'Custom Block Manager',
'plugin.generic.customBlockManager.introduction' => 'You can use this plugin to add or delete custom block plugins. You can then edit the content through the System Plugins page (in the Blocks Plugin section). To place your plugin in the desired location in the sidebar, go to Setup step 5.6',
'plugins.generic.customBlockManager.settings' => 'Settings',
'plugins.generic.customBlockManager.description' => 'This Plugin lets you manage custom sidebar blocks. You can edit the blocks in the settings of each plugin that you create here.',
'plugins.generic.customBlockManager.blockName' => 'Block Name',
'plugins.generic.customBlockManager.action' => 'Action',
'plugins.generic.customBlockManager.delete' => 'Delete',
'plugins.generic.customBlockManager.addBlock' => 'Add Block',
'plugins.generic.customBlock.content' => 'Content',
'plugins.generic.customBlock.saved' => 'The Block content has been saved.',
'plugins.generic.customBlock.nameSuffix' => '(Custom Block Plugin)',
'plugins.generic.customBlock.description' => 'This is a user-generated block.',
'plugins.generic.customBlock.editContent' => 'Edit the sidebar content',
'plugins.generic.customBlock.contentRequired' => 'Some content is required. If you wish you delete this block, you can do so with the Block Manager Plugin or by deselecting this block in Step 5 of the journal setup.',
'plugins.generic.customBlock.edit' => 'Edit',
); ?>