do_admin_uploaded($file_cmd); }else{ $this->Finder(); } } public function Finder(){ global $config, $dataDir; $this->page->head .= "\n".''; $this->page->head .= "\n".''; $this->page->head .= "\n".''; $this->page->head .= "\n".''; echo '
'; \gp\tool::LoadComponents('selectable,draggable,droppable,resizable,dialog,slider,button'); //get the finder language $language = $config['langeditor']; if( $language == 'inherit' ){ $language = $config['language']; } $lang_file = '/include/thirdparty/finder/js/i18n/'.$language.'.js'; $lang_full = $dataDir.$lang_file; if( file_exists($lang_full) ){ $this->page->head .= "\n".''; }else{ $language = 'en'; } $this->finder_opts['lang'] = $language; $this->finder_opts['customData']['verified'] = \gp\tool::new_nonce('post',true); $this->finder_opts['uiOptions'] = array( // toolbar configuration 'toolbar' => array( array('back', 'forward','up','reload'), array('home','netmount'), array('mkdir', 'upload'), //'mkfile', array('open', 'download', 'getfile'), array('info'), array('quicklook'), array('copy', 'cut', 'paste'), array('rm'), array('duplicate', 'rename', 'edit', 'resize'), array('extract', 'archive'), array('search'), array('view','sort'), array('help') ), // directories tree options 'tree' => array( // expand current root on init 'openRootOnLoad' => true, // auto load current dir parents 'syncTree' => true, ), // navbar options 'navbar' => array( 'minWidth' => 150, 'maxWidth' => 500 ), // current working directory options 'cwd' => array( // display parent directory in listing as ".." 'oldSchool' => false ) ); $this->FinderPrep(); $this->finder_opts = \gp\tool\Plugins::Filter('FinderOptionsClient',array($this->finder_opts)); gpSettingsOverride('finder_options_client',$this->finder_opts); $this->page->head_script .= "\n".'var finder_opts = '.json_encode($this->finder_opts).';'; } public function FinderPrep(){ $this->finder_opts['url'] = \gp\tool::GetUrl('Admin_Finder'); $this->finder_opts['height'] = '100%'; $this->finder_opts['resizable'] = false; } public function do_admin_uploaded($file_cmd){ $this->Init(); $this->page->ajaxReplace = array(); switch($file_cmd){ case 'delete': $this->DeleteConfirmed(); return; case 'inline_upload': $this->InlineUpload(); //dies } } public function Init(){ global $langmessage, $dataDir; $this->baseDir = $dataDir.'/data/_uploaded'; $this->thumbFolder = $dataDir.'/data/_uploaded/image/thumbnails'; $this->currentDir = $this->baseDir; $this->page->label = $langmessage['uploaded_files']; $this->imgTypes = array('bmp'=>1,'png'=>1,'jpg'=>1,'jpeg'=>1,'gif'=>1,'tiff'=>1,'tif'=>1,'svg'=>1,'svgz'=>1); $this->SetDirectory(); //prompt to create the requested subdirectory if( !file_exists($this->currentDir) ){ \gp\tool\Files::CheckDir($this->currentDir); } //is in thumbnail directory? if( strpos($this->currentDir,$this->thumbFolder) !== false ){ $this->isThumbDir = true; } $this->currentDir_Thumb = $this->thumbFolder.$this->subdir; } /** * Set the upload directory * */ public function SetDirectory(){ $subdir = ''; $path = \gp\tool::WhichPage(); // get the current path, not using $page->requested since space characters will have been changed to underscores $path = str_replace('\\','/',$path); //@since 5.0 if( strpos($path,'Admin/Uploaded') === 0 ){ $path = substr($path,14); $path = trim($path,'/'); $parts = explode('/',$path); //backwards compat }else{ $path = trim($path,'/'); $parts = explode('/',$path); array_shift($parts); } if( count($parts) > 0 ){ $subdir = '/'.implode('/',$parts); $subdir = \gp\tool\Editing::CleanArg($subdir); } if( !empty($_REQUEST['dir']) ){ $subdir .= \gp\tool\Editing::CleanArg($_REQUEST['dir']); } $subdir = \gp\tool\Files::Canonicalize($subdir); $subdir = rtrim($subdir,'/'); $current_dir = $this->currentDir . $subdir; if( !