'Announcements', 'manager.announcements.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this announcement?', 'manager.announcements.create' => 'Create New Announcement', 'manager.announcements.createTitle' => 'Create', 'manager.announcements.dateExpire' => 'Expiry', 'manager.announcements.datePublish' => 'Published', 'manager.announcements.edit' => 'Edit Announcement', 'manager.announcements.editTitle' => 'Edit', 'manager.announcements.form.dateExpireDayIncompleteDate' => 'Please select a year and/or month in addition to the expiry date day.', 'manager.announcements.form.dateExpire' => 'Expiry Date', 'manager.announcements.form.dateExpireInstructions' => 'The announcement will be displayed to readers until this date. Leave blank if the announcement should be displayed indefinitely.', 'manager.announcements.form.dateExpireMonthIncompleteDate' => 'Please select a year and/or day in addition to the expiry date month.', 'manager.announcements.form.dateExpireValid' => 'Please select a valid announcement expiry date.', 'manager.announcements.form.dateExpireYearIncompleteDate' => 'Please select a month and/or day in addition to the expiry date year.', 'manager.announcements.form.description' => 'Description', 'manager.announcements.form.descriptionInstructions' => 'The full text of the announcement.', 'manager.announcements.form.descriptionRequired' => 'An announcement description is required.', 'manager.announcements.form.descriptionShortInstructions' => 'A brief description to appear along with the announcement title.', 'manager.announcements.form.descriptionShortRequired' => 'A short announcement description is required.', 'manager.announcements.form.descriptionShort' => 'Short Description', 'manager.announcements.form.notificationToggle' => 'Send Notification', 'manager.announcements.form.notificationToggleInstructions' => 'Create a new notification upon saving this announcement.', 'manager.announcements.form.saveAndCreateAnother' => 'Save and Create Another', 'manager.announcements.form.titleRequired' => 'An announcement title is required.', 'manager.announcements.form.title' => 'Title', 'manager.announcements.form.typeId' => 'Type', 'manager.announcements.form.typeIdValid' => 'Please select a valid announcement type.', 'manager.announcements.noneCreated' => 'No announcements have been created.', 'manager.announcements.title' => 'Title', 'manager.announcements.type' => 'Type', 'manager.announcementTypes' => 'Announcement Types', 'manager.announcementTypes.confirmDelete' => 'Warning! All announcements with this announcement type will also be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue and delete this announcement type?', 'manager.announcementTypes.create' => 'Create Announcement Type', 'manager.announcementTypes.createTitle' => 'Create', 'manager.announcementTypes.edit' => 'Edit Announcement Type', 'manager.announcementTypes.editTitle' => 'Edit', 'manager.announcementTypes.form.saveAndCreateAnother' => 'Save and Create Another', 'manager.announcementTypes.form.typeNameExists' => 'An announcement type with this name already exists.', 'manager.announcementTypes.form.typeName' => 'Name', 'manager.announcementTypes.form.typeNameRequired' => 'An announcement type name is required.', 'manager.announcementTypes.noneCreated' => 'No announcement types have been created.', 'manager.announcementTypes.typeName' => 'Announcement Type', 'manager.emails.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this email template?', 'manager.emails.confirmReset' => 'Are you sure you want to reset this email template to its default values?', 'manager.emails.addEmail' => 'Add Email Template', 'manager.emails.createEmail' => 'Create Email', 'manager.emails.data' => 'Template Message Data', 'manager.emails.details' => 'Template Details', 'manager.emails.disable' => 'Disable', 'manager.emails.disable.message' => 'You are about to disable this email template. If there were system processes using this template, they will not use it anymore. Do you want to confirm this operation?', 'manager.emails.editEmail' => 'Edit Email', 'manager.emails.editTestExample' => 'Edit Email Test Example', 'manager.emails.emailKey' => 'Email Key', 'manager.emails.emailKeyExists' => 'An email