_request = $request; parent::__construct(); // Set up Smarty configuration $baseDir = Core::getBaseDir(); $cachePath = CacheManager::getFileCachePath(); // Set the default template dir (app's template dir) $this->app_template_dir = $baseDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates'; // Set fallback template dir (core's template dir) $this->core_template_dir = $baseDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pkp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates'; $this->template_dir = array($this->app_template_dir, $this->core_template_dir); $this->compile_dir = $cachePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 't_compile'; $this->config_dir = $cachePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 't_config'; $this->cache_dir = $cachePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 't_cache'; $this->_cacheability = CACHEABILITY_NO_STORE; // Safe default } /** * Initialize the template manager. */ function initialize() { $locale = AppLocale::getLocale(); $application = PKPApplication::getApplication(); $router = $this->_request->getRouter(); assert(is_a($router, 'PKPRouter')); AppLocale::requireComponents(LOCALE_COMPONENT_APP_COMMON, LOCALE_COMPONENT_PKP_COMMON); $currentContext = $this->_request->getContext(); $this->assign(array( 'defaultCharset' => Config::getVar('i18n', 'client_charset'), 'baseUrl' => $this->_request->getBaseUrl(), 'requiresFormRequest' => $this->_request->isPost(), 'currentUrl' => $this->_request->getCompleteUrl(), 'dateFormatTrunc' => Config::getVar('general', 'date_format_trunc'), 'dateFormatShort' => Config::getVar('general', 'date_format_short'), 'dateFormatLong' => Config::getVar('general', 'date_format_long'), 'datetimeFormatShort' => Config::getVar('general', 'datetime_format_short'), 'datetimeFormatLong' => Config::getVar('general', 'datetime_format_long'), 'timeFormat' => Config::getVar('general', 'time_format'), 'currentContext' => $currentContext, 'currentLocale' => $locale, 'pageTitle' => $application->getNameKey(), 'applicationName' => __($application->getNameKey()), )); if (is_a($router, 'PKPPageRouter')) { $this->assign(array( 'requestedPage' => $router->getRequestedPage($this->_request), 'requestedOp' => $router->getRequestedOp($this->_request), )); // Register the jQuery script $min = Config::getVar('general', 'enable_minified') ? '.min' : ''; if (Config::getVar('general', 'enable_cdn')) { $jquery = '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/' . CDN_JQUERY_VERSION . '/jquery' . $min . '.js'; $jqueryUI = '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/' . CDN_JQUERY_UI_VERSION . '/jquery-ui' . $min . '.js'; } else { $jquery = $this->_request->getBaseUrl() . '/lib/pkp/lib/components/jquery/jquery' . $min . '.js'; $jqueryUI = $this->_request->getBaseUrl() . '/lib/pkp/lib/components/jquery-ui/jquery-ui' . $min . '.js'; } $this->addJavaScript( 'jquery', $jquery, array( 'priority' => STYLE_SEQUENCE_CORE, 'contexts' => 'backend', ) ); $this->addJavaScript( 'jqueryUI', $jqueryUI, array( 'priority' => STYLE_SEQUENCE_CORE, 'contexts' => 'backend', ) ); // Register the pkp-lib JS library $this->registerJSLibraryData(); $this->registerJSLibrary(); // Load Noto Sans font from Google Font CDN // To load extended latin or other character sets, see: // https://www.google.com/fonts#UsePlace:use/Collection:Noto+Sans if (Config::getVar('general', 'enable_cdn')) { $this->addStyleSheet( 'pkpLibNotoSans', '//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Noto+Sans:400,400italic,700,700italic', array( 'priority' => STYLE_SEQUENCE_CORE, 'contexts' => 'backend', ) ); } // Register the backend app stylesheets if ($dispatcher = $this->_request->getDispatcher()) { // FontAwesome - http://fontawesome.io/ if (Config::getVar('general', 'enable_cdn')) { $url = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.css'; } else { $url = $this->_request->getBaseUrl() . '/lib/pkp/styles/fontawesome/fontawesome.css'; } $this->addStyleSheet( 'fontAwesome', $url, array( 'priority' => STYLE_SEQUENCE_CORE, 'contexts' => 'backend', ) ); // Stylesheet compiled from Vue.js single-file components $this->addStyleSheet( 'build', $this->_request->getBaseUrl() . '/styles/build.css', array( 'priority' => STYLE_SEQUENCE_CORE, 'contexts' => 'backend', ) ); // The legacy stylesheet for the backend $this->addStyleSheet( 'pkpLib', $dispatcher->url($this->_request, ROUTE_COMPONENT, null, 'page.PageHandler', 'css'), array( 'priority' => STYLE_SEQUENCE_CORE, 'contexts' => 'backend', ) ); } // Add reading language flag based on locale $this->assign('currentLocaleLangDir', AppLocale::getLocaleDirection($locale) ); // If there's a locale-specific stylesheet, add it. if (($localeStyleSheet = AppLocale::getLocaleStyleSheet($locale)) != null) { $this->addStyleSheet( 'pkpLibLocale', $this->_request->getBaseUrl() . '/' . $localeStyleSheet, array( 'contexts' => array('frontend', 'backend'), ) ); } // Register colour picker assets on the appearance page $this->addJavaScript( 'spectrum', $this->_request->getBaseUrl() . '/lib/pkp/js/lib/jquery/plugins/spectrum/spectrum.js', array( 'contexts' => array('backend-management-settings', 'backend-admin-settings', 'backend-admin-contexts'), ) ); $this->addStyleSheet( 'spectrum', $this->_request->getBaseUrl() . '/lib/pkp/js/lib/jquery/plugins/spectrum/spectrum.css', array( 'contexts' => array('backend-management-settings', 'backend-admin-settings', 'backend-admin-contexts'), ) ); // Register recaptcha on relevant pages if (Config::getVar('captcha', 'recaptcha') && Config::getVar('captcha', 'captcha_on_register')) { $this->addJavaScript( 'recaptcha', 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?hl=' . substr(AppLocale::getLocale(),0,2), array( 'contexts' => array('frontend-user-register', 'frontend-user-registerUser'), ) ); } // Register meta tags if (Config::getVar('general', 'installed')) { if (($this->_request->getRequestedPage()=='' || $this->_request->getRequestedPage() == 'index') && $currentContext && $currentContext->getLocalizedSetting('searchDescription')) { $this->addHeader('searchDescription', ''); } $this->addHeader( 'generator', '', array( 'contexts' => array('frontend','backend'), ) ); if ($currentContext) { $customHeaders = $currentContext->getLocalizedSetting('customHeaders'); if (!empty($customHeaders)) { $this->addHeader('customHeaders', $customHeaders); } } } if ($currentContext && !