retrieve( 'SELECT DISTINCT aa.submission_id FROM authors aa LEFT JOIN articles a ON (aa.submission_id = a.article_id) LEFT JOIN author_settings asl ON (asl.author_id = aa.author_id AND asl.setting_name = ?) WHERE aa.first_name = ? AND a.status = ' . STATUS_PUBLISHED . ' AND (aa.middle_name = ?' . (empty($middleName)?' OR aa.middle_name IS NULL':'') . ') AND aa.last_name = ? AND (asl.setting_value = ?' . (empty($affiliation)?' OR asl.setting_value IS NULL':'') . ') AND ( = ?' . (empty($country)?' OR IS NULL':'') . ') ' . ($journalId!==null?(' AND a.journal_id = ?'):''), $params ); while (!$result->EOF) { $row =& $result->getRowAssoc(false); $publishedArticle =& $publishedArticleDao->getPublishedArticleByArticleId($row['submission_id']); if ($publishedArticle) { $publishedArticles[] =& $publishedArticle; } $result->moveNext(); unset($publishedArticle); } $result->Close(); unset($result); return $publishedArticles; } /** * Retrieve all published authors for a journal in an associative array by * the first letter of the last name, for example: * $returnedArray['S'] gives array($misterSmithObject, $misterSmytheObject, ...) * Keys will appear in sorted order. Note that if journalId is null, * alphabetized authors for all enabled journals are returned. * @param $journalId int Optional journal ID to restrict results to * @param $initial An initial the last names must begin with * @param $rangeInfo Range information * @param $includeEmail Whether or not to include the email in the select distinct * @param $disallowRepeatedEmail Whether or not to include duplicated emails in the array * @return array Authors ordered by sequence */ function &getAuthorsAlphabetizedByJournal($journalId = null, $initial = null, $rangeInfo = null, $includeEmail = false, $disallowRepeatedEmail = false) { $authors = array(); $params = array( 'affiliation', AppLocale::getPrimaryLocale(), 'affiliation', AppLocale::getLocale() ); if (isset($journalId)) $params[] = $journalId; $params[] = AUTHOR_TOC_DEFAULT; $params[] = AUTHOR_TOC_SHOW; if (isset($initial)) { $params[] = String::strtolower($initial) . '%'; $initialSql = ' AND LOWER(aa.last_name) LIKE LOWER(?)'; } else { $initialSql = ''; } $result =& $this->retrieveRange( 'SELECT DISTINCT CAST(\'\' AS CHAR) AS url, 0 AS author_id, 0 AS submission_id, ' . ($includeEmail?' AS email,':'CAST(\'\' AS CHAR) AS email,') . ' 0 AS primary_contact, 0 AS seq, aa.first_name, aa.middle_name, aa.last_name, CASE WHEN asl.setting_value = \'\' THEN NULL ELSE SUBSTRING(asl.setting_value FROM 1 FOR 255) END AS affiliation_l, asl.locale, CASE WHEN aspl.setting_value = \'\' THEN NULL ELSE SUBSTRING(aspl.setting_value FROM 1 FOR 255) END AS affiliation_pl, aspl.locale AS primary_locale, CASE WHEN = \'\' THEN NULL ELSE END AS country FROM authors aa LEFT JOIN author_settings aspl ON (aa.author_id = aspl.author_id AND aspl.setting_name = ? AND aspl.locale = ?) LEFT JOIN author_settings asl ON (aa.author_id = asl.author_id AND asl.setting_name = ? AND asl.locale = ?) '.($disallowRepeatedEmail?" LEFT JOIN authors aa2 ON ( AND aa.author_id < aa2.author_id) ":"").' JOIN articles a ON (a.article_id = aa.submission_id AND a.status = ' . STATUS_PUBLISHED . ') JOIN published_articles pa ON (pa.article_id = a.article_id) JOIN issues i ON (pa.issue_id = i.issue_id AND i.published = 1) JOIN sections s ON (a.section_id = s.section_id) JOIN journals j ON (a.journal_id = j.journal_id) WHERE ' . (isset($journalId)?'a.journal_id = ?':'j.enabled = 1') . ' AND (aa.last_name IS NOT NULL AND aa.last_name <> \'\') AND ((s.hide_author = 0 AND a.hide_author = ?) OR a.hide_author = ?) ' . ($disallowRepeatedEmail?' AND IS NULL ':'') . $initialSql . ' ORDER BY aa.last_name, aa.first_name', $params, $rangeInfo ); $returner = new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_returnSimpleAuthorFromRow'); return $returner; } /** * Get a new data object * @return DataObject */ function newDataObject() { return new Author(); } /** * Insert a new Author. * @param $author Author */ function insertAuthor(&$author) { $this->update( 'INSERT INTO authors (submission_id, first_name, middle_name, last_name, country, email, url, primary_contact, seq) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', array( $author->getSubmissionId(), $author->getFirstName(), $author->getMiddleName() . '', // make non-null $author->getLastName(), $author->getCountry(), $author->getEmail(), $author->getUrl(), (int) $author->getPrimaryContact(), (float) $author->getSequence() ) ); $author->setId($this->getInsertAuthorId()); $this->updateLocaleFields($author); return $author->getId(); } /** * Update an existing Author. * @param $author Author */ function updateAuthor(&$author) { $returner = $this->update( 'UPDATE authors SET first_name = ?, middle_name = ?, last_name = ?, country = ?, email = ?, url = ?, primary_contact = ?, seq = ? WHERE author_id = ?', array( $author->getFirstName(), $author->getMiddleName() . '', // make non-null $author->getLastName(), $author->getCountry(), $author->getEmail(), $author->getUrl(), (int) $author->getPrimaryContact(), (float) $author->getSequence(), (int) $author->getId() ) ); $this->updateLocaleFields($author); return $returner; } /** * Delete authors by submission. * @param $submissionId int */ function deleteAuthorsByArticle($submissionId) { $authors =& $this->getAuthorsBySubmissionId($submissionId); foreach ($authors as $author) { $this->deleteAuthor($author); } } function getAdditionalFieldNames() { return array('orcid'); } } ?>