_router; } /** * set the router instance * @param $router instance PKPRouter */ function setRouter($router) { $this->_router = $router; } /** * Set the dispatcher * @param $dispatcher Dispatcher */ function setDispatcher($dispatcher) { $this->_dispatcher = $dispatcher; } /** * Get the dispatcher * @return Dispatcher */ function &getDispatcher() { return $this->_dispatcher; } /** * Perform an HTTP redirect to an absolute or relative (to base system URL) URL. * @param $url string (exclude protocol for local redirects) */ function redirectUrl($url) { PKPRequest::_checkThis(); if (HookRegistry::call('Request::redirect', array(&$url))) { return; } header("Location: $url"); exit(); } /** * Request an HTTP redirect via JSON to be used from components. * @param $url string * @return JSONMessage */ function redirectUrlJson($url) { import('lib.pkp.classes.core.JSONMessage'); $json = new JSONMessage(true); $json->setEvent('redirectRequested', $url); return $json; } /** * Redirect to the current URL, forcing the HTTPS protocol to be used. */ function redirectSSL() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); // Note that we are intentionally skipping PKP processing of REQUEST_URI and QUERY_STRING for a protocol redirect // This processing is deferred to the redirected (target) URI $url = 'https://' . $_this->getServerHost() . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $queryString = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if (!empty($queryString)) $url .= "?$queryString"; $_this->redirectUrl($url); } /** * Redirect to the current URL, forcing the HTTP protocol to be used. */ function redirectNonSSL() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); // Note that we are intentionally skipping PKP processing of REQUEST_URI and QUERY_STRING for a protocol redirect // This processing is deferred to the redirected (target) URI $url = 'http://' . $_this->getServerHost() . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $queryString = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if (!empty($queryString)) $url .= "?$queryString"; $_this->redirectUrl($url); } /** * Get the IF_MODIFIED_SINCE date (as a numerical timestamp) if available * @return int */ function getIfModifiedSince() { if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) return null; return strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']); } /** * Get the base URL of the request (excluding script). * @param $allowProtocolRelative boolean True iff protocol-relative URLs are allowed * @return string */ function getBaseUrl($allowProtocolRelative = false) { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); $serverHost = $_this->getServerHost(false); if ($serverHost !== false) { // Auto-detection worked. if ($allowProtocolRelative) { $baseUrl = '//' . $_this->getServerHost() . $_this->getBasePath(); } else { $baseUrl = $_this->getProtocol() . '://' . $_this->getServerHost() . $_this->getBasePath(); } } else { // Auto-detection didn't work (e.g. this is a command-line call); use configuration param $baseUrl = Config::getVar('general', 'base_url'); } HookRegistry::call('Request::getBaseUrl', array(&$baseUrl)); return $baseUrl; } /** * Get the base path of the request (excluding trailing slash). * @return string */ function getBasePath() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); if (!isset($_this->_basePath)) { // Strip the PHP filename off of the script's executed path // We expect the SCRIPT_NAME to look like /path/to/file.php // If the SCRIPT_NAME ends in /, assume this is the directory and the script's actual name // is masked as the DirectoryIndex // If the SCRIPT_NAME ends in neither / or .php, assume the the script's actual name is masked // and we need to avoid stripping the terminal directory $path = preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#', '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].(substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], -1) == '/' || preg_match('#.php$#i', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) ? '' : '/')); // Encode characters which need to be encoded in a URL. // Simply using rawurlencode() doesn't work because it // also encodes characters which are valid in a URL (i.e. @, $). $parts = explode('/', $path); foreach ($parts as $i => $part) { $pieces = array_map(array($this, 'encodeBasePathFragment'), str_split($part)); $parts[$i] = implode('', $pieces); } $_this->_basePath = implode('/', $parts); if ($_this->_basePath == '/' || $_this->_basePath == '\\') { $_this->_basePath = ''; } HookRegistry::call('Request::getBasePath', array(&$_this->_basePath)); } return $_this->_basePath; } /** * Callback function for getBasePath() to correctly encode (or not encode) * a basepath fragment. * @param string $fragment * @return string */ function encodeBasePathFragment($fragment) { if (!preg_match('/[A-Za-z0-9-._~!