page->head_js[] = '/include/js/admin/trash.js'; $this->trash_files = self::TrashFiles(); $cmd = \gp\tool::GetCommand(); switch($cmd){ case 'RestoreDeleted': $this->RestoreDeleted(); break; case 'DeleteFromTrash': $this->DeleteFromTrash(); break; } //view a trash file $parts = explode('/',$this->page->requested); if( count($parts) > 2 ){ $title = $parts[2]; if( isset($this->trash_files[$title]) ){ $this->ViewTrashFile($title); return; } } //view all trash files $this->Trash(); } /** * Add/Remove titles from the trash.php index file * Delete files in $remove_from_trash * */ public static function ModTrashData($add_to_trash,$remove_from_trash){ $trash_titles = self::TrashFiles(); foreach((array)$remove_from_trash as $title_index => $info){ unset($trash_titles[$title_index]); //only delete the files if they're in the trash directory if( strpos($info['rm_path'],'/data/_trash') !== false ){ \gp\tool\Files::RmAll($info['rm_path']); } } return self::SaveTrashTitles($trash_titles); } /** * Return a sorted array of files in the trash * */ public static function TrashFiles(){ global $dataDir, $gp_index, $config; $trash_titles = array(); // pre 4.6, deleted page info was stored $trash_file = $dataDir.'/data/_site/trash.php'; if( \gp\tool\Files::Exists($trash_file) ){ $trash_titles = \gp\tool\Files::Get($trash_file,'trash_titles'); } // get files associated existing titles $pages_dir = $dataDir.'/data/_pages/'; $pages_dir_len = strlen($pages_dir); $existing = array(); foreach($gp_index as $title => $index){ if( \gp\tool::SpecialOrAdmin($title) !== false ){ continue; } $file = \gp\tool\Files::PageFile($title); $file = substr($file,$pages_dir_len); if( strpos($file,'/') ){ $existing[] = dirname($file); }else{ $existing[] = $file; } } // post 4.6, deleted pages are left in the data/_pages folder $files = scandir($pages_dir); $files = array_diff($files, array('.','..','index.html')); // add the new files to the list of $trash_titles $new_trash_files = array_diff($files,$existing); $page_prefix = substr($config['gpuniq'],0,7).'_'; foreach($new_trash_files as $file){ $info = array(); $info_file = $dataDir.'/data/_pages/'.$file.'/deleted.php'; if( \gp\tool\Files::Exists($info_file) ){ $info = \gp\tool\Files::Get($info_file,'deleted'); $info['page_file'] = $dataDir.'/data/_pages/'.$file.'/page.php'; }else{ $info['page_file'] = $dataDir.'/data/_pages/'.$file; $info['time'] = filemtime($info['page_file']); $info['orphaned'] = true; } //get index if( strpos($file,$page_prefix) === 0 ){ $info['index'] = substr($file,8); // remove page_prefix } $info['rm_path'] = $dataDir.'/data/_pages/'.$file; $trash_titles[$file] = $info; } //make sure we have a title foreach($trash_titles as $trash_index => &$info){ if( !isset($info['title']) ){ $info['title'] = str_replace('_',' ',$trash_index); } } uasort($trash_titles,array('self','TitleSort')); return $trash_titles; } public static function TitleSort($a,$b){ return strnatcasecmp($a['title'],$b['title']); } /* * Save $trash_titles to the trash.php index file * */ public static function SaveTrashTitles($trash_titles){ global $dataDir; $index_file = $dataDir.'/data/_site/trash.php'; return \gp\tool\Files::SaveData($index_file,'trash_titles',$trash_titles); } /** * Get the $info array for $title for use with $gp_titles * */ public static function GetInfo($trash_index){ global $dataDir; static $trash_titles = false; if( $trash_titles === false ){ $trash_titles = self::TrashFiles(); } if( !array_key_exists($trash_index,$trash_titles) ){ return false; } $title_info = $trash_titles[$trash_index]; //make sure we have a file or dir if( empty($title_info['rm_path']) ){ if( empty($title_info['file']) ){ $title_info['file'] = $trash_index.'.php'; } $title_info['rm_path'] = $dataDir.'/data/_trash/'.$title_info['file']; $title_info['page_file'] = $dataDir.'/data/_trash/'.$title_info['file']; } //make sure we have a label if( empty($title_info['label']) ){ $title_info['label'] = \gp\admin\Tools::LabelToSlug($trash_index); } //make sure we have a file_type if( empty($title_info['type']) ){ $title_info['type'] = self::GetTypes($title_info['page_file']); } return $title_info; } /** * Copy the php file in _pages to _trash for $title * */ public static function MoveToTrash_File($title, $index, &$trash_data){ global $dataDir, $gp_titles, $config; //get the file data $source_file = \gp\tool\Files::PageFile($title); $source_dir = dirname($source_file); $trash_file = $source_dir.'