'SWORD Plugin', 'plugins.generic.sword.description' => 'Allow Journal Managers and (optionally) Authors to deposit articles via the SWORD protocol', 'plugins.generic.sword.descriptionUnsupported' => 'Allow Journal Managers and (optionally) Authors to deposit articles via the SWORD protocol. Note that this plugin requires the Zip extension, which is currently NOT installed.', 'plugins.generic.sword.enabled' => 'The SWORD plugin has been enabled.', 'plugins.generic.sword.settings' => 'Settings', 'plugins.generic.sword.settings.allowAuthorSpecify' => 'Allow the author to specify a deposit point', 'plugins.generic.sword.settings.depositPoints' => 'Deposit Points', 'plugins.generic.sword.depositPoints.create' => 'Create Deposit Point', 'plugins.generic.sword.depositPoints.edit' => 'Edit Deposit Point', 'plugins.generic.sword.depositPoints.type.automatic' => 'Automatic', 'plugins.generic.sword.depositPoints.type.optionalSelection' => 'Optional; Flexible', 'plugins.generic.sword.depositPoints.type.optionalFixed' => 'Optional; Fixed', 'plugins.generic.sword.depositPoints.type.manager' => 'Manager Only', 'plugins.generic.sword.depositPoints.type.description' => '
Automatic: The deposit occurs automatically. The full SWORD deposit point is specified. A username and password must be specified. Deposit occurs after notifying the author of acceptance.
Optional; Flexible: The author can choose whether or not to deposit. The specified URL indicates a service document, and the author may choose which specific deposit point to use from that document. Deposit occurs after notifying the author of acceptance.
Optional; Fixed: The author can choose whether or not to deposit. The URL specifies the specific SWORD deposit point. Deposit occurs after notifying the author of acceptance.
Manager Only: Only the Journal Manager may use this deposit point. The URL indicates a service document. Deposit is manually performed by the Journal Manager using the Import/Export interface in Journal Management.
You may optionally use the following form to deposit your submission, "{$submissionTitle}", in one of the repositories listed. Use the checkboxes down the left-hand column to select which repositories you wish to deposit your submission into; each repository may also allow you to specify a deposit point from a pull-down list.
', 'plugins.generic.sword.authorCustomDepositDescription' => 'You may optionally specify a SWORD-compliant deposit point in the following form. If desired, please specify a SWORD URL, username and password to your repository and the submission will be deposited.
', 'plugins.importexport.sword.displayName' => 'SWORD Import/Export Deposit Plugin', 'plugins.importexport.sword.description' => 'Deposit articles in remote repositories using the SWORD deposit protocol', 'plugins.importexport.sword.deposit' => 'Deposit', 'plugins.importexport.sword.serviceDocUrl' => 'Service Document URL', 'plugins.importexport.sword.depositUrl' => 'Deposit Point URL', 'plugins.importexport.sword.depositPoint' => 'Deposit Point', 'plugins.importexport.sword.depositPoint.addRemove' => 'Add/Remove', 'plugins.importexport.sword.depositGalleys' => 'Deposit Galleys', 'plugins.importexport.sword.depositEditorial' => 'Deposit Most Recent Editorial File', 'plugins.importexport.sword.depositSuccessful' => 'Deposit Successful', 'plugins.importexport.sword.depositSuccessfulDescription' => 'The item(s) selected have been deposited.', 'plugins.importexport.sword.depositFailed' => 'Deposit Failed', ); ?>