' ).parent().html();
newSettingsBlock = newSettingsBlock.replace( /\[conditionals\]\[(\d+)\]\[(\d+)\]/g, '[conditionals][0][0]' );
$firstSettingsBlock.before( newSettingsBlock );
var $addedSettingBlock = $firstSettingsBlock.prev();
// Reset the confirmation type to the 1st one.
if ( blockType === 'confirmation' ) {
app.confirmationFieldsToggle( $( '.wpforms-panel-field-confirmations-type' ).first() );
// Init the WP Editor.
if ( typeof tinymce !== 'undefined' && typeof wp.editor !== 'undefined' && blockType === 'confirmation' ) {
wp.editor.initialize( 'wpforms-panel-field-confirmations-message-' + nextID, s.tinymceDefaults );
// Init tooltips for new section.
$builder.trigger( 'wpformsSettingsBlockAdded', [ $addedSettingBlock ] );
$el.attr( 'data-next-id', nextID + 1 );
cancel: {
text: wpforms_builder.cancel,
} );
// We need to process this event here, because we need a confirm modal object defined, so we can intrude into it.
// Pressing Enter will click the Ok button.
$builder.on( 'keypress', '#settings-block-name', function( e ) {
if ( e.keyCode === 13 ) {
$( modal.buttons.confirm.el ).trigger( 'click' );
} );
* Show settings block editing interface.
* @since 1.4.8
settingsBlockNameEditingShow: function ($el) {
var header_holder = $el.parents('.wpforms-builder-settings-block-header'),
name_holder = header_holder.find('.wpforms-builder-settings-block-name');
// Make the editing interface active and in focus
* Update settings block name and hide editing interface.
* @since 1.4.8
settingsBlockNameEditingHide: function ($el) {
var header_holder = $el.parents('.wpforms-builder-settings-block-header'),
name_holder = header_holder.find('.wpforms-builder-settings-block-name'),
edit_holder = header_holder.find('.wpforms-builder-settings-block-name-edit'),
current_name = edit_holder.find('input').val().trim(),
blockType = $el.closest('.wpforms-builder-settings-block').data('block-type');
// Provide a default value for empty settings block name.
if (! current_name.length) {
current_name = wpforms_builder[blockType + '_def_name'];
// This is done for sanitizing.
// Editing should be hidden, displaying - active.
* Clone the Notification block with all of its content and events.
* Put the newly created clone above the target.
* @since 1.6.5
* @param {object} $el Clone icon DOM element.
settingsBlockPanelClone: function( $el ) {
var $panel = $el.closest( '.wpforms-panel-content-section' ),
$addNewSettingButton = $panel.find( '.wpforms-builder-settings-block-add' ),
$settingsBlock = $el.closest( '.wpforms-builder-settings-block' ),
$settingBlockContent = $settingsBlock.find( '.wpforms-builder-settings-block-content' ),
settingsBlockId = parseInt( $addNewSettingButton.attr( 'data-next-id' ), 10 ),
settingsBlockType = $settingsBlock.data( 'block-type' ),
settingsBlockName = $settingsBlock.find( '.wpforms-builder-settings-block-name' ).text().trim() + wpforms_builder[ settingsBlockType + '_clone' ],
isVisibleContent = $settingBlockContent.is( ':hidden' );
// Restore tooltips before cloning.
wpf.restoreTooltips( $settingsBlock );
var $clone = $settingsBlock.clone( false, true );
// Save open/close state while cloning.
app.settingsBlockUpdateState( isVisibleContent, settingsBlockId, settingsBlockType );
// Change the cloned setting block ID and name.
$clone.data( 'block-id', settingsBlockId );
$clone.find( '.wpforms-builder-settings-block-header span' ).text( settingsBlockName );
$clone.find( '.wpforms-builder-settings-block-header input' ).val( settingsBlockName );
$clone.removeClass( 'wpforms-builder-settings-block-default' );
// Change the Next Settings block ID for "Add new" button.
$addNewSettingButton.attr( 'data-next-id', settingsBlockId + 1 );
// Change the name attribute.
