word_num_allowed); // echo '
'; var_dump($_queries); echo '
'; if (count($_queries) < 1) { return null; } // loop each query foreach ($_queries as $_num => $_query) { // field $_field = $_query['f']; // for debugging purpose only // echo "

$_num. $_field -> $_boolean -> $_sql_criteria


"; // boolean if ($_title_buffer == '' && $_field != 'boolean') { $_sql_criteria .= " $_boolean "; } // $_sql_criteria .= " $_boolean "; // flush title string concatenation if ($_field != 'title' && $_title_buffer != '') { $_title_buffer = trim($_title_buffer); $_sql_criteria .= " biblio.biblio_id IN(SELECT DISTINCT biblio_id FROM biblio WHERE MATCH (title, series_title) AGAINST ('$_title_buffer' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) "; // reset title buffer $_title_buffer = ''; } // break the loop if we meet `cql_end` field if ($_field == 'cql_end') { break; } // boolean mode $_b = isset($_query['b'])?$_query['b']:$_query; if ($_b == '*') { $_boolean = 'OR'; } else { $_boolean = 'AND'; } // search value $_q = @$this->obj_db->escape_string($_query['q']); $_searched_word = str_replace(array('+', '-', '*'), '', $_q); $this->words[$_searched_word] = $_searched_word; // searched fields flag set $_searched_fields[$_field] = 1; $_previous_field = $_field; // check field if ($_field == 'title') { if (strlen($_q) < 4) { $_previous_field = 'title_short'; $_sql_criteria .= " biblio.title LIKE '%$_q%' "; $_title_buffer = ''; } else { if (isset($_query['is_phrase'])) { $_title_buffer .= ' '.$_b.'"'.$_q.'"'; } else { $_title_buffer .= ' '.$_b.$_q; } } } else if ($_field == 'author') { if ($_b == '-') { $_sql_criteria .= " biblio.biblio_id NOT IN(SELECT ba.biblio_id FROM biblio_author AS ba" ." LEFT JOIN mst_author AS a ON ba.author_id=a.author_id" ." WHERE author_name LIKE '%$_q%')"; } else { $_sql_criteria .= " biblio.biblio_id IN(SELECT ba.biblio_id FROM biblio_author AS ba" ." LEFT JOIN mst_author AS a ON ba.author_id=a.author_id" ." WHERE author_name LIKE '%$_q%')"; } } else if ($_field == 'subject') { if ($_b == '-') { $_sql_criteria .= " biblio.biblio_id NOT IN(SELECT bt.biblio_id FROM biblio_topic AS bt" ." LEFT JOIN mst_topic AS t ON bt.topic_id=t.topic_id" ." WHERE topic LIKE '%$_q%')"; } else { $_sql_criteria .= " biblio.biblio_id IN(SELECT bt.biblio_id FROM biblio_topic AS bt" ." LEFT JOIN mst_topic AS t ON bt.topic_id=t.topic_id" ." WHERE topic LIKE '%$_q%')"; } // reset title buffer $_title_buffer = ''; } else { switch ($_field) { case 'location' : if (!$this->disable_item_data) { $_subquery = 'SELECT location_id FROM mst_location WHERE location_name=\''.$_q.'\''; if ($_b == '-') { $_sql_criteria .= " item.location_id NOT IN ($_subquery)"; } else { $_sql_criteria .= " item.location_id IN ($_subquery)"; } } else { if ($_b == '-') { $_sql_criteria .= " biblio.node_id !='$_q'"; } else { $_sql_criteria .= " biblio.node_id = '$_q'"; } } break; case 'colltype' : if (!$this->disable_item_data) { $_subquery = 'SELECT coll_type_id FROM mst_coll_type WHERE coll_type_name=\''.$_q.'\''; if ($_b == '-') { $_sql_criteria .= " item.coll_type_id NOT IN ($_subquery)"; } else { $_sql_criteria .= " item.coll_type_id IN ($_subquery)"; } } break; case 'itemcode' : if (!$this->disable_item_data) { if ($_b == '-') { $_sql_criteria .= " item.item_code != '$_q'"; } else { $_sql_criteria .= " item.item_code LIKE '$_q%'"; } } break; case 'callnumber' : if ($_b == '-') { $_sql_criteria .= ' biblio.call_number NOT LIKE \''.$_q.'%\''; } else { $_sql_criteria .= ' biblio.call_number LIKE \''.$_q.'%\''; } break; case 'itemcallnumber' : if (!$this->disable_item_data) { if ($_b == '-') { $_sql_criteria .= ' item.call_number NOT LIKE \''.$_q.'%\''; } else { $_sql_criteria .= ' item.call_number LIKE \''.$_q.'