$currentContext->getEnabled()) { $this->addHeader( 'noindex', '', array( 'contexts' => array('frontend','backend'), ) ); } // Register Navigation Menus import('classes.core.ServicesContainer'); $nmService = ServicesContainer::instance()->get('navigationMenu'); \HookRegistry::register('LoadHandler', array($nmService, '_callbackHandleCustomNavigationMenuItems')); } // Register custom functions $this->register_modifier('translate', array('AppLocale', 'translate')); $this->register_modifier('strip_unsafe_html', array('PKPString', 'stripUnsafeHtml')); $this->register_modifier('String_substr', array('PKPString', 'substr')); $this->register_modifier('dateformatPHP2JQueryDatepicker', array('PKPString', 'dateformatPHP2JQueryDatepicker')); $this->register_modifier('to_array', array($this, 'smartyToArray')); $this->register_modifier('compare', array($this, 'smartyCompare')); $this->register_modifier('concat', array($this, 'smartyConcat')); $this->register_modifier('strtotime', array($this, 'smartyStrtotime')); $this->register_modifier('explode', array($this, 'smartyExplode')); $this->register_modifier('assign', array($this, 'smartyAssign')); $this->register_modifier('escape', array(&$this, 'smartyEscape')); $this->register_function('csrf', array($this, 'smartyCSRF')); $this->register_function('translate', array($this, 'smartyTranslate')); $this->register_function('null_link_action', array($this, 'smartyNullLinkAction')); $this->register_function('help', array($this, 'smartyHelp')); $this->register_function('flush', array($this, 'smartyFlush')); $this->register_function('call_hook', array($this, 'smartyCallHook')); $this->register_function('html_options_translate', array($this, 'smartyHtmlOptionsTranslate')); $this->register_block('iterate', array($this, 'smartyIterate')); $this->register_function('page_links', array($this, 'smartyPageLinks')); $this->register_function('page_info', array($this, 'smartyPageInfo')); $this->register_function('pluck_files', array($this, 'smartyPluckFiles')); // Modified vocabulary for creating forms $fbv = $this->getFBV(); $this->register_block('fbvFormSection', array($fbv, 'smartyFBVFormSection')); $this->register_block('fbvFormArea', array($fbv, 'smartyFBVFormArea')); $this->register_function('fbvFormButtons', array($fbv, 'smartyFBVFormButtons')); $this->register_function('fbvElement', array($fbv, 'smartyFBVElement')); $this->assign('fbvStyles', $fbv->getStyles()); $this->register_function('fieldLabel', array($fbv, 'smartyFieldLabel')); // register the resource name "core" $coreResource = new PKPTemplateResource($this->core_template_dir); $this->register_resource('core', array( array($coreResource, 'fetch'), array($coreResource, 'fetchTimestamp'), array($coreResource, 'getSecure'), array($coreResource, 'getTrusted') )); $appResource = new PKPTemplateResource($this->app_template_dir); $this->register_resource('app', array( array($appResource, 'fetch'), array($appResource, 'fetchTimestamp'), array($appResource, 'getSecure'), array($appResource, 'getTrusted') )); $this->register_function('url', array($this, 'smartyUrl')); // ajax load into a div or any element $this->register_function('load_url_in_el', array($this, 'smartyLoadUrlInEl')); $this->register_function('load_url_in_div', array($this, 'smartyLoadUrlInDiv')); // load stylesheets/scripts/headers from a given context $this->register_function('load_stylesheet', array($this, 'smartyLoadStylesheet')); $this->register_function('load_script', array($this, 'smartyLoadScript')); $this->register_function('load_header', array($this, 'smartyLoadHeader')); // load NavigationMenu Areas from context $this->register_function('load_menu', array($this, 'smartyLoadNavigationMenuArea')); /** * Kludge to make sure no code that tries to connect to the * database is executed (e.g., when loading installer pages). */ if (!defined('SESSION_DISABLE_INIT')) { $application = PKPApplication::getApplication(); $this->assign(array( 'isUserLoggedIn' => Validation::isLoggedIn(), 'isUserLoggedInAs' => Validation::isLoggedInAs(), 'itemsPerPage' => Config::getVar('interface', 'items_per_page'), 'numPageLinks' => Config::getVar('interface', 'page_links'), )); $user = $this->_request->getUser(); $hasSystemNotifications = false; if ($user) { $notificationDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('NotificationDAO'); $notifications = $notificationDao->getByUserId($user->getId(), NOTIFICATION_LEVEL_TRIVIAL); if ($notifications->getCount() > 0) { $this->assign('hasSystemNotifications', true); } // Assign the user name to be used in the sitenav $this->assign(array( 'loggedInUsername' => $user->getUserName(), 'initialHelpState' => (int) $user->getInlineHelp(), )); } $multipleContexts = false; $contextDao = Application::getContextDAO(); $workingContexts = $contextDao->getAvailable($user?$user->getId():null); if ($workingContexts && $workingContexts->getCount() > 1) { $multipleContexts = true; } $this->assign('multipleContexts', $multipleContexts); } // Load enabled block plugins and setup active sidebar variables PluginRegistry::loadCategory('blocks', true); $sidebarHooks = HookRegistry::getHooks('Templates::Common::Sidebar'); $this->assign(array( 'hasSidebar' => !empty($sidebarHooks), )); } /** * Override the Smarty {include ...