'Administrative Functions', 'admin.auth.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this authentication source?', 'admin.auth.create' => 'Create authentication source', 'admin.auth.noneCreated' => 'No authentication sources have been defined.', 'admin.authSources' => 'Authentication Sources', 'admin.clearDataCache' => 'Clear Data Caches', 'admin.clearTemplateCache' => 'Clear Template Cache', 'admin.configFileUpdatedInstructions' => 'Your configuration file has been successfully updated. Please note that if your site no longer functions correctly you may need to manually fix your configuration by editing config.inc.php directly.', 'admin.confirmClearTemplateCache' => 'Are you sure you want to clear the cache of compiled templates?', 'admin.confirmExpireSessions' => 'Are you sure you want to expire all user sessions? All users who are currently logged into the system will be forced to log in again (yourself included).', 'admin.contentsOfConfigFile' => 'Contents of configuration file', 'admin.currentVersion' => 'Current version', 'admin.dateInstalled' => 'Date installed', 'admin.displayConfigFileInstructions' => 'The contents of your updated configuration are displayed below. To apply the configuration changes you must open config.inc.php in a suitable text editor and replace its contents with the contents of the text field below.', 'admin.displayNewSystemConfig' => 'Display New Configuration', 'admin.expireSessions' => 'Expire User Sessions', 'admin.languages.confirmReload' => 'Are you sure you want to reload this locale? This will erase any existing locale-specific data such as customized email templates.', 'admin.languages.installedLocales' => 'Installed Locales', 'admin.languages.installLanguages' => 'Manage Locales', 'admin.languages.installLocales' => 'Install', 'admin.languages.installNewLocales' => 'Install New Locales', 'admin.languages.languageSettings' => 'Language Settings', 'admin.languages.noLocalesAvailable' => 'No additional locales are available for installation.', 'admin.languages.reload' => 'Reload Locale', 'admin.languages.uninstall' => 'Uninstall Locale', 'admin.phpInfo' => 'Extended PHP Information', 'admin.scheduledTask' => 'Scheduled task', 'admin.scheduledTask.startTime' => 'Task process started.', 'admin.scheduledTask.stopTime' => 'Task process stopped.', 'admin.scheduledTask.noLog' => 'Task produced no log.', 'admin.scheduledTask.downloadLog' => 'You OJS installation automatically executed and finished this task and you can download the log file here: {$url}', 'admin.scheduledTask.confirmClearLogs' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all scheduled task execution logs?', 'admin.scheduledTask.clearLogs' => 'Clear Scheduled Task Execution Logs', 'admin.scheduledTask.reviewReminder' => 'Review reminder', 'admin.scheduledTask.subscriptionExpiryReminder' => 'Subscription expiry reminder', 'admin.server.apacheVersion' => 'Apache version', 'admin.server.dbDriver' => 'Database driver', 'admin.server.dbVersion' => 'Database server version', 'admin.serverInformationDescription' => 'Basic operating system and server software versions. Click on Extended PHP Information to view extended details of this server\'s PHP configuration.', 'admin.serverInformation' => 'Server Information', 'admin.server.phpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'admin.server.platform' => 'OS platform', 'admin.settings' => 'Settings', 'admin.settings.aboutDescription' => 'About the Site description', 'admin.settings.contactEmail' => 'Email of principal contact', 'admin.settings.contactName' => 'Name of principal contact', 'admin.settings.form.contactEmailRequired' => 'The email address of the principal contact is required.', 'admin.settings.form.contactNameRequired' => 'The name of the principal contact is required.', 'admin.settings.form.minPasswordLengthRequired' => 'You must enter a minimum password length of at least 4 characters.', 'admin.settings.form.titleRequired' => 'A title is required.', 'admin.settings.homeHeaderImage.altText' => 'Site Logo', 'admin.settings.homeHeaderImageInvalid' => 'Invalid site logo image format. Accepted formats are .gif, .jpg, or .png.', 'admin.settings.introduction' => 'Introduction', 'admin.settings.minPasswordLength' => 'Minimum password length', 'admin.settings.oneStepReset' => 'Use a single step for password resets?', 'admin.settings.oaiRegistration' => 'Register Site for Indexing (Metadata Harvesting)', 'admin.settings.passwordCharacters' => 'characters', 'admin.settings.siteLanguage' => 'Site language', 'admin.settings.siteStyleSheetInvalid' => 'Invalid site style sheet format. Accepted format is .css.', 'admin.settings.siteStyleSheet' => 'Site style sheet', 'admin.settings.siteTheme' => 'Site theme', 'admin.settings.siteTitle' => 'Site title', 'admin.siteAdmin' => 'Site Administration', 'admin.siteManagement' => 'Site Management', 'admin.siteSettings' => 'Site Settings', 'admin.siteSetup' => 'Site Setup', 'admin.systemConfigFileReadError' => 'The configuration file config.inc.php does not exist, is not readable, or is invalid.', 'admin.systemInformation' => 'System Information', 'admin.versionBuild' => 'Build', 'admin.version.checkForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'admin.version.downloadPackage' => 'Download', 'admin.version.downloadPatch' => 'Download Patch', 'admin.versionHistory' => 'Version history', 'admin.version.latest' => 'Latest version', 'admin.versionMajor' => 'Major', 'admin.versionMinor' => 'Minor', 'admin.version.moreInfo' => 'More Information', 'admin.versionRevision' => 'Revision', 'admin.version.updateAvailable' => 'An updated version is available', 'admin.version.upToDate' => 'Your system is up-to-date', 'admin.version' => 'Version', 'admin.fileLoader.wrongBasePathLocation' => 'Base path {$path} must be inside the public files directory.', 'admin.fileLoader.pathNotAccessible' => 'Folder {$path} is not a directory or is not readable.', 'admin.fileLoader.moveFileFailed' => 'File {$filename} could not be moved from {$currentFilePath} to {$destinationPath}', 'admin.fileLoader.fileProcessed' => 'File {$filename} was processed and archived.', 'admin.fileLoader' => 'File loader', ); ?>