page = $args['page']; $this->folder = $dataDir.'/data/_extra'; $this->SetVars(); } public function RunScript(){ // area specific commands if( !is_null($this->file) ){ $this->cmds['DeleteArea'] = 'DefaultDisplay'; $this->cmds['EditExtra'] = ''; $this->cmds['PublishDraft'] = 'DefaultDisplay'; $this->cmds['PublishAjax'] = ''; $this->cmds['PreviewText'] = ''; $this->cmds['SaveText'] = 'EditExtra'; /* inline editing */ $this->cmds['save'] = 'SectionEdit'; $this->cmds['save_inline'] = 'SectionEdit'; $this->cmds['preview'] = 'SectionEdit'; $this->cmds['include_dialog'] = 'SectionEdit'; $this->cmds['InlineEdit'] = 'SectionEdit'; } $this->cmds['gallery_folder'] = 'GalleryImages'; $this->cmds['gallery_images'] = 'GalleryImages'; $this->cmds['new_dir'] = '\\gp\\tool\\Editing::NewDirForm'; $this->cmds['NewSection'] = 'DefaultDisplay'; $cmd = \gp\tool::GetCommand(); $this->RunCommands($cmd); } /** * Get a list of all extra edit areas * */ public function SetVars(){ global $langmessage; $this->GetAreas(); // is there a specific file being requested if( !isset($_REQUEST['file']) ){ return; } $area_info = $this->ExtraExists($_REQUEST['file']); if( is_null($area_info) ){ message($langmessage['OOPS'].' (Invalid File)'); return; } $this->area_info = $area_info; $this->file = $area_info['file_path']; $this->title = \gp\tool\Editing::CleanTitle($area_info['title']); $this->draft_file = $area_info['draft_path']; $this->file_sections = \gp\tool\Output::ExtraContent($this->title); $this->meta_data = \gp\tool\Files::$last_meta; $this->fileModTime = \gp\tool\Files::$last_modified; $this->file_stats = \gp\tool\Files::$last_stats; if( \gp\tool\Files::Exists($this->draft_file) ){ $this->draft_exists = true; } } /** * Get a list of all extra edit areas * */ public function GetAreas(){ $this->areas = array(); $files = scandir($this->folder); foreach($files as $file){ $this->AddArea($file); } uksort($this->areas,'strnatcasecmp'); } /** * Add $file to the list of areas * */ private function AddArea($title){ $title = self::AreaExists($title); if( $title == false ){ return; } $this->areas[$title] = array(); $this->areas[$title]['title'] = $title; $this->areas[$title]['file_path'] = $this->folder.'/'.$title.'/page.php'; $this->areas[$title]['draft_path'] = $this->folder.'/'.$title.'/draft.php'; $this->areas[$title]['legacy_path'] = $this->folder.'/'.$title.'.php'; } /** * Return the area name if valid * */ public static function AreaExists($title){ global $dataDir; if( $title == '.' || $title == '..' ){ return false; } $legacy = $dataDir.'/data/_extra/'.$title; $new = $dataDir.'/data/_extra/'.$title.'/page.php'; $php = (substr($title,-4) === '.php'); if( !$php && is_dir($legacy) && \gp\tool\Files::Exists($new) ){ //is_dir() used to prevent open_basedir notice return $title; } if( $php && \gp\tool\Files::Exists($legacy) ){ return substr($title,0,-4); } return false; } /** * Delete an extra content area * */ public function DeleteArea(){ global $langmessage; if( $this->_DeleteArea() ){ unset($this->areas[$this->title]); }else{ message($langmessage['OOPS']); } } private function _DeleteArea(){ //legacy path if( \gp\tool\Files::Exists($this->area_info['legacy_path']) && !unlink($this->area_info['legacy_path']) ){ return false; } //remove directory $dir = dirname($this->area_info['draft_path']); if( file_exists($dir) && !\gp\tool\Files::RmAll($dir) ){ return false; } return true; } /** * Check to see if the extra area exists * */ public function ExtraExists($file){ global $dataDir; if( !isset($this->areas[$file]) ){ return; } return $this->areas[$file]; } /** * Show all available extra content areas * */ public function DefaultDisplay(){ global $langmessage; $types = \gp\tool\Output\Sections::GetTypes(); echo '


