'ALM Plugin', 'plugins.generic.alm.description' => 'Plugin to display in Article Level Metrics. To use the ALM service, you need to have use DOIs. This requirement may be relaxed in the future.', 'plugins.generic.alm.title' => 'Article Metrics', 'plugins.generic.alm.loading' => 'Metrics Loading ...', 'plugins.generic.alm.settings' => 'Settings', 'plugins.generic.alm.settings.saved' => 'ALM plugin settings saved.', 'plugins.generic.alm.settings.apiKey' => 'Article level metrics API key', 'plugins.generic.alm.settings.apiKey.description' => 'To be able to access the article level metrics from ALM server, you need an API key. You can create one by login in (using Mozilla Persona) on the PKP ALM page.', 'plugins.generic.alm.settings.depositArticles' => 'Automatically deposit article information? (Uncheck if you deposit the information directly on ALM server using the DOI prefix.)', 'plugins.generic.alm.settings.depositUrl' => 'Article information deposit url', 'plugins.generic.alm.settings.depositUrl.description' => 'URL provided by PKP for depositing articles.', 'plugins.generic.alm.settings.ipAddress' => 'When contacting PKP to set up the ALM service, please provide this IP address: {$ip}', 'plugins.generic.alm.thisJournal' => 'This journal', 'plugins.generic.alm.categories.html' => 'HTML Views.', 'plugins.generic.alm.categories.html.description' => 'Total number of HTML page views for this article. These views are recorded directly within the system itself. Overall monthly view counts may also be available.', 'plugins.generic.alm.categories.pdf' => 'PDF Views.', 'plugins.generic.alm.categories.pdf.description' => 'Total number of PDF views and downloads for this article. These views are recorded directly within the system itself. Overall monthly view counts may also be available.', 'plugins.generic.alm.categories.shares' => 'Shares', 'plugins.generic.alm.categories.shares.description' => 'Shares or bookmarks in social networks such as Facebook, CiteULike and Mendeley. In most cases, clicking on the number of shares will take you to a listing in the network itself.', 'plugins.generic.alm.categories.likes' => 'Likes', 'plugins.generic.alm.categories.likes.description' => 'Likes found in social networks such as Facebook.', 'plugins.generic.alm.categories.citations' => 'Citations', 'plugins.generic.alm.categories.citations.description' => 'Citations of this article found in CrossRef, PubMed and Wikipedia. In most cases, clicking on the citation count will take you to a listing in the referencing service itself.', 'plugins.generic.alm.senderTask.warning.noDOIprefix' => 'ALM plugin is enabled but a valid DOI prefix must be specified in the journal path {$path} Setup in order to send article information.', 'plugins.generic.alm.senderTask.warning.noApiKey' => 'ALM plugin is enabled but no API key defined for journal path {$path}.', 'plugins.generic.alm.senderTask.warning.noJournal' => 'ALM plugin is not enabled in any journal. No article information sent.', 'plugins.generic.alm.senderTask.error.noServerResponse' => 'Could not confirm that article information for journal path {$path} is sent. Server did not respond.', 'plugins.generic.alm.senderTask.error.noDepositUrl' => 'No deposit url defined.', 'plugins.generic.alm.senderTask.error.returnError' => 'The server returned a message: {$error} {$articlesNumber} entries from articles were sent. {$payload}', 'plugins.generic.alm.senderTask.name' => 'ALM article information sender', ); ?>