array( 'file' => '/include/js/main.js' ), 'gp-admin' => array( 'file' => '/include/js/admin.js', 'requires' => 'gp-main', ), 'gp-admin-css'=> array( 'file' => '/include/css/admin.scss', 'type' => 'css', 'requires' => 'ui-theme', ), 'gp-additional'=> array( 'file' => '/include/css/additional.css', 'type' => 'css', ), 'gp-theme-css'=> array( 'file' => '/include/css/theme_content.scss', 'type' => 'css', 'requires' => 'ui-theme', ), //colorbox 'colorbox' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/colorbox139/colorbox/jquery.colorbox.js', 'requires' => 'gp-main,colorbox-css', ), 'colorbox-css' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/colorbox139/$config[colorbox_style]/colorbox.css', 'type' => 'css', ), //jquery 'jquery' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/js/jquery.js', 'package' => 'jquery', 'label' => 'jQuery', 'cdn' => array( 'CloudFlare' => '//', 'Google' => '//', ), ), //jquery ui core 'ui-theme' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/jquery-ui.min.css', 'type' => 'css', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', 'cdn' => array( 'CloudFlare' => '//', 'Google' => '//', ), ), 'ui-core' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/core.js', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', 'label' => 'jQuery UI', 'cdn' => array( 'CloudFlare' => '//', 'Google' => '//', ), ), 'mouse' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/mouse.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,widget', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'position' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/position.js', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'widget' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/widget.js', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), //jquery ui interactions 'draggable' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/draggable.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,widget,mouse', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'droppable' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/droppable.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,widget,mouse,draggable', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'resizable' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/resizable.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,widget,mouse,ui-theme', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'selectable'=> array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/selectable.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,widget,mouse,ui-theme', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'selectmenu'=> array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/selectmenu.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,widget,position,menu,ui-theme', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'sortable' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/sortable.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,widget,mouse', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), //jquery ui widgets 'accordion' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/accordion.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,widget,ui-theme', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'autocomplete'=> array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/autocomplete.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,widget,position,menu,ui-theme', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'button' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/button.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,widget,ui-theme', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'datepicker'=> array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/datepicker.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,ui-theme', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'dialog' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/dialog.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,widget,button,position,ui-theme', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'menu' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/menu.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,widget,position,ui-theme', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'progressbar' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/progressbar.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,widget,ui-theme', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'slider' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/slider.