userDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO'); $this->userGroupAssignmentDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('UserGroupAssignmentDAO'); } /** * create new data object * (allows DAO to be subclassed) */ function &newDataObject() { $dataObject = new UserGroup(); return $dataObject; } /** * Internal function to return a UserGroup object from a row. * @param $row array * @return PKPUserGroup */ function &_returnFromRow(&$row) { $userGroup =& $this->newDataObject(); $userGroup->setId($row['user_group_id']); $userGroup->setRoleId($row['role_id']); $userGroup->setContextId($row['context_id']); $userGroup->setPath($row['path']); $userGroup->setDefault($row['is_default']); $this->getDataObjectSettings('user_group_settings', 'user_group_id', $row['user_group_id'], $userGroup); HookRegistry::call('PKPUserGroupDAO::_returnFromRow', array(&$userGroup, &$row)); return $userGroup; } /** * Insert a user group. * @param $userGroup UserGroup */ function insertUserGroup(&$userGroup) { $returner = $this->update( 'INSERT INTO user_groups (role_id, path, context_id, is_default) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', array( (int) $userGroup->getRoleId(), $userGroup->getPath(), (int) $userGroup->getContextId(), ($userGroup->getDefault()?1:0) ) ); $userGroup->setId($this->getInsertUserGroupId()); $this->updateLocaleFields($userGroup); return $this->getInsertUserGroupId(); } /** * Delete a user group by its id * will also delete related settings and all the assignments to this group * @param $contextId int * @param $userGroupId int */ function deleteById($contextId, $userGroupId) { $ret1 = $this->userGroupAssignmentDao->deleteAssignmentsByUserGroupId($userGroupId); $ret2 = $this->update('DELETE FROM user_group_settings WHERE user_group_id = ?', (int) $userGroupId); $ret3 = $this->update('DELETE FROM user_groups WHERE user_group_id = ?', (int) $userGroupId); $ret4 = $this->removeAllStagesFromGroup($contextId, $userGroupId); return $ret1 && $ret2 && $ret3 && $ret4; } /** * Delete a user group. * will also delete related settings and all the assignments to this group * @param $userGroup UserGroup */ function deleteUserGroup(&$userGroup) { return $this->deleteById($userGroup->getContextId(), $userGroup->getId()); } /** * Delete a user group by its context id * @param $contextId int */ function deleteByContextId($contextId) { $result =& $this->retrieve('SELECT user_group_id FROM user_groups WHERE context_id = ?', (int) $contextId); $returner = true; for ($i=1; !$result->EOF; $i++) { list($userGroupId) = $result->fields; $ret1 = $this->update('DELETE FROM user_group_stage WHERE user_group_id = ?', (int) $userGroupId); $ret2 = $this->update('DELETE FROM user_group_settings WHERE user_group_id = ?', (int) $userGroupId); $ret3 = $this->update('DELETE FROM user_groups WHERE user_group_id = ?', (int) $userGroupId); $returner = $returner && $ret1 && $ret2 && $ret3; $result->MoveNext(); } return $returner; } /** * Get the ID of the last inserted user group. * @return int */ function getInsertUserGroupId() { return $this->getInsertId('user_groups', 'user_group_id'); } /** * Get field names for which data is localized. * @return array */ function getLocaleFieldNames() { return parent::getLocaleFieldNames() + array('name', 'abbrev'); } /** * Update the localized data for this object * @param $author object */ function updateLocaleFields(&$userGroup) { $this->updateDataObjectSettings('user_group_settings', $userGroup, array( 'user_group_id' => (int) $userGroup->getId() )); } /** * Get an individual user group * @param $userGroupId * @param $contextId */ function getById($userGroupId, $contextId = null) { $params = array((int) $userGroupId); if ($contextId !== null) $params[] = (int) $contextId; $result =& $this->retrieve( 'SELECT user_group_id, context_id, role_id, path, is_default FROM user_groups WHERE user_group_id = ?' . ($contextId !