with the given key already exists. Email keys must be unique.', 'manager.emails.emailTemplate' => 'Email Template', 'manager.emails.emailTemplates' => 'Email Templates', 'manager.emails.enabled' => 'Enable this email template', 'manager.emails.enable' => 'Enable', 'manager.emails.enable.message' => 'You are about to enable this email. Do you want to confirm this operation?', 'manager.emails.form.emailKeyRequired' => 'A unique email key is required for the email.', 'manager.emails.form.bodyRequired' => 'A body is required for the email.', 'manager.emails.form.subjectRequired' => 'A subject is required for the email.', 'manager.emails' => 'Prepared Emails', 'manager.emails.resetAll' => 'Reset All Templates', 'manager.emails.resetAll.message' => 'If you reset all templates, all modifications to the email templates will be lost. Do you want to confirm this operation?', 'manager.emails.reset' => 'Reset', 'manager.emails.reset.message' => 'If you reset this template, all message data will be reset to its default value, losing all modifications. Do you want to confirm this operation?', 'manager.emails.resetToDefault' => 'Reset To Default', 'manager.filesBrowser' => 'Files Browser', 'manager.files.confirmDelete' => 'Delete this file or directory? Note that a directory must be empty before it can be deleted.', 'manager.files.createDir' => 'Create Directory', 'manager.files.emptyDir' => 'No files were found in this directory.', 'manager.files.indexOfDir' => 'Index of {$dir}', 'manager.files.parentDir' => 'Parent Directory', 'manager.files.uploadedFiles' => 'Uploaded Files', 'manager.files.uploadFile' => 'Upload File', 'manager.groups.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this group?', 'manager.groups.createTitle' => 'Create Title', 'manager.groups.editTitle' => 'Edit Title', 'manager.groups.form.groupTitleRequired' => 'A group title is required.', 'manager.groups.membership.addMember' => 'Add Member', 'manager.groups.membership.confirmDelete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete this group membership?', 'manager.groups.membership' => 'Membership', 'manager.groups.membership.noneCreated' => 'This group has no members.', 'manager.groups.membership.noUsers' => 'No users were found.', 'manager.groups.title' => 'Title', 'manager.importExport' => 'Import/Export Data', 'manager.languages.alternateLocaleInstructions' => 'This system optionally allows certain critical information to be entered in several additional languages. To use this feature, select alternate locales and choose from the options listed below.', 'manager.languages.supportedLocalesInstructions' => 'Select all locales to support on the site via a language select menu to appear on each page. The menu will only appear if more than one locale is selected.', 'manager.masthead.title' => 'Masthead', 'manager.navigation' => 'Navigation', 'manager.payment.timestamp' => 'Timestamp', 'manager.people.authSource' => 'Authentication source', 'manager.people.confirmUnenroll' => 'Unenroll this user?', 'manager.people.createUser' => 'Create New User', 'manager.people.createUserGeneratePassword' => 'Generate a random password.', 'manager.people.createUserSendNotify' => 'Send the user a welcome email containing their username and password.', 'manager.people.disable' => 'Disable', 'manager.people.doNotEnroll' => 'With no role', 'manager.people.editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', 'manager.people.editUser' => 'Edit User', 'manager.people.emailUsers.emailSelectedUsers' => 'Email selected users', 'manager.people.emailUsers.emailUsersEnrolledAs' => 'Email users enrolled as', 'manager.people.emailUsers' => 'Email Users', 'manager.people.emailUsers.selectLocale' => 'Select a locale', 'manager.people.emailUsers.selectUsers' => 'Select the users you would like to email by checking the boxes beside their names', 'manager.people.enable' => 'Enable', 'manager.people.enroll' => 'Enroll User', 'manager.people.enrollment' => 'Enrollment', 'manager.people.enrollSelected' => 'Enroll Selected Users', 'manager.people.enrollSyncRole' => 'Synchronize role', 'manager.people.enrollSync' => 'Sync Enrollment', 'manager.people.enrollUserAsDescription' => 'Users can be assigned to, or removed