{** * templates/frontend/pages/userRegister.tpl * * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Simon Fraser University * Copyright (c) 2003-2018 John Willinsky * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING. * * User registration form. * * @uses $primaryLocale string The primary locale for this journal/press *} {include file="frontend/components/header.tpl" pageTitle="user.register"}
{include file="frontend/components/breadcrumbs.tpl" currentTitleKey="user.register"}
{csrf} {if $source} {/if} {include file="common/formErrors.tpl"} {include file="frontend/components/registrationForm.tpl"} {* When a user is registering with a specific journal *} {if $currentContext} {* Allow the user to sign up as a reviewer *} {assign var=contextId value=$currentContext->getId()} {assign var=userCanRegisterReviewer value=0} {foreach from=$reviewerUserGroups[$contextId] item=userGroup} {if $userGroup->getPermitSelfRegistration()} {assign var=userCanRegisterReviewer value=$userCanRegisterReviewer+1} {/if} {/foreach} {if $userCanRegisterReviewer}
{if $userCanRegisterReviewer > 1} {translate key="user.reviewerPrompt"} {capture assign="checkboxLocaleKey"}user.reviewerPrompt.userGroup{/capture} {else} {capture assign="checkboxLocaleKey"}user.reviewerPrompt.optin{/capture} {/if}
{foreach from=$reviewerUserGroups[$contextId] item=userGroup} {if $userGroup->getPermitSelfRegistration()} {/if} {/foreach}
{* * This container will be processed by the tag-it jQuery * plugin. In order for it to work, your theme will need to * load the jQuery tag-it plugin and initialize the * component. * * Two data attributes are added which are not a default * feature of the plugin. These are converted into options * when the plugin is initialized on the element. * * See: /plugins/themes/default/js/main.js * * `data-field-name` represents the name used to POST the * interests when the form is submitted. * * `data-autocomplete-url` is the URL used to request * existing entries from the server. * * @link: http://aehlke.github.io/tag-it/ *}
{translate key="user.interests"}
    {foreach from=$interests item=interest}
  • {$interest|escape}
  • {/foreach}
{/if} {/if} {include file="frontend/components/registrationFormContexts.tpl"} {* When a user is registering for no specific journal, allow them to enter their reviewer interests *} {if !$currentContext}
{translate key="user.register.noContextReviewerInterests"}
{* See comment for .tag-it above *}
    {foreach from=$interests item=interest}
  • {$interest|escape}
  • {/foreach}
{/if} {* recaptcha spam blocker *} {if $reCaptchaHtml}
{url|assign:"rolesProfileUrl" page="user" op="profile" path="roles"}
{include file="frontend/components/footer.tpl"}