page->head_js[] = '/include/js/admin_users.js'; $this->possible_permissions = $this->PossiblePermissions(); $this->GetUsers(); $cmd = \gp\tool::GetCommand(); switch($cmd){ case 'save_file_permissions': if( $this->SaveFilePermissions() ){ return; } case 'file_permissions': $this->FilePermissions(); return; case 'newuser': if( $this->CreateNewUser() ){ break; } case 'newuserform'; $this->NewUserForm(); return; case 'rm': $this->RmUserConfirmed(); break; case 'resetpass': if( $this->ResetPass() ){ break; } case 'changepass': $this->ChangePass(); return; case 'SaveChanges': if( $this->SaveChanges() ){ break; } case 'details': $this->ChangeDetails(); return; } $this->ShowForm(); } /** * Return an array of possible permissions * */ public static function PossiblePermissions(){ $possible = array(); $scripts = \gp\admin\Tools::AdminScripts(); foreach($scripts as $script => $info){ if( isset($info['permission']) ){ continue; } if( !isset($info['label']) ){ continue; } $script = str_replace('/','_',$script); $possible[$script] = $info['label']; } return $possible; } /** * Save changes made to an existing user's permissions * */ public function SaveChanges(){ global $langmessage,$gpAdmin; $username =& $_REQUEST['username']; if( !isset($this->users[$username]) ){ message($langmessage['OOPS']); return false; } if( !empty($_POST['email']) ){ $this->users[$username]['email'] = $_POST['email']; } $this->users[$username]['granted'] = $this->GetPostedPermissions($username); $this->users[$username]['editing'] = $this->GetEditingPermissions(); //this needs to happen before SaveUserFile(); //update the /_session file $userinfo =& $this->users[$username]; $userinfo = \gp\tool\Session::SetSessionFileName($userinfo,$username); //make sure $userinfo['file_name'] is set if( !$this->SaveUserFile() ){ return false; } // update the $user_file_name file $is_curr_user = ($gpAdmin['username'] == $username); $this->UserFileDetails($username,$is_curr_user); return true; } /** * Update the users session file with new permission data * */ public function UserFileDetails($username,$is_curr_user){ global $dataDir; $user_info = $this->users[$username]; $user_file = $dataDir.'/data/_sessions/'.$user_info['file_name']; if( $is_curr_user ){ global $gpAdmin; }else{ $gpAdmin = \gp\tool\Files::Get($user_file,'gpAdmin'); } if( !$gpAdmin ){ return; } $gpAdmin['granted'] = $user_info['granted']; $gpAdmin['editing'] = $user_info['editing']; \gp\tool\Files::SaveData($user_file,'gpAdmin',$gpAdmin); } /** * Display the permissions of a single user * */ public function ChangeDetails(){ global $langmessage; $username =& $_REQUEST['username']; if( !isset($this->users[$username]) ){ message($langmessage['OOPS']); return false; } $userinfo = $this->users[$username]; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $this->DetailsForm($userinfo,$username); echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo $langmessage['details']; echo ' - '; echo $username; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo '
'; echo '
'; } /** * Remove a user from the installation * */ public function RmUserConfirmed(){ global $langmessage; $username = $this->CheckUser(); if( $username == false ){ return; } unset($this->users[$username]); return $this->SaveUserFile(); } /** * Make sure the submitted username exists * */ public function CheckUser(){ global $langmessage,$gpAdmin; $username = $_POST['username']; if( !isset($this->users[$username]) ){ message($langmessage['OOPS']); return false; } //don't allow deleting self if( $username == $gpAdmin['username'] ){ message($langmessage['OOPS']); return false; } return $username; } public function CreateNewUser(){ global $langmessage; $_POST += array('grant'=>''); if( ($_POST['password']=="") || ($_POST['password'] !== $_POST['password1']) ){ message($langmessage['invalid_password']); return false; } $newname = $_POST['username']; $test = str_replace( array('.','_'), array(''), $newname ); if( empty($test) || !ctype_alnum($test) ){ message($langmessage['invalid_username']); return false; } if( isset($this->users[$newname]) ){ message($langmessage['OOPS']); return false; } if( !empty($_POST['email']) ){ $this->users[$newname]['email'] = $_POST['email']; } $this->users[$newname]['granted'] = $this->GetPostedPermissions($newname); $this->users[$newname]['editing'] = $this->GetEditingPermissions(); self::SetUserPass( $this->users[$newname], $_POST['password']); return $this->SaveUserFile(); } /** * Set the user password and password hash algorithm * */ public static function SetUserPass( &$user_info, $password ){ if( function_exists('password_hash') && $_REQUEST['algo'] == 'password_hash' ){ $temp = \gp\tool::hash($_POST['password'],'sha512',50); $user_info['password'] = password_hash($temp,PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $user_info['passhash'] = 'password_hash'; }else{ $user_info['password'] = \gp\tool::hash($_POST['password'],'sha512'); $user_info['passhash'] = 'sha512'; } } /** * Return the posted admin permissions * */ public function GetPostedPermissions($username){ global $gpAdmin; if( isset($_POST['grant_all']) && ($_POST['grant_all'] == 'all') ){ return 'all'; } $_POST += array('grant'=>array()); $array = $_POST['grant']; //cannot remove self from Admin/Users if( $username == $gpAdmin['username'] ){ $array = array_merge($array, array('Admin/Users')); } if( !is_array($array) ){ return ''; } $keys = array_keys($this->possible_permissions); $array = array_intersect($keys,$array); return implode(',',$array); } /** * Return the posted file editing permissions * */ public function GetEditingPermissions(){ global $gp_titles; if( isset($_POST['editing_all']) && ($_POST['editing_all'] == 'all') ){ return 'all'; } $_POST += array('titles'=>array()); $array = $_POST['titles']; if( !is_array($array) ){ return ''; } $keys = array_keys($gp_titles); $array = array_intersect($keys,$array); if( count($array) > 0 ){ return ','.implode(',',$array).','; } return ''; } public function SaveUserFile($refresh = true ){ global $langmessage; if( !\gp\tool\Files::SaveData('_site/users','users',$this->users) ){ message($langmessage['OOPS']); return false; } if( $refresh && isset($_GET['gpreq']) && $_GET['gpreq'] == 'json' ){ message($langmessage['SAVED'].' '.$langmessage['REFRESH']); }else{ message($langmessage['SAVED']); } return true; } /** * Show all users and their permissions * */ public function ShowForm(){ global $langmessage; echo '