$clone.find( 'input, textarea, select' ).each( function() {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.attr( 'name' ) ) {
$this.attr( 'name', $this.attr( 'name' ).replace( /\[(\d+)\]/, '[' + settingsBlockId + ']' ) );
if ( $this.data( 'name' ) ) {
$this.data( 'name', $this.data( 'name' ).replace( /\[(\d+)\]/, '[' + settingsBlockId + ']' ) );
if ( $this.attr( 'class' ) ) {
$this.attr( 'class', $this.attr( 'class' ).replace( /-(\d+)/, '-' + settingsBlockId ) );
if ( $this.attr( 'data-radio-group' ) ) {
$this.attr( 'data-radio-group', $this.attr( 'data-radio-group' ).replace( /(\d+)-/, settingsBlockId + '-' ) );
} );
// Change IDs/data-attributes in DOM elements.
$clone.find( '*' ).each( function() {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.attr( 'id' ) ) {
$this.attr( 'id', $this.attr( 'id' ).replace( /-(\d+)/, '-' + settingsBlockId ) );
if ( $this.attr( 'for' ) ) {
$this.attr( 'for', $this.attr( 'for' ).replace( /-(\d+)-/, '-' + settingsBlockId + '-' ) );
if ( $this.data( 'input-name' ) ) {
$this.data( 'input-name', $this.data( 'input-name' ).replace( /\[(\d+)\]/, '[' + settingsBlockId + ']' ) );
} );
// Transfer selected values to copied elements since jQuery doesn't clone the current selected state.
$settingsBlock.find( 'select' ).each( function() {
var baseSelectName = $( this ).attr( 'name' ),
clonedSelectName = $( this ).attr( 'name' ).replace( /\[(\d+)\]/, '[' + settingsBlockId + ']' );
$clone.find( 'select[name="' + clonedSelectName + '"]' ).val( $( this ).attr( 'name', baseSelectName ).val() );
} );
// Insert before the target settings block.
.css( 'display', 'none' )
.insertBefore( $settingsBlock )
.show( 'fast', function() {
// Init tooltips for new section.
} );
* Show or hide settings block panel content.
* @since 1.4.8
* @param {object} $el Toggle icon DOM element.
settingsBlockPanelToggle: function( $el ) {
var $settingsBlock = $el.closest( '.wpforms-builder-settings-block' ),
settingsBlockId = $settingsBlock.data( 'block-id' ),
settingsBlockType = $settingsBlock.data( 'block-type' ),
$content = $settingsBlock.find( '.wpforms-builder-settings-block-content' ),
isVisible = $content.is( ':visible' );
$content.stop().slideToggle( {
duration: 400,
start: function() {
// Send early to save fast.
// It's animation start, so we should save the state for animation end (reversed).
app.settingsBlockUpdateState( isVisible, settingsBlockId, settingsBlockType );
always: function() {
if ( $content.is( ':visible' ) ) {
$el.html( '
' );
} else {
$el.html( '
' );
} );
* Delete settings block.
* @since 1.4.8
* @since Registered `wpformsSettingsBlockDeleted` trigger.
* @param {jQuery} $el Delete button element.
settingsBlockDelete: function( $el ) {
var $contentSection = $el.closest( '.wpforms-panel-content-section' ),
$currentBlock = $el.closest( '.wpforms-builder-settings-block' ),
blockType = $currentBlock.data( 'block-type' );
// Skip if only one block persist.
// This condition should not execute in normal circumstances.
if ( $contentSection.find( '.wpforms-builder-settings-block' ).length < 2 ) {
$.confirm( {
title: false,
content: wpforms_builder[ blockType + '_delete' ],
icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
type: 'orange',
buttons: {
confirm: {
text: wpforms_builder.ok,
btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
keys: [ 'enter' ],
action: function() {
var settingsBlockId = $currentBlock.data( 'block-id' ),
settingsBlockType = $currentBlock.data( 'block-type' );
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
$.post( wpforms_builder.ajax_url, {
action : 'wpforms_builder_settings_block_state_remove',
nonce : wpforms_builder.nonce,
block_id : settingsBlockId,
block_type: settingsBlockType,
form_id : s.formID,
} );
/* eslint-enable */
$builder.trigger( 'wpformsSettingsBlockDeleted', [ blockType, settingsBlockId ] );
cancel: {
text: wpforms_builder.cancel,
} );
* Change open/close state for setting block.
* @since 1.6.5
* @param {boolean} isVisible State status.
* @param {number} settingsBlockId Block ID.