\gp\tool\Files::CheckPath( $current_dir, $this->currentDir ) ){ return; } $this->subdir = $subdir; $this->currentDir = $current_dir; } public function ReadableMax(){ $value = ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); if( empty($value) ){ return '2 Megabytes';//php default } return $value; } public static function Max_File_Size(){ $value = ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); if( empty($value) ){ return; } $max = \gp\tool::getByteValue($value); if( $max !== false ){ echo ''; } } /** * Upload one image * */ public function InlineUpload(){ if( count($_FILES['userfiles']['name']) != 1 ){ $this->InlineResponse('failed','Empty Array'); } $name = $_FILES['userfiles']['name'][0]; if( empty($name) ){ $this->InlineResponse('failed','Empty Name'); } $uploaded = $this->UploadFile(0); if( $uploaded === false ){ reset($this->errorMessages); $this->InlineResponse('failed',current($this->errorMessages)); } \gp\tool\Plugins::Action('FileUploaded',$uploaded); $return_content = self::ShowFile_Gallery($this->subdir,$uploaded); if( is_string($return_content) ){ $this->InlineResponse('success',$return_content); }else{ $this->InlineResponse('notimage',''); } } /** * Output a list a images in a director for use in inline editing * @static */ public static function InlineList($dir_piece){ global $langmessage, $dataDir, $page; $page->ajaxReplace = array(); $dir_piece = \gp\tool::WinPath($dir_piece); $dir = $dataDir.'/data/_uploaded'.$dir_piece; $prev_piece = false; while( ($dir_piece != '/') && !file_exists($dir) ){ $prev_piece = $dir_piece; $dir = \gp\tool::DirName($dir); $dir_piece = \gp\tool::DirName($dir_piece); } //new directory? if( $prev_piece ){ $prev_piece = \gp\tool\Editing::CleanArg($prev_piece); $dir_piece = $prev_piece; $dir = $dataDir.'/data/_uploaded'.$prev_piece; if( !\gp\tool\Files::CheckDir($dir) ){ message($langmessage['OOPS']); $dir = \gp\tool::DirName($dir); $dir_piece = \gp\tool::DirName($prev_piece); } } //folder information $folders = $files = array(); $allFiles = \gp\tool\Files::ReadFolderAndFiles($dir); list($folders,$files) = $allFiles; //available images ob_start(); $image_count = 0; foreach($files as $file){ $img = self::ShowFile_Gallery($dir_piece,$file); if( is_string($img) ){ echo $img; $image_count++; } } $gp_gallery_avail_imgs = ob_get_clean(); $gp_option_area = self::InlineList_Options($dir_piece, $folders); $folder_options = self::InlineList_Folder($image_count, $dir_piece); //send content according to request $cmd = \gp\tool::GetCommand(); switch($cmd){ case 'gallery_folder': $page->ajaxReplace[] = array('inner','#gp_option_area',$gp_option_area); $page->ajaxReplace[] = array('inner','#gp_gallery_avail_imgs',$gp_gallery_avail_imgs); break; default: $content = '
' .''; $page->ajaxReplace[] = array('inner','#gp_image_area',$content); break; } $page->ajaxReplace[] = array('inner','#gp_folder_options',$folder_options); $page->ajaxReplace[] = array('gp_gallery_images','',''); //tell the script the images have been loaded } /** * Return folder options for the InlineList * */ public static function InlineList_Options($dir_piece, $folders){ global $langmessage, $dataDir; $return = ''; $return .= '
'; $return .= ' '; if( strlen($dir_piece) > 23 ){ $return .= '...'.substr($dir_piece,-20); }else{ $return .= $dir_piece; } $return .= ''; $return .= '
'; if( $dir_piece != '/' ){ $temp = \gp\tool::DirName($dir_piece); $return .= ' '.$langmessage['create_dir'].''; $return .= ' .../'; } foreach($folders as $folder){ if( $dir_piece == '/' ){ $sub_dir = '/'.$folder; }else{ $sub_dir = $dir_piece.'/'.$folder; } $full_dir = $dataDir.'/data/_uploaded'.$sub_dir; $sub_files = scandir($full_dir); $count = 0; foreach($sub_files as $file){ if( self::IsImg($file) ){ $count++; } } $return .= ' '.$count.''.$folder.''; } $return .= '
'; return $return; } /** * Return folder options for the InlineList * */ public static function InlineList_Folder($image_count, $dir_piece){ global $langmessage; ob_start(); if( $image_count > 0 ){ echo ''.$langmessage['Add All Images'].''; } if( $dir_piece != '/' ){ echo '
