getData('submissionId'); } /** * Set ID of review assignment's submission * @param $submissionId int */ function setSubmissionId($submissionId) { $this->setData('submissionId', $submissionId); } /** * Get ID of reviewer. * @return int */ function getReviewerId() { return $this->getData('reviewerId'); } /** * Set ID of reviewer. * @param $reviewerId int */ function setReviewerId($reviewerId) { $this->setData('reviewerId', $reviewerId); } /** * Get full name of reviewer. * @return string */ function getReviewerFullName() { return $this->getData('reviewerFullName'); } /** * Set full name of reviewer. * @param $reviewerFullName string */ function setReviewerFullName($reviewerFullName) { $this->setData('reviewerFullName', $reviewerFullName); } /** * Get reviewer comments. * @return string */ function getComments() { return $this->getData('comments'); } /** * Set reviewer comments. * @param $comments string */ function setComments($comments) { $this->setData('comments', $comments); } /** * Get competing interests. * @return string */ function getCompetingInterests() { return $this->getData('competingInterests'); } /** * Set competing interests. * @param $competingInterests string */ function setCompetingInterests($competingInterests) { $this->setData('competingInterests', $competingInterests); } /** * Get the workflow stage id. * @return int */ function getStageId() { return $this->getData('stageId'); } /** * Set the workflow stage id. * @param $stageId int */ function setStageId($stageId) { $this->setData('stageId', $stageId); } /** * Get the method of the review (open, blind, or double-blind). * @return int */ function getReviewMethod() { return $this->getData('reviewMethod'); } /** * Set the type of review. * @param $method int */ function setReviewMethod($method) { $this->setData('reviewMethod', $method); } /** * Get review round id. * @return int */ function getReviewRoundId() { return $this->getData('reviewRoundId'); } /** * Set review round id. * @param $reviewRoundId int */ function setReviewRoundId($reviewRoundId) { $this->setData('reviewRoundId', $reviewRoundId); } /** * Get reviewer recommendation. * @return string */ function getRecommendation() { return $this->getData('recommendation'); } /** * Set reviewer recommendation. * @param $recommendation string */ function setRecommendation($recommendation) { $this->setData('recommendation', $recommendation); } /** * Get unconsidered state. * @return int */ function getUnconsidered() { return $this->getData('unconsidered'); } /** * Set unconsidered state. * @param $unconsidered int */ function setUnconsidered($unconsidered) { $this->setData('unconsidered', $unconsidered); } /** * Get the date the reviewer was rated. * @return string */ function getDateRated() { return $this->getData('dateRated'); } /** * Set the date the reviewer was rated. * @param $dateRated string */ function setDateRated($dateRated) { $this->setData('dateRated', $dateRated); } /** * Get the date of the last modification. * @return date */ function getLastModified() { return $this->getData('lastModified'); } /** * Set the date of the last modification. * @param $dateModified date */ function setLastModified($dateModified) { $this->setData('lastModified', $dateModified); } /** * Stamp the date of the last modification to the current time. */ function stampModified() { return $this->setLastModified(Core::getCurrentDate()); } /** * Get the reviewer's assigned date. * @return string */ function getDateAssigned() { return $this->getData('dateAssigned'); } /** * Set the reviewer's assigned date. * @param $dateAssigned string */ function setDateAssigned($dateAssigned) { $this->setData('dateAssigned', $dateAssigned); } /** * Get the reviewer's notified date. * @return string */ function getDateNotified() { return $this->getData('dateNotified'); } /** * Set the reviewer's notified date. * @param $dateNotified string */ function setDateNotified($dateNotified) { $this->setData('dateNotified', $dateNotified); } /** * Get the reviewer's confirmed date. * @return string */ function getDateConfirmed() { return $this->getData('dateConfirmed'); } /** * Set the reviewer's confirmed date. * @param $dateConfirmed string */ function setDateConfirmed($dateConfirmed) { $this->setData('dateConfirmed', $dateConfirmed); } /** * Get the reviewer's completed date. * @return string */ function getDateCompleted() { return $this->getData('dateCompleted'); } /** * Set the reviewer's completed date. * @param $dateCompleted string */ function