page->ajaxReplace = array(); //add examples to smtp_hosts $langmessage['about_config']['smtp_hosts'] .= 'ssl:// ; tls://'; $langmessage['about_config']['showgplink'] = 'Showing the "powered by" link on your site is a great way to support '.CMS_NAME.' CMS.'; $langmessage['about_config']['history_limit'] = 'Max: '.gp_backup_limit; $langmessage['about_config']['maxthumbsize'] .= ' '.\gp\tool::Link('Admin/Configuration',$langmessage['recreate_all_thumbnails'],'cmd=recreate_thumbs','class="" data-cmd="creq"'); $this->variables = array( // these values aren't used //'timeoffset'=>'', //'dateformat'=>'', /* General Settings */ 'general_settings' => false, 'title' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'desc' => 'textarea', 'Interface' => false, 'colorbox_style' => array('example1'=>'Example 1', 'example2'=>'Example 2', 'example3'=>'Example 3', 'example4'=>'Example 4', 'example5'=>'Example 5' ), 'gallery_legacy_style' => 'boolean', 'language' => '', 'langeditor' => '', 'showsitemap' => 'boolean', 'showlogin' => 'boolean', 'showgplink' => 'boolean', 'Images' => false, 'maximgarea' => 'integer', 'resize_images' => 'boolean', 'preserve_icc_profiles' => 'boolean', 'preserve_image_metadata' => 'boolean', 'maxthumbsize' => 'integer', 'maxthumbheight' => 'integer', 'thumbskeepaspect' => 'boolean', 'Performance' => false, 'auto_redir' => 'integer', 'history_limit' => 'integer', 'HTML_Tidy' => '', 'Report_Errors' => 'boolean', 'combinejs' => 'boolean', 'combinecss' => 'boolean', 'etag_headers' => 'boolean', 'space_char' => array('_'=>'Undersorce "_"','-'=>'Dash "-"'), /* Contact Configuration */ 'contact_config' => false, 'toemail' => '', 'toname' => '', 'from_address' => '', 'from_name' => '', 'from_use_user' => 'boolean', 'require_email' => '', 'contact_advanced' => false, 'mail_method' => '', 'sendmail_path' => '', 'smtp_hosts' => '', 'smtp_user' => '', 'smtp_pass' => 'password', //'fromemail' => '', 'reCaptcha' => false, 'recaptcha_public' => '', 'recaptcha_private' => '', 'recaptcha_language' => '', ); } public function RunScript(){ $cmd = \gp\tool::GetCommand(); switch($cmd){ case 'save_config': $this->SaveConfig(); break; case 'recreate_thumbs': $this->RecreateThumbs(); break; } $this->showForm(); } /** * Save the posted configuration * */ protected function SaveConfig(){ global $config, $langmessage; $config_before = $config; $possible = $this->getPossible(); foreach($possible as $key => $curr_possible){ if( $curr_possible == 'boolean' ){ if( isset($_POST[$key]) && ($_POST[$key] == 'true') ){ $config[$key] = true; }else{ $config[$key] = false; } }elseif( $curr_possible == 'integer' ){ if( isset($_POST[$key]) && ( is_numeric($_POST[$key]) || $_POST[$key] == '' ) ){ // also allow empty values $config[$key] = $_POST[$key]; } }elseif( isset($_POST[$key]) ){ $config[$key] = $_POST[$key]; } } $config['history_limit'] = min($config['history_limit'],gp_backup_limit); if( !\gp\admin\Tools::SaveConfig(true) ){ return false; } if( isset($_GET['gpreq']) && $_GET['gpreq'] == 'json' ){ message($langmessage['SAVED'].' '.$langmessage['REFRESH']); }else{ message($langmessage['SAVED']); } //resize thumbnails if( $config_before['preserve_icc_profiles'] !== $config['preserve_icc_profiles'] || $config_before['preserve_image_metadata'] !== $config['preserve_image_metadata'] || $config_before['maxthumbsize'] !== $config['maxthumbsize'] || $config_before['maxthumbheight'] !== $config['maxthumbheight'] || $config_before['thumbskeepaspect'] !== $config['thumbskeepaspect'] ){ msg(\gp\tool::Link('Admin/Configuration',$langmessage['recreate_all_thumbnails'],'cmd=recreate_thumbs','class="" data-cmd="creq"')); } } private function getValues(){ global $config; $mailer = new \gp\tool\Emailer(); if( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST'){ $show = $config; }else{ $show = $_POST; } if( empty($show['recaptcha_language']) ){ $show['recaptcha_language'] = 'inherit'; } if( empty($show['from_address']) ){ $show['from_address'] = $mailer->From_Address(); } if( empty($show['from_name']) ){ $show['from_name'] = $mailer->From_Name(); } if( empty($show['mail_method']) ){ $show['mail_method'] = $mailer->Mail_Method(); } //suhosin will stop the script if a POST value contains a real path like /usr/sbin/sendmail //if( empty($show['sendmail_path']) ){ // $show['sendmail_path'] = $mailer->Sendmail_Path(); //} return $show; } /** * Get possible configuration values * */ protected function getPossible(){ global $dataDir,$langmessage; $possible = $this->variables; $langDir = $dataDir.'/include/thirdparty/ckeditor_34/lang'; //ckeditor $possible['langeditor'] = \gp\tool\Files::readDir($langDir,'js'); unset($possible['langeditor']['_languages']); $possible['langeditor']['inherit'] = ' '.$langmessage['default']; //want it to be the first in the list asort($possible['langeditor']); //recaptcha language $possible['recaptcha_language'] = array(); $possible['recaptcha_language']['inherit'] = $langmessage['default']; $possible['recaptcha_language']['en'] = 'en'; $possible['recaptcha_language']['nl'] = 'nl'; $possible['recaptcha_language']['fr'] = 'fr'; $possible['recaptcha_language']['de'] = 'de'; $possible['recaptcha_language']['pt'] = 'pt'; $possible['recaptcha_language']['ru'] = 'ru'; $possible['recaptcha_language']['es'] = 'es'; $possible['recaptcha_language']['tr'] = 'tr'; //website language $possible['language'] = $this->GetPossibleLanguages(); //tidy if( function_exists('tidy_parse_string') ){ $possible['HTML_Tidy'] = array('off'=>$langmessage['Off'],''=>$langmessage['On']); }else{ $possible['HTML_Tidy'] = array(''=>'Unavailable'); } //required email fields $possible['require_email'] = array( 'none' => 'None', '' => 'Subject & Message', 'email' => 'Subject, Message & Email' ); //see xoopsmultimailer.php $possible['mail_method'] = array( 'mail' => 'PHP mail()', 'sendmail' => 'sendmail', 'smtp' => 'smtp', 'smtpauth' => 'SMTPAuth' ); //CDN foreach(\gp\tool\Output\Combine::$scripts as $key => $script_info){ if( !isset($script_info['cdn']) ){ continue; } $config_key = 'cdn_'.$key; if( !array_key_exists($config_key, $possible) ){ continue; } $opts = array_keys($script_info['cdn']); $possible[$config_key] = array_combine($opts, $opts); array_unshift($possible[$config_key],$langmessage['None']); } gpSettingsOverride('configuration',$possible); return $possible; } /** * Return a list of possible languages * Based on the files in /include/languages * */ private function GetPossibleLanguages(){ global $dataDir; $lang_dir = $dataDir.'/include/languages'; $files = scandir($lang_dir); $languages = array(); foreach($files as $file){ if( $file == '.' || $file == '..' || strpos($file,'') === false ){ continue; } $languages[] = str_replace('','',$file); } return array_combine($languages, $languages); } /** * Display configuration settings * */ protected function showForm(){ global $langmessage; $possible_values = $this->getPossible(); $array = $this->getValues(); echo '
'; //order by the possible values $opened = false; foreach($possible_values as $key => $possible_value){ if( $possible_value === false ){ if( $opened ){ echo ''; $this->SaveAllButton(false); echo '
'; } echo '

