'Timed Views Report', 'plugins.reports.timedView.description' => 'This plugin implements a CSV report describing readership for each article, filtered by a user-defined timespan.', 'plugins.reports.timedView.form.dateStartRequired' => 'A start date is required.', 'plugins.reports.timedView.form.dateStartValid' => 'Please select a valid start date.', 'plugins.reports.timedView.form.dateEndRequired' => 'A end date is required.', 'plugins.reports.timedView.form.dateEndValid' => 'Please select a valid end date.', 'plugins.reports.timedView.form.generate' => 'Generate Report', 'plugins.reports.timedView.form.clearLogs' => 'Clear Logs', 'plugins.reports.timedView.form.clearLogs.description' => 'Select a date to remove records from the logs. Any log entries made prior to the selected date will be deleted. Note that this only effects the Timed Views plugin and not view counts made elsewhere (e.g. for the general Views plugin).', 'plugins.reports.timedView.form.clearLogs.confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete these records? This process can not be undone.', 'plugins.reports.timedView.form.useTimedViewRecords' => 'Check to use statistics retrieved by the old Timed View plugin. If you want to generate a timed view report with new statistics data, leave this field unchecked.', 'plugins.reports.timedView.form.largeSetOfDataIssue' => 'When selecting a long time period with a large set of statistics data, this report might take a while to be ready. If it takes too much time, the connection might time out and you will not receive the report file. If this happens, try again with a smaller time period.', 'plugins.reports.timedView.report.articleId' => 'Article ID', 'plugins.reports.timedView.report.articleTitle' => 'Article Title', 'plugins.reports.timedView.report.datePublished' => 'Date Published', 'plugins.reports.timedView.report.abstractViews' => 'Abstract Views', 'plugins.reports.timedView.report.galleyViews' => 'Total Galley Views', ); ?>