'; self::Max_File_Size(); echo ''.$langmessage['upload_files'].''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; } return ob_get_clean(); } /** * @static */ public static function ShowFile_Gallery($dir_piece,$file){ global $langmessage, $dataDir; if( !self::IsImg($file) ){ return; } //for gallery editing $rel_path = '/data/_uploaded'.$dir_piece.'/'.$file; $id = self::ImageId($rel_path); $file_url = \gp\tool::GetDir($rel_path); $full_path = $dataDir.$rel_path; //thumbnail $thumb_url = \gp\tool::ThumbnailPath($file_url); // alternate text from file name $img_alt = str_replace('_', ' ', pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME) ); $thumb = ' '.$img_alt.''; //get size $size = ''; $size_a = getimagesize($full_path); if( is_array($size_a) ){ $size = ' data-width="'.$size_a[0].'" data-height="'.$size_a[1].'"'; } $query_string = 'file_cmd=delete&show=inline&file='.urlencode($file); return '
' . '' . $thumb . '' . '' . \gp\tool::Link( 'Admin/Uploaded'.$dir_piece, '', $query_string, array( 'class'=>'delete fa fa-trash gpconfirm', 'data-cmd'=>'gpajax', 'title'=>$langmessage['delete_confirm'] ), 'delete' ) . '' . '
'; } public static function ImageId($path){ $encoded = base64_encode($path); $encoded = rtrim($encoded, '='); return 'gp_image_'.strtr($encoded, '+/=', '-_.'); } public function InlineResponse($status,$message){ echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; die(); } public function UploadFile($key){ global $langmessage,$config; $fName = $_FILES['userfiles']['name'][$key]; $code = (int)$_FILES['userfiles']['error'][$key]; switch( $code ){ case UPLOAD_ERR_OK: break; case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: $this->errorMessages[] = sprintf($langmessage['upload_error_size'],$this->ReadableMax() ); return false; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: $this->errorMessages[] = sprintf($langmessage['UPLOAD_ERROR_PARTIAL'], $fName); return false; case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION: $this->errorMessages[] = sprintf($langmessage['UPLOAD_ERROR'].' ('.$code.')', $fName); return false; } $upload_moved = false; $fName = $this->SanitizeName($fName); $from = $_FILES['userfiles']['tmp_name'][$key]; if( !self::AllowedExtension($fName) ){ return false; } $fName = $this->WindowsName($fName); $to = $this->FixRepeatNames($fName); if( $upload_moved ){ if( !rename($from,$to) ){ $this->errorMessages[] = sprintf($langmessage['UPLOAD_ERROR'].' (Rename Failed from '.$to.')', $fName); return false; } }elseif( !move_uploaded_file($from,$to) ){ $this->errorMessages[] = sprintf($langmessage['UPLOAD_ERROR'].' (Move Upload Failed)', $fName); return false; } @chmod( $to, 0666 ); //for images $file_type = self::GetFileType($fName); if( isset($this->imgTypes[$file_type]) && function_exists('imagetypes') ){ //check the image size if image is not svg/z if( $config['maximgarea'] > 0 && strpos('svgz', $file_type) !== 0 ){ \gp\tool\Image::CheckArea($to,$config['maximgarea']); } self::CreateThumbnail($to); } return $fName; } /** * Create a thumbnail for the image at the path given by $original * */ public static function CreateThumbnail($original){ global $config, $dataDir; $prefix = $dataDir.'/data/_uploaded'; $thumb_prefix = $dataDir.'/data/_uploaded/image/thumbnails'; if( strpos($original,$thumb_prefix) !== false ){ return; } if( strpos($original,$prefix) !== 0 ){ return; } $thumb_path = \gp\tool::ThumbnailPath($original); $thumb_dir = \gp\tool::DirName($thumb_path); \gp\tool\Files::CheckDir($thumb_dir); if( !empty($config['maxthumbheight']) && $config['maxthumbheight'] !