$&\'()*+,;=:@]/', $fragment)) { return rawurlencode($fragment); } return $fragment; } /** * Deprecated * @see PKPPageRouter::getIndexUrl() */ function getIndexUrl() { static $indexUrl; $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); if (!isset($indexUrl)) { $indexUrl = $_this->_delegateToRouter('getIndexUrl'); // Call legacy hook HookRegistry::call('Request::getIndexUrl', array(&$indexUrl)); } return $indexUrl; } /** * Get the complete URL to this page, including parameters. * @return string */ function getCompleteUrl() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); static $completeUrl; if (!isset($completeUrl)) { $completeUrl = $_this->getRequestUrl(); $queryString = $_this->getQueryString(); if (!empty($queryString)) $completeUrl .= "?$queryString"; HookRegistry::call('Request::getCompleteUrl', array(&$completeUrl)); } return $completeUrl; } /** * Get the complete URL of the request. * @return string */ function getRequestUrl() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); static $requestUrl; if (!isset($requestUrl)) { $requestUrl = $_this->getProtocol() . '://' . $_this->getServerHost() . $_this->getRequestPath(); HookRegistry::call('Request::getRequestUrl', array(&$requestUrl)); } return $requestUrl; } /** * Get the complete set of URL parameters to the current request. * @return string */ function getQueryString() { PKPRequest::_checkThis(); static $queryString; if (!isset($queryString)) { $queryString = isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])?$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']:''; HookRegistry::call('Request::getQueryString', array(&$queryString)); } return $queryString; } /** * Get the complete set of URL parameters to the current request as an * associative array. (Excludes reserved parameters, such as "path", * which are used by disable_path_info mode.) * @return array */ function getQueryArray() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); $queryString = $_this->getQueryString(); $queryArray = array(); if (isset($queryString)) { parse_str($queryString, $queryArray); } // Filter out disable_path_info reserved parameters foreach (array_merge(Application::getContextList(), array('path', 'page', 'op')) as $varName) { if (isset($queryArray[$varName])) unset($queryArray[$varName]); } return $queryArray; } /** * Get the completed path of the request. * @return string */ function getRequestPath() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); if (!isset($_this->_requestPath)) { if ($_this->isRestfulUrlsEnabled()) { $_this->_requestPath = $_this->getBasePath(); } else { $_this->_requestPath = isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])?$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']:''; } if ($_this->isPathInfoEnabled()) { $_this->_requestPath .= isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) ? $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] : ''; } HookRegistry::call('Request::getRequestPath', array(&$_this->_requestPath)); } return $_this->_requestPath; } /** * Get the server hostname in the request. * @param $default string Default hostname (defaults to localhost) * @param $includePort boolean Whether to include non-standard port number; default true * @return string */ function getServerHost($default = null, $includePort = true) { if ($default === null) $default = 'localhost'; $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); if (!isset($_this->_serverHost)) { $_this->_serverHost = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] : (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : $default)); HookRegistry::call('Request::getServerHost', array(&$_this->_serverHost, &$default, &$includePort)); } if (!$includePort) { // Strip the port number, if one is included. (#3912) return preg_replace("/:\d*$/", '', $_this->_serverHost); } return $_this->_serverHost; } /** * Get the protocol used for the request (HTTP or HTTPS). * @return string */ function getProtocol() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); if (!isset($_this->_protocol)) { $_this->_protocol = (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || strtolower_codesafe($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'on') ? 