from, a role at any point.', 'manager.people.enrollUserAs' => 'Enroll user as', 'manager.people.invalidUser' => 'Sorry, the requested user does not exist.', 'manager.people.mergeUser' => 'Merge User', 'manager.people.mergeUsers.confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to merge the selected {$oldAccountCount} account(s) into the account with the username "{$newUsername}"? The selected {$oldAccountCount} accounts will not exist afterwards. This action is not reversible.', 'manager.people.mergeUsers' => 'Merge Users', 'manager.people.mustChooseRole' => 'Please select a role at the top of the page before clicking "Enroll User".', 'manager.people.mustProvideName' => 'Please provide at least a last name for the user first.', 'manager.people.noMatchingUsers' => 'No matching users.', 'manager.people.noneEnrolled' => 'No enrolled users.', 'manager.people' => 'People', 'manager.people.remove' => 'Remove', 'manager.people.saveAndCreateAnotherUser' => 'Save and Create Another', 'manager.people.signInAs' => 'Log In As', 'manager.people.signInAsUser' => 'Log In as User', 'manager.people.syncUsers' => 'Synchronize User Enrollment', 'manager.people.unenroll' => 'Unenroll', 'manager.people.userCreatedSuccessfully' => 'User created successfully.', 'manager.people.userMustChangePassword' => 'Require the user to change their password the next time they log in.', 'manager.plugins.action' => 'Action:', 'manager.plugins.disable' => 'Disable', 'manager.plugins.enable' => 'Enable', 'manager.plugins.pluginManagement' => 'Plugin Management', 'manager.plugins.sitePlugin' => 'This is a site-wide plugin. Only the Site Administrator may manage this plugin.', 'manager.plugins' => 'System Plugins', 'manager.readingTools' => 'Reading Tools', 'manager.reviewerSearch.advancedSearch' => 'Advanced Reviewer Search', 'manager.reviewerSearch.advancedSearch.short' => 'Advanced Search', 'manager.reviewerSearch.searchByName' => 'Search For Reviewer By Name', 'manager.reviewerSearch.searchByName.short' => 'Search By Name', 'manager.reviewerSearch.doneAmount' => 'Reviews completed', 'manager.reviewerSearch.avgAmount' => 'Average days to complete', 'manager.reviewerSearch.lastAmount' => 'Days since last review', 'manager.reviewerSearch.activeAmount' => 'Currently active reviews', 'manager.reviewerSearch.interests' => 'Reviewing Interests', 'manager.reviewerSearch.form.instructions' => 'Use the form below to set the maximum values for the terms you wish to search for. The form is pre-populated with the calculated averages of those fields.', 'manager.reviewerSearch.form.interests.instructions' => 'Enter reviewer interests, separated by commas...', 'manager.roles' => 'Roles', 'manager.setup.citationAssistant' => 'Citation Markup Assistant', 'manager.setup.citationFilterParser' => 'Citation Extraction', 'manager.setup.citationFilterParserDescription' => '
To find and check citations in citation databases they first have to be split into machine readable metadata: title, publisher, publication date, etc. must all be extracted from the original citation text provided by the author. Connectors to external web services can assist in this process. One or several connectors can be added by clicking on the "Add Item" button below. Some of these connectors may need to be configured; you will be prompted if this is the case.
You can edit or delete an existing Connector by clicking the gear icon next to it.
', 'manager.setup.citationFilterLookup' => 'Citation Checking', 'manager.setup.citationFilterLookupDescription' => 'You must also enable and configure connections to external citation databases. This helps you to find errors in authors\' citations or add additional information (e.g. DOIs or PubMed IDs) required for electronic publishing or deposit.
We provide connectors to several external databases in which you can search for citations. Some of these databases require registration or configuration information to be entered. Please refer to the public websites of the databases for further information on how to register. You can add one or several databases by clicking on the "Add Item" button below.
You can edit or delete an existing external database connection by clicking the gear icon next to it.