* @param {string} settingsBlockType Block type.
settingsBlockUpdateState: function( isVisible, settingsBlockId, settingsBlockType ) {
$.post( wpforms_builder.ajax_url, {
action: 'wpforms_builder_settings_block_state_save',
state: isVisible ? 'closed' : 'opened',
form_id: s.formID,
block_id: settingsBlockId,
block_type: settingsBlockType,
nonce: wpforms_builder.nonce,
} );
// Save and Exit
* Element bindings for Embed and Save/Exit items.
* @since 1.0.0
* @since 1.5.8 Added trigger on `wpformsSaved` event to remove a `newform` URL-parameter.
bindUIActionsSaveExit: function() {
// Embed form.
$builder.on( 'click', '#wpforms-embed', function( e ) {
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'wpforms-disabled' ) ) {
} );
// Save form.
$builder.on( 'click', '#wpforms-save', function( e ) {
app.formSave( false );
} );
// Exit builder.
$builder.on( 'click', '#wpforms-exit', function( e ) {
} );
// After form save.
$builder.on( 'wpformsSaved', function( e, data ) {
* Remove `newform` parameter, if it's in URL, otherwise we can to get a "race condition".
* E.g. form settings will be updated before some provider connection is loaded.
wpf.removeQueryParam( 'newform' );
} );
* Save form.
* @since 1.0.0
formSave: function(redirect) {
var $saveBtn = $( '#wpforms-save' ),
$icon = $saveBtn.find( 'i.fa-check' ),
$spinner = $saveBtn.find( 'i.wpforms-loading-spinner' ),
$label = $saveBtn.find( 'span' ),
text = $label.text();
if ( typeof tinyMCE !== 'undefined' ) {
$label.text( wpforms_builder.saving );
$icon.addClass( 'wpforms-hidden' );
$spinner.removeClass( 'wpforms-hidden' );
var data = {
action: 'wpforms_save_form',
data : JSON.stringify($('#wpforms-builder-form').serializeArray()),
id : s.formID,
nonce : wpforms_builder.nonce
return $.post( wpforms_builder.ajax_url, data, function( response ) {
if ( response.success ) {
wpf.savedState = wpf.getFormState( '#wpforms-builder-form' );
wpf.initialSave = false;
$builder.trigger( 'wpformsSaved', response.data );
if ( true === redirect && app.isBuilderInPopup() ) {
app.builderInPopupClose( 'saved' );
if ( true === redirect ) {
window.location.href = wpforms_builder.exit_url;
} else {
wpf.debug( response );
app.formSaveError( response.data );
} ).fail( function( xhr, textStatus, e ) {
wpf.debug( xhr );
} ).always( function() {
$label.text( text );
$spinner.addClass( 'wpforms-hidden' );
$icon.removeClass( 'wpforms-hidden' );
} );
* Form save error.
* @since 1.6.3
* @param {string} error Error message.
formSaveError: function( error ) {
// Default error message.
if ( wpf.empty( error ) ) {
error = wpforms_builder.error_save_form;
// Display error in modal window.
$.confirm( {
title: wpforms_builder.heads_up,
content: '
' + error + '
' + wpforms_builder.error_contact_support + '
icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
type: 'orange',
buttons: {
confirm: {
text: wpforms_builder.ok,
btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
keys: [ 'enter' ],
} );
* Exit form builder.
* @since 1.0.0
formExit: function() {
if ( app.isBuilderInPopup() && app.formIsSaved() ) {
app.builderInPopupClose( 'saved' );
if ( app.formIsSaved() ) {
window.location.href = wpforms_builder.exit_url;
} else {
title: false,
content: wpforms_builder.exit_confirm,
icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
type: 'orange',
closeIcon: true,
buttons: {
confirm: {
text: wpforms_builder.save_exit,
btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
keys: [ 'enter' ],
action: function(){
cancel: {
text: wpforms_builder.exit,
action: function() {
closeConfirmation = false;
if ( app.isBuilderInPopup() ) {
app.builderInPopupClose( 'canceled' );
window.location.href = wpforms_builder.exit_url;
* Close confirmation setter.
* @since {VESRSION}
* @param {boolean} confirm Close confirmation flag value.
setCloseConfirmation: function( confirm ) {
closeConfirmation = ! ! confirm;
* Check current form state.