'; if( isset($langmessage[$key]) ){ echo $langmessage[$key]; }else{ echo str_replace('_',' ',$key); } echo '

'; echo ''; $opened = true; continue; } if( isset($array[$key]) ){ $value = $array[$key]; }else{ $value = ''; } echo "\n\n"; echo ''; } echo '
'; if( isset($langmessage[$key]) ){ echo $langmessage[$key]; }else{ echo str_replace('_',' ',$key); } echo ''; if( is_array($possible_value) ){ self::formSelect($key,$possible_value,$value); }else{ switch($possible_value){ case 'boolean': $this->formCheckbox($key,$value); break; case 'textarea': $this->formTextarea($key,$value); break; default: $this->formInput($key,$value,$possible_value); break; } } if( isset($langmessage['about_config'][$key]) ){ echo $langmessage['about_config'][$key]; } echo '
'; $this->SaveAllButton(true); echo '
'; } /** * Display Save buttons * */ protected function SaveButtons(){ global $langmessage; echo '
'; echo ''; if( isset($_GET['gpreq']) && $_GET['gpreq'] == 'json' ){ echo ''; }else{ echo ''; } echo '
'; echo '

'; echo ''; echo $langmessage['see_also']; echo ' '; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Preferences',$langmessage['Preferences'],'','data-cmd="gpabox"'); echo '

'; } /** * Display Save All buttons * @param boolean $is_last If true include admin notice and hidden cmd input */ protected function SaveAllButton($is_last=true){ global $langmessage; echo '
'; if( $is_last ){ echo ''; } if( isset($_GET['gpreq']) && $_GET['gpreq'] == 'json' ){ echo ''; }else{ echo ''; } echo '
'; if( $is_last ){ echo '

'; echo ''; echo $langmessage['see_also']; echo ' '; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Preferences',$langmessage['Preferences'],'','data-cmd="gpabox"'); echo '

'; } } /** * Form Functions * */ public function formCheckbox($key,$value){ $checked = ''; if( $value && $value !== 'false' ){ $checked = ' checked="checked"'; } echo '  '; echo '  '; } public function formInput($name,$value,$type='text'){ echo "\n
"; echo ''; echo '
'; } public function formTextarea($name,$value){ global $langmessage; $count_label = sprintf($langmessage['_characters'],''.strlen($value).''); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''.$count_label.''; echo ''; } public static function formSelect($name,$possible,$value=null){ echo '
'; echo "\n".''; echo '
'; } public static function formOptions($array,$current_value){ global $languages; foreach($array as $key => $value){ if( is_array($value) ){ echo ''; self::formOptions($value,$current_value); echo ''; continue; } if($key == $current_value){ $focus = ' selected="selected" '; }else{ $focus = ''; } if( isset($languages[$value]) ){ $value = $languages[$value]; } echo ''; } } /** * Recreate all of the thumbnails according to the size in the configuration * */ function RecreateThumbs($dir_rel = ''){ global $dataDir; $dir_full = $dataDir.'/data/_uploaded'.$dir_rel; $files = scandir($dir_full); foreach($files as $file){ if( $file == '.' || $file == '..' || $file == 'thumbnails' ){ continue; } $file_full = $dir_full.'/'.$file; $file_rel = $dir_rel.'/'.$file; if( is_dir($file_full) ){ $this->RecreateThumbs($file_rel); continue; } if( \gp\admin\Content\Uploaded::IsImg($file_full) ){ \gp\admin\Content\Uploaded::CreateThumbnail($file_full); } } } }