'Static Pages Plugin', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.description' => 'This plugin allows Static Content Management.', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.staticPages' => 'Static Pages', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.pageTitle' => 'Title', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.content' => 'Content', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.path' => 'Path', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.requirement.tinymce' => '

The TinyMCE Plugin must be installed and enabled in order to add/edit content.

', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.editAddContent' => 'Edit/Add Content', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.addStaticPage' => 'Add Static Page', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.addNewPage' => 'Add New Page', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.editStaticPage' => 'Edit Static Page', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.noneCreated' => 'No static pages have been created.', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.settingInstructions' => 'The form below shows you all the static pages you have created. You can edit or delete the pages using the links on the right-hand side.', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.editInstructions' => 'Use the form below to add/edit page content.', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.pathRegEx' => 'The path field must contain only alphanumeric characters plus \'.\', \'/\', \'-\', and \'_\'.', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.viewInstructions' => '

This page will be accessible at:

...where %PATH% is the path entered above. Note: No two pages can have the same path. Using paths that are built into the system may cause you to lose access to important functions.

', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.duplicatePath' => 'This path already exists for another static page.', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.pageSaved' => 'Page successfully saved.', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.pageDeleted' => 'Page successfully deleted.', 'plugins.generic.staticPages.noneExist' => 'No pages have been created', ); ?>