'http' : 'https'; HookRegistry::call('Request::getProtocol', array(&$_this->_protocol)); } return $_this->_protocol; } /** * Get the request method * @return string */ function getRequestMethod() { PKPRequest::_checkThis(); $requestMethod = (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] : ''); return $requestMethod; } /** * Determine whether the request is a POST request * @return boolean */ function isPost() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); return ($_this->getRequestMethod() == 'POST'); } /** * Determine whether the request is a GET request * @return boolean */ function isGet() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); return ($_this->getRequestMethod() == 'GET'); } /** * Determine whether a CSRF token is present and correct. * @return boolean */ function checkCSRF() { $session = $this->getSession(); return $this->getUserVar('csrfToken') == $session->getCSRFToken(); } /** * Get the remote IP address of the current request. * @return string */ function getRemoteAddr() { PKPRequest::_checkThis(); $ipaddr =& Registry::get('remoteIpAddr'); // Reference required. if (is_null($ipaddr)) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && Config::getVar('general', 'trust_x_forwarded_for', true) && preg_match_all('/([0-9.a-fA-F:]+)/', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], $matches)) { } else if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && preg_match_all('/([0-9.a-fA-F:]+)/', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $matches)) { } else if (preg_match_all('/([0-9.a-fA-F:]+)/', getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), $matches)) { } else { $ipaddr = ''; } if (!isset($ipaddr)) { // If multiple addresses are listed, take the last. (Supports ipv6.) $ipaddr = $matches[0][count($matches[0])-1]; } HookRegistry::call('Request::getRemoteAddr', array(&$ipaddr)); } return $ipaddr; } /** * Get the remote domain of the current request * @return string */ function getRemoteDomain() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); static $remoteDomain; if (!isset($remoteDomain)) { $remoteDomain = null; $remoteDomain = @getHostByAddr($_this->getRemoteAddr()); HookRegistry::call('Request::getRemoteDomain', array(&$remoteDomain)); } return $remoteDomain; } /** * Get the user agent of the current request. * @return string */ function getUserAgent() { PKPRequest::_checkThis(); if (!isset($this->_userAgent)) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $this->_userAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } if (!isset($this->_userAgent) || empty($this->_userAgent)) { $this->_userAgent = getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); } if (!isset($this->_userAgent) || $this->_userAgent == false) { $this->_userAgent = ''; } HookRegistry::call('Request::getUserAgent', array(&$this->_userAgent)); } return $this->_userAgent; } /** * Determine whether the user agent is a bot or not. * @return boolean */ function isBot() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); if (!isset($this->_isBot)) { $userAgent = $_this->getUserAgent(); $this->_isBot = Core::isUserAgentBot($userAgent); } return $this->_isBot; } /** * Return true if PATH_INFO is enabled. */ function isPathInfoEnabled() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); if (!isset($_this->_isPathInfoEnabled)) { $_this->_isPathInfoEnabled = Config::getVar('general', 'disable_path_info')?false:true; } return $_this->_isPathInfoEnabled; } /** * Return true if RESTFUL_URLS is enabled. */ function isRestfulUrlsEnabled() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); if (!isset($_this->_isRestfulUrlsEnabled)) { $_this->_isRestfulUrlsEnabled = Config::getVar('general', 'restful_urls')?true:false; } return $_this->_isRestfulUrlsEnabled; } /** * Get site data. * @return Site */ function &getSite() { PKPRequest::_checkThis(); $site =& Registry::get('site', true, null); if ($site === null) { $siteDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('SiteDAO'); $site = $siteDao->getSite(); // PHP bug? This is needed for some reason or extra queries results. Registry::set('site', $site); } return $site; } /** * Get the user session associated with the current request. * @return Session */ function &getSession() { PKPRequest::_checkThis(); $session =& Registry::get('session', true, null); if ($session === null) { $sessionManager = SessionManager::getManager(); $session = $sessionManager->getUserSession(); } return $session; } /** * Get the user associated with the current request. * @return User */ function &getUser() { $_this = PKPRequest::_checkThis(); $user =& Registry::get('user', true, null); $router = $_this->getRouter(); if (is_a($router, 'APIRouter') && !is_null($handler = $router->getHandler()) && !is_null($token = $handler->getApiToken())) { if ($user === null) { $userDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO'); $user = $userDao->getBySetting('apiKey', $token); } if (is_null($user) || !