* @since 1.0.0
formIsSaved: function() {
if ( wpf.savedState == wpf.getFormState( '#wpforms-builder-form' ) ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Check if the builder opened in the popup (iframe).
* @since 1.6.2
* @returns {boolean} True if builder opened in the popup.
isBuilderInPopup: function() {
return window.self !== window.parent && window.self.frameElement.id === 'wpforms-builder-iframe';
* Close popup with the form builder.
* @since 1.6.2
* @param {string} action Performed action: saved or canceled.
builderInPopupClose: function( action ) {
var $popup = window.parent.jQuery( '#wpforms-builder-elementor-popup' );
$popup.find( '#wpforms-builder-iframe' ).attr( 'src', 'about:blank' );
$popup.trigger( 'wpformsBuilderInPopupClose', [ action, s.formID ] );
// General / global
* Element bindings for general and global items
* @since 1.2.0
bindUIActionsGeneral: function() {
// Toggle Smart Tags
$builder.on( 'click', '.toggle-smart-tag-display', app.smartTagToggle );
$builder.on( 'click', '.smart-tags-list-display a', app.smartTagInsert );
// Toggle unfoldable group of fields
$builder.on( 'click', '.wpforms-panel-fields-group.unfoldable .wpforms-panel-fields-group-title', app.toggleUnfoldableGroup );
// Field map table, update key source
$builder.on('input', '.wpforms-field-map-table .key-source', function(){
var value = $(this).val(),
$dest = $(this).parent().parent().find('.key-destination'),
name = $dest.data('name');
if (value) {
$dest.attr('name', name.replace('{source}', value.replace(/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/gi, '')));
// Field map table, delete row
$builder.on('click', '.wpforms-field-map-table .remove', function(e) {
app.fieldMapTableDeleteRow(e, $(this));
// Field map table, Add row
$builder.on('click', '.wpforms-field-map-table .add', function(e) {
app.fieldMapTableAddRow(e, $(this));
// Global select field mapping
$(document).on('wpformsFieldUpdate', app.fieldMapSelect);
// Restrict user money input fields
$builder.on( 'input', '.wpforms-money-input', function( event ) {
var $this = $( this ),
amount = $this.val(),
start = $this[ 0 ].selectionStart,
end = $this[ 0 ].selectionEnd;
$this.val( amount.replace( /[^0-9.,]/g, '' ) );
$this[ 0 ].setSelectionRange( start, end );
} );
// Format user money input fields
$builder.on( 'focusout', '.wpforms-money-input', function( event ) {
var $this = $( this ),
amount = $this.val();
if ( ! amount ) {
return amount;
var sanitized = wpf.amountSanitize( amount ),
formatted = wpf.amountFormat( sanitized );
$this.val( formatted );
} );
// Show/hide a group of options.
$builder.on( 'change', '.wpforms-panel-field-toggle', function() {
var $input = $( this );
if ( $input.prop( 'disabled' ) ) {
$input.prop( 'disabled', true );
app.toggleOptionsGroup( $input );
} );
// Don't allow users to enable payments if storing entries has
// been disabled in the General settings.
$builder.on( 'change', '#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-enable, #wpforms-panel-field-paypal_standard-enable, #wpforms-panel-field-authorize_net-enable, #wpforms-panel-field-square-enable', function( event ) {
var $this = $( this ),
gateway = $this.attr( 'id' ).replace( 'wpforms-panel-field-', '' ).replace( '-enable', '' ),
$notificationWrap = $( '.wpforms-panel-content-section-notifications [id*="-' + gateway + '-wrap"]' );
if ( $this.prop( 'checked' ) ) {
var disabled = $( '#wpforms-panel-field-settings-disable_entries' ).prop( 'checked' );
if ( disabled ) {
$.confirm( {
title: wpforms_builder.heads_up,
content: wpforms_builder.payments_entries_off,
icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
type: 'orange',
buttons: {
confirm: {
text: wpforms_builder.ok,
btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
keys: [ 'enter' ],
} );
$this.prop( 'checked', false );
} else {
$notificationWrap.removeClass( 'wpforms-hidden' );
} else {
$notificationWrap.addClass( 'wpforms-hidden' );
$notificationWrap.find( 'input[id*="-' + gateway + '"]' ).prop( 'checked', false );
} );
// Don't allow users to disable entries if payments has been enabled.
