'XML Galley Plugin', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.description' => 'This plugin generates XHTML galleys from an XML article using XSLT.', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.manager.settings' => 'Settings', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.description' => '

With this plugin, article galleys will be automatically rendered from an uploaded XML source file, using a specific XSL stylesheet transformation.

', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.renderer' => 'XSLT Rendering Method', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.PHP5' => 'PHP 5.0.0+ with XSL functions (libxslt)', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.PHP4' => 'PHP 4.0.3+ with XSLT functions (Sablotron)', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.notAvailable' => 'Not Available', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.externalXSLT' => 'External command-line XSLT renderer (eg. Xalan)', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.externalXSLTDescription' => 'Enter the complete path to the XSLT renderer tool, with any required arguments. Use %xsl to substitute the location of the XSL stylesheet file, and %xml to substitute the location of the XML source file; eg:
/usr/bin/java -jar ~/java/xalan.jar -HTML -IN %xml -XSL %xsl
', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.externalXSLTTest' => 'Test XSLT', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.externalXSLTSuccess' => 'External XSLT test successful.', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.externalXSLTFailure' => 'External XSLT test failed.', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.externalXSLTRequired' => 'An external command-line XSLT processor must be specified.', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.stylesheet' => 'XSL Stylesheet', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.xslNLM' => 'NLM Journal Publishing DTD → XHTML', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.xslFOP' => 'Enable rendering PDF galleys using XSL-FO (eg. FOP)', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.xslFOPDescription' => 'Enter the complete path to the FO processor, with any required arguments. Use %fo to substitute the location of the XSL-FO file, and %pdf to substitute the location of the PDF file; eg:
/usr/sbin/fop -fo %fo -pdf %pdf
', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.xslFOPRequired' => 'An external command-line FO processor must be specified.', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.customXSL' => 'Custom XSL stylesheet', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.customXSLRequired' => 'A custom XSL stylesheet file must be specified.', 'plugins.generic.xmlGalley.settings.customXSLInvalid' => 'The uploaded XSL file was not valid. Please check the file and try again.', ); ?>