} function to allow hooks to be * called. */ function _smarty_include($params) { if (!HookRegistry::call('TemplateManager::include', array($this, &$params))) { return parent::_smarty_include($params); } return false; } /** * Flag the page as cacheable (or not). * @param $cacheability boolean optional */ function setCacheability($cacheability = CACHEABILITY_PUBLIC) { $this->_cacheability = $cacheability; } /** * Compile a LESS stylesheet * * @param $name string Unique name for this LESS stylesheet * @param $lessFile string Path to the LESS file to compile * @param $args array Optional arguments. SUpports: * 'baseUrl': Base URL to use when rewriting URLs in the LESS file. * 'addLess': Array of additional LESS files to parse before compiling * @return string Compiled CSS styles */ public function compileLess($name, $lessFile, $args = array()) { $less = new Less_Parser(array( 'relativeUrls' => false, 'compress' => true, )); $request = $this->_request; // Allow plugins to intervene HookRegistry::call('PageHandler::compileLess', array(&$less, &$lessFile, &$args, $name, $request)); // Read the stylesheet $less->parseFile($lessFile); // Add extra LESS files before compiling if (isset($args['addLess']) && is_array($args['addLess'])) { foreach ($args['addLess'] as $addless) { $less->parseFile($addless); } } // Add extra LESS variables before compiling if (isset($args['addLessVariables'])) { $less->parse($args['addLessVariables']); } // Set the @baseUrl variable $baseUrl = !empty($args['baseUrl']) ? $args['baseUrl'] : $request->getBaseUrl(true); $less->parse("@baseUrl: '$baseUrl';"); return $less->getCSS(); } /** * Save LESS styles to a cached file * * @param $path string File path to save the compiled styles * @param styles string CSS styles compiled from the LESS * @return bool success/failure */ public function cacheLess($path, $styles) { if (file_put_contents($path, $styles) === false) { error_log("Unable to write \"$path\"."); return false; } return true; } /** * Retrieve the file path for a cached LESS file * * @param $name string Unique name for the LESS file * @return $path string Path to the less file or false if not found */ public function getCachedLessFilePath($name) { $cacheDirectory = CacheManager::getFileCachePath(); $context = $this->_request->getContext(); $contextId = is_a($context, 'Context') ? $context->getId() : 0; return $cacheDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $contextId . '-' . $name . '.css'; } /** * Register a stylesheet with the style handler * * @param $name string Unique name for the stylesheet * @param $style string The stylesheet to be included. Should be a URL * or, if the `inline` argument is included, stylesheet data to be output. * @param $args array Key/value array defining display details * `priority` int The order in which to print this stylesheet. * Default: STYLE_SEQUENCE_NORMAL * `contexts` string|array Where the stylesheet should be loaded. * Default: array('frontend') * `inline` bool Whether the $stylesheet value should be output directly as * stylesheet data. Used to pass backend data to the scripts. */ function addStyleSheet($name, $style, $args = array()) { $args = array_merge( array( 'priority' => STYLE_SEQUENCE_NORMAL, 'contexts' => array('frontend'), 'inline' => false, ), $args ); $args['contexts'] = (array) $args['contexts']; foreach($args['contexts'] as $context) { $this->_styleSheets[$context][$args['priority']][$name] = array( 'style' => $style, 'inline' => $args['inline'], ); } } /** * Register a script with the script handler * * @param $name string Unique name for the script * @param $script string The script to be included. Should be a URL or, if * the `inline` argument is included, script data to be output. * @param $args array Key/value array defining display details * `priority` int The order in which to print this script. * Default: STYLE_SEQUENCE_NORMAL * `contexts` string|array Where the script should be loaded. * Default: array('frontend') * `inline` bool Whether the $script value should be output directly as * script data. Used to pass backend data to the scripts. */ function addJavaScript($name, $script, $args = array()) { $args = array_merge( array( 'priority' => STYLE_SEQUENCE_NORMAL, 'contexts' => array('frontend'), 'inline' => false, ), $args ); $args['contexts'] = (array) $args['contexts']; foreach($args['contexts'] as $context) { $this->_javaScripts[$context][$args['priority']][$name] = array( 'script' => $script, 'inline' => $args['inline'], ); } } /** * Add a page-specific item to the . * * @param $name string Unique name for the header * @param $header string The header to be included. * @param $args array Key/value array defining display details * `priority` int The order in which to print this header. * Default: STYLE_SEQUENCE_NORMAL * `contexts` string|array Where the header should be loaded. * Default: array('frontend') */ function addHeader($name, $header, $args = array()) { $args = array_merge( array( 'priority' => STYLE_SEQUENCE_NORMAL, 'contexts' => array('frontend'), ), $args ); $args['contexts'] = (array) $args['contexts']; foreach($args['contexts'] as $context) { $this->_htmlHeaders[$context][$args['priority']][$name] = array( 'header' => $header, ); } } /** * Register all files required by the core JavaScript library */ function registerJSLibrary() { $baseUrl = $this->_request->getBaseUrl(); $localeChecks = array(AppLocale::getLocale(), strtolower(substr(AppLocale::getLocale(), 0, 2))); // Common $args array used for all our core JS files $args = array( 'priority' => STYLE_SEQUENCE_CORE, 'contexts' => 'backend', ); // Load jQuery validate separately because it can not be linted // properly by our build script $this->addJavaScript( 'jqueryValidate', $baseUrl . '/lib/pkp/js/lib/jquery/plugins/validate/jquery.validate.min.js', $args ); $jqvLocalePath = 'lib/pkp/js/lib/jquery/plugins/validate/localization/messages_'; foreach ($localeChecks as $localeCheck) { if (file_exists($jqvLocalePath . $localeCheck .'.js')) { $this->addJavaScript('jqueryValidateLocale', $baseUrl . '/' . $jqvLocalePath . $localeCheck . '.js', $args); } } $this->addJavaScript( 'plUpload', $baseUrl . '/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/moxiecode/plupload/js/plupload.full.min.js', $args ); $this->addJavaScript( 'jQueryPlUpload', $baseUrl . '/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/moxiecode/plupload/js/jquery.ui.plupload/jquery.ui.plupload.js', $args ); $plLocalePath = 'lib/pkp/lib/vendor/moxiecode/plupload/js/i18n/'; foreach ($localeChecks as $localeCheck) { if (file_exists($plLocalePath . $localeCheck . '.js')) { $this->addJavaScript('plUploadLocale', $baseUrl . '/' . $plLocalePath . $localeCheck . '.js', $args); } } $this->addJavaScript('pNotify', $baseUrl . '/lib/pkp/lib/vendor/alex198710/pnotify/assets/js/pnotify.custom.min.js', $args); // Load new component library bundle $this->addJavaScript( 'pkpApp', $baseUrl . '/js/build.js', array( 'priority' => STYLE_SEQUENCE_LATE, 'contexts' => array('backend') ) ); // Load constants for new component