retrieve( 'SELECT * FROM notes WHERE note_id = ?', (int) $noteId ); $note = $this->_fromRow($result->GetRowAssoc(false)); $result->Close(); return $note; } /** * Retrieve Notes by user id * @param $userId int User ID * @param $rangeInfo DBResultRange Optional * @return object DAOResultFactory containing matching Note objects */ function getByUserId($userId, $rangeInfo = null) { $result = $this->retrieveRange( 'SELECT * FROM notes WHERE user_id = ? ORDER BY date_created DESC', array((int) $userId), $rangeInfo ); return new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_fromRow'); } /** * Retrieve Notes by assoc id/type * @param $assocId int ASSOC_TYPE_... * @param $assocType int Assoc ID (per $assocType) * @param $userId int Optional user ID * @param $orderBy int Optional sorting field constant: NOTE_ORDER_... * @param $sortDirection int Optional sorting order constant: SORT_DIRECTION_... * @return object DAOResultFactory containing matching Note objects */ function getByAssoc($assocType, $assocId, $userId = null, $orderBy = NOTE_ORDER_DATE_CREATED, $sortDirection = SORT_DIRECTION_DESC, $isAdmin = false) { $params = array((int) $assocId, (int) $assocType); if ($userId) $params[] = (int) $userId; // Sanitize sort ordering switch ($orderBy) { case NOTE_ORDER_ID: $orderSanitized = 'note_id'; break; case NOTE_ORDER_DATE_CREATED: default: $orderSanitized = 'date_created'; } switch ($sortDirection) { case SORT_DIRECTION_ASC: $directionSanitized = 'ASC'; break; case SORT_DIRECTION_DESC: default: $directionSanitized = 'DESC'; } $result = $this->retrieve( 'SELECT * FROM notes WHERE assoc_id = ? AND assoc_type = ? ' . ($userId?' AND user_id = ?':'') . ($isAdmin?'':' AND (title IS NOT NULL OR contents IS NOT NULL)') . ' ORDER BY ' . $orderSanitized . ' ' . $directionSanitized, $params ); return new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_fromRow'); } /** * Retrieve Notes by assoc id/type * @param $assocId int * @param $assocType int * @param $userId int * @return object DAOResultFactory containing matching Note objects */ function notesExistByAssoc($assocType, $assocId, $userId = null) { $params = array((int) $assocId, (int) $assocType); if ($userId) $params[] = (int) $userId; $result = $this->retrieve( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM notes WHERE assoc_id = ? AND assoc_type = ? ' . ($userId?' AND user_id = ?':''), $params ); $returner = isset($result->fields[0]) && $result->fields[0] == 0 ? false : true; $result->Close(); return $returner; } /** * Determine whether or not unread notes exist for a given association * @param $assocType int ASSOC_TYPE_... * @param $assocId int Foreign key, depending on ASSOC_TYPE * @param $userId int User ID */ function unreadNotesExistByAssoc($assocType, $assocId, $userId) { $params = array((int) $assocId, (int) $assocType, (int) $userId); $result = $this->retrieve( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM notes n JOIN item_views v ON (v.assoc_type = ? AND v.assoc_id = CAST(n.note_id AS CHAR) AND v.user_id = ?) WHERE n.assoc_type = ? AND n.assoc_id = ? AND v.assoc_id IS NULL', array( (int) ASSOC_TYPE_NOTE, (int) $userId, (int) $assocType, (int) $assocId ) ); $returner = isset($result->fields[0]) && $result->fields[0] == 0 ? false : true; $result->Close(); return $returner; } /** * Creates and returns an note object from a row * @param $row array * @return Note object */ function _fromRow($row) { $note = $this->newDataObject(); $note->setId($row['note_id']); $note->setUserId($row['user_id']); $note->setDateCreated($this->datetimeFromDB($row['date_created'])); $note->setDateModified($this->datetimeFromDB($row['date_modified'])); $note->setContents($row['contents']); $note->setTitle($row['title']); $note->setAssocType($row['assoc_type']); $note->setAssocId($row['assoc_id']); HookRegistry::call('NoteDAO::_fromRow', array(&$note, &$row)); return $note; } /** * Inserts a new note into notes table * @param Note object * @return int Note Id */ function insertObject($note) { if (!$note->getDateCreated()) $note->setDateCreated(Core::getCurrentDate()); $this->update( sprintf('INSERT INTO notes (user_id, date_created, date_modified, title, contents, assoc_type, assoc_id) VALUES (?, %s, %s, ?, ?, ?, ?)', $this->datetimeToDB($note->getDateCreated()), $this->datetimeToDB(Core::getCurrentDate()) ), array( (int) $note->getUserId(), $note->getTitle(), $note->getContents(), (int) $note->getAssocType(), (int) $note->getAssocId() ) ); $note->setId($this->getInsertId()); return $note->getId(); } /** * Update a note in the notes table * @param Note object * @return int Note Id */ function updateObject($note) { return $this->update( sprintf('UPDATE notes SET user_id = ?, date_created = %s, date_modified = %s, title = ?, contents = ?, assoc_type = ?, assoc_id = ? WHERE note_id = ?', $this->datetimeToDB($note->getDateCreated()), $this->datetimeToDB(Core::getCurrentDate()) ), array( (int) $note->getUserId(), $note->getTitle(), $note->getContents(), (int) $note->getAssocType(), (int) $note->getAssocId(), (int) $note->getId() ) ); } /** * Delete a note by note object. * @param $note Note */ function deleteObject($note) { $this->deleteById($note->getId()); } /** * Delete Note by note id * @param $noteId int * @param $userId int optional */ function deleteById($noteId, $userId = null) { $params = array((int) $noteId); if ($userId) $params[] = (int) $userId; $this->update( 'DELETE FROM notes WHERE note_id = ?' . ($userId?' AND user_id = ?':''), $params ); } /** * Delete notes by association * @param $assocType int ASSOC_TYPE_... * @param $assocId int Foreign key, depending on $assocType */ function deleteByAssoc($assocType, $assocId) { $notes = $this->getByAssoc($assocType, $assocId); while ($note = $notes->next()) { $this->deleteObject($note); } } /** * Get the ID of the last inserted note * @return int */ function getInsertId() { return $this->_getInsertId('notes', 'note_id'); } } ?>