update( 'DELETE FROM notification_subscription_settings WHERE notification_id= ? AND user_id = ?' . isset($settingName) ? ' AND setting_name = ?' : '', $params ); } /** * Retrieve Notification subscription settings by user id * @param $settingName string * @param $userId int * @param $contextId int * @return array */ function &getNotificationSubscriptionSettings($settingName, $userId, $contextId) { $result = $this->retrieve( 'SELECT setting_value FROM notification_subscription_settings WHERE user_id = ? AND setting_name = ? AND context = ?', array((int) $userId, $settingName, (int) $contextId) ); $settings = array(); while (!$result->EOF) { $row = $result->GetRowAssoc(false); $settings[] = (int) $row['setting_value']; $result->MoveNext(); } $result->Close(); return $settings; } /** * Update a user's notification subscription settings * @param $settingName string * @param $settings array * @param $userId int * @param $contextId int */ function updateNotificationSubscriptionSettings($settingName, $settings, $userId, $contextId) { // Delete old settings first, then insert new settings $this->update('DELETE FROM notification_subscription_settings WHERE user_id = ? AND setting_name = ? AND context = ?', array((int) $userId, $settingName, (int) $contextId)); foreach ($settings as $setting) { $this->update( 'INSERT INTO notification_subscription_settings (setting_name, setting_value, user_id, context, setting_type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', array( $settingName, (int) $setting, (int) $userId, (int) $contextId, 'int' ) ); } } /** * Gets a user id by an RSS token value * @param $token int * @param $contextId * @return int */ function getUserIdByRSSToken($token, $contextId) { $result = $this->retrieve( 'SELECT user_id FROM notification_subscription_settings WHERE setting_value = ? AND setting_name = ? AND context = ?', array($token, 'token', (int) $contextId) ); $row = $result->GetRowAssoc(false); $userId = $row['user_id']; $result->Close(); return $userId; } /** * Gets an RSS token for a user id * @param $userId int * @param $contextId int * @return int */ function getRSSTokenByUserId($userId, $contextId) { $result = $this->retrieve( 'SELECT setting_value FROM notification_subscription_settings WHERE user_id = ? AND setting_name = ? AND context = ?', array((int) $userId, 'token', (int) $contextId) ); $row = $result->GetRowAssoc(false); $tokenId = $row['setting_value']; $result->Close(); return $tokenId; } /** * Generates and inserts a new token for a user's RSS feed * @param $userId int * @param $contextId int * @return int */ function insertNewRSSToken($userId, $contextId) { $token = uniqid(rand()); // Recurse if this token already exists if($this->getUserIdByRSSToken($token, $contextId)) return $this->insertNewRSSToken($userId, $contextId); $this->update( 'INSERT INTO notification_subscription_settings (setting_name, setting_value, user_id, context, setting_type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', array( 'token', $token, (int) $userId, (int) $contextId, 'string' ) ); return $token; } } ?>