'METS Gateway Plugin', 'plugins.gateways.metsGateway.settings' => 'Settings', 'plugins.gateways.metsGateway.description' => 'This plugin provides raw XML data in METS format for a specified journal. NOTE: This is intended to be used by Web Services and enabling this plugin has a security issue in that it provides unrestricted access to the journal in XML form (content is base64 encoded).', 'plugins.gateways.metsGateway.errors.errorMessage' => 'Unable to export journal data. The METS Gateway plugin needs to be enabled and the id of the journal to exported must be provided in the URL.', 'plugins.gateways.metsGateway.settings.FContent' => 'Use base64 encoding for content wrapper', 'plugins.gateways.metsGateway.settings.FLocat' => 'Use URL of the bitsream for content wrapper', 'plugins.gateways.metsGateway.settings.organization' => 'METS:agent element organization attribute', 'plugins.gateways.metsGateway.settings.preservationLevel' => 'PREMIS preservation Level', 'plugins.gateways.metsGateway.settings.exportSuppFiles' => 'Export supplementary files', ); ?>