setDateCompleted($dateCompleted) { $this->setData('dateCompleted', $dateCompleted); } /** * Get the reviewer's acknowledged date. * @return string */ function getDateAcknowledged() { return $this->getData('dateAcknowledged'); } /** * Set the reviewer's acknowledged date. * @param $dateAcknowledged string */ function setDateAcknowledged($dateAcknowledged) { $this->setData('dateAcknowledged', $dateAcknowledged); } /** * Get the reviewer's last reminder date. * @return string */ function getDateReminded() { return $this->getData('dateReminded'); } /** * Set the reviewer's last reminder date. * @param $dateReminded string */ function setDateReminded($dateReminded) { $this->setData('dateReminded', $dateReminded); } /** * Get the reviewer's due date. * @return string */ function getDateDue() { return $this->getData('dateDue'); } /** * Set the reviewer's due date. * @param $dateDue string */ function setDateDue($dateDue) { $this->setData('dateDue', $dateDue); } /** * Get the reviewer's response due date. * @return string */ function getDateResponseDue() { return $this->getData('dateResponseDue'); } /** * Set the reviewer's response due date. * @param $dateResponseDue string */ function setDateResponseDue($dateResponseDue) { $this->setData('dateResponseDue', $dateResponseDue); } /** * Get the declined value. * @return boolean */ function getDeclined() { return $this->getData('declined'); } /** * Set the reviewer's declined value. * @param $declined boolean */ function setDeclined($declined) { $this->setData('declined', $declined); } /** * Get a boolean indicating whether or not the last reminder was automatic. * @return boolean */ function getReminderWasAutomatic() { return $this->getData('reminderWasAutomatic')==1?1:0; } /** * Set the boolean indicating whether or not the last reminder was automatic. * @param $wasAutomatic boolean */ function setReminderWasAutomatic($wasAutomatic) { $this->setData('reminderWasAutomatic', $wasAutomatic); } /** * Get quality. * @return int */ function getQuality() { return $this->getData('quality'); } /** * Set quality. * @param $quality int */ function setQuality($quality) { $this->setData('quality', $quality); } /** * Get round. * @return int */ function getRound() { return $this->getData('round'); } /** * Set round. * @param $round int */ function setRound($round) { $this->setData('round', $round); } /** * Get review form id. * @return int */ function getReviewFormId() { return $this->getData('reviewFormId'); } /** * Set review form id. * @param $reviewFormId int */ function setReviewFormId($reviewFormId) { $this->setData('reviewFormId', $reviewFormId); } /** * Get the current status of this review assignment * * @return int */ function getStatus() { if ($this->getDeclined()) { return REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_DECLINED; } elseif (!$this->getDateCompleted()) { $dueTimes = array_map(function($dateTime) { // If no due time, set it to the end of the day if (substr($dateTime, 11) === '00:00:00') { $dateTime = substr($dateTime, 0, 11) . '23:59:59'; } return strtotime($dateTime); }, array($this->getDateResponseDue(), $this->getDateDue())); $responseDueTime = $dueTimes[0]; $reviewDueTime = $dueTimes[1]; if (!$this->getDateConfirmed()){ // no response if($responseDueTime < time()) { // response overdue return REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_RESPONSE_OVERDUE; } elseif ($reviewDueTime < time()) { // review overdue but not response return REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_REVIEW_OVERDUE; } else { // response not due yet return REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_AWAITING_RESPONSE; } } else { // response given if ($reviewDueTime < time()) { // review due return REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_REVIEW_OVERDUE; } else { return REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_ACCEPTED; } } } elseif ($this->getDateAcknowledged()) { // reviewer thanked... if ($this->getUnconsidered() == REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_UNCONSIDERED) { // ...but review later unconsidered return REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_RECEIVED; } return REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_THANKED; } elseif ($this->getDateCompleted()) { // review submitted... if ($this->getUnconsidered() != REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_UNCONSIDERED && $this->isRead()) { // ...and confirmed by an editor return REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_COMPLETE; } return REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_RECEIVED; } return REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_AWAITING_RESPONSE; } /** * Determine whether an editorial user has read this review * * @return bool */ function isRead() { $submissionDao = Application::getSubmissionDAO(); $userGroupDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('UserGroupDAO'); $userStageAssignmentDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('UserStageAssignmentDAO'); $viewsDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('ViewsDAO'); $submission = $submissionDao->getById($this->getSubmissionId()); // Get the user groups for this stage $userGroups = $userGroupDao->getUserGroupsByStage( $submission->getContextId(), $this->getStageId() ); while ($userGroup = $userGroups->next()) { $roleId = $userGroup->getRoleId(); if ($roleId != ROLE_ID_MANAGER && $roleId != ROLE_ID_SUB_EDITOR) { continue; } // Get the users assigned to this stage and user group $stageUsers = $userStageAssignmentDao->getUsersBySubmissionAndStageId( $this->getSubmissionId(), $this->getStageId(), $userGroup->getId() ); // Check if any of these users have viewed it while ($user = $stageUsers->next()) { if ($viewsDao->getLastViewDate( ASSOC_TYPE_REVIEW_RESPONSE, $this->getId(), $user->getId() )) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Get the translation key for the current status * * @param int $status Optionally pass a status to retrieve a specific key. * Default will return the key for the current status. * @return string */ public function getStatusKey($status = null) { if (is_null($status)) { $status = $this->getStatus(); } switch ($status) { case REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_AWAITING_RESPONSE: return ''; case REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_DECLINED: return ''; case REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_RESPONSE_OVERDUE: return ''; case REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_REVIEW_OVERDUE: return ''; case REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_ACCEPTED: return ''; case REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_RECEIVED: return ''; case REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_COMPLETE: return ''; case REVIEW_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_THANKED: return ''; } assert(false, 'No status key could be found for ' . get_class($this) . ' on ' . __LINE__); return ''; } /** * Get the translation key for the review method * * @param $method int|null Optionally pass a method to retrieve a specific key. * Default will return the key for the current review method * @return string */ public function getReviewMethodKey($method = null) { if (is_null($method)) { $method = $this->getReviewMethod(); } switch ($method) { case SUBMISSION_REVIEW_METHOD_OPEN: return ''; case SUBMISSION_REVIEW_METHOD_BLIND: return 'editor.submissionReview.blind'; case SUBMISSION_REVIEW_METHOD_DOUBLEBLIND: return 'editor.submissionReview.doubleBlind'; } assert(false, 'No review method key could be found for ' . get_class($this) . ' on ' . __LINE__); return ''; } // // Files // /** * Get number of weeks until review is due (or number of weeks overdue). * @return int */ function getWeeksDue() { $dateDue = $this->getDateDue(); if ($dateDue === null) return null; return round((strtotime($dateDue) - time()) / (86400 * 7.0)); } /** * Get an associative array matching reviewer recommendation codes with locale strings. * (Includes default '' => "Choose One" string.) * @return array recommendation => localeString */ function getReviewerRecommendationOptions() { static $reviewerRecommendationOptions = array( '' => 'common.chooseOne', SUBMISSION_REVIEWER_RECOMMENDATION_ACCEPT => 'reviewer.article.decision.accept', SUBMISSION_REVIEWER_RECOMMENDATION_PENDING_REVISIONS => 'reviewer.article.decision.pendingRevisions', SUBMISSION_REVIEWER_RECOMMENDATION_RESUBMIT_HERE => 'reviewer.article.decision.resubmitHere', SUBMISSION_REVIEWER_RECOMMENDATION_RESUBMIT_ELSEWHERE => 'reviewer.article.decision.resubmitElsewhere', SUBMISSION_REVIEWER_RECOMMENDATION_DECLINE => 'reviewer.article.decision.decline', SUBMISSION_REVIEWER_RECOMMENDATION_SEE_COMMENTS => 'reviewer.article.decision.seeComments' ); return $reviewerRecommendationOptions; } /** * Return a localized string representing the reviewer recommendation. */ function getLocalizedRecommendation() { $options = self::getReviewerRecommendationOptions(); if (array_key_exists($this->getRecommendation(), $options)) { return __($options[$this->getRecommendation()]); } else { return ''; } } } ?>