$user->getData('apiKeyEnabled')) return null; return $user; } if ($user === null) { $sessionManager = SessionManager::getManager(); $session = $sessionManager->getUserSession(); $user = $session->getUser(); } return $user; } /** * Get the value of a GET/POST variable. * @return mixed */ function getUserVar($key) { $_this = PKPRequest::_checkThis(); // special treatment for APIRouter. APIHandler gets to fetch parameter first $router = $_this->getRouter(); if (is_a($router, 'APIRouter') && (!is_null($handler = $router->getHandler()))) { $handler = $router->getHandler(); $value = $handler->getParameter($key); if (!is_null($value)) { return $value; } } // Get all vars (already cleaned) $vars = $_this->getUserVars(); if (isset($vars[$key])) { return $vars[$key]; } else { return null; } } /** * Get all GET/POST variables as an array * @return array */ function &getUserVars() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); if (!isset($_this->_requestVars)) { $_this->_requestVars = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); $_this->cleanUserVar($_this->_requestVars); } return $_this->_requestVars; } /** * Get the value of a GET/POST variable generated using the Smarty * html_select_date and/or html_select_time function. * @param $prefix string * @param $defaultDay int * @param $defaultMonth int * @param $defaultYear int * @param $defaultHour int * @param $defaultMinute int * @param $defaultSecond int * @return Date */ function getUserDateVar($prefix, $defaultDay = null, $defaultMonth = null, $defaultYear = null, $defaultHour = 0, $defaultMinute = 0, $defaultSecond = 0) { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); $monthPart = $_this->getUserVar($prefix . 'Month'); $dayPart = $_this->getUserVar($prefix . 'Day'); $yearPart = $_this->getUserVar($prefix . 'Year'); $hourPart = $_this->getUserVar($prefix . 'Hour'); $minutePart = $_this->getUserVar($prefix . 'Minute'); $secondPart = $_this->getUserVar($prefix . 'Second'); switch ($_this->getUserVar($prefix . 'Meridian')) { case 'pm': if (is_numeric($hourPart) && $hourPart != 12) $hourPart += 12; break; case 'am': default: // Do nothing. break; } if (empty($dayPart)) $dayPart = $defaultDay; if (empty($monthPart)) $monthPart = $defaultMonth; if (empty($yearPart)) $yearPart = $defaultYear; if (empty($hourPart)) $hourPart = $defaultHour; if (empty($minutePart)) $minutePart = $defaultMinute; if (empty($secondPart)) $secondPart = $defaultSecond; if (empty($monthPart) || empty($dayPart) || empty($yearPart)) return null; return mktime($hourPart, $minutePart, $secondPart, $monthPart, $dayPart, $yearPart); } /** * Sanitize a user-submitted variable (i.e., GET/POST/Cookie variable). * Strips slashes if necessary, then sanitizes variable as per Core::cleanVar(). * @param $var mixed */ function cleanUserVar(&$var) { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); if (isset($var) && is_array($var)) { foreach ($var as $key => $value) { $_this->cleanUserVar($var[$key]); } } else if (isset($var)) { $var = Core::cleanVar(get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($var) : $var); } else { return null; } } /** * Get the value of a cookie variable. * @return mixed */ function getCookieVar($key) { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); if (isset($_COOKIE[$key])) { $value = $_COOKIE[$key]; $_this->cleanUserVar($value); return $value; } else { return null; } } /** * Set a cookie variable. * @param $key string * @param $value mixed * @param $expire int (optional) */ function setCookieVar($key, $value, $expire = 0) { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); $basePath = $_this->getBasePath(); if (!