Note: In order for the citation checking process to complete in a timely manner, the citation_checking_max_processes directive in your configuration file must be set to a reasonable value. See the General Settings section in config.inc.php for more information.
', 'manager.setup.citationOutput' => 'Citation Output', 'manager.setup.citationOutputStyleDescription' => 'Choose the citation style that is being used in your publication\'s submissions. The Citation Markup Assistant lets you compare the author\'s version of the citation to a version generated from the XML you are generating so that you can easily spot errors:', 'manager.setup.errorDeletingItem' => 'There was an error when deleting this item.', 'manager.setup.filter.grid.errorDeletingFilter' => 'An error occurred while trying to remove this filter. Please report this as a bug.', 'manager.setup.filter.grid.filterDisplayName' => 'Connector', 'manager.setup.filter.grid.filterSettings' => 'Registration Information and Connector Settings', 'manager.setup.filter.grid.filterTemplateRequired' => 'Please select one of the transformations from the drop-down.', 'manager.setup.filter.grid.confirmDelete' => 'Do you really want to delete the {$filterName} filter?', 'manager.setup.filter.lookup.grid.descriptionConfirm' => 'You have chosen to add the {$filterDisplayName} database. Please click on \'OK\' to confirm.', 'manager.setup.filter.lookup.grid.descriptionTemplate' => 'Please select a lookup database.', 'manager.setup.filter.lookup.grid.description.iSBNdb' => 'This filter connects to the ISBNdb.com book and ISBN database.
An ISBNdb API key is mandatory. For information on generating a key, see the online documentation.
', 'manager.setup.filter.lookup.grid.description.crossRef' => 'This filter connects to the CrossRef citation database using CrossRef\'s OpenURL Query Interface.
To use this filter, you can use your CrossRef system account, or register a valid email address with CrossRef here.
', 'manager.setup.filter.lookup.grid.description.pubMed' => 'This filter connects to PubMed\'s Entrez cross-database search engine.
A registration email is not strictly mandatory, but may be necessary if you run into connection problems. See the section on Usage Guidelines and Requirements in the Entrez documentation for more information.
', 'manager.setup.filter.lookup.grid.description.worldCat' => 'This filter connects to OCLC services xISBN and Worldcat (optional).
If you have a Worldcat API key you can connect to Worldcat by entering the key below.
', 'manager.setup.filter.lookup.grid.loadMessage' => 'Please wait until the citation database configuration grid has been loaded...', 'manager.setup.filter.lookup.grid.title' => 'Citation Database Connectors', 'manager.setup.filter.noMoreTemplates' => 'All available transformations have already been added. Please click \'Cancel\' to return to the setup page.', 'manager.setup.filter.parser.grid.descriptionConfirm' => 'You have chosen to add the {$filterDisplayName} parser. Please click on \'OK\' to confirm.', 'manager.setup.filter.parser.grid.descriptionTemplate' => 'Please select a citation parser.', 'manager.setup.filter.parser.grid.description.freeCite' => 'This extraction filter connects to the FreeCite web service.
', 'manager.setup.filter.parser.grid.description.paraCite' => 'This extraction filter uses the ParaTools Perl modules to provide ParaCite citation parsing functionality. In order for this to work properly, you must have Perl installed, along with the Biblio::Citation::Parser and Text::Unidecode CPAN modules. You must also configure the perl directive in your configuration file. This directive can be found in the External Commands section of config.inc.php.
You can also choose which parser module ParaTools should use. You can choose between the standard, Jiao, and Citebase parser modules.
', 'manager.setup.filter.parser.grid.description.parsCit' => 'This extraction filter connects to the ParsCit web service.
