getById($journalFilter); } } return $journal; } /** * Identify and canonicalize the filtered metric type. * @param $metricType string|array A wildcard can be used to * identify all metric types. * @param $journal null|Journal * @param $defaultSiteMetricType string * @param $siteMetricTypes array * @return null|array The canonicalized metric type array. Null if an error * occurred. */ function canonicalizeMetricTypes($metricType, &$journal, $defaultSiteMetricType, $siteMetricTypes) { // Metric type is null: Return the default metric for // the filtered context. if (is_null($metricType)) { if (is_a($journal, 'Journal')) { $metricType = $journal->getDefaultMetricType(); } else { $metricType = $defaultSiteMetricType; } } // Canonicalize the metric type to an array of metric types. if (!is_null($metricType)) { if (is_scalar($metricType) && $metricType !== '*') { // Metric type is a scalar value: Select a single metric. $metricType = array($metricType); } elseif ($metricType === '*') { // Metric type is '*': Select all available metrics. if (is_a($journal, 'Journal')) { $metricType = $journal->getMetricTypes(); } else { $metricType = $siteMetricTypes; } } else { // Only arrays are otherwise supported as metric type // specification. if (!is_array($metricType)) $metricType = null; // Metric type is an array: Select multiple metrics. This is the // canonical format so no change is required. } } return $metricType; } /** * Get the report plugin that implements * the passed metric type. * @param $metricType string * @return mixed ReportPlugin or null */ function &getReportPluginByMetricType($metricType) { $returner = null; // Retrieve site-level report plugins. $reportPlugins =& PluginRegistry::loadCategory('reports', true, CONTEXT_SITE); if (!is_array($reportPlugins) || empty($metricType)) { return $returner; } if (is_scalar($metricType)) { $metricType = array($metricType); } foreach ($reportPlugins as $reportPlugin) { /* @var $reportPlugin ReportPlugin */ $pluginMetricTypes = $reportPlugin->getMetricTypes(); $metricTypeMatches = array_intersect($pluginMetricTypes, $metricType); if (!empty($metricTypeMatches)) { $returner =& $reportPlugin; break; } } return $returner; } /** * Get metric type display strings implemented by all * available report plugins. * @return array Metric type as index and the display string * as values. */ function getAllMetricTypeStrings() { $allMetricTypes = array(); $reportPlugins =& PluginRegistry::loadCategory('reports', true, CONTEXT_SITE); if (is_array($reportPlugins)) { foreach ($reportPlugins as $reportPlugin) { /* @var $reportPlugin ReportPlugin */ $reportMetricTypes = $reportPlugin->getMetricTypes(); foreach ($reportMetricTypes as $metricType) { $allMetricTypes[$metricType] = $reportPlugin->getMetricDisplayType($metricType); } } } return $allMetricTypes; } /** * Get report column names. * @return array|string|null */ function getColumnNames($column = null) { $columns = array( STATISTICS_DIMENSION_ASSOC_ID => __(''), STATISTICS_DIMENSION_ASSOC_TYPE => __('common.type'), STATISTICS_DIMENSION_SUBMISSION_ID => __('article.article'), STATISTICS_DIMENSION_ISSUE_ID => __('issue.issue'), STATISTICS_DIMENSION_CONTEXT_ID => __('common.journal'), STATISTICS_DIMENSION_CITY => __(''), STATISTICS_DIMENSION_REGION => __('manager.statistics.region'), STATISTICS_DIMENSION_COUNTRY => __(''), STATISTICS_DIMENSION_DAY => __(''), STATISTICS_DIMENSION_MONTH => __('common.month'), STATISTICS_DIMENSION_FILE_TYPE => __('common.fileType'), STATISTICS_DIMENSION_METRIC_TYPE => __('common.metric'), STATISTICS_METRIC => __('common.count') ); if ($column) { if (isset($columns[$column])) { return $columns[$column]; } else { return null; } } else { return $columns; } } /** * Get object type string. * @param $assocType mixed int or null (optional) * @return mixed string or array */ function getObjectTypeString($assocType = null) { $objectTypeStrings = array( ASSOC_TYPE_JOURNAL => __('journal.journal'), ASSOC_TYPE_ISSUE => __('issue.issue'), ASSOC_TYPE_ISSUE_GALLEY => __('editor.issues.galley'), ASSOC_TYPE_ARTICLE => __('article.article'), ASSOC_TYPE_GALLEY => __('submission.galley') ); if (is_null($assocType)) { return $objectTypeStrings; } else { if (isset($objectTypeStrings[$assocType])) { return $objectTypeStrings[$assocType]; } else { assert(false); } } } /** * Get file type string. * @param $fileType mixed int or null (optional) * @return mixed string or array */ function getFileTypeString($fileType = null) { $fileTypeStrings = array( STATISTICS_FILE_TYPE_PDF => 'PDF', STATISTICS_FILE_TYPE_HTML => 'HTML', STATISTICS_FILE_TYPE_OTHER => __('common.other') ); if (is_null($fileType)) { return $fileTypeStrings; } else { if (isset($fileTypeStrings[$fileType])) { return $fileTypeStrings[$fileType]; } else { assert(false); } } } /** * Get an url that requests a statiscs report, * using the passed parameters as request arguments. * @param $request PKPRequest * @param $metricType string Report metric type. * @param $columns array Report columns * @param $filter array Report filters. * @param $orderBy array (optional) Report order by values. * @return string */ function getReportUrl(&$request, $metricType, $columns, $filter, $orderBy = array()) { $dispatcher =& $request->getDispatcher(); /* @var $dispatcher Dispatcher */ $args = array( 'metricType' => $metricType, 'columns' => $columns, 'filters' => serialize($filter) ); if (!empty($orderBy)) { $args['orderBy'] = serialize($orderBy); } return $dispatcher->url($request, ROUTE_PAGE, null, 'manager', 'generateReport', null, $args); } /** * Get the geo location tool. * @return mixed GeoLocationTool object or null */ function &getGeoLocationTool() { $geoLocationTool = null; $plugin =& PluginRegistry::getPlugin('generic', 'usagestatsplugin'); /* @var $plugin UsageStatsPlugin */ if (is_a($plugin, 'UsageStatsPlugin')) { $geoLocationTool =& $plugin->getGeoLocationTool(); } return $geoLocationTool; } } ?>