library $const = array( 'ROLE_ID_MANAGER' => ROLE_ID_MANAGER, 'ROLE_ID_SITE_ADMIN' => ROLE_ID_SITE_ADMIN, 'ROLE_ID_AUTHOR' => ROLE_ID_AUTHOR, 'ROLE_ID_REVIEWER' => ROLE_ID_REVIEWER, 'ROLE_ID_ASSISTANT' => ROLE_ID_ASSISTANT, 'ROLE_ID_READER' => ROLE_ID_READER, 'ROLE_ID_SUB_EDITOR' => ROLE_ID_SUB_EDITOR, 'ROLE_ID_SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGER' => ROLE_ID_SUBSCRIPTION_MANAGER, ); $output = 'pkp.const = ' . json_encode($const) . ';'; $this->addJavaScript( 'pkpAppData', $output, array( 'priority' => STYLE_SEQUENCE_LATE, 'contexts' => array('backend'), 'inline' => true, ) ); // Load minified file if it exists if (Config::getVar('general', 'enable_minified')) { $this->addJavaScript( 'pkpLib', $baseUrl . '/js/pkp.min.js', array( 'priority' => STYLE_SEQUENCE_CORE, 'contexts' => array('backend') ) ); return; } // Otherwise retrieve and register all script files $minifiedScripts = array_filter(array_map('trim', file('registry/minifiedScripts.txt')), function($s) { return strlen($s) && $s[0] != '#'; // Exclude empty and commented (#) lines }); foreach ($minifiedScripts as $key => $script) { $this->addJavaScript( 'pkpLib' . $key, "$baseUrl/$script", $args); } } /** * Register JavaScript data used by the core JS library * * This function registers script data that is required by the core JS * library. This data is queued after jQuery but before the pkp-lib * framework, allowing dynamic data to be passed to the framework. It is * intended to be used for passing constants and locale strings, but plugins * may also take advantage of a hook to include data required by their own * scripts, when integrating with the pkp-lib framework. */ function registerJSLibraryData() { $application = PKPApplication::getApplication(); $context = $this->_request->getContext(); // Instantiate the namespace $output = '$.pkp = $.pkp || {};'; // Load data intended for general use by the app import('lib.pkp.classes.security.Role'); $app_data = array( 'currentLocale' => AppLocale::getLocale(), 'primaryLocale' => AppLocale::getPrimaryLocale(), 'baseUrl' => $this->_request->getBaseUrl(), 'contextPath' => isset($context) ? $context->getPath() : '', 'apiBasePath' => '/api/v1', 'pathInfoEnabled' => Config::getVar('general', 'disable_path_info') ? false : true, 'restfulUrlsEnabled' => Config::getVar('general', 'restful_urls') ? true : false, ); $output .= '$.pkp.app = ' . json_encode($app_data) . ';'; // Load exposed constants $exposedConstants = $application->getExposedConstants(); if (!empty($exposedConstants)) { $output .= '$.pkp.cons = ' . json_encode($exposedConstants) . ';'; } // Load locale keys $localeKeys = $application->getJSLocaleKeys(); if (!empty($localeKeys)) { // Replace periods in the key name with underscores for better- // formatted JS keys $jsLocaleKeys = array(); foreach($localeKeys as $key) { $jsLocaleKeys[str_replace('.', '_', $key)] = __($key); } $output .= '$.pkp.locale = ' . json_encode($jsLocaleKeys) . ';'; } // Allow plugins to load data within their own namespace $plugin_data = array(); HookRegistry::call('TemplateManager::registerJSLibraryData', array(&$plugin_data)); if (!empty($plugin_data) && is_array($plugin_data)) { $output .= '$.pkp.plugins = {};'; foreach($plugin_data as $namespace => $data) { $output .= $namespace . ' = ' . json_encode($data) . ';'; } } // Load current user data if (!Config::getVar('general', 'installed')) { $output .= '$.pkp.currentUser = null;'; } else { $user = $this->_request->getUser(); if ($user) { import('lib.pkp.classes.security.RoleDAO'); import('lib.pkp.classes.security.UserGroupDAO'); $userGroupDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('UserGroupDAO'); $userGroups = $userGroupDao->getByUserId($this->_request->getUser()->getId())->toArray(); $currentUserAccessRoles = array(); foreach ($userGroups as $userGroup) { $currentUserAccessRoles[] = (int) $userGroup->getRoleId(); } $userOutput = array( 'id' => (int) $user->getId(), 'accessRoles' => $currentUserAccessRoles, 'csrfToken' => $this->_request->getSession()->getCSRFToken() ); $output .= '$.pkp.currentUser = ' . json_encode($userOutput) . ';'; } } $this->addJavaScript( 'pkpLibData', $output, array( 'priority' => STYLE_SEQUENCE_CORE, 'contexts' => 'backend', 'inline' => true, ) ); } /** * @copydoc Smarty::fetch() */ function fetch($template, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null, $display = false) { // If no compile ID was assigned, get one. if (!$compile_id) $compile_id = $this->getCompileId($template); // Give hooks an opportunity to override $result = null; if ($display == false && HookRegistry::call('TemplateManager::fetch', array($this, $template, $cache_id, $compile_id, &$result))) return $result; return parent::fetch($template, $cache_id, $compile_id, $display); } /** * Fetch content via AJAX and add it to the DOM, wrapped in a container element. * @param $id string ID to use for the generated container element. * @param $url string URL to fetch the contents from. * @param $element string Element to use for container. * @return JSONMessage The JSON-encoded result. */ function fetchAjax($id, $url, $element = 'div') { return new JSONMessage(true, $this->smartyLoadUrlInEl( array( 'url' => $url, 'id' => $id, 'el' => $element, ), $this )); } /** * Calculate a compile ID for a resource. * @param $resourceName string Resource name. * @return string */ function getCompileId($resourceName) { if ( Config::getVar('general', 'installed' ) ) { $context = $this->_request->getContext(); if (is_a($context, 'Context')) { $resourceName .