'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; foreach($this->areas as $file => $info){ $this->ExtraRow($info, $types); } echo ''; echo '
'; echo $langmessage['file_name']; echo ''; echo $langmessage['Content Type']; echo ' '; echo $langmessage['options']; echo '
'; $this->NewExtraForm(); } /** * Display extra content row * */ public function ExtraRow($info, $types){ global $langmessage; $sections = \gp\tool\Output::ExtraContent($info['title']); $section = $sections[0]; echo ''; echo str_replace('_',' ',$info['title']); echo ''; $type = $section['type']; if( isset($types[$type]) && isset($types[$type]['label']) ){ $type = $types[$type]['label']; } echo $type; echo '"'; $content = strip_tags($section['content']); echo substr($content,0,50); echo '..."'; //preview echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Extra',$langmessage['preview'],'cmd=PreviewText&file='.rawurlencode($info['title'])); echo '   '; //publish if( \gp\tool\Files::Exists($info['draft_path']) ){ echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Extra',$langmessage['Publish Draft'],'cmd=PublishDraft&file='.rawurlencode($info['title']),array('data-cmd'=>'creq')); }else{ echo ''.$langmessage['Publish Draft'].''; } echo '   '; //edit if( $section['type'] == 'text' ){ echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Extra',$langmessage['edit'],'cmd=EditExtra&file='.rawurlencode($info['title'])); }else{ echo ''.$langmessage['edit'].''; } echo '   '; $title = sprintf($langmessage['generic_delete_confirm'],htmlspecialchars($info['title'])); echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Extra',$langmessage['delete'],'cmd=DeleteArea&file='.rawurlencode($info['title']),array('data-cmd'=>'postlink','title'=>$title,'class'=>'gpconfirm')); echo ''; } /** * Display form for defining a new extra edit area * */ public function NewExtraForm(){ global $langmessage; $types = \gp\tool\Output\Sections::GetTypes(); echo '

'; echo '

'; echo ''; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '

'; } public function EditExtra(){ global $langmessage, $page; echo '

'; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Extra',$langmessage['theme_content']); echo ' » '.str_replace('_',' ',$this->title).'

'; echo '
'; echo ''; \gp\tool\Editing::UseCK( $this->file_sections[0]['content'] ); $page->jQueryCode .= ' $(function(){ CKEDITOR.instances.gpcontent.on("change", function(){ if( CKEDITOR.instances.gpcontent.checkDirty() ){ $(".gp_publish_extra").hide(); $(".gp_save_extra").show(); }else{ $(".gp_publish_extra").show(); $(".gp_save_extra").hide(); } }); $(".gp_save_extra").on("click", function(){ CKEDITOR.instances.gpcontent.resetDirty(); }); }); $(window).on("beforeunload", function(){ if( CKEDITOR.instances.gpcontent.checkDirty() ){ return "Content was changed! Proceed anyway?"; } }); '; if( $this->draft_exists ){ echo ''; echo ''; }else{ echo ''; } echo ''; echo '
'; } public function SaveText(){ global $langmessage; $_POST['cmd'] = 'save_inline'; if( $this->SectionEdit() ){ message($langmessage['SAVED']); } } /** * Preview * */ public function PreviewText(){ global $langmessage; echo '

'; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Extra',$langmessage['theme_content']); echo ' » '.str_replace('_',' ',$this->title).'

'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo \gp\tool\Output\Sections::RenderSection($this->file_sections[0],0,'',$this->file_stats); echo '
'; } /** * Create a new extra content section * */ public function NewSection(){ global $langmessage, $gpAdmin; $title = str_replace( array('\\','/'), '', $_REQUEST['new_title']); $title = \gp\tool\Editing::CleanTitle($title); if( empty($title) ){ message($langmessage['OOPS'].' (Invalid Title)'); return false; } $types = \gp\tool\Output\Sections::GetTypes(); $type = htmlspecialchars($_POST['type']); if( !array_key_exists($type, $types) ){ message($langmessage['OOPS'].' (Invalid Type)'); return false; } $file = $this->folder.'/'.$title.'/page.php'; $section = \gp\tool\Editing::DefaultContent($type); $section['created'] = time(); $section['created_by'] = $gpAdmin['username']; $sections = array($section); if( !\gp\tool\Files::SaveData( $file, 'file_sections', $sections ) ){ message($langmessage['OOPS'].' (Not Saved)'); return false; } message($langmessage['SAVED']); $this->AddArea($title); } /** * Perform various section editing commands * */ public function SectionEdit(){ global $langmessage; $this->page->file_sections =& $this->file_sections; //hack so the SaveSection filter works $_REQUEST['section'] = 0; if( !parent::SectionEdit() ){ return false; } return true; } public function SaveBackup(){} public function GalleryEdited(){} public function ResetFileTypes(){} }