url = $url; $this->info = $info; } /** * Read and return the contents of the file (like file_get_contents()). * @return string */ function contents() { $contents = ''; if ($retval = $this->open()) { if (is_object($retval)) { // It may be a redirect return $retval->contents(); } while (!$this->eof()) $contents .= $this->read(); $this->close(); } return $contents; } /** * Open the file. * @param $mode string only 'r' (read-only) is currently supported * @return boolean */ function open($mode = 'r') { $this->fp = null; $this->fp = fopen($this->url, $mode); return ($this->fp !== false); } /** * Close the file. */ function close() { fclose($this->fp); unset($this->fp); } /** * Read from the file. * @param $len int * @return string */ function read($len = 8192) { return fread($this->fp, $len); } /** * Check for end-of-file. * @return boolean */ function eof() { return feof($this->fp); } // // Static // /** * Return instance of a class for reading the specified URL. * @param $source mixed; URL, filename, or resources * @return FileWrapper */ static function &wrapper($source) { if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && Config::getVar('general', 'allow_url_fopen') && is_string($source)) { $info = parse_url($source); $wrapper = new FileWrapper($source, $info); } elseif (is_resource($source)) { // $source is an already-opened file descriptor. import('lib.pkp.classes.file.wrappers.ResourceWrapper'); $wrapper = new ResourceWrapper($source); } else { // $source should be a URL. $info = parse_url($source); if (isset($info['scheme'])) { $scheme = $info['scheme']; } else { $scheme = null; } $application = Application::getApplication(); $request = $application->getRequest(); $router = $request->getRouter(); if (!Config::getVar('general', 'installed') || defined('RUNNING_UPGRADE') || !$router) { $userAgent = $application->getName() . '/?'; } else { $currentVersion =& $application->getCurrentVersion(); $userAgent = $application->getName() . '/' . $currentVersion->getVersionString(); } switch ($scheme) { case 'http': import('lib.pkp.classes.file.wrappers.HTTPFileWrapper'); $wrapper = new HTTPFileWrapper($source, $info); $wrapper->addHeader('User-Agent', $userAgent); break; case 'https': import('lib.pkp.classes.file.wrappers.HTTPSFileWrapper'); $wrapper = new HTTPSFileWrapper($source, $info); $wrapper->addHeader('User-Agent', $userAgent); break; case 'ftp': import('lib.pkp.classes.file.wrappers.FTPFileWrapper'); $wrapper = new FTPFileWrapper($source, $info); break; default: $wrapper = new FileWrapper($source, $info); } } return $wrapper; } } ?>