= $context->getSetting('themePluginPath'); } } return sha1($resourceName); } /** * Returns the template results as a JSON message. * @param $template string Template filename (or Smarty resource name) * @param $status boolean * @return JSONMessage JSON object */ function fetchJson($template, $status = true) { import('lib.pkp.classes.core.JSONMessage'); return new JSONMessage($status, $this->fetch($template)); } /** * @copydoc Smarty::display() * @param $template string Template filename (or Smarty resource name) * @param $sendHeaders boolean True iff content type/cache control headers should be sent */ function display($template, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null, $sendHeaders = true) { // Give any hooks registered against the TemplateManager // the opportunity to modify behavior; otherwise, display // the template as usual. $output = null; if (HookRegistry::call('TemplateManager::display', array($this, &$template, &$output))) { echo $output; return; } // If this is the main display call, send headers. if ($sendHeaders) { // Explicitly set the character encoding. Required in // case server is using Apache's AddDefaultCharset // directive (which can prevent browser auto-detection // of the proper character set). header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . Config::getVar('i18n', 'client_charset')); header('Cache-Control: ' . $this->_cacheability); } // Actually display the template. parent::display($template, $cache_id, $compile_id); } /** * Clear template compile and cache directories. */ function clearTemplateCache() { $this->clear_compiled_tpl(); $this->clear_all_cache(); } /** * Clear all compiled CSS files */ public function clearCssCache() { $cacheDirectory = CacheManager::getFileCachePath(); $files = scandir($cacheDirectory); array_map('unlink', glob(CacheManager::getFileCachePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.' . CSS_FILENAME_SUFFIX)); } /** * Return an instance of the template manager. * @param $request PKPRequest * @return TemplateManager the template manager object */ static function &getManager($request = null) { if (!isset($request)) { $request = Registry::get('request'); if (Config::getVar('debug', 'deprecation_warnings')) trigger_error('Deprecated call without request object.'); } assert(is_a($request, 'PKPRequest')); $instance =& Registry::get('templateManager', true, null); // Reference required if ($instance === null) { $instance = new TemplateManager($request); $themes = PluginRegistry::getPlugins('themes'); if (is_null($themes)) { $themes = PluginRegistry::loadCategory('themes', true); } $instance->initialize(); } return $instance; } /** * Return an instance of the Form Builder Vocabulary class. * @return TemplateManager the template manager object */ function getFBV() { if(!$this->_fbv) { import('lib.pkp.classes.form.FormBuilderVocabulary'); $this->_fbv = new FormBuilderVocabulary(); } return $this->_fbv; } // // Custom template functions, modifiers, etc. // /** * Smarty usage: {translate key="localization.key.name" [paramName="paramValue" ...]} * * Custom Smarty function for translating localization keys. * Substitution works by replacing tokens like "{$foo}" with the value of the parameter named "foo" (if supplied). * @param $params array associative array, must contain "key" parameter for string to translate plus zero or more named parameters for substitution. * Translation variables can be specified also as an optional * associative array named "params". * @param $smarty Smarty * @return string the localized string, including any parameter substitutions */ function smartyTranslate($params, $smarty) { if (isset($params) && !empty($params)) { if (!isset($params['key'])) return __(''); $key = $params['key']; unset($params['key']); if (isset($params['params']) && is_array($params['params'])) { $paramsArray = $params['params']; unset($params['params']); $params = array_merge($params, $paramsArray); } return __($key, $params); } } /** * Smarty usage: {null_link_action id="linkId" key="localization.key.name" image="imageClassName"} * * Custom Smarty function for displaying a null link action; these will * typically be attached and handled in Javascript. * @param $smarty Smarty * @return string the HTML for the generated link action */ function smartyNullLinkAction($params, $smarty) { assert(isset($params['id'])); $id = $params['id']; $key = isset($params['key'])?$params['key']:null; $hoverTitle = isset($params['hoverTitle'])?true:false; $image = isset($params['image'])?$params['image']:null; $translate = isset($params['translate'])?false:true; import('lib.pkp.classes.linkAction.request.NullAction'); import('lib.pkp.classes.linkAction.LinkAction'); $key = $translate ? __($key) : $key; $this->assign('action', new LinkAction( $id, new NullAction(), $key, $image )); $this->assign('hoverTitle', $hoverTitle); return $this->fetch('linkAction/linkAction.tpl'); } /** * Smarty usage: {help file="someFile.md" section="someSection" textKey="some.text.key"} * * Custom Smarty function for displaying a context-sensitive help link. * @param $smarty Smarty * @return string the HTML for the generated link action */ function smartyHelp($params, $smarty) { assert(isset($params['file'])); $params = array_merge( array( 'file' => null, // The name of the Markdown file 'section' => null, // The (optional) anchor within the Markdown file 'textKey' => 'help.help', // An (optional) locale key for the link 'text' => null, // An (optional) literal text for the link 'class' => null, // An (optional) CSS class string for the link ), $params ); $this->assign(array( 'helpFile' => $params['file'], 'helpSection' => $params['section'], 'helpTextKey' => $params['textKey'], 'helpText' => $params['text'], 'helpClass' => $params['class'], )); return $this->fetch('common/helpLink.tpl'); } /** * Smarty usage: {html_options_translate ...} * For parameter usage, see http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.function.html.options.php * * Identical to Smarty's "html_options" function except option values are translated from i18n keys. * @param $params array * @param $smarty Smarty */ function smartyHtmlOptionsTranslate($params, $smarty) { if (isset($params['options'])) { if (isset($params['translateValues'])) { // Translate values AND output $newOptions = array(); foreach ($params['options'] as $k => $v) { $newOptions[__($k)] = __($v); } $params['options'] = $newOptions; } else { // Just translate output $params['options'] = array_map(array('AppLocale', 'translate'), $params['options']); } } if (isset($params['output'])) { $params['output'] = array_map(array('AppLocale', 'translate'), $params['output']); } if (isset($params['values']) && isset($params['translateValues'])) { $params['values'] = array_map(array('AppLocale', 'translate'), $params['values']); } require_once($this->_get_plugin_filepath('function','html_options')); return smarty_function_html_options($params, $smarty); } /** * Iterator function for looping through objects extending the * ItemIterator class. * Parameters: * - from: Name of template variable containing iterator * - item: Name of template variable to receive each item * - key: (optional) Name of variable to receive index of current item */ function smartyIterate($params, $content, $smarty, &$repeat) { $iterator =& $smarty->get_template_vars($params['from']); if (isset($params['key'])) { if (empty($content)) $smarty->assign($params['key'], 1); else $smarty->assign($params['key'], $smarty->get_template_vars($params['key'])+1); } // If the iterator is empty, we're finished. if (!