{** * controllers/fileUploadContainer.tpl * * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Simon Fraser University * Copyright (c) 2003-2018 John Willinsky * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING. * * Markup for file uploader widget. * * @uses $id string ID for the HTML element wrapper. Typically used by parent * forms to instantiate the plupload utility. * @uses $stringDragFile string (optional) Translation key for the drag and * drop zone label * @uses $stringAddFile string (optional) Translation key for the add file * button * @uses $stringChangeFile string (optional) Translation key for the change * file button * @uses $browseButton string (optional) Element id for the browse button. When * a custom id is used, FileUploadFormHandler must pass this id in the * `uploaderOptions`. *} {if !$stringDragFile} {assign var=stringDragFile value="common.upload.dragFile"} {/if} {if !$stringAddFile} {assign var=stringAddFile value="common.upload.addFile"} {/if} {if !$stringChangeFile} {assign var=stringChangeFile value="common.upload.changeFile"} {/if} {if !$browseButton} {assign var=browseButton value="pkpUploaderButton"} {/if}
{** * This wrapper div is a hack to emulate the inPlaceNotification.tpl * structure. There's currently not a way to use these notifications * without loading the JavaScript handler, but in this case we don't * have the required settings. *}
{translate|assign:"warningMessage" key="common.fileUploaderError"} {translate|assign:"warningTitle" key="common.warning"} {include file="controllers/notification/inPlaceNotificationContent.tpl" notificationId=$id notificationStyleClass="notifyWarning" notificationContents=$warningMessage}
{* The file upload and drag-and-drop area *}
{translate key=$stringDragFile}
{translate key="common.percentage" percentage='0'} {* Live progress (%) *}
{* Live progress bar*}
{* Uploaded file name *}
{* Placeholder for errors during upload *}
{* Button to add/change file *}