getFileCache( 'languages', $locale, array($this, '_cacheMiss') ); $cacheTime = $cache->getCacheTime(); if ($cacheTime !== null && $cacheTime < filemtime($this->getLanguageFilename($locale))) { $cache->flush(); } } return $cache; } function _cacheMiss($cache, $id) { $allLanguages =& Registry::get('allLanguages-'.$cache->cacheId, true, null); if ($allLanguages === null) { // Add a locale load to the debug notes. $notes =& Registry::get('system.debug.notes'); $locale = $cache->cacheId; if ($locale == null) { $locale = AppLocale::getLocale(); } $filename = $this->getLanguageFilename($locale); $notes[] = array('debug.notes.languageListLoad', array('filename' => $filename)); // Reload locale registry file $xmlDao = new XMLDAO(); $data = $xmlDao->parseStruct($filename, array('language')); // Build array with ($charKey => array(stuff)) if (isset($data['language'])) { foreach ($data['language'] as $languageData) { $allLanguages[$languageData['attributes']['code']] = array( $languageData['attributes']['name'], ); } } if (is_array($allLanguages)) { asort($allLanguages); } $cache->setEntireCache($allLanguages); } if (isset($allLanguages[$id])) { return $allLanguages[$id]; } else { return null; } } /** * Get the filename of the language database * @param $locale string * @return string */ function getLanguageFilename($locale) { return "lib/pkp/locale/$locale/languages.xml"; } /** * Retrieve a language by code. * @param $code string ISO 639-1 * @param $locale string * @return Language */ function getLanguageByCode($code, $locale = null) { $cache = $this->_getCache($locale); return $this->_returnLanguageFromRow($code, $cache->get($code)); } /** * Retrieve an array of all languages. * @param $locale string an optional locale to use * @return array of Languages */ function getLanguages($locale = null) { $cache = $this->_getCache($locale); $returner = array(); foreach ($cache->getContents() as $code => $entry) { $returner[] = $this->_returnLanguageFromRow($code, $entry); } return $returner; } /** * Retrieve an array of all languages names. * @param $locale an optional locale to use * @return array of Languages names */ function getLanguageNames($locale = null) { $cache = $this->_getCache($locale); $returner = array(); $cacheContents = $cache->getContents(); if (is_array($cacheContents)) { foreach ($cache->getContents() as $entry) { $returner[] = $entry[0]; } } return $returner; } /** * Instantiate a new data object. * @return Language */ function newDataObject() { return new Language(); } /** * Internal function to return a Language object from a row. * @param $row array * @return Language */ function &_returnLanguageFromRow($code, &$entry) { $language = $this->newDataObject(); $language->setCode($code); $language->setName($entry[0]); HookRegistry::call('LanguageDAO::_returnLanguageFromRow', array(&$language, &$code, &$entry)); return $language; } } ?>