$iterator || $iterator->eof()) { if (!$repeat) return $content; $repeat = false; return ''; } $repeat = true; if (isset($params['key'])) { list($key, $value) = $iterator->nextWithKey(); $smarty->assign($params['item'], $value); $smarty->assign($params['key'], $key); } else { $smarty->assign($params['item'], $iterator->next()); } return $content; } /** * Display page information for a listing of items that has been * divided onto multiple pages. * Usage: * {page_info from=$myIterator} */ function smartyPageInfo($params, $smarty) { $iterator = $params['iterator']; if (isset($params['itemsPerPage'])) { $itemsPerPage = $params['itemsPerPage']; } else { $itemsPerPage = $smarty->get_template_vars('itemsPerPage'); if (!is_numeric($itemsPerPage)) $itemsPerPage=25; } $page = $iterator->getPage(); $pageCount = $iterator->getPageCount(); $itemTotal = $iterator->getCount(); if ($pageCount<1) return ''; $from = (($page - 1) * $itemsPerPage) + 1; $to = min($itemTotal, $page * $itemsPerPage); return __('navigation.items', array( 'from' => ($to===0?0:$from), 'to' => $to, 'total' => $itemTotal )); } /** * Flush the output buffer. This is useful in cases where Smarty templates * are calling functions that take a while to execute so that they can display * a progress indicator or a message stating that the operation may take a while. */ function smartyFlush($params, $smarty) { $smarty->flush(); } function flush() { while (ob_get_level()) { ob_end_flush(); } flush(); } /** * Call hooks from a template. */ function smartyCallHook($params, $smarty) { $output = null; HookRegistry::call($params['name'], array(&$params, &$smarty, &$output)); return $output; } /** * Generate a URL into a PKPApp. * @param $params array * @param $smarty object * Available parameters: * - router: which router to use * - context * - page * - component * - op * - path (array) * - anchor * - escape (default to true unless otherwise specified) * - params: parameters to include in the URL if available as an array */ function smartyUrl($parameters, $smarty) { if ( !isset($parameters['context']) ) { // Extract the variables named in $paramList, and remove them // from the parameters array. Variables remaining in params will be // passed along to Request::url as extra parameters. $context = array(); $application = PKPApplication::getApplication(); $contextList = $application->getContextList(); foreach ($contextList as $contextName) { if (isset($parameters[$contextName])) { $context[$contextName] = $parameters[$contextName]; unset($parameters[$contextName]); } else { $context[$contextName] = null; } } $parameters['context'] = $context; } // Extract the reserved variables named in $paramList, and remove them // from the parameters array. Variables remaining in parameters will be passed // along to Request::url as extra parameters. $paramList = array('params', 'router', 'context', 'page', 'component', 'op', 'path', 'anchor', 'escape'); foreach ($paramList as $parameter) { if (isset($parameters[$parameter])) { $$parameter = $parameters[$parameter]; unset($parameters[$parameter]); } else { $$parameter = null; } } // Merge parameters specified in the {url paramName=paramValue} format with // those optionally supplied in {url params=$someAssociativeArray} format $parameters = array_merge($parameters, (array) $params); // Set the default router if (is_null($router)) { if (is_a($this->_request->getRouter(), 'PKPComponentRouter')) { $router = ROUTE_COMPONENT; } else { $router = ROUTE_PAGE; } } // Check the router $dispatcher = PKPApplication::getDispatcher(); $routerShortcuts = array_keys($dispatcher->getRouterNames()); assert(in_array($router, $routerShortcuts)); // Identify the handler switch($router) { case ROUTE_PAGE: $handler = $page; break; case ROUTE_COMPONENT: $handler = $component; break; default: // Unknown router type assert(false); } // Let the dispatcher create the url return $dispatcher->url($this->_request, $router, $context, $handler, $op, $path, $parameters, $anchor, !isset($escape) || $escape); } /** * Display page links for a listing of items that has been * divided onto multiple pages. * Usage: * {page_links * name="nameMustMatchGetRangeInfoCall" * iterator=$myIterator * additional_param=myAdditionalParameterValue * } */ function smartyPageLinks($params, $smarty) { $iterator = $params['iterator']; $name = $params['name']; if (isset($params['params']) && is_array($params['params'])) { $extraParams = $params['params']; unset($params['params']); $params = array_merge($params, $extraParams); } if (isset($params['anchor'])) { $anchor = $params['anchor']; unset($params['anchor']); } else { $anchor = null; } if (isset($params['all_extra'])) { $allExtra = ' ' . $params['all_extra']; unset($params['all_extra']); } else { $allExtra = ''; } unset($params['iterator']); unset($params['name']); $numPageLinks = $smarty->get_template_vars('numPageLinks'); if (!is_numeric($numPageLinks)) $numPageLinks=10; $page = $iterator->getPage(); $pageCount = $iterator->getPageCount(); $pageBase = max($page - floor($numPageLinks / 2), 1); $paramName = $name . 'Page'; if ($pageCount<=1) return ''; $value = ''; $router = $this->_request->getRouter(); $requestedArgs = null; if (is_a($router, 'PageRouter')) { $requestedArgs = $router->getRequestedArgs($this->_request); } if ($page>1) { $params[$paramName] = 1; $value .= '<< '; $params[$paramName] = $page - 1; $value .= '< '; } for ($i=$pageBase; $i_request->url(null, null, null, $requestedArgs, $params, $anchor) . '"' . $allExtra . '>' . $i . ' '; } } if ($page < $pageCount) { $params[$paramName] = $page + 1; $value .