== null?' AND context_id = ?':''), $params ); return $this->_returnFromRow($result->GetRowAssoc(false)); } /** * Get a single default user group with a particular roleId * FIXME: ?? * @param $contextId * @param $roleId */ function &getDefaultByRoleId($contextId, $roleId) { $returner = false; $allDefaults =& $this->getByRoleId($contextId, $roleId, true); if ( $allDefaults->eof() ) return $returner; $returner =& $allDefaults->next(); return $returner; } /** * Get all user groups belonging to a role * @param $contextId * @param $roleId * @param $default * @return DAOResultFactory */ function &getByRoleId($contextId, $roleId, $default = false) { $params = array((int) $contextId, (int) $roleId); if ($default) $params[] = 1; // true $result =& $this->retrieve( 'SELECT * FROM user_groups WHERE context_id = ? AND role_id = ?' . ($default?' AND is_default = ?':''), $params ); $returner = new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_returnFromRow'); return $returner; } /** * Get an array of user group ids belonging to a given role * @param $roleId in * @param $contextId int */ function &getUserGroupIdsByRoleId($roleId, $contextId = null) { $sql = 'SELECT user_group_id FROM user_groups WHERE role_id = ?'; $params = array((int) $roleId); if ($contextId) { $sql .= ' AND context_id = ?'; $params[] = (int) $contextId; } $result =& $this->retrieve($sql, $params); $userGroupIds = array(); while (!$result->EOF) { $userGroupIds[] = (int) $result->fields[0]; $result->MoveNext(); } $result->Close(); unset($result); return $userGroupIds; } /** * Check if a user is in a particular user group * @param $contextId int * @param $userId int * @param $userGroupId int * @return boolean */ function userInGroup($userId, $userGroupId) { $result =& $this->retrieve( 'SELECT count(*) FROM user_groups ug JOIN user_user_groups uug ON ug.user_group_id = uug.user_group_id WHERE uug.user_id = ? AND ug.user_group_id = ?', array((int) $userId, (int) $userGroupId) ); // > 0 because user could belong to more than one user group with this role $returner = isset($result->fields[0]) && $result->fields[0] > 0 ? true : false; $result->Close(); unset($result); return $returner; } /** * Check if a user is in any user group * @param $userId int * @param $contextId int optional * @return boolean */ function userInAnyGroup($userId, $contextId = null) { $params = array((int) $userId); if ($contextId) $params[] = (int) $contextId; $result =& $this->retrieve( 'SELECT count(*) FROM user_groups ug JOIN user_user_groups uug ON ug.user_group_id = uug.user_group_id WHERE uug.user_id = ?' . ($contextId?' AND ug.context_id = ?':''), $params ); $returner = isset($result->fields[0]) && $result->fields[0] > 0 ? true : false; $result->Close(); unset($result); return $returner; } /** * Retrieve user groups to which a user is assigned. * @param $userId int * @param $contextId int * @return DAOResultFactory */ function &getByUserId($userId, $contextId = null){ $params = array((int) $userId); if ($contextId) { $params[] = (int) $contextId; } $result =& $this->retrieve( 'SELECT ug.* FROM user_groups ug JOIN user_user_groups uug ON ug.user_group_id = uug.user_group_id WHERE uug.user_id = ?' . ($contextId?' AND ug.context_id = ?':''), $params ); $returner = new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_returnFromRow'); return $returner; } /** * Validation check to see if user group exists for a given context * @param $contextId * @param $userGroupId * @return bool */ function contextHasGroup($contextId, $userGroupId) { $result =& $this->retrieve( 'SELECT count(*) FROM user_groups ug WHERE ug.user_group_id = ? AND ug.context_id = ?', array ( (int) $userGroupId, (int) $contextId ) ); $returner = isset($result->fields[0]) && $result->fields[0] == 0 ? false : true; $result->Close(); unset($result); return $returner; } /** * Retrieve user groups for a given context (all contexts if null) * @param $contextId */ function &getByContextId($contextId = null) { $params = array(); if ($contextId) $params[] = (int) $contextId; $result =& $this->retrieve( 'SELECT ug.