%\''; } } break; case 'class' : if ($_b == '-') { $_sql_criteria .= ' biblio.classification NOT LIKE \''.$_q.'%\''; } else { $_sql_criteria .= ' biblio.classification LIKE \''.$_q.'%\''; } break; case 'isbn' : if ($_b == '-') { $_sql_criteria .= ' biblio.isbn_issn!=\''.$_q.'\''; } else { $_sql_criteria .= ' biblio.isbn_issn=\''.$_q.'\''; } break; case 'publisher' : $_subquery = 'SELECT publisher_id FROM mst_publisher WHERE publisher_name LIKE \'%'.$_q.'%\''; if ($_b == '-') { $_sql_criteria .= " biblio.publisher_id NOT IN ($_subquery)"; } else { $_sql_criteria .= " biblio.publisher_id IN ($_subquery)"; } break; case 'publishyear' : if ($_b == '-') { $_sql_criteria .= ' biblio.publish_year!=\''.$_q.'\''; } else { $_sql_criteria .= ' biblio.publish_year=\''.$_q.'\''; } break; case 'gmd' : $_subquery = 'SELECT gmd_id FROM mst_gmd WHERE gmd_name=\''.$_q.'\''; if ($_b == '-') { $_sql_criteria .= " biblio.gmd_id NOT IN ($_subquery)"; } else { $_sql_criteria .= " biblio.gmd_id IN ($_subquery)"; } break; case 'notes' : $_q = isset($_query['is_phrase'])?'"'.$_q.'"':$_q; if ($_b == '-') { $_sql_criteria .= " NOT (MATCH (biblio.notes) AGAINST ('".$_q."' IN BOOLEAN MODE))"; } else { $_sql_criteria .= " (MATCH (biblio.notes) AGAINST ('".$_q."' IN BOOLEAN MODE))"; } break; } } } // remove boolean's logic symbol prefix and suffix $_sql_criteria = preg_replace('@^(AND|OR|NOT)\s*|\s+(AND|OR|NOT)$@i', '', trim($_sql_criteria)); // below for debugging purpose only // echo "
"; $this->criteria = array('sql_criteria' => $_sql_criteria, 'searched_fields' => $_searched_fields); return $this->criteria; } /** * Method to print out document records * * @param object $obj_db * @param integer $int_num2show * @param boolean $bool_return_output * @return string */ public function compileSQL() { global $sysconf; // get page number from http get var if (!isset($_GET['page']) OR $_GET['page'] < 1){ $_page = 1; } else{ $_page = (integer)$_GET['page']; } $this->current_page = $_page; // count the row offset if ($_page <= 1) { $_offset = 0; } else { $_offset = ($_page*$this->num2show) - $this->num2show; } // init sql string $_sql_str = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS biblio.biblio_id, biblio.title, biblio.image, biblio.isbn_issn, biblio.publish_year, pbl.publisher_name AS `publisher`, pplc.place_name AS `publish_place`, biblio.labels, biblio.input_date'; // checking custom frontpage fields file $custom_frontpage_record_file = SB.$sysconf['template']['dir'].'/'.$sysconf['template']['theme'].'/custom_frontpage_record.inc.php'; if (file_exists($custom_frontpage_record_file)) { include $custom_frontpage_record_file; $this->enable_custom_frontpage = true; $this->custom_fields = $custom_fields; foreach ($this->custom_fields as $_field => $_field_opts) { if ($_field_opts[0] == 1 && !in_array($_field, array('availability', 'isbn_issn'))) { $_sql_str .= ", biblio.$_field"; } } } // additional SQL string $_add_sql_str = ' LEFT JOIN mst_publisher AS pbl ON biblio.publisher_id=pbl.publisher_id '; $_add_sql_str .= ' LEFT JOIN mst_place AS pplc ON biblio.publish_place_id=pplc.place_id '; // location if ($this->criteria) { if (isset($this->criteria['searched_fields']['location']) || isset($this->criteria['searched_fields']['colltype'])) { if (!$this->disable_item_data) { $_add_sql_str .= ' LEFT JOIN item ON biblio.biblio_id=item.biblio_id '; } } } $_add_sql_str .= ' WHERE opac_hide=0 '; // promoted flag // if ($this->only_promoted) { $_add_sql_str .= ' AND promoted=1'; } // main search criteria if ($this->criteria) { $_add_sql_str .= ' AND ('.$this->criteria['sql_criteria'].') '; } $_sql_str .= ' FROM biblio '.$_add_sql_str.' ORDER BY biblio.last_update DESC LIMIT '.$_offset.', '.$this->num2show; // for debugging purpose only // echo "
"; return $_sql_str; } }