$builder.on( 'change', '#wpforms-panel-field-settings-disable_entries', function( event ) {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $this.prop( 'checked' ) ) {
var paymentsEnabled = $( '#wpforms-panel-field-stripe-enable' ).prop( 'checked' ) || $( '#wpforms-panel-field-paypal_standard-enable' ).prop( 'checked' ) || $( '#wpforms-panel-field-authorize_net-enable' ).prop( 'checked' ) || $( '#wpforms-panel-field-square-enable' ).prop( 'checked' );
if ( paymentsEnabled ) {
$.confirm( {
title: wpforms_builder.heads_up,
content: wpforms_builder.payments_on_entries_off,
icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
type: 'orange',
buttons: {
confirm: {
text: wpforms_builder.ok,
btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
keys: [ 'enter' ],
} );
$this.prop( 'checked', false );
} else {
$.alert( {
title: wpforms_builder.heads_up,
content: wpforms_builder.disable_entries,
icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
type: 'orange',
buttons: {
confirm: {
text: wpforms_builder.ok,
btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
keys: [ 'enter' ],
} );
} );
// Upload or add an image.
$builder.on( 'click', '.wpforms-image-upload-add', function( event ) {
var $this = $( this ),
$container = $this.parent(),
mediaModal = wp.media.frames.wpforms_media_frame = wp.media( {
className: 'media-frame wpforms-media-frame',
frame: 'select',
multiple: false,
title: wpforms_builder.upload_image_title,
library: {
type: 'image',
button: {
text: wpforms_builder.upload_image_button,
} );
mediaModal.on( 'select', function() {
var mediaAttachment = mediaModal.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON();
$container.find( '.source' ).val( mediaAttachment.url );
$container.find( '.preview' ).empty();
$container.find( '.preview' ).prepend( '
' );
if ( $this.data( 'after-upload' ) === 'hide' ) {
$builder.trigger( 'wpformsImageUploadAdd', [ $this, $container ] );
} );
// Now that everything has been set, let's open up the frame.
} );
// Remove and uploaded image.
$builder.on( 'click', '.wpforms-image-upload-remove', function( event ) {
var $container = $( this ).parent().parent();
$container.find( '.preview' ).empty();
$container.find( '.wpforms-image-upload-add' ).show();
$container.find( '.source' ).val( '' );
$builder.trigger( 'wpformsImageUploadRemove', [ $( this ), $container ] );
// Validate email smart tags in Notifications fields.
$builder.on( 'blur', '.wpforms-notification .wpforms-panel-field-text input', function() {
app.validateEmailSmartTags( $( this ) );
$builder.on( 'blur', '.wpforms-notification .wpforms-panel-field-textarea textarea', function() {
app.validateEmailSmartTags( $( this ) );
// Mobile notice button click.
$builder.on( 'click', '.wpforms-fullscreen-notice-go-back', app.exitBack );
// License Alert close button click.
$( '#wpforms-builder-license-alert .close' ).on( 'click', app.exitBack );
* Toggle a options group.
* @since 1.6.3
* @param {object} $input Toggled field.
toggleOptionsGroup: function( $input ) {
var name = $input.attr( 'name' ),
type = $input.attr( 'type' ),
value = '',
$body = $( '.wpforms-panel-field-toggle-body[data-toggle="' + name + '"]' ),
enableInput = function() {
$input.prop( 'disabled', false );
if ( $body.length === 0 ) {
if ( 'checkbox' === type || 'radio' === type ) {
value = $input.prop( 'checked' ) ? $input.val() : '0';
} else {
value = $input.val();
$body.each( function() {
var $this = $( this );
$this.attr( 'data-toggle-value' ).toString() === value.toString() ?
$this.slideDown( '', enableInput ) :
$this.slideUp( '', enableInput );
} );
* Toggle all option groups.
* @since 1.6.3
* @param {jQuery} $context Context container jQuery object.
toggleAllOptionGroups: function( $context ) {
$context = $context || $builder || $( '#wpforms-builder' ) || $( 'body' );
if ( ! $context ) {
// Show a toggled bodies.