/deleted.php'; $file_sections = \gp\tool\Files::Get($source_file,'file_sections'); //create trash info file $trash_info = $gp_titles[$index]; $trash_info['title'] = $title; $trash_info['time'] = time(); if( !\gp\tool\Files::SaveData($trash_file,'deleted',$trash_info) ){ return false; } //update image information if( count($file_sections) ){ includeFile('image.php'); \gp_resized::SetIndex(); foreach($file_sections as $section_data){ if( isset($section_data['resized_imgs']) ){ \gp\tool\Editing::ResizedImageUse($section_data['resized_imgs'],array()); } } } return true; } /** * Remove files from the trash by restoring them to $gp_titles and $gp_index * */ public function RestoreDeleted(){ global $langmessage,$gp_titles,$gp_index; if( empty($_POST['titles']) || !is_array($_POST['titles']) ){ message($langmessage['OOPS'].' (No Titles)'); return; } $titles = $_POST['titles']; self::RestoreTitles($titles); if( !$titles ){ message($langmessage['OOPS'].' (R1)'); return false; } if( !\gp\admin\Tools::SavePagesPHP(true) ){ return false; } self::ModTrashData(null,$titles); $show_titles = array(); foreach($titles as $trash_index => $info){ $show_titles[] = \gp\tool::Link($info['title'],$info['title']); unset($this->trash_files[$trash_index]); } $title_string = implode(', ',$show_titles); $link = \gp\tool::GetUrl('Admin/Menu'); $message = sprintf($langmessage['file_restored'],$title_string,$link); message($message); } /** * Restore $titles and return array with menu information * @param array $titles An array of titles to be restored. After completion, it will contain only the titles that were prepared successfully * @return array A list of restored titles that can be used for menu insertion * */ public static function RestoreTitles(&$titles){ global $dataDir, $gp_index, $gp_titles, $config; $new_menu = array(); $restored = array(); foreach($titles as $trash_index){ //get trash info about file $title_info = self::GetInfo($trash_index); if( $title_info === false ){ continue; } $new_title = \gp\admin\Tools::CheckPostedNewPage($title_info['title'],$message); if( empty($new_title) ){ continue; } //make sure the page_file exists if( !\gp\tool\Files::Exists($title_info['page_file']) ){ continue; } //add to $gp_index before PageFile() if( isset($title_info['index']) ){ $index = $title_info['index']; $gp_index[$new_title] = $index; }else{ $index = \gp\tool::NewFileIndex(); $gp_index[$new_title] = $index; } // move the trash file to the /_pages directory if needed $new_file = \gp\tool\Files::PageFile($new_title); if( !\gp\tool\Files::Exists($new_file) ){ if( !\gp\tool\Files::Rename($title_info['page_file'],$new_file) ){ unset($gp_index[$new_title]); continue; } } //add to $gp_titles $gp_titles[$index] = array(); $gp_titles[$index]['label'] = $title_info['label']; $gp_titles[$index]['type'] = $title_info['type']; $new_menu[$index] = array(); $restored[$trash_index] = $title_info; self::RestoreFile($new_title, $new_file, $title_info); } $titles = $restored; return $new_menu; } /** * Get the content of the file in the trash so we can restore file information * - resized images * - \gp\special\Galleries::UpdateGalleryInfo($title,$content) * */ public static function RestoreFile($title,$file,$title_info){ $file_sections = \gp\tool\Files::Get($file,'file_sections'); // Restore resized images if( count($file_sections) ){ includeFile('image.php'); \gp_resized::SetIndex(); foreach($file_sections as $section => $section_data){ if( !isset($section_data['resized_imgs']) ){ continue; } foreach($section_data['resized_imgs'] as $image_index => $sizes){ if( !isset(\gp_resized::$index[$image_index]) ){ continue; } $img = \gp_resized::$index[$image_index]; foreach($sizes as $size){ list($width,$height) = explode('x',$size); \gp\tool\Editing::CreateImage($img,$width,$height); } } \gp\tool\Editing::ResizedImageUse(array(),$section_data['resized_imgs']); } \gp_resized::SaveIndex(); } // Restore Galleries if( strpos($title_info['type'],'gallery') !== false ){ \gp\special\Galleries::UpdateGalleryInfo($title,$file_sections); } } /** * Get the section types so we can set the $gp_titles and $meta_data variables correctly * In future versions, fetching the $meta_data['file_type'] value will suffice * */ public static function GetTypes($file){ $types = array(); $file_sections = \gp\tool\Files::Get($file,'file_sections'); foreach($file_sections as $section){ $types[] = $section['type']; } $types = array_unique($types); return implode(',',$types); } /** * View all files in the trash * */ public function Trash(){ global $dataDir,$langmessage; $this->section_types = \gp\tool\Output\Sections::GetTypes(); echo '


