getSetting('dateEndMembership', 0); if (!$dateEnd) $dateEnd = 0; // if the membership is expired, extend it to today + 1 year $time = time(); if ($dateEnd < $time ) $dateEnd = $time; $dateEnd = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m", $dateEnd), date("d", $dateEnd), date("Y", $dateEnd)+1); $user->updateSetting('dateEndMembership', $dateEnd, 'date', 0); } /** * Retrieve an array of journal users matching a particular field value. * @param $field string the field to match on * @param $match string "is" for exact match, otherwise assume "like" match * @param $value mixed the value to match * @param $allowDisabled boolean * @param $journalId int optional, return only user from this journal * @param $dbResultRange object The desired range of results to return * @return array matching Users */ function &getJournalUsersByField($field = USER_FIELD_NONE, $match = null, $value = null, $allowDisabled = true, $journalId = null, $dbResultRange = null) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM users u WHERE 1=1'; if ($journalId) $sql = 'SELECT u.* FROM users u LEFT JOIN roles r ON u.user_id=r.user_id WHERE (r.journal_id='.$journalId.' or r.role_id IS NULL)'; switch ($field) { case USER_FIELD_USERID: $sql .= ' AND u.user_id = ?'; $var = $value; break; case USER_FIELD_USERNAME: $sql .= ' AND LOWER(u.username) ' . ($match == 'is' ? '=' : 'LIKE') . ' LOWER(?)'; $var = $match == 'is' ? $value : "%$value%"; break; case USER_FIELD_INITIAL: $sql .= ' AND LOWER(u.last_name) LIKE LOWER(?)'; $var = "$value%"; break; case USER_FIELD_EMAIL: $sql .= ' AND LOWER( ' . ($match == 'is' ? '=' : 'LIKE') . ' LOWER(?)'; $var = $match == 'is' ? $value : "%$value%"; break; case USER_FIELD_URL: $sql .= ' AND LOWER(u.url) ' . ($match == 'is' ? '=' : 'LIKE') . ' LOWER(?)'; $var = $match == 'is' ? $value : "%$value%"; break; case USER_FIELD_FIRSTNAME: $sql .= ' AND LOWER(u.first_name) ' . ($match == 'is' ? '=' : 'LIKE') . ' LOWER(?)'; $var = $match == 'is' ? $value : "%$value%"; break; case USER_FIELD_LASTNAME: $sql .= ' AND LOWER(u.last_name) ' . ($match == 'is' ? '=' : 'LIKE') . ' LOWER(?)'; $var = $match == 'is' ? $value : "%$value%"; break; } $groupSql = ' GROUP BY u.user_id'; $orderSql = ' ORDER BY u.last_name, u.first_name'; // FIXME Add "sort field" parameter? if ($field != USER_FIELD_NONE) $result =& $this->retrieveRange($sql . ($allowDisabled?'':' AND u.disabled = 0') . $groupSql . $orderSql, $var, $dbResultRange); else $result =& $this->retrieveRange($sql . ($allowDisabled?'':' AND u.disabled = 0') . $groupSql . $orderSql, false, $dbResultRange); $returner = new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_returnUserFromRowWithData'); return $returner; } function getAdditionalFieldNames() { return array('orcid'); } } ?>