'; ob_start(); echo ''; echo ''; foreach($this->users as $username => $userinfo){ echo ''; //file editing echo ''; //options echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; echo '
'; echo $langmessage['username']; echo ''; echo $langmessage['Password Algorithm']; echo ''; echo $langmessage['permissions']; echo ''; echo $langmessage['file_editing']; echo ''; echo $langmessage['options']; echo '
'; echo $username; //algorithm echo ''; $this->PassAlgo($userinfo); //admin permissions echo ''; if( $userinfo['granted'] == 'all' ){ echo 'all'; }elseif( !empty($userinfo['granted']) ){ $permissions = explode(',',$userinfo['granted']); $list = array(); foreach($permissions as $permission){ if( isset($this->possible_permissions[$permission]) ){ $list[] = $this->possible_permissions[$permission]; } } if( count($list) ){ echo implode(', ',$list); }else{ echo $langmessage['None']; } }else{ echo $langmessage['None']; } echo ''; if( !isset($userinfo['editing']) ){ $userinfo['editing'] = 'all'; } if( $userinfo['editing'] == 'all' ){ echo $langmessage['All']; }else{ $count = 0; $counts = count_chars( $userinfo['editing'],1 ); //count the commas if( !empty($userinfo['editing']) && isset($counts[44]) ){ $count = $counts[44]-1; } if( $count == 0 ){ echo $langmessage['None']; }else{ echo sprintf($langmessage['%s Pages'],$count); } } echo ''; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Users',$langmessage['details'],'cmd=details&username='.$username); echo '   '; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Users',$langmessage['password'],'cmd=changepass&username='.$username); echo '   '; $title = sprintf($langmessage['generic_delete_confirm'],htmlspecialchars($username)); echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Users',$langmessage['delete'],'cmd=rm&username='.$username,array('data-cmd'=>'postlink','title'=>$title,'class'=>'gpconfirm')); echo '
'; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Users',$langmessage['new_user'],'cmd=newuserform'); echo '
'; $content = ob_get_clean(); if( $this->has_weak_pass ){ echo '