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,widget,mouse,ui-theme', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'tabs' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/tabs.js', 'requires' => 'ui-core,widget,ui-theme', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), //jquery ui effects 'effects-core' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect.js', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'blind' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect-blind.js', 'requires' => 'effects-core', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'bounce' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect-bounce.js', 'requires' => 'effects-core', 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'clip' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect-clip.js', 'requires' => array('effects-core'), 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'drop' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect-drop.js', 'requires' => array('effects-core'), 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'explode' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect-explode.js', 'requires' => array('effects-core'), 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'fade' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect-fade.js', 'requires' => array('effects-core'), 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'fold' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect-fold.js', 'requires' => array('effects-core'), 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'highlight' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect-highlight.js', 'requires' => array('effects-core'), 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'puff' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect-puff.js', 'requires' => array('effects-core'), 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'pulsate' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect-pulsate.js', 'requires' => array('effects-core'), 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'scale' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect-scale.js', 'requires' => array('effects-core'), 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'shake' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect-shake.js', 'requires' => array('effects-core'), 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'size' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect-size.js', 'requires' => array('effects-core'), 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'slide' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect-slide.js', 'requires' => array('effects-core'), 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), 'transfer' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/jquery_ui/effect-transfer.js', 'requires' => array('effects-core'), 'package' => 'jquery_ui', ), //html5shiv 'html5shiv' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/js/shiv/html5shiv.js', 'label' => 'Html5Shiv', 'cdn' => array( 'CloudFlare' => '//', ), ), 'printshiv' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/js/shiv/html5shiv-printshiv.js', 'label' => 'PrintShiv', 'cdn' => array( 'CloudFlare' => '//', ), ), //respond.js 'respondjs' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/js/respond.min.js', 'label' => 'Respond.js', 'cdn' => array( 'CloudFlare' => '//', ), ), //bootstrap 2.3.2 css (deprecated) 'bootstrap-css' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css', ), 'bootstrap-responsive-css' =>array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css', 'requires' => 'bootstrap-css', ), //bootstrap 2.3.2 js (deprecated) 'bootstrap-alert' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap/js/bootstrap-alert.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap', 'requires' => 'bootstrap-transition', ), 'bootstrap-button' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap/js/bootstrap-button.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap', ), 'bootstrap-carousel' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap/js/bootstrap-carousel.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap', 'requires' => array('bootstrap-transition'), ), 'bootstrap-collapse' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap/js/bootstrap-collapse.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap', 'requires' => 'bootstrap-transition', ), 'bootstrap-dropdown' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap/js/bootstrap-dropdown.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap', ), 'bootstrap-modal' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap/js/bootstrap-modal.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap', ), 'bootstrap-popover' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap/js/bootstrap-popover.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap', 'requires' => 'bootstrap-tooltip', ), 'bootstrap-scrollspy' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap/js/bootstrap-scrollspy.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap', ), 'bootstrap-tab' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap/js/bootstrap-tab.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap', 'requires' => 'bootstrap-transition', ), 'bootstrap-tooltip' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap/js/bootstrap-tooltip.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap', 'requires' => 'bootstrap-transition', ), 'bootstrap-transition' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap/js/bootstrap-transition.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap', ), 'bootstrap-typeahead' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap/js/bootstrap-typeahead.