cmds['InlineEdit'] = ''; //added to in js $this->cmds['gallery_folder'] = 'GalleryImages'; $this->cmds['gallery_images'] = 'GalleryImages'; $this->cmds['save_inline'] = 'SaveHeaderImage'; $this->cmds['image_editor'] = '\\gp\\tool\\Editing::ImageEditor'; } /** * Load the inline editor for a theme image * */ public function InlineEdit(){ $section = array(); $section['type'] = 'image'; \gp\tool\Output\Ajax::InlineEdit($section); die(); } public function GalleryImages(){ $_GET += array('dir'=>'/headers'); \gp\admin\Content\Uploaded::InlineList($_GET['dir']); } /** * Save a theme image * Resize image if necessary * */ public function SaveHeaderImage(){ global $gpLayouts,$langmessage; $this->page->ajaxReplace = array(); $section = array(); if( !\gp\tool\Editing::SectionFromPost_Image($section, '/data/_uploaded/headers/') ){ return false; } $save_info = array(); $save_info['img_rel'] = $section['attributes']['src']; $save_info['width'] = $section['attributes']['width']; $save_info['height'] = $section['attributes']['height']; $container = $_REQUEST['container']; $gpLayouts[$this->curr_layout]['images'][$container] = array(); //prevents shuffle $gpLayouts[$this->curr_layout]['images'][$container][] = $save_info; if( !$this->SaveLayouts() ){ return false; } $this->page->ajaxReplace[] = array('ck_saved','',''); return true; } /** * Show images available in themes * */ public function ShowThemeImages(){ global $langmessage; $this->page->ajaxReplace = array(); $current_theme = false; //which theme folder if( isset($_REQUEST['theme']) && isset($this->avail_addons[$_REQUEST['theme']]) ){ $current_theme = $_REQUEST['theme']; $current_info = $this->avail_addons[$current_theme]; $current_label = $current_info['name']; $current_dir = $current_info['full_dir']; $current_url = \gp\tool::GetDir($current_info['rel']); //current layout }else{ $layout_info = \gp\tool::LayoutInfo($this->curr_layout,false); $current_label = $layout_info['theme_name']; $current_dir = $layout_info['dir']; $current_url = \gp\tool::GetDir(dirname($layout_info['path'])); } //list of themes ob_start(); echo '
'; echo ''; echo $current_label; echo ''; echo '
'; foreach($this->avail_addons as $theme_id => $info){ $slug = 'Admin_Theme_Content/Image/'.rawurlencode($this->curr_layout); echo \gp\tool::Link($slug,''.$info['name'],'cmd=ShowThemeImages&theme='.rawurlencode($theme_id),' data-cmd="gpajax" class="gp_gallery_folder" '); } echo '
'; echo '
'; $gp_option_area = ob_get_clean(); //images in theme $images = array(); self::GetAvailThemeImages( $current_dir, $current_url, $images ); ob_start(); foreach($images as $image ){ echo '
' . '' . '' . '
'; } $gp_gallery_avail_imgs = ob_get_clean(); if( $current_theme ){ $this->page->ajaxReplace[] = array('inner','#gp_option_area',$gp_option_area); $this->page->ajaxReplace[] = array('inner','#gp_gallery_avail_imgs',$gp_gallery_avail_imgs); }else{ $content = '
' .''; $this->page->ajaxReplace[] = array('inner','#gp_image_area',$content); } $this->page->ajaxReplace[] = array('inner','#gp_folder_options',''); //remove upload button } /** * Get a list of all the images available within a theme * */ public function GetAvailThemeImages( $dir, $url, &$images ){ $files = scandir($dir); $files = array_diff($files,array('.','..')); foreach($files as $file){ $file_full = $dir.'/'.$file; $file_url = $url.'/'.$file; if( is_dir($file_full) ){ self::GetAvailThemeImages( $file_full, $file_url, $images ); continue; } if( !self::IsImg( $file ) ){ continue; } $size = getimagesize($file_full); $temp = array(); $temp['width'] = $size[0]; $temp['height'] = $size[1]; $temp['full'] = $file_full; $temp['url'] = $file_url; $images[] = $temp; } } /** * Determines if the $file is an image based on the file extension * @static * @return bool */ public static function IsImg($file){ $img_types = array('bmp','png','jpg','jpeg','gif','tiff','tif'); $name_parts = explode('.',$file); $file_type = array_pop($name_parts); $file_type = strtolower($file_type); return in_array($file_type,$img_types); } }