getName(); } // We only have to check whether we are on a version previous // to the introduction of products when we're not looking for // a product version anyway. $returner = null; if (!$isPlugin) { $result = $this->retrieve( 'SELECT * FROM versions WHERE current = 1' ); // If we only have one current version then this must be // the application version before the introduction of products // into the versions table. if ($result->RecordCount() == 1) { $oldVersion = $this->_returnVersionFromRow($result->GetRowAssoc(false)); if (isset($oldVersion)) $returner = $oldVersion; } $result->Close(); } if (!$returner) { // From here on we can assume that we have the product type // and product columns available in the versions table. $result = $this->retrieve( 'SELECT * FROM versions WHERE current = 1 AND product_type = ? AND product = ?', array($productType, $product) ); $versionCount = $result->RecordCount(); if ($versionCount == 1) { $returner = $this->_returnVersionFromRow($result->GetRowAssoc(false)); } elseif ($versionCount >1) { fatalError('More than one current version defined for the product type "'.$productType.'" and product "'.$product.'"!'); } } $result->Close(); return $returner; } /** * Retrieve the complete version history, ordered by date (most recent first). * @param $productType string * @param $product string * @return array Versions */ function getVersionHistory($productType = null, $product = null) { $versions = array(); if(!$productType || !$product) { $application = PKPApplication::getApplication(); $productType = 'core'; $product = $application->getName(); } $result = $this->retrieve( 'SELECT * FROM versions WHERE product_type = ? AND product = ? ORDER BY date_installed DESC', array($productType, $product) ); while (!$result->EOF) { $versions[] = $this->_returnVersionFromRow($result->GetRowAssoc(false)); $result->MoveNext(); } $result->Close(); return $versions; } /** * Internal function to return a Version object from a row. * @param $row array * @return Version */ function _returnVersionFromRow($row) { $version = new Version( $row['major'], $row['minor'], $row['revision'], $row['build'], $this->datetimeFromDB($row['date_installed']), $row['current'], (isset($row['product_type']) ? $row['product_type'] : null), (isset($row['product']) ? $row['product'] : null), (isset($row['product_class_name']) ? $row['product_class_name'] : ''), (isset($row['lazy_load']) ? $row['lazy_load'] : 0), (isset($row['sitewide']) ? $row['sitewide'] : 0) ); HookRegistry::call('VersionDAO::_returnVersionFromRow', array(&$version, &$row)); return $version; } /** * Insert a new version. * @param $version Version * @param $isPlugin boolean */ function insertVersion($version, $isPlugin = false) { $isNewVersion = true; if ($version->getCurrent()) { // Find out whether the last installed version is the same as the // one to be inserted. $versionHistory = $this->getVersionHistory($version->getProductType(), $version->getProduct()); $oldVersion = array_shift($versionHistory); if ($oldVersion) { if ($version->compare($oldVersion) == 0) { // The old and the new current versions are the same so we need // to update the existing version entry. $isNewVersion = false; } elseif ($version->compare($oldVersion) == 1) { // Version to insert is newer than the existing version entry. // We reset existing entry. $this->update('UPDATE versions SET current = 0 WHERE current = 1 AND product = ?', $version->getProduct()); } else { // We do not support downgrades. fatalError('You are trying to downgrade the product "'.$version->getProduct().'" from version ['.$oldVersion->getVersionString(false).'] to version ['.$version->getVersionString(false).']. Downgrades are not supported.'); } } } if ($isNewVersion) { // We only change the install date when we insert new // version entries. if ($version->getDateInstalled() == null) { $version->setDateInstalled(Core::getCurrentDate()); } // Insert new version entry return $this->update( sprintf('INSERT INTO versions (major, minor, revision, build, date_installed, current, product_type, product, product_class_name, lazy_load, sitewide) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, %s, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', $this->datetimeToDB($version->getDateInstalled())), array( (int) $version->getMajor(), (int) $version->getMinor(), (int) $version->getRevision(), (int) $version->getBuild(), (int) $version->getCurrent(), $version->getProductType(), $version->getProduct(), $version->getProductClassName(), ($version->getLazyLoad()?1:0), ($version->getSitewide()?1:0) ) ); } else { // Update existing version entry return $this->update( 'UPDATE versions SET current = ?, product_class_name = ?, lazy_load = ?, sitewide = ? WHERE product_type = ? AND product = ? AND major = ? AND minor = ? AND revision = ? AND build = ?', array( (int) $version->getCurrent(), $version->getProductClassName(), ($version->getLazyLoad()?1:0), ($version->getSitewide()?1:0), $version->getProductType(), $version->getProduct(), (int) $version->getMajor(), (int) $version->getMinor(), (int) $version->getRevision(), (int) $version->getBuild() ) ); } } /** * Retrieve all currently enabled products within the * given context as a two dimensional array with the * first key representing the product type, the second * key the product name and the value the product version. * * @param $context array the application context, only * products enabled in that context will be returned. * @return array */ function getCurrentProducts($context) { $contextColumn = Application::getPluginSettingsContextColumnName(); if (count($context)) { assert(count($context)==1); // Context depth > 1 no longer supported here. $contextWhereClause = 'AND (' . $contextColumn . ' = ? OR v.sitewide = 1)'; } else { $contextWhereClause = ''; } $result = $this->retrieve( 'SELECT v.* FROM versions v LEFT JOIN plugin_settings ps ON lower(v.product_class_name) = ps.plugin_name AND ps.setting_name = \'enabled\' '.$contextWhereClause.' WHERE v.current = 1 AND (ps.setting_value = \'1\' OR v.lazy_load <> 1)', $context, false ); $productArray = array(); while(!$result->EOF) { $row = $result->getRowAssoc(false); $productArray[$row['product_type']][$row['product']] = $this->_returnVersionFromRow($row); $result->MoveNext(); } $result->_close(); return $productArray; } /** * Disable a product by setting its 'current' column to 0 * @param $productType string * @param $product string */ function disableVersion($productType, $product) { $this->update( 'UPDATE versions SET current = 0 WHERE current = 1 AND product_type = ? AND product = ?', array($productType, $product) ); } } ?>