_plugin = $plugin; if (is_a($plugin, 'MedraExportPlugin')) { $plugin->addLocaleData(); } parent::__construct($args); } /** * @copydoc ScheduledTask::getName() */ function getName() { return __('plugins.importexport.medra.senderTask.name'); } /** * @copydoc ScheduledTask::executeActions() */ function executeActions() { if (!$this->_plugin) return false; $plugin = $this->_plugin; $journals = $this->_getJournals(); foreach ($journals as $journal) { $pubIdPlugins = PluginRegistry::loadCategory('pubIds', true, $journal->getId()); $doiPubIdPlugin = $pubIdPlugins['doipubidplugin']; if ($doiPubIdPlugin->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'enableIssueDoi')) { // Get unregistered issues $unregisteredIssues = $plugin->getUnregisteredIssues($journal); // If there are issues to be deposited if (count($unregisteredIssues)) { $this->_registerObjects($unregisteredIssues, 'issue=>medra-xml', $journal, 'issues'); } } if ($doiPubIdPlugin->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'enableSubmissionDoi')) { // Get unregistered articles $unregisteredArticles = $plugin->getUnregisteredArticles($journal); // If there are articles to be deposited if (count($unregisteredArticles)) { $this->_registerObjects($unregisteredArticles, 'article=>medra-xml', $journal, 'articles'); } } if ($doiPubIdPlugin->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'enableRepresentationDoi')) { // Get unregistered galleys $unregisteredGalleys = $plugin->getUnregisteredGalleys($journal); // If there are galleys to be deposited if (count($unregisteredGalleys)) { $this->_registerObjects($unregisteredGalleys, 'galley=>medra-xml', $journal, 'galleys'); } } } return true; } /** * Get all journals that meet the requirements to have * their DOIs sent to mEDRA. * @return array */ function _getJournals() { $plugin = $this->_plugin; $contextDao = Application::getContextDAO(); /* @var $contextDao JournalDAO */ $journalFactory = $contextDao->getAll(true); $journals = array(); while($journal = $journalFactory->next()) { $journalId = $journal->getId(); if (!$plugin->getSetting($journalId, 'username') || !$plugin->getSetting($journalId, 'password') || !$plugin->getSetting($journalId, 'automaticRegistration')) continue; $doiPrefix = null; $pubIdPlugins = PluginRegistry::loadCategory('pubIds', true, $journalId); if (isset($pubIdPlugins['doipubidplugin'])) { $doiPubIdPlugin = $pubIdPlugins['doipubidplugin']; if (!$doiPubIdPlugin->getSetting($journalId, 'enabled')) continue; $doiPrefix = $doiPubIdPlugin->getSetting($journalId, 'doiPrefix'); } if ($doiPrefix) { $journals[] = $journal; } else { $this->addExecutionLogEntry(__('plugins.importexport.common.senderTask.warning.noDOIprefix', array('path' => $journal->getPath())), SCHEDULED_TASK_MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING); } } return $journals; } /** * Register objects * @param $objects array * @param $filter string * @param $journal Journal * @param $objectsFileNamePart string */ function _registerObjects($objects, $filter, $journal, $objectsFileNamePart) { $plugin = $this->_plugin; import('lib.pkp.classes.file.FileManager'); $fileManager = new FileManager(); // export XML $exportXml = $plugin->exportXML($objects, $filter, $journal); // Write the XML to a file. $exportFileName = $plugin->getExportFileName($plugin->getExportPath(), $objectFileNamePart, $journal, '.xml'); $fileManager->writeFile($exportFileName, $exportXml); // Deposit the XML file. $result = $plugin->depositXML($objects, $journal, $exportFileName); if ($result !== true) { $this->_addLogEntry($result); } // Remove all temporary files. $fileManager->deleteFile($exportFileName); } /** * Add execution log entry * @param $result array */ function _addLogEntry($result) { if (is_array($result)) { foreach($result as $error) { assert(is_array($error) && count($error) >= 1); $this->addExecutionLogEntry( __($error[0], array('param' => (isset($error[1]) ? $error[1] : null))), SCHEDULED_TASK_MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING ); } } else { $this->addExecutionLogEntry( __('plugins.importexport.common.register.error.mdsError', array('param' => ' - ')), SCHEDULED_TASK_MESSAGE_TYPE_WARNING ); } } } ?>