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap', ), 'bootstrap-js' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap', 'exclude' => 'bootstrap-alert,bootstrap-button,bootstrap-carousel,bootstrap-collapse,bootstrap-dropdown,bootstrap-modal,bootstrap-popover,bootstrap-scrollspy,bootstrap-tab,bootstrap-tooltip,bootstrap-transition,bootstrap-typeahead', ), 'bootstrap-all' => array( 'package' => 'bootstrap', 'requires' => 'bootstrap-responsive-css,bootstrap-js', ), // Bootstrap3 'bootstrap3-js' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap3/js/bootstrap.min.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap3', 'exclude' => 'bootstrap3-affix,bootstrap3-alert,bootstrap3-button,bootstrap3-carousel,bootstrap3-collapse,bootstrap3-dropdown,bootstrap3-modal,bootstrap3-popover,bootstrap3-scrollspy,bootstrap3-tab,bootstrap3-tooltip,bootstrap3-transition', ), 'bootstrap3-affix' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap3/js/affix.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap3', ), 'bootstrap3-alert' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap3/js/alert.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap3', 'requires' => 'bootstrap3-transition', ), 'bootstrap3-button' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap3/js/button.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap3', ), 'bootstrap3-carousel' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap3/js/carousel.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap3', 'requires' => 'bootstrap3-transition', ), 'bootstrap3-collapse' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap3/js/collapse.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap3', 'requires' => 'bootstrap3-transition', ), 'bootstrap3-dropdown' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap3/js/dropdown.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap3', ), 'bootstrap3-modal' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap3/js/modal.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap3', ), 'bootstrap3-popover' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap3/js/popover.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap3', 'requires' => 'bootstrap3-tooltip', ), 'bootstrap3-scrollspy' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap3/js/scrollspy.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap3', ), 'bootstrap3-tab' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap3/js/tab.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap3', 'requires' => 'bootstrap3-transition', ), 'bootstrap3-tooltip' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap3/js/tooltip.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap3', 'requires' => 'bootstrap3-transition', ), 'bootstrap3-transition' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/Bootstrap3/js/transition.js', 'package' => 'bootstrap3', ), //fontawesome 'fontawesome' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css', 'label' => 'Font Awesome', 'cdn' => array( 'CloudFlare' => '//', ), ), //colorbox 'colorbox' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/colorbox139/colorbox/jquery.colorbox.js', 'requires' => 'gp-main,colorbox-css', 'label' => 'Colorbox JS', 'cdn' => array( 'CloudFlare' => '//', ), ), 'colorbox-css' => array( 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/colorbox139/$config[colorbox_style]/colorbox.css', 'type' => 'css', ), //jQuery.dotdotdot (multi-line text truncation) 'dotdotdot' => array( //'file' => '/include/thirdparty/dotdotdot/jquery.dotdotdot.min.js', 'file' => '/include/thirdparty/dotdotdot/jquery.dotdotdot.js', ), ); /** * Generate a file with all of the combined content * */ public static function GenerateFile($files,$type){ global $dataDir; //get etag $modified = $content_length = 0; $full_paths = array(); foreach($files as $file){ $full_path = self::CheckFile($file); if( $full_path === false ){ continue; } self::FileStat_Static($full_path,$modified,$content_length); $full_paths[$file] = $full_path; } //check css imports if( $type == 'css' ){ $had_imported = false; $import_data = array(); $imported_file = $dataDir.'/data/_cache/import_info.php'; if( file_exists($imported_file) ){ include_once($imported_file); } foreach($full_paths as $file => $full_path){ if( !isset($import_data[$full_path]) ){ continue; } $had_imported = true; foreach($import_data[$full_path] as $imported_full){ self::FileStat_Static($imported_full,$modified,$content_length); } unset($import_data[$full_path]); } } //check to see if file exists $etag = \gp\tool::GenEtag( json_encode($files), $modified, $content_length ); $cache_relative = '/data/_cache/combined_'.$etag.'.'.$type; $cache_file = $dataDir.$cache_relative; if( file_exists($cache_file) ){ // change modified time to extend cache if( (time() - filemtime($cache_file)) > 604800 ){ touch($cache_file); } return $cache_relative; } //create file if( $type == 'js' ){ ob_start(); \gp\tool::jsStart(); foreach($full_paths as $full_path){ readfile($full_path); echo ";\n"; } $combined_content = ob_get_clean(); }else{ $imports = $combined_content = ''; $new_imported = array(); foreach($full_paths as $file => $full_path){ $temp = new \gp\tool\Output\CombineCss($file); $combined_content .= "\n/* ".$file." */\n"; $combined_content .