addRoleAssignment( array(ROLE_ID_MANAGER, ROLE_ID_SUB_EDITOR), array('fetchGrid', 'fetchRow', 'viewEmail') ); } // // Getters/Setters // /** * Get the submission associated with this grid. * @return Submission */ function getSubmission() { return $this->_submission; } /** * Set the Submission * @param $submission Submission */ function setSubmission($submission) { $this->_submission = $submission; } // // Overridden methods from PKPHandler // /** * @see PKPHandler::authorize() * @param $request PKPRequest * @param $args array * @param $roleAssignments array */ function authorize($request, &$args, $roleAssignments) { import(''); $this->addPolicy(new SubmissionAccessPolicy($request, $args, $roleAssignments)); import(''); $this->addPolicy(new UserAccessibleWorkflowStageRequiredPolicy($request, WORKFLOW_TYPE_EDITORIAL)); $success = parent::authorize($request, $args, $roleAssignments); // Prevent authors from accessing review details, even if they are also // assigned as an editor, sub-editor or assistant. $userAssignedRoles = $this->getAuthorizedContextObject(ASSOC_TYPE_ACCESSIBLE_WORKFLOW_STAGES); $this->_isCurrentUserAssignedAuthor = false; foreach ($userAssignedRoles as $stageId => $roles) { if (in_array(ROLE_ID_AUTHOR, $roles)) { $this->_isCurrentUserAssignedAuthor = true; break; } } return $success; } /** * @copydoc GridHandler::initialize() */ function initialize($request, $args = null) { parent::initialize($request, $args); // Retrieve the authorized monograph. $submission = $this->getAuthorizedContextObject(ASSOC_TYPE_SUBMISSION); $this->setSubmission($submission); // Load submission-specific translations AppLocale::requireComponents( LOCALE_COMPONENT_APP_SUBMISSION, LOCALE_COMPONENT_PKP_SUBMISSION, LOCALE_COMPONENT_APP_EDITOR, LOCALE_COMPONENT_PKP_EDITOR ); // Columns $cellProvider = new EventLogGridCellProvider($this->_isCurrentUserAssignedAuthor); $this->addColumn( new GridColumn( 'date', '', null, null, new DateGridCellProvider( $cellProvider, Config::getVar('general', 'date_format_short') ) ) ); $this->addColumn( new GridColumn( 'user', 'common.user', null, null, $cellProvider ) ); $this->addColumn( new GridColumn( 'event', 'common.event', null, null, $cellProvider, array('width' => 60) ) ); } // // Overridden methods from GridHandler // /** * @see GridHandler::getRowInstance() * @return EventLogGridRow */ protected function getRowInstance() { return new EventLogGridRow($this->getSubmission(), $this->_isCurrentUserAssignedAuthor); } /** * Get the arguments that will identify the data in the grid * In this case, the monograph. * @return array */ function getRequestArgs() { $submission = $this->getSubmission(); return array( 'submissionId' => $submission->getId(), ); } /** * @copydoc GridHandler::loadData */ protected function loadData($request, $filter = null) { $submissionEventLogDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('SubmissionEventLogDAO'); $submissionEmailLogDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('SubmissionEmailLogDAO'); $submission = $this->getSubmission(); $eventLogEntries = $submissionEventLogDao->getBySubmissionId($submission->getId()); $emailLogEntries = $submissionEmailLogDao->getBySubmissionId($submission->getId()); $entries = array_merge($eventLogEntries->toArray(), $emailLogEntries->toArray()); // Sort the merged data by date, most recent first usort($entries, function($a, $b) { $aDate = is_a($a, 'EventLogEntry') ? $a->getDateLogged() : $a->getDateSent(); $bDate = is_a($b, 'EventLogEntry') ? $b->getDateLogged() : $b->getDateSent(); if ($aDate == $bDate) return 0; return $aDate < $bDate ? 1 : -1; }); return $entries; } /** * Get the contents of the email * @param $args array * @param $request PKPRequest * @return JSONMessage JSON object */ function viewEmail($args, $request) { $submissionEmailLogDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('SubmissionEmailLogDAO'); $emailLogEntry = $submissionEmailLogDao->getById((int) $args['emailLogEntryId']); return new JSONMessage(true, $this->_formatEmail($emailLogEntry)); } /** * Format the contents of the email * @param $emailLogEntry EmailLogEntry * @return string Formatted email */ function _formatEmail($emailLogEntry) { assert(is_a($emailLogEntry, 'EmailLogEntry')); $text = array(); $text[] = __('email.from') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($emailLogEntry->getFrom()); $text[] = __('') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($emailLogEntry->getRecipients()); $text[] = __('email.subject') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($emailLogEntry->getSubject()); $text[] = $emailLogEntry->getBody(); return nl2br(PKPString::stripUnsafeHtml(implode(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $text))); } } ?>