', 'manager.setup.filter.parser.grid.description.regEx' => 'The RegEx extraction filter uses a series of regular expressions to parse citations.', 'manager.setup.filter.parser.grid.loadMessage' => 'Please wait until the citation parser configuration grid has been loaded...', 'manager.setup.filter.parser.grid.title' => 'Citation Extraction Services', 'manager.setup.filter.pleaseSelect' => 'Please select...', 'manager.setup.homeHeaderImageInvalid' => 'Invalid homepage header logo image format or upload failed. Accepted formats are .gif, .jpg, or .png.', 'manager.setup.homepageImageInvalid' => 'Invalid homepage image format or upload failed. Accepted formats are .gif, .jpg, or .png.', 'manager.setup.homeTitleImageInvalid' => 'Invalid homepage header title image format or upload failed. Accepted formats are .gif, .jpg, or .png.', 'manager.setup.layout.blockManagement' => 'Sidebar management', 'manager.setup.layout.leftSidebar' => 'Left Sidebar', 'manager.setup.layout.rightSidebar' => 'Right Sidebar', 'manager.setup.layout.unselected' => 'Unselected', 'manager.setup.loggingAndAuditing' => 'Logging and Auditing', 'manager.setup.metaCitationsDescription' => 'Activate the following checkbox to enable citation and reference editing. This will allow authors to include raw citations with submissions. Editors will also have access to a citation markup assistant which can check raw citations against external databases, such as WorldCat, ISBNdb, PubMed and others, for accuracy. Approved citations can be exported into final galley files.', 'manager.setup.pageHeaderLogoImageInvalid' => 'Invalid page header logo image format or upload failed. Accepted formats are .gif, .jpg, or .png.', 'manager.setup.pageHeaderTitleImageInvalid' => 'Invalid page header title image format or upload failed. Accepted formats are .gif, .jpg, or .png.', 'manager.setup.selectOne' => 'Select one', 'manager.statistics' => 'Stats & Reports', 'manager.statistics.statistics.count.value' => '{$count} ({$percentage}%)', 'manager.statistics.statistics.totalNewValue' => '{$numTotal} ({$numNew} new)', 'manager.statistics.city' => 'City', 'manager.statistics.region' => 'Region', 'manager.users' => 'Users', 'plugins.categories.metadata' => 'Metadata Plugins', 'plugins.categories.metadata.description' => 'Metadata Plugins implement additional meta-data standards.', 'plugins.categories.auth' => 'Authorization Plugins', 'plugins.categories.blocks' => 'Block Plugins', 'plugins.categories.blocks.description' => 'Block Plugins are pluggable UI components, such as the various sidebar tools.', 'plugins.categories.citationFormats' => 'Citation Format Plugins', 'plugins.categories.citationLookup' => 'Citation Database Connector Plugins', 'plugins.categories.citationLookup.description' => 'Citation Database Connector Plugins connect to citation databases to look up citations, e.g. during citation editing.', 'plugins.categories.citationOutput' => 'Citation Output Plugins', 'plugins.categories.citationOutput.description' => 'Citation Output Plugins implement citation standards. This supersedes Citation Format Plugins.', 'plugins.categories.citationParser' => 'Citation Extraction Plugins', 'plugins.categories.citationParser.description' => 'Citation Extraction Plugins extract field-level data from raw citations (e.g. author, title, etc.).', 'plugins.categories.gateways.description' => 'Gateway Plugins provide live data to external systems.', 'plugins.categories.gateways' => 'Gateway Plugins', 'plugins.categories.generic' => 'Generic Plugins', 'plugins.categories.importexport.description' => 'Import/Export Plugins can be used to transfer content to and from other systems.', 'plugins.categories.importexport' => 'Import/Export Plugins', 'plugins.categories.paymethod.description' => 'Payment Method plugins implement support for various ways of processing payments online.', 'plugins.categories.paymethod' => 'Payment Plugins', 'plugins.categories.reports.description' => 'Report Plugins are used to implement various types of reports and data extracts.', 'plugins.categories.reports' => 'Report Plugins', 'plugins.categories.themes.description' => 'Theme Plugins can be used to change the system\'s appearance.', 'plugins.categories.themes' => 'Theme Plugins', ); ?>