Warning: '; echo 'Weak password algorithms are being used for one or more users. To fix this issue, reset the user\'s password. '; echo '

'; } echo $content; } /** * Display the password algorithm being used for the user * */ public function PassAlgo($userinfo){ $algo = \gp\tool\Session::PassAlgo($userinfo); switch($algo){ case 'md5': case 'sha1': $this->has_weak_pass = true; echo ''.$algo.''; return; } echo $algo; } /** * Display form for adding new admin user * */ public function NewUserForm(){ global $langmessage; $_POST += array('username'=>'','email'=>'','grant'=>array(),'grant_all'=>'all','editing_all'=>'all'); echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $this->AlgoSelect(); $_POST['granted'] = $this->GetPostedPermissions(false); $_POST['editing'] = $this->GetEditingPermissions(); $this->DetailsForm($_POST); echo ''; echo '
'; echo $langmessage['new_user']; echo '
'; echo $langmessage['username']; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo $langmessage['password']; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo str_replace(' ',' ',$langmessage['repeat_password']); echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo '
'; echo '
'; } /** * Display '; foreach($algos as $algo => $avail){ $attr = ''; if( !$avail ){ $attr .= 'disabled'; } if( isset($_REQUEST['algo']) && $algo == $_REQUEST['algo'] ){ $attr .= ' selected'; } echo ''; } echo ''; echo '   password_hash requires PHP 5.5+'; echo ''; } /** * Display permission options * */ public function DetailsForm( $values=array(), $username=false ){ global $langmessage, $gp_titles; $values += array('granted'=>'','email'=>''); //email address echo ''; echo str_replace(' ',' ',$langmessage['email_address']); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; //admin permissions echo ''; echo str_replace(' ',' ',$langmessage['grant_usage']); echo ''; $all = false; $current = $values['granted']; $checked = ''; if( $current == 'all' ){ $all = true; $checked = ' checked="checked" '; }else{ $current = ','.$current.','; } echo '

'; foreach($this->possible_permissions as $permission => $label){ $checked = ''; if( $all ){ $checked = ' checked="checked" '; }elseif( strpos($current,','.$permission.',') !== false ){ $checked = ' checked="checked" '; } echo ' '; } echo ''; //file editing echo ''; echo $langmessage['file_editing']; echo ''; $editing_values = $values['editing']; $all = ($editing_values == 'all'); $checked = $all ? ' checked="checked" ' : ''; echo '