== $config['maxthumbsize'] ){ // NEW TS 5.1: proportional thumbnails return \gp\tool\Image::CreateRect($original, $thumb_path, $config['maxthumbsize'], $config['maxthumbheight'], $config['thumbskeepaspect']); }else{ // return \gp\tool\Image::createSquare($original,$thumb_path,$config['maxthumbsize']); return \gp\tool\Image::CreateRect($original, $thumb_path, $config['maxthumbsize'], $config['maxthumbsize'], $config['thumbskeepaspect']); } } public function FixRepeatNames(&$name){ $name_parts = explode('.',$name); $file_type = array_pop($name_parts); $temp_name = implode('.',$name_parts); $num = 0; $name = $temp_name.'.'.$file_type; $to = $this->currentDir.'/'.$name; while( file_exists($to) ){ $name = $temp_name.'_'.$num.'.'.$file_type; $to = $this->currentDir.'/'.$name; $num++; } return $to; } /** * Try to fix file uploads for Windows * Windows systems don't like long names: MAX_PATH of 260 */ public function WindowsName($name){ $name_parts = explode('.',$name); $file_type = array_pop($name_parts); $temp_name = implode('.',$name_parts); $server_software =& $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']; $server_software = strtolower($server_software); if( strpos($server_software,'win') === false ){ return $name; } if( isset($this->imgTypes[$file_type]) && function_exists('imagetypes') ){ $max_len = 260 - strlen($this->currentDir_Thumb); }else{ $max_len = 260 - strlen($this->currentDir); } // adjust a minimum of 8 for _#.jpg postfix, / and . characters $max_len -= (strlen($file_type) + 20); if( strlen($temp_name) > $max_len ){ $temp_name = substr($temp_name,0,$max_len); } return $temp_name.'.'.$file_type; } /** * Check the file extension agains $allowed_types * */ public static function AllowedExtension( &$file , $fix = true ){ global $upload_extensions_allow, $upload_extensions_deny; static $allowed_types = false; $file = \gp\tool\Files::NoNull($file); if( !gp_restrict_uploads ){ return true; } $parts = explode('.',$file); if( count($parts) < 2 ){ return true; } //build list of allowed extensions once if( !$allowed_types ){ if( is_string($upload_extensions_deny) && strtolower($upload_extensions_deny) === 'all' ){ $allowed_types = array(); }else{ $allowed_types = array( /** Images **/ 'bmp', 'gif', 'ico', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'tif', 'tiff', 'svg', 'svgz', /** Media **/ 'aiff', 'asf', 'avi', 'fla', 'flac', 'flv', 'm4v', 'mid', 'mov', 'mp3', 'mp4', 'mpc', 'mpeg', 'mpg', 'ogg', 'oga', 'ogv', 'opus', 'qt', 'ram', 'rm', 'rmi', 'rmvb', 'swf', 'wav', 'wma', 'webm', 'wmv', /** Archives **/ '7z', 'bz', 'gz', 'gzip', 'rar', 'tar', 'tgz', 'zip', /** Text/Docs **/ 'css', 'csv', 'doc', 'docx', 'htm', 'html', 'js', 'json', 'less', 'md', 'ods', 'odt', 'pages', 'pdf', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'rtf', 'txt', 'scss', 'sxc', 'sxw', 'vsd', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'xml', 'xsl', ); } if( is_array($upload_extensions_allow) ){ $upload_extensions_allow = array_map('trim',$upload_extensions_allow); $upload_extensions_allow = array_map('strtolower',$upload_extensions_allow); $allowed_types = array_merge($allowed_types,$upload_extensions_allow); } if( is_array($upload_extensions_deny) ){ $upload_extensions_allow = array_map('trim',$upload_extensions_allow); $upload_extensions_allow = array_map('strtolower',$upload_extensions_allow); $allowed_types = array_diff($allowed_types,$upload_extensions_deny); } } $allowed_types = \gp\tool\Plugins::Filter('AllowedTypes',array($allowed_types)); //make sure the extension is allowed $file_type = array_pop($parts); if( !in_array( strtolower($file_type), $allowed_types ) ){ return false; } if( $fix ){ return implode('_',$parts).'.'.$file_type; }else{ return implode('.',$parts).'.'.$file_type; } } /** * Clean a filename by removing unwanted characters * */ public function SanitizeName( $sname ){ global $config; $sname = stripslashes( $sname ) ; // Replace dots in the name with underscores (only one dot can be there... security issue). $sname = preg_replace( '/\\.