function pPtinggi(){ //store data kolom var fields_ptinggi = RH.storeFields('kdbadanhukum','kdpt','nmpt','alamat1','alamat2','kota','kdpos','notelp','nofax', 'tglakta','noakta','email','website','tglberdiri','gambar1','gambar2'); var pageSize = 15; var ds_ptinggi = RH.JsonStore({ url : BASE_URL + 'ptinggi_controller/get_ptinggi', fields : fields_ptinggi, limit: pageSize, enableSearch: true, }); //badan hukum var ds_bdnhkm = new{ //from database proxy: new{ url: BASE_URL + 'data_controller/get_bdnhkm', method: 'POST' }), autoLoad: true, root: 'data', fields: [ { name: "kdbadanhukum", mapping: "kdbadanhukum" } , { name: "nmbadanhukum", mapping: "nmbadanhukum" } ] }); //SEARCH COMPONENT var sb_ptinggi = RH.searchComp({ id : 'sb_ptinggi', fields : ['kdbadanhukum:Kode', 'nmbadanhukum:Nama'], selected : 'kdbadanhukum', store : ds_ptinggi }); //render gambar1 function renderGbr1(val1) { return ''; } //render gambar2 function renderGbr2(val2) { return ''; } //kolom var cm_ptinggi = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([ new Ext.grid.RowNumberer(), { header: "Gambar 1", renderer: renderGbr1, align:'center', dataIndex: 'gambar1', sortable: true, }, { header: "Gambar 2", renderer: renderGbr2, align:'center', dataIndex: 'gambar2', sortable: true, }, { header: 'Nama',width: 200, dataIndex: 'nmpt', sortable: true }, { header: 'Alamat',width: 200, dataIndex: 'alamat1', sortable: true }, { header: 'Kode Pos',width: 80, dataIndex: 'kdpos', sortable: true }, { header: 'No.Tlp',width: 80, dataIndex: 'notelp', sortable: true }, { header: 'No.Fax',width: 80, dataIndex: 'nofax', sortable: true }, { header: 'Email',width: 80, dataIndex: 'email', sortable: true }, { header: 'Website',width: 80, dataIndex: 'website', sortable: true }, RH.EditColumn(), RH.DeleteColumn() ] ); /** THE GRID */ var gp_ptinggi = RH.GridPanel_T1({ ds: ds_ptinggi, cm: cm_ptinggi, singleSelect: true, allowAdd: true, searchComp: sb_ptinggi, fnAdd: fnAddptinggi, pageSize: pageSize, cellclick: onCellptinggiClick }); var fp_ptinggi = RH.GPContainer1({ title: 'Perguruan Tinggi', iconCls:'silk-house', gridPanel: gp_ptinggi, }); SET_PAGE_CONTENT(fp_ptinggi); //cekdata row function cekrow(){ var allowAdd; /* gp_ptinggi.getStore().each(function(rec){ // ambil seluruh grid prodi var rowData =; */ if (gp_ptinggi.getStore().getCount() == 0) { allowAdd= true; } else { allowAdd= false; } /* if (rowData['kdbadanhukum']) { allowAdd= false }else{ allowAdd= true } */ /* }); */ return allowAdd; } /** FUNCTIONS*/ function onCellptinggiClick(grid, rowIndex, columnIndex, e) { var record = grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex); // Get the Record RH.EditClick(e, function(){fnEditptinggi(grid, record)}); RH.DeleteClick(e, function(){fnDeleteptinggi(grid, record)}); } function reloadptinggi(){ ds_ptinggi.reload(); } function fnAddptinggi(){ var grid = gp_ptinggi; var cek= cekrow(); //kodisi rows //if (cek) { wform_ptinggi(false, grid, null); //} else if (!cek) { //Ext.Msg.alert("Info", "Data sudah ada, maaf anda tidak bisa menambah data"); //} } function fnEditptinggi(grid, record){ wform_ptinggi(true, grid, record); } function fnDeleteptinggi(grid, record){ var url = BASE_URL + 'ptinggi_controller/delete_ptinggi'; var params = new Object({ kdpt :['kdpt'], gambar1 :['gambar1'], gambar2 :['gambar2'] }); RH.deleteGridRecord(url, params, grid ); } /* form panel */ function wform_ptinggi(isUpdate, grid, record){ var winTitle = (isUpdate)?'Perguruan Tinggi (Edit)':'Perguruan Tinggi (Entry)'; var ptinggi_form = new Ext.form.FormPanel({ xtype:'form', id: 'frm.ptinggi', fileUpload: true, buttonAlign: 'left', labelWidth: 250, labelAlign: 'right', bodyStyle: 'padding:10px 3px 3px 5px', // atas, kanan, bawah, kiri monitorValid: true, height: 500, width: 700, autoScroll: true, layout: 'form', frame: false, items: [ { xtype: 'combo', id: 'cb.frm.bdnhukum', fieldLabel: 'Badan Hukum', store: ds_bdnhkm, triggerAction: 'all', valueField: 'kdbadanhukum', displayField: 'nmbadanhukum', forceSelection: true, submitValue: true, mode: 'local', emptyText:'Pilih...', width: 250, editable: false }, { xtype: 'textfield', id: 'idkdpt', fieldLabel: 'Kode PT', width: 250, allowBlank: false, }, { xtype: 'textfield', id: 'idnmpt', fieldLabel: 'Nama PT', width: 250, allowBlank: false, }, { xtype: 'textfield', id: 'idalamat1', fieldLabel: 'Alamat 1', width: 300, allowBlank: false, }, { xtype: 'textfield', id: 'idalamat2', fieldLabel: 'Alamat 2', width: 300, allowBlank: false, }, { xtype: 'textfield', id: 'idkota', fieldLabel: 'Kota', width: 250, allowBlank: false, }, { xtype: 'textfield', id: 'idkdpos', fieldLabel: 'Kode Pos', width: 250, allowBlank: false, }, { xtype: 'textfield', id: 'idnotelp', fieldLabel: 'No.Tlp', width: 250, allowBlank: false, }, { xtype: 'textfield', id: 'idnofax', fieldLabel: 'No.Fax', width: 250, allowBlank: false, }, { xtype: 'datefield', id: 'idtglakta', fieldLabel: 'Tgl.Akta/SK', width: 100, allowBlank: false, }, { xtype: 'textfield', id: 'idnoakta', fieldLabel: 'No.Akta/SK', width: 250, allowBlank: false, }, { xtype: 'textfield', vtype:'email', id: 'idemail', fieldLabel: 'Email', width: 250, allowBlank: false, }, { xtype: 'textfield', id: 'idwebsite', fieldLabel: 'website', width: 250, allowBlank: false, }, { xtype: 'datefield', id: 'idtglberdiri', fieldLabel: 'Tgl.Berdiri PT', width: 100, allowBlank: false, }, { xtype: 'textfield', id: 'idimage1', fieldLabel: 'image2', hidden: true, }, { xtype: 'textfield', id: 'idimage2', fieldLabel: 'image2', hidden: true, }, { xtype: 'fileuploadfield', id: 'filedata1', //name: 'filedata1', emptyText: 'Select an image to upload...', fieldLabel: 'Gambar 1', width: 230, allowBlank: false, buttonText: 'Browse' }, { xtype: 'fileuploadfield', id: 'filedata2', //name: 'filedata2', emptyText: 'Select an image to upload...', fieldLabel: 'Gambar 2', width: 230, allowBlank: false, buttonText: 'Browse' }], buttons: [{ text: 'Simpan', iconCls:'silk-save', handler: function() { fnSaveptinggi(record); } }, { text: 'Kembali', iconCls:'', handler: function() { wptinggi.close(); } }] }); //variable show window var wptinggi = new Ext.Window({ title: winTitle, modal: true, closable:false, items: [ptinggi_form] }); /**CALL SET FORM AND SHOW THE FORM (WINDOW)*/ setptinggi(isUpdate, record);; /**FORM FUNCTIONS*/ function setptinggi(isUpdate, record){ if(isUpdate){ if(record != null){ //Ext.getCmp('idkdpt').hide(); RH.setCompValue('cb.frm.bdnhukum',['kdbadanhukum']); RH.setCompValue('idkdpt',['kdpt']); RH.setCompValue('idnmpt',['nmpt']); RH.setCompValue('idalamat1',['alamat1']); RH.setCompValue('idalamat2',['alamat2']); RH.setCompValue('idkota',['kota']); RH.setCompValue('idkdpos',['kdpos']); RH.setCompValue('idnotelp',['notelp']); RH.setCompValue('idnofax',['nofax']); RH.setCompValue('idtglakta',['tglakta']); RH.setCompValue('idnoakta',['noakta']); //RH.setCompValue('idtglpengesahan',['tglpengesahan']); //RH.setCompValue('idnopengesahan',['nopengesahan']); RH.setCompValue('idemail',['email']); RH.setCompValue('idwebsite',['website']); RH.setCompValue('idtglberdiri',['tglberdiri']); RH.setCompValue('filedata1',['gambar1']); RH.setCompValue('filedata2',['gambar2']); RH.setCompValue('idimage1',['gambar1']); RH.setCompValue('idimage2',['gambar2']); return; return; } } } //fungsi simpan function fnSaveptinggi(record){ //var idForm = 'frm.ptinggi'; var idForm = Ext.getCmp('frm.ptinggi'); var sUrl = BASE_URL +'ptinggi_controller/insert_ptinggi'; var sParams = getInsertptinggiParams(); var msgWait = 'Tunggu, sedang proses menyimpan...'; //var msgSuccess = 'Tambah data berhasil'; //var msgFail = 'Tambah data gagal'; var msgInvalid = 'Data belum valid (data primer belum terisi)!'; if(isUpdate){ sUrl = BASE_URL +'ptinggi_controller/update_ptinggi'; msgSuccess = 'Update data berhasil'; msgFail = 'Update data gagal'; } //call form grid submit function (common function by RH) //RH.submitGridForm(idForm, sUrl, sParams, grid, wptinggi, //msgWait, msgSuccess, msgFail, msgInvalid); idForm.getForm().submit({ url: sUrl, method: 'POST', params: getInsertptinggiParams, success: function(form_bp_general, o) { if (o.result.success == 'true') { Ext.MessageBox.alert('Informasi', o.result.message); ds_ptinggi.reload(); } else if (o.result.success == 'false') { Ext.MessageBox.alert('Informasi', o.result.message); ds_ptinggi.reload(); } wptinggi.close(); } }); } function getInsertptinggiParams(){ return new Object({ kdbdnhukum : RH.getCompValue('cb.frm.bdnhukum'), kdpt : RH.getCompValue('idkdpt'), nmpt : RH.getCompValue('idnmpt'), alamat1 : RH.getCompValue('idalamat1'), alamat2 : RH.getCompValue('idalamat2'), kota : RH.getCompValue('idkota'), kdpos : RH.getCompValue('idkdpos'), notelp : RH.getCompValue('idnotelp'), nofax : RH.getCompValue('idnofax'), tglakta : RH.getCompValue('idtglakta'), noakta : RH.getCompValue('idnoakta'), //tglpengesahan : RH.getCompValue('idtglpengesahan'), //nopengesahan : RH.getCompValue('idnopengesahan'), email : RH.getCompValue('idemail'), website : RH.getCompValue('idwebsite'), tglberdiri : RH.getCompValue('idtglberdiri'), userfile1 : RH.getCompValue('filedata1'), userfile2 : RH.getCompValue('filedata2'), /* image1 : RH.getCompValue('idimage1'), image2 : RH.getCompValue('idimage2'), */ //tempgbr1 :['gambar1'], //tempgbr2 :['gambar2'], }); } } }