/** * @file js/load.js * * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Simon Fraser University * Copyright (c) 2000-2018 John Willinsky * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING. * * @brief Compiler entry point for building the JavaScript package. File imports * using the `@` symbol are aliased to `lib/ui-library/src`. */ import PkpLoad from '../lib/pkp/js/load.js'; // Import controllers used by OJS import ListPanel from '@/components/ListPanel/ListPanel.vue'; import SubmissionsListPanel from '@/components/ListPanel/submissions/SubmissionsListPanel.vue'; import SelectListPanel from '@/components/SelectListPanel/SelectListPanel.vue'; import SelectSubmissionsListPanel from '@/components/SelectListPanel/submissions/SelectSubmissionsListPanel.vue'; import SelectReviewerListPanel from '@/components/SelectListPanel/users/SelectReviewerListPanel.vue'; // Expose Vue, the registry and controllers in a global var window.pkp = Object.assign(PkpLoad, { controllers: { ListPanel, SubmissionsListPanel, SelectListPanel, SelectSubmissionsListPanel, SelectReviewerListPanel, }, });