= '> '; $params[$paramName] = $pageCount; $value .= '>> '; } return $value; } /** * Convert the parameters of a function to an array. */ function smartyToArray() { return func_get_args(); } /** * Concatenate the parameters and return the result. */ function smartyConcat() { $args = func_get_args(); return implode('', $args); } /** * Compare the parameters. * @param $a mixed Parameter A * @param $a mixed Parameter B * @param $strict boolean True iff a strict (===) compare should be used * @param $invert booelan True iff the output should be inverted */ function smartyCompare($a, $b, $strict = false, $invert = false) { $result = $strict?$a===$b:$a==$b; return $invert?!$result:$result; } /** * Convert a string to a numeric time. */ function smartyStrtotime($string) { return strtotime($string); } /** * Split the supplied string by the supplied separator. */ function smartyExplode($string, $separator) { return explode($separator, $string); } /** * Assign a value to a template variable. */ function smartyAssign($value, $varName, $passThru = false) { if (isset($varName)) { $this->assign($varName, $value); } if ($passThru) return $value; } /** * Override the built-in smarty escape modifier to * add the jqselector escaping method. */ function smartyEscape($string, $esc_type = 'html', $char_set = 'ISO-8859-1') { $pattern = "/(:|\.|\[|\]|,|=|@)/"; $replacement = "\\\\\\\\$1"; switch ($esc_type) { // Because jQuery uses CSS syntax for selecting elements // some characters are interpreted as CSS notation. // In order to tell jQuery to treat these characters literally rather // than as CSS notation, they must be escaped by placing two backslashes // in front of them. case 'jqselector': $result = smarty_modifier_escape($string, 'html', $char_set); $result = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $result); return $result; case 'jsid': $result = smarty_modifier_escape($string, 'javascript', $char_set); $result = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $result); return $result; default: return smarty_modifier_escape($string, $esc_type, $char_set); } } /** * Smarty usage: {load_url_in_el el="htmlElement" id="someHtmlId" url="http://the.url.to.be.loaded.into.the.grid"} * * Custom Smarty function for loading a URL via AJAX into any HTML element * @param $params array associative array * @param $smarty Smarty * @return string of HTML/Javascript */ function smartyLoadUrlInEl($params, $smarty) { // Required Params if (!isset($params['el'])) { $smarty->trigger_error("el parameter is missing from load_url_in_el"); } if (!isset($params['url'])) { $smarty->trigger_error("url parameter is missing from load_url_in_el"); } if (!isset($params['id'])) { $smarty->trigger_error("id parameter is missing from load_url_in_el"); } $this->assign(array( 'inEl' => $params['el'], 'inElUrl' => $params['url'], 'inElElId' => $params['id'], 'inElClass' => isset($params['class'])?$params['class']:null, 'refreshOn' => isset($params['refreshOn'])?$params['refreshOn']:null, )); if (isset($params['placeholder'])) { $this->assign('inElPlaceholder', $params['placeholder']); } elseif (isset($params['loadMessageId'])) { $loadMessageId = $params['loadMessageId']; $this->assign('inElPlaceholder', __($loadMessageId, $params)); } else { $this->assign('inElPlaceholder', $this->fetch('common/loadingContainer.tpl')); } return $this->fetch('common/urlInEl.tpl'); } /** * Smarty usage: {load_url_in_div id="someHtmlId" url="http://the.url.to.be.loaded.into.the.grid"} * * Custom Smarty function for loading a URL via AJAX into a DIV. Convenience * wrapper for smartyLoadUrlInEl. * @param $params array associative array * @param $smarty Smarty * @return string of HTML/Javascript */ function smartyLoadUrlInDiv($params, $smarty) { $params['el'] = 'div'; return $this->smartyLoadUrlInEl( $params, $smarty ); } /** * Smarty usage: {csrf} * * Custom Smarty function for inserting a CSRF token. * @param $params array associative array * @param $smarty Smarty * @return string of HTML */ function smartyCSRF($params, $smarty) { $csrfToken = $this->_request->getSession()->getCSRFToken(); switch (isset($params['type'])?$params['type']:null) { case 'raw': return $csrfToken; case 'json': return json_encode($csrfToken); case 'html': default: return ''; } } /** * Smarty usage: {load_stylesheet context="frontend" stylesheets=$stylesheets} * * Custom Smarty function for printing stylesheets attached to a context. * @param $params array associative array * @param $smarty Smarty * @return string of HTML/Javascript */ function smartyLoadStylesheet($params, $smarty) { if (empty($params['context'])) { $context = 'frontend'; } $stylesheets = $this->getResourcesByContext($this->_styleSheets, $params['context']); ksort($stylesheets); $output = ''; foreach($stylesheets as $priorityList) { foreach($priorityList as $style) { if (!empty($style['inline'])) { $output .= ''; } else { $output .= ''; } } } return $output; } /** * Smarty usage: {load_script context="backend" scripts=$scripts} * * Custom Smarty function for printing scripts attached to a context. * @param $params array associative array * @param $smarty Smarty * @return string of HTML/Javascript */ function smartyLoadScript($params, $smarty) { if (empty($params['context'])) { $params['context'] = 'frontend'; } $scripts = $this->getResourcesByContext($this->_javaScripts, $params['context']); ksort($scripts); $output = ''; foreach($scripts as $priorityList) { foreach($priorityList as $name => $data) { if ($data['inline']) { $output .= ''; } else { $output .= ''; } } } return $output; } /** * Smarty usage: {load_header context="frontent" headers=$headers} * * Custom Smarty function for printing scripts attached to a context. * @param $params array associative array * @param $smarty Smarty * @return string of HTML/Javascript */ function smartyLoadHeader($params, $smarty) { if (empty($params['context'])) { $params['context'] = 'frontend'; } $headers = $this->getResourcesByContext($this->_htmlHeaders, $params['context']); ksort($headers); $output = ''; foreach($headers as $priorityList) { foreach($priorityList as $name => $data) { $output .