'About the Site',
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'announcement.moreAnnouncements' => 'More Announcements...',
'announcement.noneExist' => 'No announcements have been published.',
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'announcement.postedOn' => 'Posted on {$postDate}',
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.',
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'email.compose.tooManyRecipients' => 'The message you are attempting to send has too many recipients.',
'email.compose.tooSoon' => 'You are attempting to send a message too recently after your last message was sent. Please wait before sending another message.',
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'form.invalidImage' => 'An invalid image was uploaded. Accepted formats are .png, .gif, or .jpg.',
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'help.toggleInlineHelpOff' => 'Help Off',
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'help.noMatchingTopics' => 'No matching help topics were found.',
'help.relatedTopics' => 'Related Topics',
'help.searchFor' => 'Search help topics for',
'help.searchResultsFor' => 'Results for',
'help.searchResults' => 'Search Results',
'help.search' => 'Search Help',
'help.toc' => 'Table of Contents',
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'navigation.home' => 'Home',
'navigation.infoForReaders' => 'For Readers',
'navigation.infoForReaders.long' => 'Information For Readers',
'navigation.items' => '{$from} - {$to} of {$total} Items',
'navigation.login' => 'Login',
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'navigation.previousPage' => '<<',
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'notification.allow' => 'Allow these types of notifications to appear in my notification feed.',
'notification.confirmError' => 'There was an error confirming your subscription.',
'notification.confirmSuccess' => 'You have been successfully subscribed.',
'notification.email' => 'Send me an email for these types of notifications.',
'notification.location' => 'Go To URL',
'notification.mailList' => 'Notification mailing list',
'notification.mailList.emailInvalid' => 'Please enter a valid email address.',
'notification.mailList.privacyProtection' => 'Privacy protection policy',
'notification.mailList.protectedContent' => 'Subscribe to protected content.',
'notification.mailList.submit' => 'Submit an article',
'notification.mailList.register' => 'You can register with this site to...',
'notification.mailList.review' => 'Participate in the peer review process',
'notification.noneExist' => 'You have no notifications at this time.',
'notification.notification' => 'Notification',
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'notification.notificationsNew' => '({$numNew} new)',
'notification.notificationsDescription' => 'You have {$unreadCount} unread notifications and {$readCount} read notifications. Click here to change your notification settings.',
'notification.settings' => 'Notification Settings',
'notification.settingsDescription' => 'Select the system events that you wish to be notified about. Unchecking an item will prevent notifications of the event from showing up in your notification feed.',
'notification.subscribe' => 'Subscribe',
'notification.subscribeError' => 'Your email address is already subscribed to notifications.',
'notification.subscribeSuccess' => 'An email has been sent to the address you specified. Please click on the confirmation link in the email to add yourself to the mailing list.',
'notification.reminderError' => 'There was an error sending your password, please ensure you\'ve entered your email address correctly.',
'notification.reminderSent' => 'Your new password has been sent to the email address provided.',
'notification.unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe',
'notification.unsubscribeError' => 'There was an error unsubscribing you. Please ensure that you are using the correct URL as included in your notification email.',
'notification.unsubscribeSuccess' => 'You were successfully unsubscribed.',
'search.abstract' => 'Abstract',
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'search.advancedSearchLess' => 'Additional Search Options (click to hide)',
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'search.cli.rebuildIndex.indexing' => 'Indexing "{$journalName}"',
'search.cli.rebuildIndex.indexingByJournalNotSupported' => 'This search implementation does not allow per-journal re-indexing.',
'search.cli.rebuildIndex.result' => '{$numIndexed} articles indexed',
'search.cli.rebuildIndex.unknownJournal' => 'The given journal path "{$journalPath}" could not be resolved to a journal.',
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'search.dateTo' => 'Until',
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'search.indexTermsLong' => 'All index term fields',
'search.matchAll' => 'Match all categories',
'search.noKeywordError' => 'You must enter at least one search keyword.',
'search.noResults' => 'No Results',
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'search.operator.not' => 'not',
'search.operator.or' => 'or',
'search.searchAllCategories' => 'Search for',
'search.searchCategories' => 'Search categories',
'search.subject' => 'Keyword(s)',
'search.titleIndex' => 'Browse Title Index',
'search.title' => 'Title',
'search.typeMethodApproach' => 'Type (method/approach)',
'grid.action.downloadFile' => 'Download this file',
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