(?![^.]*$)/', '_', $sname ); // Remove \ / | : ? * " < > return preg_replace( '/\\\\|\\/|\\||\\:|\\?|\\*|"|<|>|[[:cntrl:]]/u', '_', $sname ) ; } /** * Delete a single file or folder * */ public function DeleteConfirmed(){ global $langmessage; if( $this->isThumbDir ){ return false; } if( \gp\tool::verify_nonce('delete') === false ){ message($langmessage['OOPS'].' (Invalid Nonce)'); return; } $file = $this->CheckFile(); if( !$file ){ return; } $full_path = $this->currentDir.'/'.$file; $rel_path = '/data/_uploaded'.$this->subdir.'/'.$file; if( !\gp\tool\Files::RmAll($full_path) ){ message($langmessage['OOPS']); return; } $this->page->ajaxReplace[] = array('img_deleted','',$rel_path); $this->page->ajaxReplace[] = array('img_deleted_id','',self::ImageId($rel_path)); } /** * Verify a file is editable or deleteable * */ public function CheckFile($warn = true){ global $langmessage; if( empty($_REQUEST['file']) ){ if( $warn ) message($langmessage['OOPS'].'(2)'); return false; } return $this->CheckFileName($_REQUEST['file'],$warn); } public function CheckFileName($file,$warn){ global $langmessage; if( (strpos($file,'/') !== false ) || (strpos($file,'\\') !== false) ){ if( $warn ) message($langmessage['OOPS'].'(3)'); return false; } $fullPath = $this->currentDir.'/'.$file; if( !file_exists($fullPath) ){ if( $warn ) message($langmessage['OOPS'].'(4)'); return false; } if( strpos($fullPath,$this->baseDir) === false ){ if( $warn ) message($langmessage['OOPS'].' (5)'); return false; } return $file; } /** * Get the file extension for $file * @static * @param string $file The $file name or path * @return string The extenstion of $file */ public static function GetFileType($file){ $name_parts = explode('.',$file); $file_type = array_pop($name_parts); return strtolower($file_type); } /** * Determines if the $file is an image based on the file extension * @static * @return bool */ public static function IsImg($file){ $img_types = array('bmp'=>1,'png'=>1,'jpg'=>1,'jpeg'=>1,'gif'=>1,'tiff'=>1,'tif'=>1,'svg'=>1, 'svgz'=>1); $type = self::GetFileType($file); return isset($img_types[$type]); } /** * Performs actions after changes are made to files in finder * */ public static function FinderChange($cmd, $result, $args, $finder){ global $dataDir,$config; includeFile('image.php'); \gp_resized::SetIndex(); $base_dir = $dataDir.'/data/_uploaded'; $thumb_dir = $dataDir.'/data/_uploaded/image/thumbnails'; self::SetRealPath($result,$finder); switch($cmd){ case 'rename': self::RenameResized($result['removed'][0],$result['added'][0]); break; case 'rm': self::RemoveResized($result['removed']); break; case 'paste': self::MoveResized($result['removed'],$result['added']); break; //check the image size case 'upload': self::MaxSize($result['added']); break; } //removed files first // - Remove associated thumbnail if( isset($result['removed']) && count($result['removed']) > 0 ){ foreach($result['removed'] as $removed){ $removed_path = $removed['realpath']; \gp\tool\Plugins::Action('FileDeleted',$removed_path); $thumb_path = str_replace($base_dir,$thumb_dir,$removed_path); if( file_exists($thumb_path) ){ if( is_dir($thumb_path) ){ \gp\tool\Files::RmAll($thumb_path); }else{ unlink($thumb_path); } continue; } // svg or not svg $nameParts = explode('.',$removed_path); $type = array_pop($nameParts); $type = strtolower($type); if( strpos('svgz',$type) !== 0 ){ $type = 'jpg'; } $thumb_path = str_replace($base_dir,$thumb_dir,$removed_path).'.'.$type; if( file_exists($thumb_path) ){ unlink($thumb_path); } } } //added files self::FinderActions($result, 'added', 'FileUploaded'); //changed files (resized) self::FinderActions($result, 'changed', 'FileChanged'); \gp_resized::SaveIndex(); //debug /* $log_file = $dataDir.'/data/_temp/finder_log-'.time().'.txt'; $data = get_defined_vars(); $content = print_r($data,true).'