'; echo '
'; $ordered = array(); foreach($gp_titles as $index => $info){ $ordered[$index] = strip_tags(\gp\tool::GetLabelIndex($index)); } uasort($ordered,'strnatcasecmp'); foreach($ordered as $index => $label){ $checked = ''; if( $all ){ $checked = ' checked="checked" '; }elseif( strpos($editing_values,','.$index.',') !== false ){ $checked = ' checked="checked" '; } echo ' '; } echo '
'; echo ''; } /** * Display form for changing a user password * */ public function ChangePass(){ global $langmessage; $username =& $_REQUEST['username']; if( !isset($this->users[$username]) ){ message($langmessage['OOPS']); return; } echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $this->AlgoSelect(); echo ''; echo '
'; echo $langmessage['change_password']; echo ' - '; echo $username; echo '
'; echo $langmessage['new_password']; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo str_replace(' ',' ',$langmessage['repeat_password']); echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ' '; echo '
'; echo '
'; } /** * Save a user's new password * */ public function ResetPass(){ global $langmessage, $config; if( !$this->CheckPasswords() ){ return false; } $username = $_POST['username']; if( !isset($this->users[$username]) ){ message($langmessage['OOPS']); return false; } self::SetUserPass( $this->users[$username], $_POST['password']); return $this->SaveUserFile(); } /** * Check the posted passwords * Make sure they're not empty and the match each other * */ public function CheckPasswords(){ global $langmessage; //see also Admin/Users for password checking if( ($_POST['password']=="") || ($_POST['password'] !== $_POST['password1']) ){ message($langmessage['invalid_password']); return false; } return true; } public function GetUsers(){ $this->users = \gp\tool\Files::Get('_site/users'); //fix the editing value foreach($this->users as $username => $userinfo){ $userinfo += array('granted'=>''); \gp\admin\Tools::EditingValue($userinfo); $this->users[$username] = $userinfo; } } /** * Display the permission options for a file * */ public function FilePermissions(){ global $gp_titles, $langmessage; $indexes = $this->RequestedIndexes(); if( !$indexes ){ return; } $count = count($indexes); $first_index = $indexes[0]; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; //heading echo '

'.\gp\tool::Link('Admin/Users',$langmessage['user_permissions']).' » '; if( $count > 1 ){ echo sprintf($langmessage['%s Pages'],$count); }else{ echo strip_tags(\gp\tool::GetLabelIndex($indexes[0])); } echo '

'; //list of files if( $count > 1 ){ $labels = array(); foreach( $indexes as $index ){ $labels[] = strip_tags(\gp\tool::GetLabelIndex($index)); } echo '

'; echo implode(', ',$labels); echo '

'; } //list of users echo '
'; foreach($this->users as $username => $userinfo){ $attr = ''; if( $userinfo['editing'] == 'all'){ $attr = ' checked="checked" disabled="disabled"'; }elseif(strpos($userinfo['editing'],','.$first_index.',') !== false ){ $attr = ' checked="checked"'; } echo ' '; } echo '
'; echo '

'; echo ''; echo ' '; echo '

'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } /** * Save the permissions for a specific file * */ public function SaveFilePermissions(){ global $gp_titles, $langmessage, $gp_index, $gpAdmin; $indexes = $this->RequestedIndexes(); if( !$indexes ){ return; } foreach($this->users as $username => $userinfo){ if( $userinfo['editing'] == 'all'){ continue; } $editing = $userinfo['editing']; foreach($indexes as $index){ if( isset($_POST['users'][$username]) ){ $editing .= $index.','; }else{ $editing = str_replace( ','.$index.',', ',', $editing); } } $editing = explode(',',trim($editing,',')); $editing = array_intersect($editing,$gp_index); if( count($editing) ){ $editing = ','.implode(',',$editing).','; }else{ $editing = ''; } $this->users[$username]['editing'] = $editing; $is_curr_user = ($gpAdmin['username'] == $username); $this->UserFileDetails($username,$is_curr_user); } return $this->SaveUserFile(false); } /** * Get the menu indexes * */ public function RequestedIndexes(){ global $langmessage, $gp_titles; $_REQUEST += array('index'=>''); $indexes = explode(',',$_REQUEST['index']); if( !$indexes ){ message($langmessage['OOPS'].' Invalid Title (1)'); return; } $cleaned = array(); foreach($indexes as $index){ if( !isset($gp_titles[$index]) ){ continue; } $cleaned[] = $index; } if( !$cleaned ){ message($langmessage['OOPS'].' Invalid Title (2)'); return; } return $cleaned; } }