* FROM user_groups ug' . ($contextId?' WHERE ug.context_id = ?':''), $params); $returner = new DAOResultFactory($result, $this, '_returnFromRow'); return $returner; } /** * Retrieve the number of users associated with the specified context. * @param $contextId int * @return int */ function getContextUsersCount($contextId, $userGroupId = null, $roleId = null) { $params = array((int) $contextId); if ($userGroupId) $params[] = (int) $userGroupId; if ($roleId) $params[] = (int) $roleId; $result =& $this->retrieve( 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(uug.user_id)) FROM user_groups ug JOIN user_user_groups uug ON ug.user_group_id = uug.user_group_id WHERE context_id = ?' . ($userGroupId?' AND ug.user_group_id = ?':'') . ($roleId?' AND ug.role_id = ?':''), $params ); $returner = $result->fields[0]; $result->Close(); unset($result); return $returner; } /** * return an Iterator of User objects given the search parameters * @param int $contextId * @param string $searchType * @param string $search * @param string $searchMatch * @param DBResultRange $dbResultRange */ function &getUsersByContextId($contextId = null, $searchType = null, $search = null, $searchMatch = null, $dbResultRange = null) { return $this->getUsersById(null, $contextId, $searchType, $search, $searchMatch, $dbResultRange); } /** * Find users that don't have a given role * @param $contextId int optional * @param ROLE_ID_... int (const) * @param $search string */ function &getUsersNotInRole($roleId, $contextId = null, $search = null) { $params = array((int) $roleId); if ($contextId) $params[] = (int) $contextId; if(isset($search)) $params = array_merge($params, array_pad(array(), 5, '%' . $search . '%')); $result =& $this->retrieve( 'SELECT DISTINCT u.* FROM users u, user_groups ug, user_user_groups uug WHERE ug.user_group_id = uug.user_group_id AND u.user_id = uug.user_id AND ug.role_id <> ?' . ($contextId?' AND ug.context_id = ?':'') . (isset($search) ? ' AND (u.first_name LIKE ? OR u.middle_name LIKE ? OR u.last_name LIKE ? OR LIKE ? OR u.username LIKE ?)':''), $params ); $returner = new DAOResultFactory($result, $this->userDao, '_returnUserFromRowWithData'); return $returner; } /** * return an Iterator of User objects given the search parameters * @param int $userGroupId * @param int $contextId * @param string $searchType * @param string $search * @param string $searchMatch * @param DBResultRange $dbResultRange */ function &getUsersById($userGroupId = null, $contextId = null, $searchType = null, $search = null, $searchMatch = null, $dbResultRange = null) { $paramArray = array(); if (isset($userGroupId)) $paramArray[] = (int) $userGroupId; if (isset($contextId)) $paramArray[] = (int) $contextId; // For security / resource usage reasons, a user group or context ID // must be specified. Don't allow calls supplying neither. if ($contextId === null && $userGroupId === null) return null; $searchSql = $this->_getSearchSql($searchType, $search, $searchMatch, $paramArray); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT u.* FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN user_settings us ON (us.user_id = u.user_id AND us.setting_name = "affiliation") LEFT JOIN user_interests ui ON (u.user_id = ui.user_id) LEFT JOIN controlled_vocab_entry_settings cves ON (ui.controlled_vocab_entry_id = cves.controlled_vocab_entry_id) LEFT JOIN user_user_groups uug ON (uug.user_id = u.user_id) LEFT JOIN user_groups ug ON (ug.user_group_id = uug.user_group_id) WHERE'; $sql .= (isset($userGroupId) ? ' ug.user_group_id = ? ' . (isset($contextId) ? 'AND ' : '') : ' '); $sql .= (isset($contextId) ? ' ug.context_id = ? ' : ' ') . $searchSql; $result =& $this->retrieveRange( $sql, $paramArray, $dbResultRange ); $returner = new DAOResultFactory($result, $this->userDao, '_returnUserFromRowWithData'); return $returner; } /** * Retrieve those users with no group assignments in any press. * @param array $filter an array of search critera * @param boolean $allowDisabled * @param DBResultRarnge $dbResultRange * @return DAOResultFactory */ function &getUsersWithNoUserGroupAssignments($filter = null, $allowDisabled = true, $dbResultRange = null) { $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT u.* FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN user_settings us ON (us.user_id = u.user_id AND us.setting_name = "affiliation") LEFT JOIN user_interests ui ON (u.user_id = ui.user_id) LEFT JOIN controlled_vocab_entry_settings cves ON (ui.controlled_vocab_entry_id = cves.controlled_vocab_entry_id) LEFT JOIN user_user_groups uug ON u.user_id=uug.user_id WHERE uug.user_group_id IS NULL '; $sql .= ($allowDisabled?'':' AND u.disabled = 0'); $searchSql = ''; $paramArray = array(); if (isset($filter)) { $searchType = isset($filter['searchType']) ? $filter['searchType'] : null; $search = isset($filter['search']) ? $filter['search'] : null; $searchMatch = isset($filter['searchMatch']) ? $filter['searchMatch'] : null; $searchSql = $this->_getSearchSql($searchType, $search, $searchMatch, $paramArray); $sql .