= $temp->content; $imports .= $temp->imports; if( count($temp->imported) ){ $new_imported[$full_path] = $temp->imported; } } $combined_content = $imports . $combined_content; //save imported data if( count($new_imported) || $had_imported ){ if( count($new_imported) ){ $import_data = $new_imported + $import_data; } \gp\tool\Files::SaveData($imported_file,'import_data',$import_data); } } if( !\gp\tool\Files::Save($cache_file,$combined_content) ){ return false; } \gp\admin\Tools::CleanCache(); return $cache_relative; } /** * Make sure the file is a css or js file and that it exists * @static */ public static function CheckFile(&$file){ global $dataDir; $comment_start = ''; $file = self::TrimQuery($file); if( empty($file) ){ return false; } //translate addon paths $pos = strpos($file,'/data/_addoncode/'); if( $pos !== false ){ $file_parts = substr($file,$pos+17); $file_parts = explode('/',$file_parts); $addon_key = array_shift($file_parts); $addon_config = \gp\tool\Plugins::GetAddonConfig($addon_key); if( $addon_config ){ $file = $addon_config['code_folder_rel'].'/'.implode('/',$file_parts); } } //remove null charachters $file = \gp\tool\Files::NoNull($file); //require .js or .css $ext = \gp\tool::Ext($file); if( $ext !== 'js' && $ext !== 'css' && $ext !== 'less' && $ext !== 'scss' ){ echo "\n{$comment_start} File Not CSS, LESS or JS {$file} {$comment_end}\n"; return false; } //paths that have been urlencoded if( strpos($file,'%') !== false ){ $decoded_file = rawurldecode($file); if( $full_path = self::CheckFileSub($decoded_file) ){ $file = $decoded_file; return $full_path; } } //paths that have not been encoded if( $full_path = self::CheckFileSub($file) ){ return $full_path; } echo "\n{$comment_start} File Not Found {$dataDir}{$file} {$comment_end}\n"; return false; } public static function CheckFileSub(&$file){ global $dataDir, $dirPrefix; //realpath returns false if file does not exist $full_path = $dataDir.$file; if( file_exists($full_path) ){ return realpath($full_path); } //check for paths that have already included $dirPrefix if( empty($dirPrefix) ){ return false; } if( strpos($file,$dirPrefix) === 0 ){ $fixed = substr($file,strlen($dirPrefix)); $full_path = $dataDir.$fixed; if( file_exists($full_path) ){ $file = $fixed; return realpath($full_path); } } return false; } public static function FileStat_Static( $file_path, &$modified, &$content_length ){ $content_length += @filesize($file_path); if( strpos($file_path,'/data/_cache/') === false ){ $modified = max( $modified, @filemtime($file_path) ); } return $modified; } /** * Remove the query off a file path * */ public static function TrimQuery($file){ $pos = mb_strpos($file,'?'); if( $pos > 0 ){ $file = mb_substr($file,0,$pos); } return trim($file); } public static function ScriptInfo( $components, $dependencies = true){ global $config; static $root_call = true; if( is_string($components) ){ $components = explode(',',strtolower($components)); $components = array_unique($components); } self::$scripts['colorbox-css']['file'] = '/include/thirdparty/colorbox139/'.$config['colorbox_style'].'/colorbox.css'; $all_scripts = array(); //get all scripts foreach($components as $component){ if( !array_key_exists($component,self::$scripts) ){ $all_scripts[$component] = false; continue; } $script_info = self::$scripts[$component]; if( $dependencies && isset($script_info['requires']) ){ $is_root_call = $root_call; $root_call = false; $all_scripts += self::ScriptInfo($script_info['requires']); $root_call = $is_root_call; } $all_scripts[$component] = self::$scripts[$component]; } if( !$root_call ){ return $all_scripts; } $all_scripts = array_filter($all_scripts); $first_scripts = array(); //make sure jquery is the first if( array_key_exists('jquery',$all_scripts) ){ $first_scripts['jquery'] = $all_scripts['jquery']; } // move any bootstrap components to front to prevent conflicts // hack for conflict between jquery ui button and bootstrap button foreach($all_scripts as $key => $script){ if( !array_key_exists('package',$script) ){ continue; } if( $script['package'] == 'bootstrap' || $script['package'] == 'bootstrap3' ){ $first_scripts[$key] = $script; } } $all_scripts = $first_scripts + $all_scripts; $all_scripts = self::RemoveExcludes($all_scripts); return self::OrganizeByType($all_scripts); } /** * Remove Excludes * */ public static function RemoveExcludes($scripts){ $excludes = array(); foreach($scripts as $key => $script){ if( empty($script['exclude']) ){ continue; } if( !is_array($script['exclude']) ){ $script['exclude'] = explode(',',$script['exclude']); } $excludes = array_merge($excludes,$script['exclude']); } return array_diff_key($scripts,array_flip($excludes)); } /** * Organize $scripts by type * */ public static function OrganizeByType($scripts){ $return = array('js'=>array(),'css'=>array() ); foreach($scripts as $key => $script){ if( empty($script['file']) ){ continue; } if( gpdebug && !empty($script['dev']) ){ $script['file'] = $script['dev']; } if( empty($script['type']) ){ $script['type'] = \gp\tool::Ext($script['file']); } if( $script['type'] == 'less' || $script['type'] == 'scss' ){ $script['type'] = 'css'; } $return[$script['type']][$key] = $script; } return $return; } }