'; if( count($this->trash_files) == 0 ){ echo ''; return false; } echo '
'; echo ''; ob_start(); echo ''; $heading = ob_get_clean(); echo $heading; // non-orphaned $orphaned = array(); foreach($this->trash_files as $trash_index => $info){ if( isset($info['orphaned']) ){ $orphaned[$trash_index] = $info; }else{ $this->TrashRow($trash_index, $info); } } // orphaned files if( $orphaned ){ echo ''; foreach($orphaned as $trash_index => $info){ $this->TrashRow($trash_index, $info); } } echo $heading; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ' '; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '   '; echo count($orphaned).' Orphaned Files Found'; echo ''; echo ''.$langmessage['View'].'   '; $q = array(); $q['titles'] = array_keys($orphaned); $q = 'cmd=DeleteFromTrash&'.http_build_query($q); echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Trash',$langmessage['delete'],$q,array('data-cmd'=>'postlink')); echo '
'; echo '
'; } public function TrashRow($trash_index, $info, $show_orphaned = false ){ global $langmessage; $class = ''; if( isset($info['orphaned']) ){ $class = 'orphaned'; } //title echo ''; echo ''; //time echo ''; if( !empty($info['time']) ){ $elapsed = \gp\admin\Tools::Elapsed(time() - $info['time']); echo sprintf($langmessage['_ago'],$elapsed); } echo ''; if( isset($info['type']) ){ $this->TitleTypes($info['type']); } echo ''; if( \gp\admin\Tools::CheckPostedNewPage($info['title'], $msg) ){ echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Trash',$langmessage['restore'],'cmd=RestoreDeleted&titles[]='.rawurlencode($trash_index),array('data-cmd'=>'postlink')); }else{ echo ''.$langmessage['restore'].''; } echo '   '; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Trash',$langmessage['delete'],'cmd=DeleteFromTrash&titles[]='.rawurlencode($trash_index),array('data-cmd'=>'postlink')); echo ''; } /** * List section types * */ public function TitleTypes($types){ global $gp_titles; $types = explode(',',$types); $types = array_filter($types); $types = array_unique($types); foreach($types as $i => $type){ if( isset($this->section_types[$type]) && isset($this->section_types[$type]['label']) ){ $types[$i] = $this->section_types[$type]['label']; } } echo implode(', ',$types); } /** * Check and remove the requested files from the trash * */ public function DeleteFromTrash(){ global $dataDir,$langmessage; if( empty($_POST['titles']) || !is_array($_POST['titles']) ){ message($langmessage['OOPS'].' (No Titles)'); return; } $titles = array(); $incomplete = false; foreach($_POST['titles'] as $trash_index){ $title_info = self::GetInfo($trash_index); if( $title_info === false ){ $incomplete = true; continue; } $titles[$trash_index] = $title_info; } if( !self::ModTrashData(null,$titles) ){ return false; } //remove the data foreach($titles as $trash_index => $info){ \gp\tool\Files::RmAll($info['rm_path']); unset($this->trash_files[$trash_index]); } if( $incomplete ){ message($langmessage['delete_incomplete']); } } /** * View the contents of a trash file * */ public function ViewTrashFile($trash_index){ global $dataDir, $langmessage, $trash_file; $title_info = self::GetInfo($trash_index); //delete / restore links echo '
'; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Trash',$langmessage['restore'],'cmd=RestoreDeleted&titles[]='.rawurlencode($trash_index),array('data-cmd'=>'cnreq','class'=>'gpsubmit')); echo '   '; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Trash',$langmessage['delete'],'cmd=DeleteFromTrash&titles[]='.rawurlencode($trash_index),array('data-cmd'=>'cnreq','class'=>'gpsubmit')); echo '
'; echo '

'; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Trash',$langmessage['trash']); echo ' » '; echo htmlspecialchars($title_info['title']); echo '

'; echo '
'; //get file sections $file_sections = \gp\tool\Files::Get($title_info['page_file'],'file_sections'); if( $file_sections ){ echo \gp\tool\Output\Sections::Render($file_sections,$title_info['title']); }else{ echo '

This page no longer has any content

'; } } }