= "\n" . $data['header']; } } return $output; } /** * Smarty usage: {load_menu name=$areaName path=$declaredMenuTemplatePath id=$id ulClass=$ulClass liClass=$liClass} * * Custom Smarty function for printing navigation menu areas attached to a context. * @param $params array associative array * @param $smarty Smarty * @return string of HTML/Javascript */ function smartyLoadNavigationMenuArea($params, $smarty) { $areaName = $params['name']; $declaredMenuTemplatePath = $params['path']; $currentContext = $this->_request->getContext(); $contextId = CONTEXT_ID_NONE; if ($currentContext) { $contextId = $currentContext->getId(); } // Don't load menus for an area that's not registered by the active theme $themePlugins = PluginRegistry::getPlugins('themes'); if (is_null($themePlugins)) { $themePlugins = PluginRegistry::loadCategory('themes', true); } $activeThemeNavigationAreas = array(); foreach ($themePlugins as $themePlugin) { if ($themePlugin->isActive()) { $areas = $themePlugin->getMenuAreas(); if (!in_array($areaName, $areas)) { return ''; } } } $menuTemplatePath = 'frontend/components/navigationMenu.tpl'; if (isset($declaredMenuTemplatePath)) { $menuTemplatePath = $declaredMenuTemplatePath; } $navigationMenuDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('NavigationMenuDAO'); $output = ''; $navigationMenus = $navigationMenuDao->getByArea($contextId, $areaName)->toArray(); if (isset($navigationMenus[0])) { $navigationMenu = $navigationMenus[0]; import('classes.core.ServicesContainer'); ServicesContainer::instance() ->get('navigationMenu') ->getMenuTree($navigationMenu); } $this->assign(array( 'navigationMenu' => $navigationMenu, 'id' => $params['id'], 'ulClass' => $params['ulClass'], 'liClass' => $params['liClass'], )); $output = $this->fetch($menuTemplatePath); return $output; } /** * Get resources assigned to a context * * A helper function which retrieves script, style and header assets * assigned to a particular context. * @param $resources array Requested resources * @param $context string Requested context * @return array Resources assigned to these contexts */ function getResourcesByContext($resources, $context) { $matches = array(); if (array_key_exists($context, $resources)) { $matches = $resources[$context]; } $page = $this->get_template_vars('requestedPage'); $page = empty( $page ) ? 'index' : $page; $op = $this->get_template_vars('requestedOp'); $op = empty( $op ) ? 'index' : $op; $contexts = array( join('-', array($context, $page)), join('-', array($context, $page, $op)), ); foreach($contexts as $context) { if (array_key_exists($context, $resources)) { foreach ($resources[$context] as $priority => $priorityList) { if (!array_key_exists($priority, $matches)) { $matches[$priority] = array(); } $matches[$priority] = array_merge($matches[$priority], $resources[$context][$priority]); } $matches += $resources[$context]; } } return $matches; } /** * Smarty usage: {pluck_files files=$availableFiles by="chapter" value=$chapterId} * * Custom Smarty function for plucking files from the array of $availableFiles * related to a submission. Intended to be used on the frontend * @param $params array associative array * @param $smarty Smarty * @return array of SubmissionFile objects */ function smartyPluckFiles($params, $smarty) { // The variable to assign the result to. if (empty($params['assign'])) { error_log('Smarty: {pluck_files} function called without required `assign` param. Called in ' . __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__); return; } // $params['files'] should be an array of SubmissionFile objects if (!is_array($params['files'])) { error_log('Smarty: {pluck_files} function called without required `files` param. Called in ' . __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__); $smarty->assign($params['assign'], array()); return; } // $params['by'] is one of an approved list of attributes to select by if (empty($params['by'])) { error_log('Smarty: {pluck_files} function called without required `by` param. Called in ' . __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__); $smarty->assign($params['assign'], array()); return; } // The approved list of `by` attributes // chapter Any files assigned to a chapter ID. A value of `any` will return files assigned to any chapter. A value of 0 will return files not assigned to chapter // publicationFormat Any files in a given publicationFormat ID // component Any files of a component type by class name: SubmissionFile|SubmissionArtworkFile|SupplementaryFile // fileExtension Any files with a file extension in all caps: PDF // genre Any files with a genre ID (file genres are configurable but typically refer to Manuscript, Bibliography, etc) if (!in_array($params['by'], array('chapter','publicationFormat','component','fileExtension','genre'))) { error_log('Smarty: {pluck_files} function called without a valid `by` param. Called in ' . __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__); $smarty->assign($params['assign'], array()); return; } // The value to match against. See docs for `by` param if (!isset($params['value'])) { error_log('Smarty: {pluck_files} function called without required `value` param. Called in ' . __FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__); $smarty->assign($params['assign'], array()); return; } $matching_files = array(); $genreDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('GenreDAO'); foreach ($params['files'] as $file) { switch ($params['by']) { case 'chapter': $genre = $genreDao->getById($file->getGenreId()); if (!$genre->getDependent() && method_exists($file, 'getChapterId')) { if ($params['value'] === 'any' && $file->getChapterId()) { $matching_files[] = $file; } elseif($file->getChapterId() === $params['value']) { $matching_files[] = $file; } elseif ($params['value'] == 0 && !$file->getChapterId()) { $matching_files[] = $file; } } break; case 'publicationFormat': if ($file->getAssocId() == $params['value']) { $matching_files[] = $file; } break; case 'component': if (get_class($file) == $params['value']) { $matching_files[] = $file; } break; case 'fileExtension': if ($file->getExtension() == $params['value']) { $matching_files[] = $file; } break; case 'genre': if ($file->getGenreId() == $params['value']) { $matching_files[] = $file; } break; } } $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $matching_files); } } ?>