= $searchSql; } $result =& $this->retrieveRange($sql, $paramArray, $dbResultRange); $returner = new DAOResultFactory($result, $this->userDao, '_returnUserFromRowWithData'); return $returner; } // // UserGroupAssignment related // /** * Delete all user group assignments for a given userId * @param int $userId */ function deleteAssignmentsByUserId($userId, $userGroupId = null) { $this->userGroupAssignmentDao->deleteByUserId($userId, $userGroupId); } /** * Delete all assignments to a given user group * @param unknown_type $userGroupId */ function deleteAssignmentsByUserGroupId($userGroupId) { $this->userGroupAssignmentDao->deleteAssignmentsByUserGroupId($userGroupId); } /** * Remove all user group assignments for a given user in a context * @param int $contextId * @param int $userId */ function deleteAssignmentsByContextId($contextId, $userId = null) { $this->userGroupAssignmentDao->deleteAssignmentsByContextId($contextId, $userId); } /** * Assign a given user to a given user group * @param int $userId * @param int $groupId */ function assignUserToGroup($userId, $groupId) { $assignment =& $this->userGroupAssignmentDao->newDataObject(); $assignment->setUserId($userId); $assignment->setUserGroupId($groupId); return $this->userGroupAssignmentDao->insertAssignment($assignment); } /** * remove a given user from a given user group * @param $userId int * @param $groupId int * @param $contextId int */ function removeUserFromGroup($userId, $groupId, $contextId) { $assignments =& $this->userGroupAssignmentDao->getByUserId($userId, $contextId); while ($assignment =& $assignments->next()) { if ($assignment->getUserGroupId() == $groupId) { $this->userGroupAssignmentDao->deleteAssignment($assignment); } unset($assignment); } } /** * Delete all stage assignments in a user group. * @param $contextId int * @param $userGroupId int */ function removeAllStagesFromGroup($contextId, $userGroupId) { $assignedStages = $this->getAssignedStagesByUserGroupId($contextId, $userGroupId); foreach($assignedStages as $stageId => $stageLocaleKey) { $this->removeGroupFromStage($contextId, $userGroupId, $stageId); } } // // Extra settings (not handled by rest of Dao) // /** * Method for updatea userGroup setting * @param $userGroupId int * @param $name string * @param $value mixed * @param $type string data type of the setting. If omitted, type will be guessed * @param $isLocalized boolean */ function updateSetting($userGroupId, $name, $value, $type = null, $isLocalized = false) { $keyFields = array('setting_name', 'locale', 'user_group_id'); if (!$isLocalized) { $value = $this->convertToDB($value, $type); $this->replace('user_group_settings', array( 'user_group_id' => (int) $userGroupId, 'setting_name' => $name, 'setting_value' => $value, 'setting_type' => $type, 'locale' => '' ), $keyFields ); } else { if (is_array($value)) foreach ($value as $locale => $localeValue) { $this->update('DELETE FROM user_group_settings WHERE user_group_id = ? AND setting_name = ? AND locale = ?', array((int) $userGroupId, $name, $locale)); if (empty($localeValue)) continue; $type = null; $this->update('INSERT INTO user_group_settings (user_group_id, setting_name, setting_value, setting_type, locale) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', array( $userGroupId, $name, $this->convertToDB($localeValue, $type), $type, $locale ) ); } } } /** * Retrieve a context setting value. * @param $userGroupId int * @param $name string * @param $locale string optional * @return mixed */ function &getSetting($userGroupId, $name, $locale = null) { $params = array((int) $userGroupId, $name); if ($locale) $params[] = $locale; $result =& $this->retrieve( 'SELECT setting_name, setting_value, setting_type, locale FROM user_group_settings WHERE user_group_id = ? AND setting_name = ?' . ($locale?' AND locale = ?':''), $params ); $recordCount = $result->RecordCount(); $returner = false; if ($recordCount == 1) { $row =& $result->getRowAssoc(false); $returner =& $this->convertFromDB($row['setting_value'], $row['setting_type']); } elseif ($recordCount > 1) { $returner = array(); while (!