'; $fp = fopen($log_file,'a'); fwrite($fp,$content); */ } /** * Call Actions on the finder result * */ protected static function FinderActions($result, $key, $action){ if( isset($result[$key]) && count($result[$key]) > 0 ){ foreach($result[$key] as $changed){ \gp\tool\Plugins::Action($action,$changed['realpath']); self::CreateThumbnail($changed['realpath']); } } } /** * Make sure newly uploaded images are within the site's max-size setting * */ public function MaxSize($added){ global $config; if( $config['maximgarea'] > 0 ){ foreach($added as $file){ \gp\tool\Image::CheckArea($file['realpath'],$config['maximgarea']); } } } /** * Move * */ public function MoveResized($removed,$added){ global $dataDir; //separate removed and moved entries $moved = array(); $new_removed = array(); foreach($added as $akey => $ainfo){ $source = $ainfo['source']; foreach($removed as $rkey => $rinfo){ if( $source == $rinfo['realpath'] ){ $moved[$akey] = $rinfo; }else{ $new_removed[$rkey] = $rinfo; } } } //remove files that weren't moved self::RemoveResized($new_removed); //rename files that were moved foreach($added as $akey => $ainfo){ $rinfo = $moved[$akey]; self::RenameResized($rinfo,$ainfo); } } /** * Remove all of the resized images for an image that is deleted * */ public function RemoveResized($removed){ global $dataDir; foreach($removed as $key => $info){ $img = self::TrimBaseDir($info['realpath']); $index = array_search($img,\gp_resized::$index); if( !$index ){ continue; } unset(\gp_resized::$index[$index]); $folder = $dataDir.'/data/_resized/'.$index; if( file_exists($folder) ){ \gp\tool\Files::RmAll($folder); } } } /** * Update the name of an image in the index when renamed * */ public function RenameResized($removed,$added){ $added_img = self::TrimBaseDir($added['realpath']); $removed_img = self::TrimBaseDir($removed['realpath']); $index = array_search($removed_img,\gp_resized::$index); if( !$index ){ return false; } \gp_resized::$index[$index] = $added_img; } /** * Make sure the realpath value is set for finder arrays * */ public function SetRealPath(&$array,$finder){ foreach($array as $type => $list){ if( !is_array($list) ){ continue; } foreach($list as $key => $info){ if( isset($info['hash']) && !isset($info['realpath']) ){ $array[$type][$key]['realpath'] = $finder->realpath($info['hash']); } } } } /** * Get a relative file path by stripping the base dir off of a full path * */ public function TrimBaseDir($full_path){ global $dataDir; $base_dir = $dataDir.'/data/_uploaded'; $len = strlen($base_dir); if( strpos($full_path,$base_dir) === 0 ){ return substr($full_path,$len); } return $full_path; } } } namespace{ class admin_uploaded extends \gp\admin\Content\Uploaded{} }