// Buttons // Uses AMD or browser globals for jQuery. (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as a module. define('pnotify.buttons', ['jquery', 'pnotify'], factory); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery, PNotify); } }(function($, PNotify){ PNotify.prototype.options.buttons = { // Provide a button for the user to manually close the notice. closer: true, // Only show the closer button on hover. closer_hover: true, // Provide a button for the user to manually stick the notice. sticker: true, // Only show the sticker button on hover. sticker_hover: true, // The various displayed text, helps facilitating internationalization. labels: { close: "Close", stick: "Stick" } }; PNotify.prototype.modules.buttons = { // This lets us update the options available in the closures. myOptions: null, closer: null, sticker: null, init: function(notice, options){ var that = this; this.myOptions = options; notice.elem.on({ "mouseenter": function(e){ // Show the buttons. if (that.myOptions.sticker && !(notice.options.nonblock && notice.options.nonblock.nonblock)) that.sticker.trigger("pnotify_icon").css("visibility", "visible"); if (that.myOptions.closer && !(notice.options.nonblock && notice.options.nonblock.nonblock)) that.closer.css("visibility", "visible"); }, "mouseleave": function(e){ // Hide the buttons. if (that.myOptions.sticker_hover) that.sticker.css("visibility", "hidden"); if (that.myOptions.closer_hover) that.closer.css("visibility", "hidden"); } }); // Provide a button to stick the notice. this.sticker = $("
", { "class": "ui-pnotify-sticker", "css": {"cursor": "pointer", "visibility": options.sticker_hover ? "hidden" : "visible"}, "click": function(){ notice.options.hide = !notice.options.hide; if (notice.options.hide) notice.queueRemove(); else notice.cancelRemove(); $(this).trigger("pnotify_icon"); } }) .bind("pnotify_icon", function(){ $(this).children().removeClass(notice.styles.pin_up+" "+notice.styles.pin_down).addClass(notice.options.hide ? notice.styles.pin_up : notice.styles.pin_down); }) .append($("", {"class": notice.styles.pin_up, "title": options.labels.stick})) .prependTo(notice.container); if (!options.sticker || (notice.options.nonblock && notice.options.nonblock.nonblock)) this.sticker.css("display", "none"); // Provide a button to close the notice. this.closer = $("", { "class": "ui-pnotify-closer", "css": {"cursor": "pointer", "visibility": options.closer_hover ? "hidden" : "visible"}, "click": function(){ notice.remove(false); that.sticker.css("visibility", "hidden"); that.closer.css("visibility", "hidden"); } }) .append($("", {"class": notice.styles.closer, "title": options.labels.close})) .prependTo(notice.container); if (!options.closer || (notice.options.nonblock && notice.options.nonblock.nonblock)) this.closer.css("display", "none"); }, update: function(notice, options){ this.myOptions = options; // Update the sticker and closer buttons. if (!options.closer || (notice.options.nonblock && notice.options.nonblock.nonblock)) this.closer.css("display", "none"); else if (options.closer) this.closer.css("display", "block"); if (!options.sticker || (notice.options.nonblock && notice.options.nonblock.nonblock)) this.sticker.css("display", "none"); else if (options.sticker) this.sticker.css("display", "block"); // Update the sticker icon. this.sticker.trigger("pnotify_icon"); // Update the hover status of the buttons. if (options.sticker_hover) this.sticker.css("visibility", "hidden"); else if (!(notice.options.nonblock && notice.options.nonblock.nonblock)) this.sticker.css("visibility", "visible"); if (options.closer_hover) this.closer.css("visibility", "hidden"); else if (!(notice.options.nonblock && notice.options.nonblock.nonblock)) this.closer.css("visibility", "visible"); } }; $.extend(PNotify.styling.jqueryui, { closer: "ui-icon ui-icon-close", pin_up: "ui-icon ui-icon-pin-w", pin_down: "ui-icon ui-icon-pin-s" }); $.extend(PNotify.styling.bootstrap2, { closer: "icon-remove", pin_up: "icon-pause", pin_down: "icon-play" }); $.extend(PNotify.styling.bootstrap3, { closer: "glyphicon glyphicon-remove", pin_up: "glyphicon glyphicon-pause", pin_down: "glyphicon glyphicon-play" }); $.extend(PNotify.styling.fontawesome, { closer: "fa fa-times", pin_up: "fa fa-pause", pin_down: "fa fa-play" }); }));