$result->EOF) { $returner[$row['locale']] = $this->convertFromDB($row['setting_value'], $row['setting_type']); $result->MoveNext(); } $result->Close(); unset($result); } return $returner; } // // Install/Defaults with settings // /** * Load the XML file and move the settings to the DB * @param $contextId * @param $filename */ function installSettings($contextId, $filename) { $xmlParser = new XMLParser(); $tree = $xmlParser->parse($filename); if (!$tree) { $xmlParser->destroy(); return false; } foreach ($tree->getChildren() as $setting) { $roleId = hexdec($setting->getAttribute('roleId')); $nameKey = $setting->getAttribute('name'); $abbrevKey = $setting->getAttribute('abbrev'); $defaultStages = explode(",", $setting->getAttribute('stages')); $userGroup =& $this->newDataObject(); // create a role associated with this user group $role = new Role($roleId); $userGroup =& $this->newDataObject(); $userGroup->setRoleId($roleId); $userGroup->setPath($role->getPath()); $userGroup->setContextId($contextId); $userGroup->setDefault(true); // insert the group into the DB $userGroupId = $this->insertUserGroup($userGroup); // Install default groups for each stage foreach ($defaultStages as $stageId) { if (!empty($stageId) && $stageId <= WORKFLOW_STAGE_ID_PRODUCTION && $stageId >= WORKFLOW_STAGE_ID_SUBMISSION) { $this->assignGroupToStage($contextId, $userGroupId, $stageId); } } // add the i18n keys to the settings table so that they // can be used when a new locale is added/reloaded $this->updateSetting($userGroup->getId(), 'nameLocaleKey', $nameKey); $this->updateSetting($userGroup->getId(), 'abbrevLocaleKey', $abbrevKey); // install the settings in the current locale for this context $this->installLocale(AppLocale::getLocale(), $contextId); } } /** * use the locale keys stored in the settings table to install the locale settings * @param $locale * @param $contextId */ function installLocale($locale, $contextId = null) { $userGroups =& $this->getByContextId($contextId); while (!$userGroups->eof()) { $userGroup =& $userGroups->next(); $nameKey = $this->getSetting($userGroup->getId(), 'nameLocaleKey'); $this->updateSetting($userGroup->getId(), 'name', array($locale => __($nameKey, null, $locale)), 'string', $locale, true ); $abbrevKey = $this->getSetting($userGroup->getId(), 'abbrevLocaleKey'); $this->updateSetting($userGroup->getId(), 'abbrev', array($locale => __($abbrevKey, null, $locale)), 'string', $locale, true ); unset($userGroup); } } /** * Remove all settings associated with a locale * @param $locale */ function deleteSettingsByLocale($locale) { $result = $this->update('DELETE FROM user_group_settings WHERE locale = ?', $locale); return $result; } /** * private function to assemble the SQL for searching users. * @param string $searchType the field to search on. * @param string $search the keywords to search for. * @param string $searchMatch where to match (is, contains, startsWith). * @param array $paramArray SQL parameter array reference */ function _getSearchSql($searchType, $search, $searchMatch, &$paramArray) { $searchTypeMap = array( USER_FIELD_FIRSTNAME => 'u.first_name', USER_FIELD_LASTNAME => 'u.last_name', USER_FIELD_USERNAME => 'u.username', USER_FIELD_EMAIL => '', USER_FIELD_AFFILIATION => 'us.setting_value' ); $searchSql = ''; if (!empty($search)) { if (!isset($searchTypeMap[$searchType])) { $concatFields = ' ( LOWER(CONCAT(' . join(', ', $searchTypeMap) . ')) LIKE ? OR LOWER(cves.setting_value) LIKE ? ) '; $search = strtolower($search); $words = preg_split('{\s+}', $search); $searchFieldMap = array(); foreach ($words as $word) { $searchFieldMap[] = $concatFields; $term = '%' . $word . '%'; array_push($paramArray, $term, $term); } $searchSql .= ' AND ( ' . join(' AND ', $searchFieldMap) . ' ) '; } else { $fieldName = $searchTypeMap[$searchType]; switch ($searchMatch) { case 'is': $searchSql = "AND LOWER($fieldName) = LOWER(?)"; $paramArray[] = $search; break; case 'contains': $searchSql = "AND LOWER($fieldName) LIKE LOWER(?)"; $paramArray[] = '%' . $search . '%'; break; case 'startsWith': $searchSql = "AND LOWER($fieldName) LIKE LOWER(?)"; $paramArray[] = $search . '%'; break; } } } else { switch ($searchType) { case USER_FIELD_USERID: $searchSql = 'AND u.user_id = ?'; break; case USER_FIELD_INITIAL: $searchSql = 'AND LOWER(u.last_name) LIKE LOWER(?)'; break; } } $searchSql .= ' ORDER BY u.last_name, u.first_name'; // FIXME Add "sort field" parameter? return $searchSql; } } ?>