$context.find( '.wpforms-panel-field-toggle' ).each( function() {
var $input = $( this );
$input.prop( 'disabled', true );
app.toggleOptionsGroup( $input );
} );
* Toggle unfoldable group of fields.
* @since 1.6.8
* @param {object} e Event object.
toggleUnfoldableGroup: function( e ) {
var $title = $( e.target ),
$group = $title.closest( '.wpforms-panel-fields-group' ),
$inner = $group.find( '.wpforms-panel-fields-group-inner' ),
cookieName = 'wpforms_fields_group_' + $group.data( 'group' );
if ( $group.hasClass( 'opened' ) ) {
wpCookies.remove( cookieName );
$group.removeClass( 'opened' );
} else {
wpCookies.set( cookieName, 'true', 2592000 ); // 1 month.
$group.addClass( 'opened' );
* Smart Tag toggling.
* @since 1.0.1
* @since 1.6.9 Simplify method.
* @param {Event} e Event.
smartTagToggle: function( e ) {
var $this = $( this ),
$wrapper = $this.closest( '.wpforms-panel-field,.wpforms-field-option-row' );
if ( $wrapper.hasClass( 'smart-tags-toggling' ) ) {
$wrapper.addClass( 'smart-tags-toggling' );
if ( $this.hasClass( 'smart-tag-showing' ) ) {
app.removeSmartTagsList( $this );
app.insertSmartTagsList( $this );
* Remove Smart Tag list.
* @since 1.6.9
* @param {jQuery} $el Toggle element.
removeSmartTagsList: function( $el ) {
var $wrapper = $el.closest( '.wpforms-panel-field,.wpforms-field-option-row' ),
$list = $wrapper.find( '.smart-tags-list-display' );
$el.find( 'span' ).text( wpforms_builder.smart_tags_show );
$list.slideUp( '', function() {
$el.removeClass( 'smart-tag-showing' );
$wrapper.removeClass( 'smart-tags-toggling' );
} );
* Insert Smart Tag list.
* @since 1.6.9
* @param {jQuery} $el Toggle element.
insertSmartTagsList: function( $el ) {
var $wrapper = $el.closest( '.wpforms-panel-field,.wpforms-field-option-row' ),
$label = $el.closest( 'label' ),
insideLabel = true,
if ( ! $label.length ) {
$label = $wrapper.find( 'label' );
insideLabel = false;
smartTagList = app.getSmartTagsList( $el, $label.attr( 'for' ).indexOf( 'wpforms-field-option-' ) !== -1 );
insideLabel ?
$label.after( smartTagList ) :
$el.after( smartTagList );
$el.find( 'span' ).text( wpforms_builder.smart_tags_hide );
$wrapper.find( '.smart-tags-list-display' ).slideDown( '', function() {
$el.addClass( 'smart-tag-showing' );
$wrapper.removeClass( 'smart-tags-toggling' );
} );
* Get Smart Tag list markup.
* @since 1.6.9
* @param {jQuery} $el Toggle element.
* @param {boolean} isFieldOption Is a field option.
* @returns {string} Smart Tags list markup.
getSmartTagsList: function( $el, isFieldOption = false ) {
var smartTagList;
smartTagList = '
return smartTagList;
* Get Smart Tag fields elements markup.
* @since 1.6.9
* @param {jQuery} $el Toggle element.
* @returns {string} Smart Tags list elements markup.
getSmartTagsListFieldsElements: function( $el ) {
var type = $el.data( 'type' ),
fields = app.getSmartTagsFields( $el ),
smartTagListElements = '';
if ( ! [ 'fields', 'all' ].includes( type ) ) {
return '';
if ( ! fields ) {
return '
' + wpforms_builder.fields_unavailable + '';
smartTagListElements += '
' + wpforms_builder.fields_available + '';
for ( var fieldKey in wpf.orders.fields ) {
var fieldId = wpf.orders.fields[ fieldKey ];
if ( ! fields[ fieldId ] ) {
smartTagListElements += app.getSmartTagsListFieldsElement( fields[ fieldId ] );
return smartTagListElements;
* Get fields that possible to create smart tag.
* @since 1.6.9
* @param {jQuery} $el Toggle element.
* @returns {Array} Fields for smart tags.
getSmartTagsFields: function( $el ) {
var allowed = $el.data( 'fields' );
return allowed && allowed.length ? wpf.getFields( allowed.split( ',' ), true ) : wpf.getFields( false, true );
* Get field markup for the Smart Tags list.