$basePath) $basePath = '/'; setcookie($key, $value, $expire, $basePath); $_COOKIE[$key] = $value; } /** * Redirect to the specified page within a PKP Application. * Shorthand for a common call to $request->redirect($dispatcher->url($request, ROUTE_PAGE, ...)). * @param $context Array The optional contextual paths * @param $page string The name of the op to redirect to. * @param $op string optional The name of the op to redirect to. * @param $path mixed string or array containing path info for redirect. * @param $params array Map of name => value pairs for additional parameters * @param $anchor string Name of desired anchor on the target page */ function redirect($context = null, $page = null, $op = null, $path = null, $params = null, $anchor = null) { $_this = PKPRequest::_checkThis(); $dispatcher = $_this->getDispatcher(); $_this->redirectUrl($dispatcher->url($_this, ROUTE_PAGE, $context, $page, $op, $path, $params, $anchor)); } /** * Get the current "context" (press/journal/etc) object. * @return Context * @see PKPPageRouter::getContext() */ function &getContext() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); return $_this->_delegateToRouter('getContext'); } /** * Deprecated * @see PKPPageRouter::getRequestedContextPath() */ function getRequestedContextPath($contextLevel = null) { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); // Emulate the old behavior of getRequestedContextPath for // backwards compatibility. if (is_null($contextLevel)) { return $_this->_delegateToRouter('getRequestedContextPaths'); } else { return array($_this->_delegateToRouter('getRequestedContextPath', $contextLevel)); } } /** * Deprecated * @see PKPPageRouter::getRequestedPage() */ function getRequestedPage() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); return $_this->_delegateToRouter('getRequestedPage'); } /** * Deprecated * @see PKPPageRouter::getRequestedOp() */ function getRequestedOp() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); return $_this->_delegateToRouter('getRequestedOp'); } /** * Deprecated * @see PKPPageRouter::getRequestedArgs() */ function getRequestedArgs() { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); return $_this->_delegateToRouter('getRequestedArgs'); } /** * Deprecated * @see PKPPageRouter::url() */ function url($context = null, $page = null, $op = null, $path = null, $params = null, $anchor = null, $escape = false) { $_this =& PKPRequest::_checkThis(); return $_this->_delegateToRouter('url', $context, $page, $op, $path, $params, $anchor, $escape); } /** * This method exists to maintain backwards compatibility * with static calls to PKPRequest. * * If it is called non-statically then it will simply * return $this. Otherwise a global singleton instance * from the registry will be returned instead. * * NB: This method is protected and may not be used by * external classes. It should also only be used in legacy * methods. * * @return PKPRequest */ function &_checkThis() { if (isset($this) && is_a($this, 'PKPRequest')) { return $this; } else { // This call is deprecated. We don't trigger a // deprecation error, though, as there are so // many instances of this error that it has a // performance impact and renders the error // log virtually useless when deprecation // warnings are switched on. // FIXME: Fix enough instances of this error so that // we can put a deprecation warning in here. $instance =& Registry::get('request'); assert(!is_null($instance)); return $instance; } } /** * This method exists to maintain backwards compatibility * with calls to methods that have been factored into the * Router implementations. * * It delegates the call to the router and returns the result. * * NB: This method is protected and may not be used by * external classes. It should also only be used in legacy * methods. * * @return mixed depends on the called method */ function &_delegateToRouter($method) { // This call is deprecated. We don't trigger a // deprecation error, though, as there are so // many instances of this error that it has a // performance impact and renders the error // log virtually useless when deprecation // warnings are switched on. // FIXME: Fix enough instances of this error so that // we can put a deprecation warning in here. $_this = PKPRequest::_checkThis(); $router = $_this->getRouter(); if (is_null($router)) { assert(false); $nullValue = null; return $nullValue; } // Construct the method call $callable = array($router, $method); // Get additional parameters but replace // the first parameter (currently the // method to be called) with the request // as all router methods required the request // as their first parameter. $parameters = func_get_args(); $parameters[0] =& $_this; $returner = call_user_func_array($callable, $parameters); return $returner; } } ?>