* @since 1.6.9
* @param {object} field A field.
* @returns {string} Smart Tags field markup.
getSmartTagsListFieldsElement: function( field ) {
var label = field.label ?
wpf.encodeHTMLEntities( wpf.sanitizeHTML( field.label ) ) :
wpforms_builder.field + ' #' + field.id;
return '
' + label + '';
* Get Smart Tag other elements markup.
* @since 1.6.9
* @param {jQuery} $el Toggle element.
* @param {boolean} isFieldOption Is a field option.
* @returns {string} Smart Tags list elements markup.
getSmartTagsListOtherElements( $el, isFieldOption ) {
var type = $el.data( 'type' ),
if ( type !== 'other' && type !== 'all' ) {
return '';
smartTagListElements = '
' + wpforms_builder.other + '';
for ( var smartTagKey in wpforms_builder.smart_tags ) {
if ( isFieldOption && wpforms_builder.smart_tags_disabled_for_fields.indexOf( smartTagKey ) > -1 ) {
smartTagListElements += '
' + wpforms_builder.smart_tags[ smartTagKey ] + '';
return smartTagListElements;
* Smart Tag insert.
* @since 1.0.1
* @since 1.6.9 TinyMCE compatibility.
* @param {Event} e Event.
smartTagInsert: function( e ) {
var $this = $( this ),
$list = $this.closest( '.smart-tags-list-display' ),
$wrapper = $list.closest( '.wpforms-panel-field,.wpforms-field-option-row' ),
$toggle = $wrapper.find( '.toggle-smart-tag-display' ),
$input = $wrapper.find( 'input[type=text], textarea' ),
meta = $this.data( 'meta' ),
type = $this.data( 'type' ),
smartTag = type === 'field' ? '{field_id="' + meta + '"}' : '{' + meta + '}',
if ( typeof tinyMCE !== 'undefined' ) {
editor = tinyMCE.get( $input.prop( 'id' ) );
if ( editor && ! editor.hasFocus() ) {
editor.focus( true );
editor && ! editor.isHidden() ?
editor.insertContent( smartTag ) :
$input.insertAtCaret( smartTag );
// remove list, all done!
$list.slideUp( '', function() {
} );
$toggle.find( 'span' ).text( wpforms_builder.smart_tags_show );
$wrapper.find( '.toggle-smart-tag-display' ).removeClass( 'smart-tag-showing' );
* Field map table - Delete row.
* @since 1.2.0
* @since Registered `wpformsFieldMapTableDeletedRow` trigger.
fieldMapTableDeleteRow: function( e, el ) {
var $this = $( el ),
$row = $this.closest( 'tr' ),
$table = $this.closest( 'table' ),
$block = $row.closest( '.wpforms-builder-settings-block' ),
total = $table.find( 'tr' ).length;
if ( total > '1' ) {
$builder.trigger( 'wpformsFieldMapTableDeletedRow', [ $block ] );
* Field map table - Add row.
* @since 1.2.0
* @since Registered `wpformsFieldMapTableAddedRow` trigger.
fieldMapTableAddRow: function( e, el ) {
var $this = $( el ),
$row = $this.closest( 'tr' ),
$block = $row.closest( '.wpforms-builder-settings-block' ),
choice = $row.clone().insertAfter( $row );
choice.find( 'input' ).val( '' );
choice.find( 'select :selected' ).prop( 'selected', false );
choice.find( '.key-destination' ).attr( 'name', '' );
$builder.trigger( 'wpformsFieldMapTableAddedRow', [ $block, choice ] );
* Update field mapped select items on form updates.
* @since 1.2.0
* @since Registered `wpformsFieldSelectMapped` trigger.
fieldMapSelect: function( e, fields ) {
$( '.wpforms-field-map-select' ).each( function( index, el ) {
var $this = $( this ),
selected = $this.find( 'option:selected' ).val(),
allowedFields = $this.data( 'field-map-allowed' ),
placeholder = $this.data( 'field-map-placeholder' );
// Check if custom placeholder was provided.
if ( typeof placeholder === 'undefined' || ! placeholder ) {
placeholder = wpforms_builder.select_field;
// Reset select and add a placeholder option.
$this.empty().append( $( '